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Everything posted by Non

  1. Masculine/Feminine Energies

    my teacher said: "Women are externally yin, internally yang. It's the other way around with men ie internally yin, externally yang." I wonder if that's just relative to their dominant energy tho...
  2. well for one being a "yin" guy Im still well endowed..
  3. yes but damn i haven't even had a minimum. 24 yr old male virgin and I haven't even gotten anything but torture from all women I come across. All... and then men are messed up too. Im not looking for sex magick, im looking for normalcy. I guess normalcy is downright suffering to the extreme then.
  4. it's kind of sad and frightening and gross to see a woman having sex with more than one male at the same time. I don't like that idea at all. Do you think it's even necessary? Do you think it's only necessary if there was a shortage or multiple men just "had" to have that one girl or even at the same time? Also, you don't think all that sex can diminish chi at some point?
  5. The Star Exercise

    I guess consistency is key. The first time I did it I was high (on marijuana) and I felt something lol. Not smoking anymore though... I do it on and off but jeez, everyday!? I did it at 2:30 am the other day during the weekday while everyone else was sleeping... I could easily hold my arms up for 10 mins. I mean they weren't straightened like hell but still good enough. If you get tired yea you can rest it's no biggy. Maybe Im just not doing it in some strict rigid technique. I just stand in the position, after getting relaxed and I think the affirmation "I am one with the Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it." And I use tactile imagine from Robert Bruce's NEW Energy Ways, to "imagine" or "feel" energy coming in my left palm and going through my solar plexus, and into my dantian or like I'm a circuit into the Earth. Im more concerned about filling up with the energy first and then have excess flow from the right palm. Like I said I guess consistency is key.. I haven't done it everyday, I feel like I need to be doing it outside rather than inside otherwise it won't work. Anyone get results from doing it inside? Even with windows close? Im kinda hesitant to try. Having windows open it's probably preferred you have the blinds open too I guess.
  6. so many god's dieties, spirits and angels, etc. but none of them help real people who are suffering. Only those who have enough spiritual power to even communicate with them right? What about those who have no one to turn to. I guess they dont want to get their hands dirty to get "beneath' them out of the quicksand.
  7. Fasting one day per week

    Yea read up on the book Eat Stop Eat, you can get it as a PDF somewhere, maybe a torrent. Great book on Intermittent Fasting, it introduced me to it from a physical trainer's perspective. You get more gains.. and as well as fat loss.
  8. So here is a problem anyone who has problems goes through... Anytime there is someone who wants feedback by simply talking about an issue in his/her life there will always be someone who assumes that the person is doing nothing but sitting on his ass and complaining while being greedy and ego-filled/amoral. It always happens. Especially with men. Anytime he goes and talks about something that's bothering him someone always says: "stop complaining and DO something about it". Haven't you ever thought the person HAS been doing something about it? It's just cliche to go around bashing people who are "being negative" while you're being negative yourself. OK, tell the person to do something about it but don't make it seem like he's doing nothing, and getting even frustrated and negative as you're talking about my own negativity.. I can then tell you to stop complaining and take it like a man, DO something about it, etc. You're just expressing your own ability to not handle a person talking about such issues. What about people who make speeches, are they "merely complaining"? What about people who go to a psychologist and talk issues through are they "merely complaining sitting on their ass not doing anything?" Sure a person might be, but what kind of message does the person get if that's all he gets from the world, that he's never able to be active... All I know is, I do try and I do try hard enough to be frustratetd and people just tell me to deny.
  9. like I said before Im not even asking all that much.
  10. The point is Im not and I can't. Thats why Im making these threads duh!... Im not just sitting complaining not trying just as everyone thinks. BUt of course what do I expect..anyone who ever wants to talk about problems in the world there will ALWAYS be someone assuming the person is not doing anything about the problem. What if the person talking about it IS part of the person doing something about it? Unless you expect me to be mute or anyone else who ever wants to talk about problems. Because THEY judge "negatively" viewing it as "negative" THEY have the audacity to say "stop being so negative!" Anytime someone talks about a problem there will always be someone who says "stop complaining,be a man/woman about it and stop sitting on your ass and do something" as if the person hasn't tried that before. All they see is the talk, what should I expect? No one ever thinks about that. But it's because it's a very yin aspect or way.
  11. See, this is what Im talking about. you keep thinking Im being greedy when I ask for a minimum.
  12. Well I always end up regretting making these threads in the future but when I make them I don't feel this way.
  13. ok.. well you're telling me to "go out and GET women". Getting is too also means that somewhat the woman will have a submissive position, ie she is being taken. It's better to say.. just go out more. But too much do I hear "well you're not looking, you're not trying to find anyone , etc"... as if I have to go out into some type of meat market and be aggressive. Whatever happened to finding one wherever you are naturally as you go about your daily thing instead of ttrying to force it? Maybe you were implying that.
  14. I would not call Bill Gates all that yin, nor Mark or whatever. Put them next to the most yin of men and you wont call them yin anymore. at the very least they had SOMETHING that enabled them to be successful, otherwise they wouldn't even have the balls, or the motivation to be succesful or feel purposeful enough to really as much Drive (perhaps Sexual drive, but also more longer term thinking drive) as they had, which is definitely a yang characteristic. Maybe they got a lot of love from their family, or even from some select few women in their past. Something, made them become successful, something made them more yang than other "yin" males.
  15. I guess nobody here understands, that sexual inadequacy or being a virgin up into the late 20s and 30s etc, is perhaps the most self esteem diminishing thing a man can go through, so much so in fact it can be very permanent. It makes him question his sexual identity, his purpose his spirituality, his yin or yangness, etc. A person can go through suffering but of this type there is usually no turning back, and even if you go through extreme suffering, couple it with this and it indefinitely seals the deal especially the longer you stay this way. It really becomes a vicious cycle too of always subconsciously thinking you will fail, and failing to attract the opposite sex. You give up and nothing happens, you stay that way, you die or commit suicide. You are considered to be the lowest of the low, lower than any criminal who has had their history of female attraction, lower than any peasant or homeless man who perhaps got something in his past. Lower than a mindless consumer who also got something. Make a man go through incelibacy in the very same way and he will indefinitely go insane. The only thing that could help is some type of hypnosis which is extremely risky, or some chemical methods which are also risky... or basically just getting that which would change his thoughts of himself: a good and loving understanding girlfriend who sticks by him through thick and thin and in which HE CAN GROW and be the man she wants.. But she needs to give him a chance first... but that is highly unlikely because these types of men are SO out of the "norm" that nobody cares to think he might actually need that, or would even try to be attracted or help. And when you see that the majority of women go for the really negative types of men and that life is just animalistic forms of socially accepted rape fantasies and subtle co-ercion etc. Just look at the animal kingdom, males and females abuse each other. All the time. It's never sane, its just pure insanity. Cats dominating their mates/prey, it's painful. Black widows killing their males. Fishes who turn from male to female because it can't get any. Split gender races of giant males and small males. Territorial wars, etc. All violence is due to sex or procreation in some subtle or explicit way. Most people judge this type of person. Women will always judge a man like this. That's why he'll never see the day of light. She never stops to try and understand him, and be unconditional. It's either judgment or ignorance (as in she just fails to recognize his existence in the first place). It's very hard to recover from this, and it's only a very few. It's like those poeple who are lifelong celibates, or people who are incel up until their late ages, etc. They are like 3 percent of the population if not now even moreso for the males. These are truly the lowest of men. These men BECOME MORE YIN by simple virtue of ending up an incel until the later years of his life. Then he becomes the joke of the place, he is always dominated, he becomes insane. Becomes a criminal even maybe. A pedo, a rapist. Or just a parasite the rest of his life. Maybe sometime in his childhood he was more yang. But by simple consequence of his incelibacy or not getting the chance to express his sexuality, it messes him up... Women go through the same thing but they are more accepted in society. On the other hand men like this are seen as parasites, spoiled rotten like children, complainers, pussies, beta males, wimps, crybabies, un-macho. UNmanly, etc... a sure way to make him truly become suicidal and unconsciously or consciously self harming.
  16. I think thaat sort of thing happens naturally when you are celibate for a while and do it properly.
  17. Isnt that just similar to the Deer Exercise? Have you ever heard of jelqing the testicles? I used to do it, to make them hang you know...
  18. women are extremely judgemental. never satisfied with anything... and very inconsistent and unloyal. Only time she is loyal is if you keep her on edge where she'll be seeking your approval. Only then will she be loyal. But this is just a majority.
  19. what is so pure about having such an uncontrollable "negative aura" because you can't have your basic needs to even BEGIN evolving and "being pure and simple, etc" Let's face it man. Not everything has to be extreme ascetism. A lot of those ascetics are just parasites, but they couldn't control it. Why? Biology, biochemistry. You deprive yourself, or are deprived, you get neurochemical imbalances, and energetic imbalances, which are hard to 'transcend' in the first place. You can only transcend it by having Mastered yourself, not "being uncontrollably physiologically caught up". Not everything is mind. A person NEEDS a physical foudnation to even BEGIN having a Mind. One needs such a foundation to Begin evolution.
  20. all woman could ever do was torture good men as long as they have existed. all they do is take and take and take from good men, take their lives and leave them with nothing but pure suffering. Just look at nature and you see that either the male or the female abuses men. It is always men who are left out.
  21. Natural grounding I don't really do, and I don't really want to. I spend too much time on the comp anyways. Looking like a nature boy (with no purpose) or rather with no history of female interaction kinda sucks too.
  22. yea I think this workout would help with that as well as the "hot zone" exercise program he has As for sunbathing.. I've been trying to but Im actually scared of going outside and looking like Im doing NOTHING BUT TAKING A WALK with NO PURPOSE (in life) or HISTORY (in life). Actually also over here only old men take walks. The young men are expected only to be taking walks unless they're going to do something "manly". not "taking walks for health". Even so.. you know running even. tried it, felt stupid many times. maybe I'll try it again. I just don't really do that now with the very little money I have and confidence and work/school/internal traiing/diet schedule. But eventually I want to generally increase the sun bathing so that I can develop enough yang to eventually go outside and do that which would increase yang.
  23. it really doesn't matter because my situation is hopeless and I feel Im going to be leaving this Earthly plane soon. There's no purpose being here.
  24. good guys finish last

    Yea I know, social status. Thats not what guys want. it seems very superficial, tho especiallyy when it seems those at the top REally ARE the more brutal of men. You don't see buddhists being very popular. At least not in this society. It may depend on the society, but the USA is pretty dominant in the world, which sets the standards for what is popular and what isn't. So then a person just has to be cold, and the "I don't give a flying f*ck if good people are starving and dying, they can die all they want it's keeping me alive" type. Yea they can "not care" but since there's so much brutality in this world it's more like "not giving a fuck" rather than "not being particularly concerned" type. edit: That video by Eddie Murphy is true, and this is exactly what Im talking about. Men are just brutally dominant, they don't care WAHT THE FUCK he does, and that's why no woman can ever be loyal and consistent when it comes to sexuality. I ended high school with David DeAngelo. It was my introductin to him that got my this way. That's why I don't want to f*ck with PUA stuff, it's very messed up that men deceive women and use them in this way.
  25. I noticed you said some females like yin guys while you said some yin females WANT yang guys. Liking and wanting are a different ballpark, according to many many females.