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Everything posted by Non

  1. well.. I guess it's true. Whatever comes to mind, of course related to sex, is a complaint about how all men are dogs, only care about sex, etc. Which might be true but do they understand that some men are just deprived, of not just sex, but "love" and it's the way it is rationalized? But then they just throw out the baby with the bath water. So men complain about too little opportunities with women. Women complain about too many opportunities, and not enough "real love". I'm sure there's more but that's usually a big one. Of course there's a lot more. haha, at the risk of making it seem like this is the ONLY one I think about because it's the only one that I'm concerned with lol.
  2. David Deangelo- Cocky Comedy

    agreed man.
  3. Whatever. most people reading this will probably just think I'm pathetic. I'm being honest.. I'm very different from most people.
  4. blah. (not to you) I dont know what parties are. I have never in my life been to a party that is with peers or people in my age group. I've never been invited, and in fact never knew how to get myself "included". And I don't feel too comfortable with clubs/bars. Especially since I don't mix well with the styles of music which only serve to further reaffirm material attachments.
  5. What is not Tao?

    What is "not-Tao"?
  6. TaoMeow on Coffee

    BTW Kona coffee is like heaven. It kidna tastes like caramel. ADDICTION!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I want to try the tanzanian pea berry stuff.
  7. TaoMeow on Coffee

    A very reputable TCM doc (my professor) and tuina practitioner (the real hardcore Chinese taught tui-na not the spa type) says no more than 12 oz a day of coffee. And it can be good for stimulating the heart/invigorating. It tonifies the spleen qi. In excess though can consume the yin, especially when used in excess for energy. It is like fake energy, not the real yang, which dulls natural yang with time by consuming/burning up yin.
  8. heh. Well... It's not like what I feel for a girl is always going to be "I want to fuck". Maybe sex, but a different kind of sex like karezza... but, sex to most people is just "fucking", even if it's 'loving sex' it's still "fucking". I guess I don't know how to express this feeling. "Strong feelings, dear feelings". whatever. I know.. love is something you say like, when you're old. because young peple don't love, ie the idea is that it's for old folks. Or people who have fucked each other until their genitals are inside out and sexual union is just about the only way they can feel comfortable. Well that's even kinda normal for non-coupled people.
  9. here's an intersting website on marijuana using a TCM perspective:
  10. my TCM professor gave his method. First, breathe in to the Middle Dan Tien. After 2 weeks to a month as you do this, you'll begin to feel heat in the chest. Then you start to guide this qi and breathe it into the lower dan tien. After thatm, you'll begin to feel heat (2 weeks to a month again). Then after that.> I forgot what else.. I think you go down to the perineum and wait for the heat sensation again but thinking about it maybe that would not be advised. I think from then on you complete the orbit until (giong up the Du) you get to the third eye.
  11. "I love you, I've always loved you" what's wrong with this one if said by itself?
  12. TaoMeow on Coffee

    I forgot to add: in a TCM perspective coffee (as well as other stims) can consume heart yin. I def. noticed this. I started drinking lots of coffee and then all of a sudden I was getting heel pain/tingling. I attributed it to my coffee intake. Not to mention the chest pain from acidity and the scattering energetic effect, achy joints, etc.
  13. Marijuana syndromes

    It might be ok to do it once in a while, if that, very little like 1-2 tokes (if smoking). It's probably also good to balance it out with other herb. There's a formula on that website that is supposed to do that. On a side note: don't mess with this if you don't have other aspects of your life in order especially social. Cupid's Poisoned Arrow does a great job of explaining how addictions can be caused by social disintegration.
  14. Yea actually maturity in this society usually equates to things like: act like a brute, like you've hardened your heart, be vulgar, because that's what grown ups do. Like when you see the only difference between a rated G movie and a rated R movie being things like sexual content, put together with vulgarities, and nonsense. So what does that mean? Grown ups do shit? It's grown up to be that way?
  15. I guess I'm old fashioned. Or I don't know. I may be unrealistic. People expect me to have hardened my heart, and be aloof, and treat it all like a game because there's no such thing as monogamy, trust, etc. The moment you show that you believe in truth and love you are seen as being a creeper. Immature, clueless, bla bla, etc. Don't take all my words too seriously. A lot of it is wordplay.
  16. I know just about every guy grows up having to modify the natural actions trhgouh which he expresses genuine emotions/feelings, just to fit in with the crowd and make it look cool and indifferent/aloof, etc. to the popular crowd. The moment a person is serious you're a fuckin WEIRDO CREEP LOSER PEDOPHILE STALKER RAPIST NEEDY VIRGIN SMALL PENIS GEORGE SODINI NICE GUY BETA/OMEGA MALE BLABLABLA etc
  17. I guess genuine emotions in this society are always associated with creepiness and immaturity. Well ok, now that I think about it again. Yea he's kinda old. That's kinda creepy. Also the faces he made which made him look.. too serious like at the end when his chin was moving. I think that was a joke.. but maybe it wasn't. IMO I guess it's just because I thought of it as a joke that I don't really take it seriously. But even so, if this was a young guy saying all this, I bet people would be saying he was just as creepy. And it's not even being needy. How is Jim Carey being needy? Anyways.. this is kinda the effect that all women have on men. Good men. Not the player types. Well I guess I just feel kinda sorry for Jim if this was real. Even if so everyone deserves generosity.
  18. yea. love is creepy. genuine emotion and expression is just the creepiest damn thing in the universe. look..., ok as for the creepy comment, it sucks how people can call things creepy when the guy is probably just being honest. Maybe he tried to make it look kinda creepy also, especially with that face at the end. Not sure. Whatever though... I guess he wasn't "cool enough", or non-commital enough. I guess people don't take genuine expression well. Or people just like to be as casual as possible, never serious. Not for a damn thing. it's like people don't want to grow up. Anytime someone expresses something genuine someone is going to call it creepy, etc. Especially because men, especially in the states have to compete for women with fickle minds, only going for the bad boy rock stars, or the rich men. So it leaves a lot of men left out. And a lot of people willing to make fun of them. Then you've got George Sodini type characters and now you all regret having made a monster. The same kind of monster that was supposed to be just a joke... I MEAN SHEESH EVERYONE IS HUMAN.
  19. Ejaculation frequency

    I dunno. I just do it once and it takes me about 2-3 days to recover. Depending on how long I've been conserving anyways. If I've been conserving for a while maybe about a day of recovery. I really don't like it. Just once is enough though to make me feel like sh*t for 2-3 days.
  20. a TCM doc told me his MCO practice: breathe in DOWN THE FRONT, into the dan-tien from the nose down to the dan-tien. Then breathe out pushing the qi from the dan-tien to the perineum, going up the coccyx and up the back, into the third eye. Etc. Basically breathing in down the front and breathing out up the back. Which is opposite of what most people will tell you. What I can tell you though about this method is in MY case it works better for me. I feel calm after doing it, almost feeling like I've hit a reset button. AS for macrocosmic orbit.. I'm not sure what it is but I think I remember a TCM qigong professor telling the class that it's just like the Microcosmic orbit except it includes all 8 extraordinary vessels, or the 12 meridians. Not sure. No details were given. I think he implied that it can actually be practiced spontaneously and naturally by those proficient in the MCO and qigong practices. Maybe it's just pore breathing, or breathing in from the bottom of the feet, up to the top of the head and then back down the front out the bottom of the feet?
  21. TaoMeow on Coffee

    Yea.. I have a single metal cup that makes about 8 oz of coffee. I doubt it can make like an ibrik style coffee. I tried. Anyways.. I found on some website about making turkish style coffee that the correct temeprature of foaming is about 158 degrees F (70 C). After brewing coffee at this temperature I now think this is the optimal temperature to make coffee. I now drink coffee without sugar and I think this is the best way to make sugarless coffee without the bitterness. I used to make french press coffee all the time and thought this was optimal.. I always measured the temperature at 200 F, and brewed for 3-4 mins, and added sugar. There's also cold brewed coffee but I'm not sure of a good ratio of coffee to water so it doesn't end up tasting bitter. Though TBH.. I need to stop drinking coffee. I've been addicted to many things and coffee has been one of them. Coffee depletes calcium or interferes with calcium uptake, decreases phosphoric acid levels (leading to depression) and also glutathione. It can also increase cortisol levels, leading to weight gain and water retention.
  22. void

    so who's system of neikung did you follow? Currently all I know is CK Chu's stuff from book of Nei Kung.
  23. so which technique/method of this meditation is best to learn? There is meditation on twin hearts, and the buddhist version I bought on CD. Is the one on wildmind good? The metta meditation.
  24. I'm just saying there has been research which shows lonely people are at a much greater health risk than people who have significant others or are successful with the opposite sex. In fact there is a chemical deficiency in people who aren't socio-sexually successful, which does not let them even begin to become successful and that's why it's so hard for them, simply because people to make an outcast of these people. Not to mention the lack of skills that has to be learned through experience, a person without such experience and therefore skills cannot even begin to develop simply because people are expected to already have enough experience and skills to gain more skills and experience. So there's virtually no place or way a person such as this can get out of such a paradox or vicious cycle. It's like.. you're weak from deprivation, and to get what you need you have to go through an obstacle course you have no way of getting through because you are in effect disabled from doing so. A beta male can become an alpha, but an omega is a lot worse than a beta male. There is probably something even worse than omega. It's all discrimination. I guess one also has to be a zen master to be beyond such discrimination.