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Everything posted by Non

  1. are we talking about the "social cues" which UNONSCIOUSLY are "supposed" to tell a man that when a woman says "no", it really means "yes?" That when she says you're being abusive you're actually being sexy? That when you're taking advantage, controlling, hurting, being overly callous, being a jerk, being perverted, showing criminal traits, you're actually BEING SO DOMINANT AND MURDEROUS OF GOOD MEN THAT ITS HOT ENOUGH SHE WOULD LET YOU DO THE MOST VILE AND BORDERLINE CRMIMINAL IF NOT CRIMINAL acts to her without any of her conscious or overt control or recognition of her own? cuz that's what I'm talking about, and only what I'm talking about. It's all raelly about the war against other men. Show a woman the heads of men you cut off and she'll be orgasmic. Cuz that's all you see in nature in every single animal species on the planet. Nothing but fierce competition. However subtle or explicit it be, it all boils down to that. Women don't want equality. If all men were sexy she would not like it, she wants inequality. She wants to see men warring each other. THat's how she gets off.
  2. yea well I've seen and experienced that most women don't even really want to connect on a real level. It seems they will ONLY even try to be friendly and "truly connect" with a male unless he lives up to their expectations of "sexual game", which is largely based on Hollywood portrayals of men. Where's the Real "connection" you're talking about here then? Where's the Real connection any woman really talks about?
  3. I think it's mostly about women having unrealistic expectations,like a man needs to be like what is portrayed in hollywood movies or pop culture. Men don't have to be entertainers and that's really in the eye of the beholder... I mean ok, we don't have jokes to come up with on the spot, we don't have sexy things to say to lure you, wth I thought seduction was a Woman's job.
  4. and there will be "excessively yang men" who say "dude, wtf just TELL HER, COMMAND HER to give you her number, like a REAL MAN." Seriously though, that's not at all polite. SHe will sense if you're cautious about it, and tell you nobecause you're not "confident enough" in being a cocky callous and overcontrolling dominating jerk.
  5. I am FINE the way I am. You're telling me I'm crazy when the majority are crazy. You're telling me to BE crazy like thee others because it's "normal" and if Im not like that I'm "crazy". Fuckin status quo.
  6. NO, I will not GIVE IN to thinking that it's NORMAL to think that NO REALLY MEANS YES when it comes to "subtle cues" which ONLY PEOPLE "IN THE KNOW" know about it!!!!!!!!!!! It's a social structure that implies that there are certain initiates (those in the know, or initiates accepted into an "order") and those NOT in the know. It is based on INEQUALITY and it's main purpose is DECEPTION. This is NOT good whether it's considered "normal" or "good" by the majority of a populace! This is meant to have people classed as "popular" and "unpopular". Just like high school, or college fraternities."Cool" and "uncool". People never grow up.
  7. yea so it's about social cues then? What social cues? That's just stupid, in this society is all about making people feel leftout because you're not "in the know" about social cues.It's like a secret society.If people were all normal communication would be normal and we all wouldn't have to guess at what is accepted and what isn't. But people are leftout. For example women expecting men to know "how to talk to her" and "take advantage of her"... how she actually wants men to dominate her, and put up with her rejections, and go beyond and tease her and make fun of her, and dominate her. to use her and abuse her. to control her and all her possess her even though she says she wants the exact opposite. This goes COMPLETELY against NORMAL LOGIC yet the majority of women seem to like and want this from men. You pretty much confirm that ALL of what I say is true and it all comes down to knowing when and how to interpret social cues of when it's acceptable to treat women like shit and dominate them when she says "no stop, hehe, oh no, stop, fuck! UGH!!" It's THE SAME everywhre. THE SAME. WOmen generally accept that it's just nature. Both men and women. Women are passive, men are aggressive and sinister.
  8. where are the women who pay attention to or seek out non-dominant good men? letting themselves being taken advantage of and dominated by other men?
  9. "When you hear the words, “I want a man who is confident" (who knows "what he wants, knows how to get it, ie by DECEPTION or BY FORCE and COERCION) What it really means is she wants a man confident enough to know that she wants to have sex and that the man will not be discourage by her fake rejections. She will put him through this to ensure the highest quality of mormon genes." Girls want to be taken.. They feed off of other man's suffering knowing that they are being dominated such that they can't do anything about it. It's "hot" because for one they feel like they're uncontrollably lusted after and also that the men dominating her are also dominating other men and making them suffer by being the most dominant. Therefore she and the man feeds off other men's suffering, even if it's wrong it's still a "win". It's a lose lose situation for the good guy who simply wants to respect a woman. For one he wants to avoid sexual connection (which is connection in general) to respect the girls "fake wishes", which makes her think he's weak. But if the man doesn't have the guts to "disrespect her FAKE WISHES" and acts too cautious or is nervous, he is like a "pedo, rapist, pervert, stalker,creep, etc". Yet she only gets turned on by explicit sexual harassment. It gets her turned on that men are so uncontrollably hot that they disregard her fake rejections, which is BORDERLINE FUCKING RAPE. Now most, if not all women do this. It's biological because the harder a man tries to get her and the more she avoids, the stronger and more violent his sexual desire is when he does finally make her succumb to his wishes making fertilization more likely. So tell me this is not fucked up. and don't forget that as long as you give a girl an orgasm all ur abuse goes OUT THE FUCKING DOOR. AS long as you cuddle with them , or giving them even "foreplay" everything goes OUT THE FUCKING DOOR and they let you TAKE ADVANTAGE.
  10. Minor Electric Current?

    you say: "with enzymes" You mean you'll take enzymes? Wouldn't that not help make your own enzymes? Isn't taking enzymes somewhat unnatural? It might be ok once in a while but all the time? You want more to help your body produce it. Sprouts by itself have the most enzymes of any plant food (from what I heard). So make your own probably by making seed milks or sprout milks.
  11. Minor Electric Current?

    fruits are ok in moderatoin. Usually a person needs to transition into a having a more fruit filled diet since fruits can be mycotoxic and most people are already rich in mycotoxins. Read the books by Gabriel Cousens on the explanation.He recommends a low-glycemic diet where you go through a period of "detoxing" beginning with a very low glycemic high greens and veggies phase, less overt starches and absolutely no fruits, no high or medium glycemic foods for a while. THis remineralizes the body and detoxes, alkalizes. Then you can start incorporating medium glycemic foods and low glycemic fruits in phase 1.5. In phase 2 you can incorporate higher glycemic fruits but in moderation, and cooked tubers. Yes fruit is good but the way most people go into it especially inthe raw food movement is not so good.. and can lead to heavy detox symptoms. When you start to incorporate more fruit you also need to tone down the fats to 10-15% of diet, otherwise it can cause problems, fats/fruits-sugar combination is not a good one. Always in moderation, especially in this modern environment as it's unnatural according to the ancient ways of living. And then also as much unhybridized fruits.You want thte wilder varieties, organic, etc.
  12. The books by Gabriel Cousens: Conscious Eating and Rainbow Greens-LiveFood Cuisine, or his books on Prana might help on the sugar intake decrease. It's based on a low glycemic diet, that's high in nutrients and eventually leading you to the raw vegan calorie restriction diet which cuts back 20-30 percent calories. CR diets have an anti-aging effect. 100% raw veganism might not be necessary , only as supposedly 80% raw and 20 % cooked. IF you go more than this experts say you are consusming more waste material than your body can clean out over the long term which leads to aging effects and potential disease. Also, the body reacts to cooked foods as if it was a toxin and gives an immune response to "attack" the cooked food. Im not sure if perhaps this has more to do with cooked fats or carbs. I usually stay away from cooked fats for sure. Egg protein starts to coagulate at any higher than 140 F. Enzymes degrade starting at 118, and 106 in some cases. Fats also start becoming rancid when heated, and also have a heating effect on the body. Ever felt really hot and greasy after eating a cooked fatty food? well that's part of why... I can go on and on on diet. So of course, this probably enhances yuan-source qi conservation. Having good sleep is also essential. You have acquired/postnatal qi from air, food, drink, etc... you run out of acquired qi through exercise, lack of sleep, lack of breathing and meditation, digestion etc. you consume your yuan qi. Yuan qi can be tonified (supposedly) through meditation also. but taking this into account, a calorie restricted diet and non-entropic, non-doing, reverse entropic "activity" can help either conserve or even tonify the yuan-source prenatal qi.
  13. Minor Electric Current?

    I told you fasting makes you more sensitive to energy... and especially when you start to consume carbohydrates. I read in a scientific paper that sugars (carbs) or glucose is actually necessary in the blood for optimal meditation. But don't overeat I'd say just a small snack or meal, half an hr before meditation. If you're not good with sugars then just consume some carbs that is low in sugar, half an hr to an hr before meditation. It may be the same with qigong. BUt for fasting making you more sensitive to energy... well if you read Eat Stop Eat there are several reasons as to why your body becomes more sensitive to carbohydrate intake after intermittent fasting.Ie insulin And glucagon responses become enhanced, fat utilization, as well as some kind of protein thingy that's activated, both in the body and from food. Which also means more qi and more sensitivity to qi coupled with knowledge from other research papers that show the factors involved in meditative practice and qi flow. I can't really locate the info material on this yet as I forgot the links and a frriend gave me these. So yes fasting makes you more sensitive to qi flow as certain food products are necessary to qi flow and meditative mindstates. You will literally feel electricity. I had the same experience fasting for 24 hrs and then taking in a small meal (preferably carb rich?) and then meditating half hr later. Even right after I ate the small meal I felt electricity, but afterwards my qi sensitivity was enhanced. Qi sensitivity also means more qi if you can handle it, but it's really automatic... One thing: if you just started intermittent fasting it might take a week or two to experience the full effect of this. You need to start intermittent fasting once or twice a week and preferably at least 15 hrs minimum 24 hrs max a fast. The longer the fast and frequency (1-3 times a week) the faster these effects will come. It takes your body some time to adjust sensitivity, depending on how much junk you have in the body that needs to be cleaned out from the beginning of starting the practice. A 36 hr fast can be done also if you want to implement a daoist number of hrs but I think 1-2 of these fasts max a week is recommended... and it might be more intense. Also... if it's a water fast then drink water...and lots of it. The more you drink the better. IF you find you are just urinating lots of water... drink more. In the beginning you might have to urinate more than if you continue drinking lots of water... since you need to flush the system out. I started drinking lots of water one day, I wanted to do a gallon at least. So.. the first half a gallon into the day I was urinating a lot... later on I noticed that going on to the second half gallon I was retaining some of the water and not urinating as much. That's when you're body starts to rehydrate and retain the water you're drinking. So the first water is to flush you out, the rest is to rehydrate. If you're drinking as much water as this though or more ONLY drink at a time 1 pint (2 cups) at a time per 10 minutes (max) if you're trying to drink a lot at a short amount of time, you dont want to overload your system with more water than you can process. Also do drink mineralized water, if you have distilled then put ionic minerals into it or fulvic acid. If you don't take these precautions THATS when drinking "too much" water is bad for you.. otherwise drink as much as you like. I haven't experimented much with dry fasting as much to see it's effects on qi. Caloric restriction diets might also do smtg. CR diets have an anti-aging effect. Caloric restriction does not mean taking in less vitamins or actually means more but cutting back Calories about 20-30 percent. It made mice live longer under lab conditions and their immune systems healthier. It activates certain genetic factors involved. This is all probably connected to genetic factors involved in survival.
  14. Yep, all that. Putting "pressure" on the kidneys helps move the qi and blood, and strengthens just like working a muscle does. Probably putting heat too.. ie rub palms on the surface of the kidneys. Do sound healing qigong as well.
  15. The Star Exercise

    Develop Qi Strength and Power That's funny my mother just gave me this DVD. This is the star exercise from John P Milton.
  16. all throughout history testerone, and manliness has been symbolized by his aggression, aggressiveness or aggressive traits. Always. And goodness, kindness etc. as feminine. Why not just be symbolized by action then? Why aggression, which is different from pure action? WHY EVEN BE SO DUAL IN THIS GRAND PARADOXICAL REALITY!? Why women yin and man yang. Women weak and man strong. Women quite men "loud". etc. Only a result UNECESSARILY DUALISTIC reality, which WE ARE COCREATORS OF. So we ALL created this. WHy? Why be so dumb? WHY WHY WHY!?!?!? WHY do animals have to kill each other to survive!? Why do we all have to ENSLAVE EACH OTHER TO SURVIVE!? WHY DO WE ALL HAVE TO CONSUME EACH OTHER TO SURVIVE!? This life is NOTHING but beautiful evil. Nothing but pure sinister suffering. IT's the ONLY thing this universe is "good" at, being pure evil and pure suffering. I guess that's why there's more evil than good in this world/. WIthout evil there wouldbe no good. So you have to preserve good by BEING EQUALLY if not MORESO evil than good. I am not just talking about 'subjective concepts'. Everyone feels pain. The majority do. Pain and suffering is universal at least to us. That's the kind of "evil" I'm talking about. It is the only constant. Suffering is the only constant. Therefore, it would be in the MANS BEST INTEREST TO CAUSE AS MUCH SUFFERING AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT KEEPS HIM ALIVE. Is it not the Yin principle that is the MOTHER of all of this Creation!? Isn't "SHE"/"IT" that which gives birth to All that is? So isn't SHE at least partly responsible for sustaining this universe on NOTHING BUT PURE SUFFERING to exist? The ONLY thing we naturally seek is suffering. The ONLY thing. What do we have to do to be good? Deny ourselves? Fight against ourselves, repress, etc. What Good is this?
  17. Then what is even more messed up is that it is now Good to be bad. To be explicit and raunchy, etc. and to be sinister, and bad. You can't be a good guy in this society without looking repressed, anal retentive, weak hearted feminine, boy-ish, etc. It's "mature" to be raunchy and bad, it's "knowledgable" to be sinister and hardcore, it's also authoritative to be disrespectful. And why do guys do it? Mostly because of sexuality, ie gender roles, etc. You see a good guy has no place.... a guy is good, he is warm hearted, etc. immediately someone thinks he's freaky, or a creep. He genuinely cares for a girl and he's seen as obsessive, or weak and feminine,he's too serious. He needs to be more like a player, more hurtful, or aggressive, or cold, etc. he needs to be more cocky, more sinister. It's known as "lightening up". Being good is bad in this society, and being bad is good. And girls are at the forefront of making badboys popular I believe. Why? Because you don't see any of these "badboys" with shortages of women. You only see the good guys with the shortages of women. Always getting their hearts broken, BEING CONFUSED AS BEING WEAK AND A DOORMAT because being good is seen as weak. You don't see girls leaving these badboys alone, nooo, these guys are "hot". Therefore it is surely a thing to be if you want to be socially-sexually-psychologically integrated in this society. You gotta be cocky, you gotta be aggressive, you gotta be cold, you gotta be bad, you gotta be overbearingly dominant, etc. All this and you say women don't want these things in real life and it''sonly a fantasy? Oh so I guess that's why girls play so hard to get right? yet more than anyone else the good guys are left alone and broken hearted. SUFFERING AND BEING TORTURED DAY IN AND DAY OUT. PURE REAL SUFFERING AND TERRIBLE LONELINESS. ONLY THESE MEN ARE LEFT ALONE IN THE DARK. Now there are so few left because most guys are turning to the darkside and being callous and cocky and jerks. Remember, it is HOT to be bad. But not so hot to be good. It is only good to be good. But NEVER Hot. Never as a guy. Good traits in guys are not seen as hot. Only if the guy is being good at the same time he's showing off some PURELY AGGRESSIVE MUSCLE. girls dont pay attention to you if you're a good guy. They only pay attention to you when you're being loud and aggressive. Well.. that's because there are guys that are loud and aggressive and are over-bearingly dominant but STILL you never see these guys with a shortage of women. You never see women rejecting them. NO, they only play hard to get. Off screen they''re having orgies with these men.
  18. why couldn't she just fantasize about having sex normally then? You would say it's because of the taboos in society? Anyways... do you see then the confusion this creates, for men AND women alike who would misinterpret even themselves?
  19. yea I forgot about the tapping/slapping the kidneys. holy shizz yea I never thought about that ... because I dont have kettlebells.but I know, dumbell swings do work out the lower lumbar area just like many of the kidney qigong exercises do.
  20. you missed where I edited:and exercise every now and then which.. well Im afraid to do even that so hardly ever. I do most of that inside. well try being a pretty "weak yin" male like me who's never had sex or a g/f doesn't have any experience with anything and see how much motivation you have to be outside.
  21. ' well I do study quite a bit and no I don't "go out for fun". I only go out when I need to, ie for work school, kung fu and responsibilities, and exercise every now and then which.. well Im afraid to do even that so hardly ever. I do most of that inside. I know I have to get off these forums though and others because my responsibilities are suffering but this is really the only chance I have at communicating with the "outside world" and I only go to forums which are "helpful" to me, and researching, etc.
  22. damnit... I don't do drugs or drink. I used to smoke pot but that was a good 3 months ago but I have since done it a couple times the past 3 weeks ago, but last week I didn't do anything and i'm off it for good.
  23. good guys finish last

    it is obviously satire...but it is very surreal how it can actually make some kind of sense because.. almost as if it's made to seem like a joke but what if it has some truth to it? so much so that it's not even funny. How? Because a LOT of women actually seem to think like this, if not, many men do. This might be how it really is in America. Maybe in other countries less so.. but it's horrible the confusion women go through as do manyy men.
  24. You see women EVREYWHERE dressing in ways which make a man VIOLENTLY horny. It's like they WANT to be raped. It's sad. Because all they know, is male pigs hollering at them, surrounding them and jerks, hot heads. Or just 'dominant' and "confident" men. The men who are pushy, and mean. Or just "confident" enough to be persistent, to not back down when she rejects you or "plays hard to get". "Confident" enough to not care whether she will be offended by forced sexual explicitness and over-bearing dominance. Women will test you and test you and test you. Throw dramas on you, and see how you handle HAVING YOUR BALLS CRUSHED LITERALLY!!!???? Test you to see if you will put her in her place,test you to see if you will literally not care about her. How in the hell? Giving you situations which have nothing to do with real life will and testing your wits, etc. to put up with rejections and ball busting to see if you back down is obviously a test to see if in real life he can woop another man's arse if he needed to for survival. This is just crazy...but look atall the confusion this society has. This actually MAKES PERFECT SENSE YET IT'S CRAZY!!!!!!!!! This is the signs of a really messed up society and governing systems.
  25. the "weak yin" male cannot find "balance" because actually these "weak yin" males are not really weak, they just don't have the "balls"/Guts to be bad like the BAD boys do. TO be materially successful in this world you must be bad. Because being bad in this world is known as "healthy". It is popular TO be sinister when you're young, to do "minor offensive things", or even majorly offensive things is "normal" and part of being "a virile young man" filled with testosterone.. go to jail a couple of f*cking times, sexuually abuse women a couple of f*cking times, be confident enough.. to face her rejections and not budge-a-couple of f*cking times. If you are not, and even speak out against such things you are considered weak-hearted, feminine, ungrateful immoral demonized etc. Women.. get chased by guys all the time. So much so that it's all they come to expect from guys and even come to FANTASIZE ABOUT BEING FORCED INTO SITUATIONS BY DOMINANT MALES. I.e. rape............................................................ It is obviously way more common a fantasy to be raped as a woman than a man. THis is terrible and really makes me want to commit suicide.