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Everything posted by Non

  1. All of what I say is generally true.
  2. right but the internal battle is still a battle. Do you want to continually battle yourself? Is a person who has to battle himself always better than a person who doesn't have to? Maybe even the internal battling is not a necessity, just as much as having external wars motivating internal battles is not a necessity.
  3. I believe it's all just more subtle than overtly being violent and aggressive but it all comes down to that. Its just socially accepted forms of violence and aggression.
  4. So I tell you how it is and you tell me how it should be? Or does it really matter which one is doing what, as long as we know we are both doing one of these.
  5. TO actually "become successful" in this life... I would say MOST have to develop a sort of violent/aggressive mindstate. Even if the men aren't necessarily, overtly, or explicitly physically violent in mind they are. Why? Because it's natural to be aggressive. When this world is so FULL of crap, some things will tick you off. You will inevitably have to harden your heart and say "f*ck it" in some way or another and be cold. To even develop the willpower to continue in the face of such competition, to "compete" with something other than overt violence like Mark Zuckerberg you had to have been a bad-ass in one way or another. A man who is being overrun and dominated by other males is not even going to develop the willpower to compete, or to continue with his life unless he is forced to fight. Otherwise he is beat down. Women compel men to be dominant for them, to be aggressive. Don't fool yourself, women want a man to break his back for them, to compete for them and to show aggression for them, and be dramatic. Even if it's wrong. Women want the aggressive man. Life is war. They want the violent man. You would think we would have evolved by now to exclude violence from our lives but we thrive on violence to this day. Women still get hot over violence and aggression.
  6. And you don't call that violence? Violence comes from the word violate. In the process of intently "becoming more dominant" you violate other males. But don't fool yourself, these women want murdering men and violence. It's what makes them hot. And at the end of the battle you do want her to like you as the violent man you were.
  7. The Star Exercise

    Im realy liking your posts lately. I am wondering if this would work if I just use the principles of using the left hand to receive and right hand to give energy. Many systems of qigong and meditation use left over right for certain purposes or using the left to receive and right to give. E.G. Yan Xin QIgong uses right over left both suspended in the air over the navel. As for the six pointed star exercise... it's kinda like meditating on the sun I guess? Or just a zhan zhuang that has the hands up, some use it to meditate on the sun or sky. IS there any difference in the universal energy as opposed to others? Isn't all energy "universal energy"? OR rather, can't it be accessed anywhere? Isn't it timeless, or spaceless, so it's everywhere, or it can be accessed anywhere? I guess the fact that the focus of the energy being received is "universal cosmic energy" means that it is somewhat in a purer original form. Sort of like chi? or shen? energy from "the heavens"? When I was doing the star exercise recently, I kind of imagined energy (any kind of energy) that is in the vicinity passing through me and going out my right hand. I thought that was what it means to "be one with the universal energy." But now thinking about it as a purer form of original energy, then maybe it isn't. Does the aura and body (and dan-tian) have to fill up first before the right hand can be used to drain energy out?
  8. 100 days of RETENTION

    The tibetan number 6 helps but it shd be used with all the tibetan rites. They help to transmute the energy, maaking the sexual energy more electric rather than dense and heavy. It'll be easier to control. It gets easier after about a week or so, getting much easier around the 30 day mark. In the beginning it'll be hard but as long as you DO qigong and get exercise it'll help. Also, standing meditation is also smtg that especially helps. Full Lotus meditation too, but ALSO standing mesditation. Specifically the immortal breathing ie breathing into the heels up the back channel and then down the front and back into the Earth. The Body Method by Jack Greenwood. There's something about standing with knees bent and drawing in Earth energy and then sending extra energy back into the Earth, clearing it. If anything just the physical motion of sinking your weight into the earth helps. Yea, so trust me... it gets easier just be prepared to feel a bit emasculate, or as if you haven't had an erection for a while. It gets easier to control your thoughts once this happens, because you'll feel such a difference between being non-sexual thinking and sexual thinking. Ie when you're sexual energy becomes fluid again when aroused as opposed to being more energetic when not aroused.
  9. TCM Circadian Clock

    I do notice though.. even if I get the required amt of hrs if I go to sleep past 11pm I still feel tired after waking up. Though if u don't it's best to do some qigong of the meridians during the time of the channel. 3-5am is good for breathing practices.
  10. yea, so maybe its just jing that can be cultivated. I guess.. if you've ejaculated a lot, that's it. NO more prenatal jing. What if prenatal jing is not even always supposed to be associated with physical ejaculate but also the release of 'sexual energy/tension' through the contractions? Samuel Aun Weor says even the contractions deplete energy, and in fact is a special energy as much as the physical ejaculate is. Then also according to Marnia says even non-ejaculatory orgasm (the contractory non-ejaculatory "flutter" type a la Mantak Chia's methods) can deplete..
  11. Really? I heard generally it's regarded as "impossible to cultivate" or "get back once it's gone" but only because in practice it's harder. It's just that by tonifying the mother of the deficient element (water-kidney prenatal essence) it doesn't work and so mere breathwork won't do it, but meditation practices might. I might be wrong but this is what a TCM doctor told me who has practiced tai qi qigong xin yi chuan and ba gua for 20 yrs. In TCM it can't be cultivated. What about aside from TCM?
  12. Attraction

    so it takes a lot more to attract a woman then, it takes mystery, etc. a laundry list. men, well it's a lot more simple,and every girl was born beautiful.
  13. It's because people KEEP EQUATING YANG WITH BRUTALITY AND MASCULINITY WITH BRUTALITY AND YANGNESS WITH MALENESS AND BRUTALITY. JEez.. yang is just yang. A good qigong practice I heard is getting up before 9 am and taking in the sun, breathing it in and out. Also meditating on the sun energy filling up the dan-tien and stuff. Become more active, or raise vibration right? Heavynes is considered yin, lightness is considered yang. Why do people mix it up with it because POPULARLY in sexist culture maleness is regarded as VIOLENCE and PURE EVIL while woman is being abused, etc. or at least simply a sex toy. Not: "Be more brutal, step on poeple's toes to get what you want", etc. It's more yang to be good and spiritual. Yang is considered the heaven, not earth. Also, yin is not negative. It's just yin. Negative is yin but yin is not negative. (as in bad not negative principle) same for yang. "good" is yang but yang is not "good." It only can be said IN RELATION to "bad", good is simply the other side of the same coin, when that coin exists or is being used.
  14. and yea, Im raw vegan. and you all call me sexist.
  15. Much easier for the woman. OR at least.. to get by without ever really solving the problem right? A yang woman always finds a mate, whether or not it heals. She always does. A man who is just a little yin, gets nothing but cuckoldry,and that's IF anything at all.
  16. quick solution: guys be more brutal, be more bad. be more careless about STDs. DOn't care about women. women, be more passive, more slutty, etc. etc. etc. men, hang out with overly dominant women who will cheat on you, make a fool of you, and violate you in the worst ways. women: just take advantage of a weak man. Now... obviously this isn't it. But most peopl here (everywhere) think this is it. Whatever happened to Yang being just yang and not "harshness" and brutality? OR even masculine? Why even DUALIZE IT!? Why even have to be yin or yang when your "problem" is your masculinity? Which is not even exclusively yin or yang.
  17. good guys finish last

    HOW can a man take the initiative when all his life women have made threats to put him in jail for donig innocentt things meanwhile accepting abusive behavior from jerks, etc? Anyway. I never got to develop being "playful" and junk because of this. Because I could not develop this "sense of humor". But anyway you're still being very judgemental. So, if a guy doesn't do EVERYYTHING for you he's no good for you?
  18. good guys finish last

    if it was really all about being more yang, I wouldn't be making this thread. SO whatnow, being yang is being bad?
  19. good guys finish last

    Just foud this: There is none more lonely than the man who loves only himself. Loneliness - Abraham Ibn Esra
  20. good guys finish last

    exactly well what if you cannot find a woman to "hang around with"? you can't acheive balance. And Im sorry but I just can't be "happy" with my situation.I can't accept it like Cat Pillar does. Perhaps the only reason he does is because he has gotten older and the chances are dimmer for finding a young female, being older already, and sex no longer matters as much anymore because well one has gotten older now... I feel that way too. My virility getting weaker because I'm just getting older. Well, is it always a question of age then when it comes to women? Is it always: "find an older woman", because young women are always the same? What if I told you things don't even change with age. Women still stay the same, and if not get worse with age. Only a very few do get better don't they? Even so the majority of those were still the same as the others when they were young. The ones also who are more likely to not be the same is if they are not attractive at all, but even so, the majority of those not attractive are still, the same. The same. That's why it's a very small minority. Should I not be frustrated? When in fact there are more lonely men than lonely women, yet more women population than men in America?
  21. good guys finish last

    they die from stress. i dont care about pickup artists either. theyre part of the problem. I got into the material of that suggests being cocky. Ok..that's how women are. they opened me up to the brutality of women., women are more brutal and competitive than men are, men just have to participate in it to women it's all just a bloodsport for them.
  22. good guys finish last

    there is no "love at first sight" its called lust, and wishful thinking. and the ability to make the connection happen, ie rapport, social skills, and luck/chance. Trust me as a guy I know. A smile is not an innocent smile. An innocent look is lust. Its all lust. Is it all bad tho, for you? thats for u to decide. Anyways.. do girls want modesty? No they don't. They might want respect but when they equate modesty with respect, (for one type of guy anyway) it just doesn't work.
  23. good guys finish last

    if it really was simply about "being confident" I wouldn't be talking about all this. As much as women that say it's all about confidence, I will still not believe it when they actually just go for the BAD GUY... meanwhile a good guy can say the most innocent genuine thing and he's quickly labelled a perv, a stalker, a freak, sexually harassing, obsessed, scary, rude, not focused, etc. Women can pull the "stalker/perv/rapist/pedo/sick/freak/creep" card all they want... but when it comes down to it, the bad boy THUGS they're with say and do things and call them things that are THOUSANDS of times worse than anything a good guy can say or do. Maybe that's why women have such a hard time finding good men. Because ever since they were young (and STILL ONGOING INTO ADULTHOOD) they would threaten to put men in jail for the simplest most innocent things, yet be manipulative and insult them by accepting abuse from jerks and bad boy thugs. Maybe it's just the USA, but around here it's ALL ABOUT thug culture. If you aren't a thug, or a bad boy, or some type of bad-ass, you are a "scary doormat" to women. You are NOTHING but someone they can manipulate and when we good guys get serious they blame the victim and call us "the REAL jerks, liars etc" the "not really nice-guy" the "socially inept loser-jerk who simply calls himself a nice guy". Because it's all about turning things around and making the victim look crazy and putting the blame all on that same victim. To be real, women don't want good guys. They don't want nice guys. Because they set up the rules of what's "bad". What's bad for a good guy is definitely not bad for a "bad guy/boy". They are excluded, they can do w/e the f*ck they want all of a sudden without any consequences. The good guys want to respect a woman, and avoid sexual confrontation out of courtesy and respect for the woman. They want the woman to give him a signal first or let him know first that it's ok. They dont want to violate, or make the woman feel violated. Because as they were growing up, it was "not ok" to treat her like the sex object she likes to be treated as by the bad boys. Now what can a good guy do? Can he even so much as look at her or any other innocent thing without the girl pulling out the "psycho-stalker" card, the "pervert" card, the "rapist" card", the "freaky creep" card, the "obsessive" card, etc. Well it just so happens that all women carry this "bitch shield" around them to ward off "undesirables" so that men have NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE BOLD and daring, and brave with the girls. This amounts to not putting up with her shit, and actually breaking through those set up boundaries. DUH! no wonder good guys find it hard, they have to VIOLATE YOU just to get to you! and THEN she'll see if you're attractive enough, but at least you've affirmed yourself as 'brave and macho AND BAD' which is the first thing she wants. Since most girls want the men to do everything for her, like decide for her whats best, etc. she'll just tell the good guy "well you never let me know you thought I was sexy enough to violently bang". Hahahaha. How in the hell are we supposed to let you know that, while at the same time "respecting" you like you have "always wanted" us to? But the bad boys do get away with it. Because they can say the most lewd and raunchy things, and OBVIOUSLY girls are going to like it because they have NO CHOICE but to be lustfully seduced by language which invokes imagery of the most raunchiest, sexually uninhibted things that can come to mind, and this cannot be resisted. It's called brainwashing. It's called seduction. yes seduction, the same as deceiving. The same as FORCING, a woman into sexual thoughts,and feelings. Like with kino (touching a woman without permission) and calling it a "game" or making it seem innocent. Or getting so close that it becomes irresistably personal. Deceiving one to be an authority, ie co-ercion. can you believe some women actually LOOK for males who induce fear in them, and then call it love? is it fear or is it love? You can tell me all you want that there are some girls that are different, they are definitely not the majority. They are perhaps the smallest minority. Finally getting a good boyfriend to step all over and cheat at the age of 40 after banging all the bad boys and being used up, does not count. Ok, maybe on another planet. Maybe...
  24. good guys finish last

    Another reason why, good guys finish last. Women look for brutality. Since most women run on fear based mindsets, most women almost exclusively look for brutality and dominance in a man. Plain and simply. Compare that to a guy, he doesn't have a laundry list of things he wants from a woman. She can be imperfect. But for a guy he has to be perfect, at least seem perfect (or deceive).