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Everything posted by Non

  1. good guys finish last

    No actually, I don't want to just knock a woman up. But that's doesn't mean having some female interaction, or a friend or even a partner-companion isn't useful or in fact necessarily for some kind of balance.
  2. good guys finish last

    well even if they aren't that way it's still that I'm always yin, and in a situation with a woman, I always lose.
  3. good guys finish last

    I am VERY asocial. I do not socialize with any of the a-holes which are the vast majority of males, even if I could try.. it's always a competition to dominate me and make me yin while they are yang, even if it's unconscious. In every social circle I amthe most yin person. My birthdate is twice as yin as yang, and my constitution is all fucking yin.. It's moreso ok if women are more yang that's fine.
  4. good guys finish last

    You know, only 20 % of men get to have 80 % of the women. Statistically only 40 % of men even get to have some sort of success with women, yet we are related to only 20 percent of the males. 80 percent of women having some have success with men. Starking contrast. And then about 25-30 percent of men die off to equal the number of men of which more are born than women. One can definately assume that it's all inheritance when it comes to success. Inheritance means genetics, which means reproductive success. And a male can be successful in life do great things but as long as he does not get 1 ounce of love or anything from a woman he is not considered biologically worthy of evolutionary continuation. Look at the men and women and see the diffeerence in their bodily structure. Men have the features of brutality and the bodily structure to do EVERYTHING a society needs while a woman's features are BY FAR dominantly for reproductive SERVICE to the MOST BRUTALLY and VIOLENTLY DOMINANT MALES. BY FAR! Im not being sexist, Im speaking from a biological standpoint! Look at the nature of orgasm. It's violent and brutal, like the force of a nuclear explosion. All meant to ensure that a male a reproductively successful but LITERALLY PUNCTURING INTO the GASH of a womb of a female and inserting his genetic material. THE MORE VIOLENT a male in the sexual act the MORE CHANCE he has to dominate all the other sperms inside a woman, and the more success he will have at producing offspring, the more virile his offspring will be. That's why women play hard to get, bust our balls, make fun of other men so the man get's so vicious that he increases his rate of copulation when he does finally "CATCH" her (the prey).
  5. good guys finish last

    well at least everyone else will do better off without me. I mean sure my immediate family might feel bad for a while.. but compared to the millions here on Earth BETTER than any of us, with more PURPOSE etc. to continue murdering anyone less than them, who cares right? At least they won't have to worry about my or my dying lineage. There are absolutely NO successful men or even with potential in the generation and even past generation of my family lineage. none. No cousins, and I have no brother(s). In fact all my male cousins have some mental disorder or autism. Even my uncles which are only 2! Not one of them is successful or have even produced offspring. All of them have the outstanding feature of being extremely unsuccessful/indominant when it comes women and therefore life. I am the only one who can be someone, and look at my life. Maybe in the future a slight 5% chance but just looking at my past can foreshadow nothing but utter continuing never-ending failure for 99% of my life. It must be my lineage. There is not one worthy male. They're all just druggies drunkards and mentally disabled people. The females can be mentally disabled like fuck all and they are more successful than the smartest men in a randomly select group of males. The only ones are the females. They by virtue of being female are successful in life because they have vagina. Gee maybe that's why females are internally yang, and stronger mentally. They dont have to worry about the number 1 reason we are living: to produce offspring whether they be good or bad. Just fucking reproduce, even if you end up destroying the universe.
  6. good guys finish last

    Things DO NOT change. Women still have their monthly menses and feel PORNOGRAPHICALLY attracted to ruthless evil men every month, even if after they've been done viciously and by these same evil men looking for women in their ovulation periods every month for DOMINATION and CONQUEST, TO PORNOGRAPHICALLY VIOLATE AND TAKE AND BE GREEDY. Even if after the women have done about a couple of these men in a period of a couple days during this time and want to find a weaker male to take advantage of and MAKE FEEL WORTHLESS. Why should I believe any woman is TRULY alone when hundreds of males make pornographic advances at them a month even if they aren't perfect when there are SO MANY PERFECTLY viciously and violently horny, brutally attractive, viciously dominant men every month attracted to them. Women are just so yin they want be SWEPT OFF THEIR FEET RIGHT? Isn't that like, rape if taken literally? Consent? No? Oh right, just unconscious. Ignorantly, and naively. I'm really considering suicide. Yet again... Things never change. There will always be evil. There will ALWAYS BE THE MAJORITY of PEOPLE BEING EVIL in this very same way. How is success created in this world? Killing others. Everyone dies right? So how to be successful then? Take advantage of others, killing in socially acceptable ways. Evil still exists because it's always been Hot. Evil is STILL THE MAJORITY FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS. Because that's the Tao, no right and wrong just yin and yang yet still SUFFERING. Always suffering,but still no right or wrong, just suffering because it's not right or wrong just yin and yang because there is SUFFERING. it is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS TO TRY AND DO ANYTHING other than be a victim. You always will be. Life is war. Yin and yang always fight. Violently. Brutally, viciously. What is the purpose? Do you think "animals" have purpose? They don't. It's just suffering. What do the buddhists do? They just seek the end of life on this Earthly plane. But what purpose is there then to even meditate and do all these rituals if LIFE IS NOTHING BUT TORTURE AND SUFFERING AND VIOLENCE? Why even stay to meditate on this Earth? Why not just be TRULY VIRTUOUS and COMMIT SUICIDE AND BECOME ONE WITH THE GOD again instead of having to WASTE ENERGY and ENTROPY in living here?
  7. So, what if we are not good people?

    hey, at least by being bad you get women.
  8. The Oldest Culture of All

    what about the ancient Egyptians? I read somewhere that perhaps yoga did originate there and then later moved on to India where it became a science and art. AS or energetic arts, I guess all the primitive cultures and shamanistic traditions had some form of energetic practice. Heck, everything is energetic practice .
  9. So, what if we are not good people?

    you're just a bad boy jerk that girls like....
  10. buddhist practice

    Well recently I've been thinking of delving into buddhism for the reason that I want to learn how to detach more and also have compassion. After going through Master Choa Kok Sui's stuff I've been attracted to tibetan buddhism and in general buddhism. There might be something to learn. What's the main difference between buddhism and taoism? Taoism seems more focused on the material world while buddhism is more focused on the spiritual world? I know, daoists know of the life in the spiritual world, but I'm sure that even if a person wanted to get into daoism buddhist practice could help along the way. Perhaps at least having a good foundation of buddhist meditation. What do you think?
  11. Evolutionary psychologists are interested in why behaviours evolved in particular ways. They argue that males compete for mates whilst women choose dominant males. Males become dominant by being violent.
  12. Recently I had been thinking for a long time sex is what I "needed" to reach some kind of physiological balance, yin and yang, as well as chemical, psychological, historical, developmental, social, etc. that was very hard. I looked at a lot of the cultivators comparing them to myself, thinking well maybe it's because they already had a sexual experience at least once in their life which was meaningful before getting into cultivation that they're ok with being alone.
  13. of course, by then sexuality will be meaningless because I'll be too old. Its kind of hard being 'spiritual' or whatever when you're young. Everyone expects you to be superficial and materialistic and be a player, aggressive, etc. Also, yes though I might have to have another go at being celibate for another period of 3 months, and this time seriously. I remember aa time where I did no stimulation at all for a bout a month or two and I was really..different. my emotions changed and women did not move me as much in the negative way. I saw them for the person they were, and I was less dependent. so maybe if I can make use of the incelibacy in a good way? maybe I can open up my chakras, raise kundalini or something. and be a good meditator. but I guess a buddhist would say none of this is really a "problem".
  14. well for some it's kind of hard to make a career out of being spiritual, or make much money. So then that would be a lot of time being at work, and not being able to actively work on yourself as much as you'd like right? unless you're totally ok with being like that.
  15. what do you mean by 'cultivation'? Is that just cultivation of qi, as in from qigong? Or also cultivation of things like buddhist cultivation of being egoless, compassionate, etc.? what doyou mean cultivate, cultivate what? peace?
  16. I aalso forgot to add hua shan pai do ga qigong which is an intense form of qigong...
  17. buddhist practice

    ok, I mean, to be egoless. and cultivate "the void".
  18. Studying TCM, also a background on biotech. raw veganism... as for qigong, kung fu and meditation... there are SO MANY I want to try and do consistently but I dont have time! I work a low end job right now because I didn't finish my biotech degree, yet at least and now attending a TCM college. The practices are (right now) kung fu (hardstyle). I did tai chi 24 yang posture but I find it embarrassing to do and practice this and even kung fu in public because I have no private practicing area. I have been doing some lightweight training also. The five tibetan rites of rejuvenation. The meditation I want to get into again is seated full lotus at least 20 mins a day focusing on the dan-tien, and circulating qi through the MCO once I build up. Of course incelibacy but now Im starting to enjoy it somewhat, except for my being "unfit" for the society with all that I am and do. I say incelibacy though because I dont want to force myself to be someone I'm not just to get a gf. In fact I dont think I can, being that it's just not who I am... I never grew up a player, dont have experience, am extremely introverted and not rich (internally either, ie character-wise, or at least enough superficially-materialistically to attract women). I want to get into things like the star exercise, yan xin qigong, "santi-shi" (even tho I have no background or no how of xingyichuan), buddhist meditation, lovingkindness, etc. pranic healing...
  19. Thats because he was in a Monastary where the environment was supportive.probably had the right tools and knowledge to trannsmute the energy. in the west everything is mystified...
  20. well, anthropologically speaking it's true. an act is not considered evolved, or evolutionary if it does not get him more mates. the suicidal feelings I get are strong urges coming from the organismal, or cellular even level. its not mere mental. it's not fun being a near 25 yr old virgin in this world, or at least in a society or environment which does not support it's existence. my body doesn't seem to get anywhere past this. no, getting western conventional medicines won't do anything to treat this. maybe if I lived in a buddhist temple. it's not only virginity, but the terrible loneliness of it which comes i this society.
  21. actually yea it does. the man has evolved such that even if he does many great things as long as it doesn't get him more vagina it doesn't mean jack and he's worthless. I am already there.
  22. The Star Exercise

    eh.. does it have to be outside? can I do it inside? it's just you know kind of weird to do it outside in front of everyone and their mom here in America, where there is nowhere one can be isolated.
  23. who says Im not? Still wouldn't seem to stop me from wanting to commit suicide for the murderous men they all seem to prefer over good natured men.
  24. also, being loving compassionate and sensitive, etc. "evolutionary wise" only developed out of a need to make pair bonds to help raise one's own children and make sure they survive and grow up in one piece.
  25. there must be a lot of emotinoally damaged women when on average a large number of women in the US are raped at least once in their life. Its sad. Look at women, most of them seem very weak natured, to the point of accepting abuse from men. Why? Because men bring this on them but women feel they have no choice but to submit. To them it is all about submission, and to the men it's all about domination. Dominating women and men.