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Everything posted by Non

  1. good guys finish last omg This is just crazy...but look atall the confusion this society has. This actually MAKES PERFECT SENSE YET IT'S CRAZY!!!!!!!!! This is the signs of a really messed up society and governing systems.
  2. key statement: "cos they know how to get women anytime they want to .."
  3. i thought ashwaganda was one of the milder ones, thats why I wanted to try it...
  4. definitely ab exercises and lumbar working /spinal exercises. ie the superman, etc. it seems many of the qigong exercises I know of for the kidney utilize these muscles in a standing position or stance.
  5. Well counter to this the foods harder to digest the lowest sugar. E.g. all veggies which do not contain overt starches or sugars. Meat is also quite hard on digestion, and too much at the same time or at all can strain the kidneys quite a bit. So... what then? fermented foods are awesome. awesome. awesome. awesome. awesome.awesome. my gut flora says:awesome! raw foods have enzymes too. but the vegetables without overt sugars or starches are harder to digest. so tonify the Spleen-Earth with Heart-Fire element. Tonify the heart-fire with Liver-Wood, Tonify the Liver-Wood with Kidney-Water, and Kidney Water with Lung-Metal. Yin and yang. Etc.. edit: Seaweed? How about seaweed? Seaweed comes from the ocean, can be salty, have L-Arginine (really, especially the laver/nori irish moss and generally harder ones), EPA and DHA. They come from the ocean, where it is blue and black at the deep end, treat the liver with their greenness their detox properties. Laver is purple but purple and are usually associated with the same green. Fishes high in Omega 3s like salmon.. omega 3s. Walnuts, hemp seed, flax seed, chia seed. Dates are also supposed to be good for semen production. Dates and figs. Beets enrich the blood, which can be a precursor to semen production. Kung fu stance training is really awesome as well. Sancai shi. Horse stance to hanging stance to cat stance to crossing stance, turn around to cat stance (other side) to crossing stance to kai ma bo to long stance. Etc. Also working on calves help. Stand up on calves and do squats on those staying up on your toes. Run on the balls of your feet. Jump on the balls of your feet. Walk on your knees..., or on all fours, on the earth. Bend down touch your toes then reach up into the air, and then back, etc. Lateral squats. RUnning in place, jump in place. Do burpees. OF course don't over-exercise ie till failure. Do enough to get the heart pumping and get slightly fatigued to general fatigue but not too fatigued unless you want to build yourself up. After you build up, just tonify. Do tai chi.. ba gua, xing yi. uhm.. naked sunbathing (im serious) with genitals in particularly exposed to the sun. hard as hell to do without feeling weird though if you're like me. Kicks are also VERY good for the kidneys. Working out the muscles in connection like psoas and hips. Holding your foot in the air as high and as long as possible. All different types of kicks. Arrow kicks, stretch kick, thrust kick, roundhouse, side kick, hook kicks, chicken kicks, inside and outside crescent. Tiger kicks on all fours kicking to the back.
  6. Do we need this body to achieve anything? Buddhist are always trying to liberate themselves from this body because "life is suffering". Why can't they just kill themselves then and everything will be "alright"? Whats the purpose of having this body? Is it used as a vehicle? Are the Buddhists trying to change the world by staying in the body,achieving enlightenment so they can come back to the world in their vehicle to transmit the message? Life is only suffering huh. TO the buddhists we have no real purpose, the true state of the universe is nothing but Void. Im not buddhist but I can't get past seeing the world without purpose. Even if we Do create our own purpose then what of the people who are stuck living life a certain way, can't create their own purpose? Animals for example. What purpose do they have? All they do all day is scavenge for food... Well some may say it can be enjoyable. But their lives are really primitive. Do they ever stop to think "WTF?" WTF? Why do we have to be here doing not what we want to do but what we "have" to do? This is OUR Universe why aren't we Creating our world the way we want to be? Is this our true home? Is this some purgatory? There's no storyline, there's no plot. Live and die. Over and over. Maybe I shd get more into Buddhism.
  7. Yea. Actually I have all the ginsengs now except for ashwaganda. Ie, american, red, siberian, astralagus, rhodiola, tienchi, jiaogulan, even raw maca powder. ok not all are considered pure ginsengs but have have some effect to tonify yin or yang.
  8. some "yin" males are more yin as a false yang. their yin is weak, but appear yang.. yet are really yin in the sense that their yang is weak. They are rather yang deficient than "yin excess". In relation their yang might be stronger than their yin, but still their yang is deficient. In some ways they will appear yin anyway if you look closely but it's yang deficieny. Some have the misconception that they must overtonify their yang, yet don't know if they are really yin deficient. A person yin deficien can tonify their yang all they want but it will continue consuming yin and later transform it into a yang deficiency. The yang needs yin to support it, and vice versa. The bodily fluids, the blood, the essence, the sperm, etc. can all be categorized as yin. They cool and nourish at the same time having an anti-freeze function, supporting yang warming functions. The yin provides the foundation of the functions of the organs. Like water can hold in heat and regulate temperature providing stability. The vaccum for the force which is yang but the "power" is yin. Some people say I appear yang on the outside, I'm not really all that yang it seems. I don't know if Im either more yin or more yang, a false yin or yang. I just know I'm weak in Both. I haven't really learned much to be able to determine. My professor says an addiction is caused by a person who's deficient in blood and internally cold (without the drug). A person will drink or smoke to get a sense of internal heat or yang and also a false yin (ie the 'high' or the yin aspect of the high). It consumes their blood each time they get the high, so it causes a reinforcing cycle of addiction where the person comes to depend on it to heat the body up and give a false sense of yin which in term consumes more yin and the cycle repeats as the body craves it as a heating function with "false yin". Ive been really wanting to stop marijuana for a while. After stopping smoking for about 3 months I went back to it by eating it straight raw and chewing it sublingually, experiencing the milder more balanced high, not as excessive in the THC as opposed to the other cannabinoids like cannabidiol. Taken in their raw form the effects are considered a more balanced without the more negative aspects ie the downer. Not to say that isolated components of extracted cannabinoids through cooked or smoked marijuana can't be useful, but Im just saying raw has a purpose also. Anything raw has it's own effects that might be different to that as opposed to cooked or extracted. Well... I finally got a hold of extremely good medicinal bud from Califorina and decided I wanted to try it vaporized and as an incense. Well... I still had the downer and it started a bad cycle for a good month or so doing this again on the weekends. Last weekend I just ate some and had to fight some urge to smoked but I held myself. This weekend I didn't use any, had somewhat of an urge to eat some but I think I'm done. I went to the asian grocery and bought myself some American Wisconsin Ginseng, jiaogulan, sanqi/tienchi/pseudoginseng & salvia root beverage to tonify the yin and blood. Just having the American ginseng I am now flushed and appear much more redder. I was very pale for some time now. It's amazing how this effected me and my consciousness. The blood is the root of the mental activities, or rather the heart. Disorders of the mind need the foundations of the blood. So I'm hoping to tonify my yin so I can increase my yang. I will have to do both then. Im not sure how much I'm supposed to do this, or each individual treatment but Im going to see how I feel.
  9. no that's a different professor.
  10. I forgot to say.... the prof. I am talking about supports the Chinese tradition of marrying more than one woman. Duhh... of course he does. Anyways he says it's healthy. The men live longer that way. Uh.... ok. He also says one must be a balance of good and bad/evil. If you're too good you're weak. Now obviously.. I understand his point but speaking in such DUALISTIC TERMS can keep people entrapped in dualism. I believe in Universal "Good", which is beyond these terms. It's understandable more to say that you can be good as long as you don't do that which is necessary to ward off 'evils' but to be Bad/Evil is something else...
  11. I know.. you're trying to help. I just had a difficult realization today in class. The prof says.. in China there is the "tradition" of men having more than 1 wife. I felt bad about this... so I asked.. what if there are more men than women? He said there will be war, and he thinks this may happen with China. Now.. I also wanted to ask.. doesn't this leave to many men being alone if men have more than one wife? He did not answer because he probably did not hear me. I did not want to make it seem a big deal but it was a big deal to me. Though a woman told me that in Tibet if men did not become monks women marry them, but many men share the same woman so it's the reverse. I don't get this.. this is very offensive or hurtful to me. Why the inequality? Men are left out because. IN each case a man cannot have one woman for himself, or the woman can have many. IN tthe case of the "Chinese tradition" many men are left alone, even if they're good men. Simply for tradition. More men are born than woman worldwide anyway, but they kill themselves or die off to equal it out. He says nature intended women make it much easier to find a mate, and many, while for men it's much harder. IN the case of the Tibetan 'tradition' a man cannot have his own woman to himself, but a woman can have many men. But over all the women still ends up on top. NOw who is to blame? Is it nature? Or is it REALLY women? Or rather the nature of the feminine? We all co-create this "reality". This Duality right? So in a sense do womoen contribute to this reality, or are they really just "forced to submit to the will of nature?" Surely women have it easier than men in all cases. They have the internal power which men do not have. How the HELL can masculine and yang energies not have the foundation of an Internal power such as yin? I asked... for there to be Good, or for Good to exist, doesn't there need to be evil? If evil did not exist, what then? He says "we would not exist". So I say "how is there a choice then to be good or evil? if there's not enough evil to support the existence of good then how is there a choice if a person has to submit to the "dual nature" and become evil just to support the existence of good?" He says... you'll understand in the future once you get more into TCM. This sort of thing really changed me perspective.. and it really messed with me. I took a break and walked outside, cried in the restroom. I asked myself.. is this the reason why I'm so alone? BEcause I'm meant to be as a monk, or celibate just to the support the worldwide traditions of greedy men and women, and of their evil natures? He says..that mankind has an evil nature. uhh.. yeah!? is it mankind or Nature? Why does it have to be so dual? Do the CHinese and taoists Support rather than try to transcend the Dual Nature of reality which CAUSES suffering? I started to think of the many theories of TCM. Most of them are very good and sound, logical and intuitive. There are some things I don't agree with though.. where TCM theory seems to support the suffering, or the dualistic nature. For example: he says animal products are most of the time more powerful than any plant for curing certain diseases and 9 times out of 10 they really are the more powerful of the TCM medicines. Now, ok, I'm vegan. I eat only from plant food sources. So what then? Because I don't want to support the suffering of animals. Ok.. maybe if the animal dies of natural causes, but if not? Does it support the "belief" in this dual reality, in which Evil exists to support Good? Where animals, humans, etc. must feed off other living organims' overt sufferings for their own selfish benefit? Is there a Universal Good? he says... "I like Christianity, it's just so natural. It's based on the beleif in Love." I aked about buddhism, and he said "Buddhism gives people hope.". UNder my breath I said "yea for the involuntary celibate males". It would seem the ones who are involuntarily celibate are celibate just to support the existence of an unequal tradition. Of one extreme to support another extreme, just like "evil" supporting "good"... and then "good" supporting "evil". So even if Buddhism has it's uses... hoepfully it can help me "GTFO" of this Insane reality of which Only suffering exists. Because this sort of thing forces many men to be alone and neglected. Is the Yin nature to blame? or the fact that many people seem to support such a dualistic view of reality? Does TCM wish to support the dualistic reality, including all the suffering or seek to transcend by integrating it? And is buddhism just as insane also as the rest because they inherently believe in a dual world that has to be transcended?
  12. I think it's kind of funny that our Chinese qigong instructor is teaching is Falun Dafa. He has not gone into the philosophy but or even told us the name. Maybe if someone asks he'll tell. But he calls it "the highest form of qigong, a buddhist qigong". I dont know if he meant that buddhist qigong is the highest or that this is the highest form of buddhist qigong, or that it's the highest qigong in general. I have never gotten into falun gong to be honest with you so I dont know anything about it. but calling it the highest form of qigong? I think that's abit of a stretch.
  13. Repression vs Control

    I do have sex (gender). Lol. The question is, what is sex. What is sex proper? What is sexual life proper? What is human life proper?
  14. apple cider vinegar in TCM

    vinegar is yin, that's what my TCM professor says. Take it if you're having trouble sleeping...
  15. Repression vs Control

    Exactly, I agree about the whole "resist" thing. That's what I was talking about. I guess there's where the whole "repression" thing comes into the picture. It was better for me when I was resisting rather than avoiding like I'm so trying to now. But I was Actively participating in the resisting before, where I acheived such a high level of control. Nowadays I've just been "avoiding" and truthfully it's been harder because I feel as if I haven't fully agreed with the choice to be celibate. ie, if it comes along I'll try it, or at least try to see if I can do karezza. But hell maybe I really need to just be celibate completely for 100 days before I can even try being "avoidant" and seeing if karezza or delving into tantric sex is an option. As for the diet.. yes the lighter the foods you eat the better it is. Though I wonder if you are eating a low fat raw vegan diet, the low fat aspect might be keeping you from making the hormones your body needs for regular sexual function as well as other functions. Unless you're eating a high calorie diet 80-10-10 requires a pretty low amount of daily fat intake. Also is the consideration of ALA from omega 3 fatty acids which convert to EPA and DHA in the body (moreso in vegans, they produce more of those than meat eaters due to an adaptation response to lowered direct epa/dha intake). I'd also question whether the high fruit low fat diet is optimal. I'd say fruit is best ONLY if you're like a nomadic human, eat wild varieties of fruit (ie non hybrids) because there might be too much sugar content in most common varities, have the enzymes and are free of candida. But being low fat may automatically help if Dr. Graham is right about the fat connection but being so low in fat might compromise the hormone production if you're not getting enough calories, and even a 2000 calories 80-10-10 diet provides very low fat intake which to my knowledge is not really adequate. Even so you must be like a nomadic human or an Athlete and train everyday, or be particularly active. As for sugars... points out that sugar intake is linked to sensitivity to pain, or feeling pain. Or rather, emotional pains? I don't know if buddhist monks had a diet so high in sugar. Sugar is not synonymous with carbs Here. You can get sugars from starches but that's not what I'm referring to sugars. See their diet seems to be more veggies and rice, and maybe some legume product for added protein. Not that I suggest unsprouted grains and legumes (even so a large portion of it, and cooked) a good thing but at least it is much lower in simple sugars. Cooking it also dextrinizes the food. I don't know if certain constitutions or blood types or metabolic types might also be a factor in this either. That's why I've not done the whole thing. I've only started reading Gabriel Cousens' books and the Hippocrates LifeForce book by Brian Clement. Maybe sprouted grain can be mixed up with fruit if you're not as active. The good ones though only like spelt, amaranth, teff, oats, maybe barley, quinoa, buckwheat, etc. Also be sure you have enough iodine and seaweed if you're worried about the DHA and EPA. Quinoa, spinach and beets are also the best sources of TMG (trimethylglycine). Anyways yea...It's possible also that as regards spiritual the Gabriel Cousens' form of the raw food diet is best because it focuses moreso on anti-aging which also means cutting on calories. I see a lot of people talking about how the recipes in the book are wayyyyy too high in fat, or don't add up to the ratios put out in Gabriel Cousens' book. If that's the case then I don't know why Gabriel Cousens does not even recommend a diet or macronutrient ratio high in fat. I also don't know if by the ratios he gives he means calorie ratio or moreso general food intake ratio. Ie, 20-25 % fatty food intake as opposed to 20-20% calories from fat to be so exact, etc. Anyways.. I'd like to know your thoughts on this in a PM so it doesn't go off topic.
  16. Repression vs Control

    I guessit also may be easier if you have already had sex, or good sex to be able to let go of it, at least enough to say "been there done that, can let go of it". But when you're like me, a virgin, my primal instinct is to seek without regard for consequence. It tries to get a ahead at any chance at 'sexual experience' even if it's small. It's like my sperms controlling me. my genetic material, ie to "leave a mark" you get me and go wanton and rampant... to ravage. but maybe, just maybe that's the most powerful energy to start with... if you can learn to really put aside those "biological urges". I seem to think this is unique to my condition of sexual inexperience... but maybe it happens to even the experienced. Maybe the the nature of the virile man to feel that way with every new woman that comes along. Novelty I guess.
  17. Fasting one day per week

    a tea fast shd prbbly only be done sparingly though... tea can be acidic. maybe once during the day, and green tea since that one usually have 0 calories. lemon might help make it more basic but then that would be be some calorie intake.
  18. what? he's teaching also the six healing sounds..
  19. Fasting one day per week

    Really? I thought tea had calories... thats why. I mean I know it shdn't but when I look at the label it has some calories, and you're trying to be at 0 calories not just minimal. AS for the teas.. maybe it's best to consume them also according to the element they are in. Ie, pu-erh is Earth element, which is good for the spleen, so consume it from 7-9am when the spleen qi meridian is most active. Oolong is fire element which corresponds to the heart which runs from 11am-1pm. etc.
  20. But I mean what if you've lost all hope and you are actually hopeless, you've got various ailments that don't seem to be getting better and will never be, everyone around you is displeased with you, no one seems to care, you are nothing but a parasite for this world, etc. What then? Ok, you have no purpose couldn't even create even if you wanted to. So.. acheiving enlightenment, etc. is out of the question because it's impossible, or even buddhist is impossible. You're in the muck of the worldly life, and it has you trapped...
  21. Repression vs Control

    btw, if you can do the above you can also try with other patterns or habits you want to change. Ever heard the 21 day rule? Well if habits are based on a dopamine cycle just like sex is, then by learning to control your sexual energies you can also learn to control basic energy.
  22. Repression vs Control

    Well.. when I became really good at the celibacy thing... I could only do it by control. Though it seemed contradictory, I learned to control it by repression although I thought it was control. I was taught, or I learned that sex was bad, and a waste of energy and came to feel disgusted toward sex and I was "choosing" to never have sex for the rest of my life. I thought it wd make me a God, a superhuman, etc. Mostly this mindset was gotten from the book Practice of Brahmacharya by Sivananda. Therefore it gave me great motivation to achieve a good 2 or so months to be free of sex in mind. Unfortunately for some reason I did fall off the wagon, and it led me to the depths I am in again today. Nowadays, I notice myself trying to control it but am unable to...because I feel that my inexperience, or my BODY feels a need to try and "seek thoughts" of sex because I am inexperienced and it's what I "need" to be normal. Or actually that... since Im "never going to be able to have sex for the rest of my life even though I'm still virile, might as well go wanton and think about sex because I'm repressed". So a lot of times I've ended up wasting quite a bit of time thinking of really intense sexual thoughts, and trying to "live it" in my mind, since I'm not able to in the real world. It's kind of a violent desire too. Not that the thoughts are violent, and or bad, just quite powerful. I dont kow wtf IM trying to say with this. Needless to say, if you wnt to practice celibate practices and transmute the jing, you have to actively desire it. It's not going to happen by itself.. and you might unconsciously go back to wanting to think about sex.. because hey it feels good to, you get the sensations that feel good and pleasing to. And that was the reason why it was so easy for me before. Now it's been harder to even catch myself before I go off the deep end but... I have this theory. Going by the website.. Marnia talks about in her book that it takes 2 weeks for the body and hormones to normalize after intense orgasmic sexual activity to the point of "satiety". During the period of two weeks you might feel depleted, wanting more and more sex, yet never being able to find lasting fulfillment, and will be numbed only to seek more and more violent orgasms.. basically a vicious cycle. So only once you have gone two weeks without sexual activity or at the very least orgasm, then you're body will begin to normalize. I'd say it takes more than just avoiding orgasm depending on how deep a level you want to normalize. It'll be easier to avoid orgasm after 2 weeks if you just avoid orgasm for two weeks. That might not mean sexual activity, or sexual thoughts, or sexual stimulation, etc. For that you might also need to try as best as you can to avoid sexual stimulation, for two weeks and also sexual thoughts, etc. Depending on how deep a level you might want to go. Because it takes two weeks for the dopamine cycle to reset. So.. if you have avoided orgasm for two weeks, it's easier from then on. If you have also avoided sexual thoughts then it's easier from then on. That's high level. I'd say it could take 3 weeks even (21 days) to really set the pattern in stone. You could try avoiding orgasm for two weeks the first two weeks, and then try avoiding sexual activity for the next two weeks, then the sexual thoughts for the following two weeks. I think once you do this then perhaps for the rest of your life as long as you don't fall off the wagon for some reason and jack it up for some.. unknown reason then it'll be easier to control your sexual thoughts. Because once you go back down, you have to start form the "low level" again. You don't want to be in the depleted (jing) state.
  23. Masculine/Feminine Energies

    Guys... Masculine is traditionally considered yang, and feminine is considered yin. They are only so because in relation to each other they are complementary opposites, and masculinity follows many of the yang principles/characteristics in relation to femininity in the yin/yang theories, which is a conceptual model used to view the world but it doesn't mean that in reality they "exist" in a concrete way. It's just a conceptual way to categorize things to build the principles of the yin/yang theory for the ba gua, chinese medicine, etc. But that doesn't mean that yang is masculinity and yin is femininity. Yang is just yang. Yin is just yin. Why be sexist? LIke saying "jumping is masculine because it's yang while staying grounded is feminine because it's yin". No... jumping is yang because it's yang in relation to being grounded which is yin in relation to jumping which is yang in relation to being grounded which is yin in relation to jumping which is yang..... etc.
  24. Fasting one day per week

    I think.. it's easier to feel chi on the fasted state. Because less blood is not being used to digest food. Then when you eat again... especially carbohydrate food like fruit, or just try any carb... you feel it revitalizing you. Dry fasts are supposed to be 3 times as strong/powerful than a water fast but it can be intense. I've done a 7 day dry fast. Was incredible..