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Everything posted by Non

  1. good guys finish last

    ultimately though too, who supports bad men more than anything else? Their women. What influences man like nothing else? Women.
  2. good guys finish last

    To live in this world you have to pretty much accept that you're Going to Have to step on other people to simply be who you are and to survive. That means there are no truly good men out there. Perhaps more good than bad, but there's none that hasn't been a solely good person. In this world it is impossible. That's why daoists tell the Confucius people "how can we be good and well mannered and civilized when you're starving? Where's the balance in that?" Why? Because to be good requires literal self sacrifice. Nobody in this society wants to be truly good without self sacrificing, and yes that does mean even dying. Even if for many generations millions of people die trying to be good and then we end up not going anywhere as a society or as a species and we just die off.
  3. good guys finish last

    I think it also depends on your experience as a child, or growing up. if you're virgin up until 24, without any experience or skill whatsoever with any female of any species you're pretty much going to stay like that until you die because there's no way in hell anyone is going to put up with this condition to let alone start to begin getting better. In this world it's pretty much be bad-ass or die off. Most of the time.
  4. good guys finish last

    Its not that mating less = die younger, its more like if you cannot for the life of you even commune with the Yin, being yang, or commune with the yang, being yin. Ie I know the benefits of not excessively ejaculating or not having too much sex and energy depleting entropy increasing activities, but that's not what I'm talking about. Im talking about a guy who just cannot even find a female who can befriend him for his entire life, and that every single interacting between him and another female or yin aspect (being yang) is severely hopeless and destructive. This type of man is not alive by the mere fact that there is no yin for his yang, and therefore no existence. What about going before the yin/yang ie the taiji? Maybe... but in the manifest world this means nothing. I look at all the "asexual" buddhist monks and I see that I look like them. Somewhat alien...
  5. good guys finish last

    For those of you who say there are good guys who aren't doormats... If the majority of people in general are in "bad shape", therefore the majority of women are too... then in general good guys (whether of the doormat type or the non-doormat type) do mate less because those women (who are in the majority) do not choose "good" mates. They are solely attracted to bad mates. If you are a "truly" good guy, and are "too good" with a woman (how in the HELL can you be TOO GOOD!?) she will definately see something wrong in that. I've seen many good NONDOORMAT types of guys that get dumped by girls for being "too good". You know? Guys are expected to be violent, and ruthless,and deceptive. THe moment theey are not, something is wrong right? WOmen are expected to be passive, submissive, receptive, etc. the moment they are not, something is wrong right? This is irrational behavior but then again MOST HUMAN BEINGS ARE IRRATIONAL.
  6. PME depletion

    PME = Post Male Ejaculation After being non-masturbatory for a good 9 months I finally decided to let one go. Not one actually two... this was last night though. I had to go to kung fu today but I decided not to go because I felt weakness in my kidneys and also fear. My eyes and head (the fore) were also feeling weaker and have a feeling in my ears like a faint ringing. I know it's kidney weakness because after I do this sexual vitality chi kung for my kidneys that's popular ie scooping the water in front on the ground from left to right with the left hand, picking it up and bringing palm faced out in front of the eyes moving right to left and then back down and repeating, all with the right hand on the lower right back with thumb tucked in enclosed palm. repeat for the other side. Well after doing this exercise I really felt my lower back being exercised, specifically where I thought my kidneys were. Well if every time I ejaculate Im going to be feeling this then I'm sure masturbation is not for me. Even though everyone on this board says that one should masturbate, I think if I am feeling this every time I just cannot sacrifice the amount of energy. Unless I'm with a female, that might change things because it might actually be balanced but solo sexual practice leading to ejaculation is Always depleting, no matter what. Even if it doesn't lead to ejaculation it is still imbalanced with no yin to accompany the yang. This is frustrating ultimately because there must be some type of practice for balance to occur but if one is not able to do this in a balanced way then how is it one can achieve balance in the first place with something that requires a yin? Well.. I didn't go to kung fu. I know what it's like to practice the day after having ejaculated and how it feels, the terrible loss of self esteem and energy, the real physical weakness and especially at the hips, the feeling of depletion and the real fear that occurs with weak kidneys. Is there anything one can do after this occurs to lessen the weakness feelings?
  7. Jesus as seen with 3rd eye

    "what the hell was that all about?" lol jk
  8. Cultural social differences.

    As to the touching aspect I can definately agree. I grew up very much influenced by the idea of being really courteous to women, and limiting ALL forms of contact out of respect for women. I never teased them, was always nice, etc. What did I get? Well all the people who did tease and touch who could also be considered "jerks" because they did not care about respecting a woman but went so far as to coax and dominate a woman sexually, got women to feel unconsciously sexually attracted to them. And I got nothing. Still haven't. But also, women can put you down for making the slightest bit of interest even if friendly as morally wrong simply because you're not physically attractive, and leaving men thinking they could have been committing a crime. As to other aspects... Well it's also not helpful when you're an "alternative thinker" in a society so that you're forced to live in isolation because the majority of the people would make fun of you or ridicule you or misunderstand what you're doing. That and even the structures themselves of ssociety can be limiting. Lack of available resources, the economy, the ecology, to practice whatever "alternative thought-form" practice you want to practice also, etc. Sure a lot of people have gotten off just where they live just "fine", well that may be subjective.
  9. How to get rid of lust?

    I have been having the problem of my sexual organ becoming irritated even when i have no conscious sexual thoughts. I have this under control a while ago but it only occurred after going through a long time of complete celibacy where I never masturbated not even non-ejaculatory masturbation. Then I masturbated again without real desire for it, and the irritation started again regularly. I feel like now... because I masturbated without ejaculation, that I must start all over again and go into full ejaculation and then restart the non-masturbatory practice. And of course the reason I want to stop masturbating is to conserve energy while I'm not dating.
  10. Tibetan Yoga meditation methods revealed

    I wd like to know the simple tummo practice not for enlightenment but just to create internal heat...
  11. Good Place For QiGong Training!

    really? wudang kung fu schools have not been changed by the chinese government? Is it the traditional ancient stuff or has it been changed by the government like shaolin was during the communist revolution?
  12. Tibetan Yoga meditation methods revealed

    Yea actually I read about that in Yantra Yoga: The Tibetan Yoga of Movement.
  13. Tibetan Yoga meditation methods revealed

    Actually the original yoga came from Egypt then came to India where it became a science.
  14. Improving the diet

    I get allergies from fruit or any sugar now. Ie the sneezing runny nose and asthma type.
  15. Kundalini Yoga

    yea I guess kundalini yoga would just be yoga that opens up the kundalini and isn't a specific brand name 'kundalini yoga'. My friend just tells me commercialized kundalini yoga is not 'real', i mean it's more like their own version. like sivananda's kundalini yoga, yogi bajahn's kundalini yoga. I'm sure it's still good though. AS for the five tibetan rites of rejuvenation. I love it. It's like spiritual crack.jk. well I feel very awake after I do it, specifically with the modifications given by Master Stephen Co in the book Your Hands Can Heal You. I noticed that if you do the five tibetan rites for long enough my energy becomes more powerful.
  16. Hermit Practices?

    Yes it is that one. Although Larry Johnson supposedly teaches it a bit differently than our kung fu school teaches it. He has supposedly modified it to make it sort of softer, or if not more new agey (?). BUt yea, is the link to my school if you want to check it out. Other than that Larry Johnson, and both of us are perhaps the only certified teachers in the US.
  17. Kundalini Yoga

    but Im not sure true kundalini yoga can be found in a book or website. For that you'd probably need to go to the himalayas and find a true satguru.
  18. Taoist Physical Practices

    Horse stance Keeping your back straight, tucking the tailbone, making your feet point forward, opening the legs as much as possible to make a square horse stance. Horse Stance Meditation similar to the hey gung we do at school: Stance training is really good. Ma bo, ding bo, kai ma bo, chun bo, gun bo, and the other one standing on one foot with the upper foot pointing down. Both hands in chamber up to the lower rib cage, and elbows back. Kicks punches. All that good stuff. Watch martial arts training. There's more stuff than this, this is just basics. THere are other strength training exercises but might require some equipment. Always stretch.
  19. Taoist Physical Practices

    David Carradine's "Shaolin Stregnth Training" is pretty good. Not the old one from the 80s but the new one with the hung gar training. Also you might want to check out Harry Wong's stuff too on dynamic tension since I heard its good. Shaolin Workout by Shifu Yuan Lei is good also. Its all dynamic tension qigong exercises that it used for hung gar training. These are the youtubes: This is the Hung Gar training dynamic tension qi gong exercises: I would do any of the exercises in this video with more tension than is shown. Then it's also good to train without so much tension for fluidity and quickness, and also the slow soft type like for tai chi to work out the smooth tissue muscle. Do any sort of martial arts training and you're good. At my kung fu school we have a dynamic tension exercise we call Hey Gong. That and stance training is awesome. Do any of the things that you would help in martial arts training. Focusing on the dan-tien.
  20. Breaking Through the Barriers of Darkness: Recognizing the Cult of Qigong for What It Is FREED FROM QIGONG THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST: A CHINESE CASE STUDY crazy...
  21. celibacy for 8 months...

    again the only reason why I'm practicing non-masturbation/celibacy is because I haven't gotten a sex partner. And really the whole "downside of cultivation" is really just the fact that for one the rest of society isn't actually a healthy society, and two the society doesn't tolerate cultivators so they must isolate themsleves from the world.
  22. celibacy for 8 months...

    Ok, then, what's normal according to western culture then? I live in the USA.
  23. well, Aaron sees that lust is good and healthy. There are many traditions that view lust and sexual desire as being completely different. Lust being negative of course, while sexual desire is ok.
  24. Chi foods

    raw foods. Lettuce. Baby Sprouted Mung beans. wheat grass juice. Barley grass juice. seaweed.
  25. I think what happened with the second case, is that he just got too powerful and never thought to consciously cultivate compassion and kindness. It obvious that too much power when unchecked can cause corruption, therefore one would have to consciously cultivate compassion and kindness.