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Everything posted by Non

  1. celibacy for 8 months...

    again im not saying its immoral to ejaculate ormasturbate but one does have to consider the effects each of these has on the body and just how easy it is to mess it up.
  2. celibacy for 8 months...

    ] Yes, it is true that many traditions had used the control of sexuality to control others. Like brahmacharya in the hindu traditions. Many of the elites use brahmacharya against their disciples, used it to control them. But also, brahmacharya was only meant for those in the bakti tradition. Ie devotion. Normal masturbation IS what Im talking about. NOrmal sexuality IS what Im talking about. Normal masturbation and sex IS addictive. That's why taoists developed other methods. the natural inclination is craving. it has an evolutionary purpose. if unchecked it will cause problems/suffering. thats what the buddha taught. has all the research on that.
  3. celibacy for 8 months...

    i dont mean its immoral. im only talking about energetic loss. but as for the moral aspect, which do u think is better? to be addicted to it or attached to sex or masturbation such that one has to risk part of himself or another just to "ease the tension"? I remember somewhere reading from the book "Alien Primer" about how supposedly ETs see human beings always caught up in their vicious cycle of never ending violence and betrayal unless they learned to control their sexuality, and in fact even be confident enough to say that asexual beings are superior because they are less pleasure seeking. That most violence ends up always being about sexuality whether it's subtle or obvious, all about expansion and hoarding resources for procreative purposes, even if subconsciously. Then you've got tantra and karezza (a la talking about the negative effects of "normal sexuality" and how it can affect dopamine and cause it to cycle and make people feel depleted and much more irritable, causing breakups and the "coolidge effect." Taoist practices as well tell you it's depleting. This is the major reason why sexuality is taught to be controlled. Even the Buddha taught that one should restrain from having excess emotion, for desire begets craving and longing, which is gives rise to suffering. THis is akin to the dopamine cycling. Same with sugar cravings, addiction to cocaine, etc. Sex is the most powerful drug of all. Studies on rats shown that after a rat has sex it is more inclined to seek more thrilling circumstances and even take cocaine, regardless of the risks. It might have an evolutionary purpose.. in the jungle. Are we in the jungle? Further are we to compare ourselves to other animals simply because taoists say that we should look to the animals? We should, but not follow their every move. Have we forgotten the Human animal? Aren't we animals too? What about asexual species. but even so animals do practice their own form of retention, or conservation. Bonobo chimps have sex all the time yet rarely ejaculate, and the females dominate and use sex to calm tension in bonobo society. The other chimps on the other hand ejaculate all the time, rape their females, have territorial wars, are more frequently cannibals, and I think also eat meat. This may also be in a large part due to their evolution as bonobo's didn't have to compete with gorillas for food, and had access to ground food. They can walk upright because of this. So yea.. sexuality can be a blessing and a curse. Best use it to the fullest potential and not have it hold us back. There's a reason why major religions all in some form practiced moderation of sexuality. Passions and lust can get in the way of things if not checked. It is human emotion, not intuition, or even gut instinct. Emotions of the Old mammalian brain, which can and does filter logic and can cause problems if not checked.
  4. yan xin qigong?

    What can you tell me about yan xin qigong other than what's out there on the net?
  5. I just couldn't believe how long and detailed these documents are. The second one is of a person who became "corrupted" from Yan Xin qigong. My guess is his heart wasn't in the right place. He became so powerful that he became corrupted. It's clear his main motivation for learning qigong was to see how powerful he could become. Much like Kung Fu.
  7. yan xin qigong?

    I mean, where do I find the method? What is it's main idea?
  8. celibacy for 8 months...

    I know, that was intentional. But as for focusing on myself or touching myself while masturbating that's something I feel uncomfortable with. Also, in my experience masturbation up to the pc muscle contractions leads to a blockage in that area. It makes my organs then feel inverted for a period of several weeks. It doesn't matter if it never goes all the way into ejaculation. Even if so, ejaculation is a waste if it's not meant for something creative like making a child. What else would it be useful for if expelled, food? Nice... Now if there was a way to achieve orgasm without the ejaculation then yea. Though in my experience, masturbatory sex magic hasn't really worked for me, because when I've focused on a girl and had many orgasms I never got it. I don't believe masturbatory sex magic works, especially considering the losses it leads to in the chi, and how it actually affects the nervous system, unlike neo-tantric sexual practice with a partner or karezza.
  9. I have a problem with Ryan Randolph's "masturbate without fantasy" method. Ideally, or in theory it should work. The problem is can we Really truly not fantasize when we are having an orgasm? I would imagine, that I get images in my mind as I masturbate, regardless of if I'm just keeping my mind focused on feeling. These may not be fantasy but simply my mind trying to visualize what's going on. Even so, if I keep the image of myself firmly placed in my field of vision while masturbating do I really want to? The reason why I say it seems "feminine" is for one.. the images that would appear are images of myself masturbating. Do I really want to be turned on by images of myself masturbating? Of a male masturbating? Lol, sounds strange doesn't it. But I imagine that with enough time I would start to associate horniness with the image of a male masturbating, and not with the woman I desire. That and well, it just seems odd to imagine touching myself. Ok, so let's say I try my best NOT to indulge in any imagery that has to do with my own while masturbating. Let's say.. I just focus on pure blackness. Will I start to associate blackness with sexuality and horniness? Can I just choose to focus on something external, like money? Lol will it manifest more money in my life like magick?
  10. celibacy for 8 months...

    I have a problem with Ryan Randolph's "masturbate without fantasy" method. Ideally, or in theory it should work. The problem is can we Really truly not fantasize when we are having an orgasm? I would imagine, that I get images in my mind as I masturbate, regardless of if I'm just keeping my mind focused on feeling. These may not be fantasy but simply my mind trying to visualize what's going on. Even so, if I keep the image of myself firmly placed in my field of vision while masturbating do I really want to? The reason why I say it seems "feminine" is for one.. the images that would appear are images of myself masturbating. Do I really want to be turned on by images of myself masturbating? Of a male masturbating? Lol, sounds strange doesn't it. But I imagine that with enough time I would start to associate horniness with the image of a male masturbating, and not with the woman I desire. That and well, it just seems odd to imagine touching myself. Ok, so let's say I try my best NOT to indulge in any imagery that has to do with my own while masturbating. Let's say.. I just focus on pure blackness. Will I start to associate blackness with sexuality and horniness? Can I just choose to focus on something external, like money? Lol will it manifest more money in my life like magick?
  11. celibacy for 8 months...

    When I say celibacy I mean not masturbating. Whoops I guess that's a big one. I should have stated that earlier. To me it's just no person can truly be celibate while masturbating. Celibacy means abstaining from all sexual practice right? Or is masturbation not sexual practice? So, yes celibacy for me means not masturbating, and not having sex because well I haven't "got any". When the time comes that there is an opportunity for sex I will not do the "wrong kind" of sex. And because I stopped masturbating it will be fine.
  12. celibacy for 8 months...

    celibacy for me right now is a period of restabilization after having done all the wrong things.
  13. When the neurochemical and nervous system faculties of the body begin to depend on sex I think its physical. Perhaps your definition of physical is not the same as mine? Keep in mind there are dopamine receptors in the sexual organs too not just the brain. As for the not dying part, maybe that's because sex focuses on a different mechanism in the body than does alcohol and heroine. Perhaps also it does this to a different degree. If you see that people are willing to risk their lives for sex then that's something. For me, the way I saw fit to get rid of this "physical aspect" was to just stop masturbating altogether no matter how much it bothered me and turn my focus to something else. Eventually the physical irritation, the craving, subsided and Then so did the emotions and thoughts about it. This is just me though.
  14. Heh, I actually thought of this very same "method" a couple weeks ago it was more along the lines though that... masturbation itself is not the same as sex. The touch is definitely different, the feel is not the same. There's no real connection going on. Therefore, to me, I would think that it's impossible to actually be "at peace" being alone, while still masturbating as masturbation itself would cause lust. I thought.. the only way masturbation could aid (as you seem to put it) in the elimination of lust is to masturbate in a way that mimicks the actual feel of sex, ie the same touch and feel, even connection. But that would seem pretty feminine to me so I just chose to opt out of masturbation and practice lots of qigong, tibetan rites of rejuvenation plus #6, MCO, self aware meditation and deep breathing with mulah bandha. Eventually the lust subsided and I still had sexual feelings but they were quite different. Not lusty and 'stagnant' feeling in the sexual organ. After masturbating, and particularly after I get the initial pc muscle contraction that occurs before orgasm (not going all the way of course), I develop a blockage that feels pretty physical and tense in the same general area the PC muscle contracts. So the way I acheived this state is to just not masturbate at all. That eventually made the physical aspect subside, and then the mental pretty much followed as I found real no desire to even think of it, or rather waste my time on it. I also had a feeling of my sexual organs coming into my body, so I focused on that. Well not necessary but at least not coming out which I referred to before as "feeling inside out, or inverted." I once did try to just masturbate but only to just before those PC muscle contractions but yea.. lol that never worked. The other thing that helped is to not focus on excessive sexual thoughts. It was ok to have some and when I felt it's unavoidable, even after I tried all the meditation and qigong I could do. If I felt I must then I just focused on it until it subsided, or did some exercise or something to keep my mind busy. But after the initial period of about 2 weeks to a month it got steadily easier. My energetic sexual organs did not feel inverted anymore, the energy didn't either and they were not draining. I could still get an erection after this but the sex energy just felt different.
  15. Happiness in solitude

    Ok.. I think IT IS possible to be happy in solitude. But when people are 'getting into hermetism" like it's a trend is different. THey come to think it's cool, that it's IDEAL. That if anyone has a problem with it, it's because you are weak, and 'unmanly'. Or just "incomplete" and "too dependent." This I disagree with. In fact, it's a very hard path. It takes quite a decision to become completely isolated and choose to do so. This is not the same as "normal isolation" whereby a person seeks alone time. Even monks, don't live in complete isolation. They have temples, etc. They are in a community. That's different from a society.
  16. I dont think it's all psychological. It might begin as something psychological, but even so, it can be grounded in the physical. Nothing is solely "immaterial". So it might begin as something psychological but it can and does become a Physical addiction, whereby your mind may not even care for sex, but your nervous system is addicted, causing irritation and the 'turning inside out' of the energetic sexual organs, and even the down and outward pull of the physical organs. It can also manifests in the subconscious. So it's not Purely psychological. At least, when it's gotten to the point that the body itself has come to depend on it. If there is energy stuck on the sex chakras, then it can't be purely psychological. If there is tension held in their it can't be purely psychological. It is psychosomatic, and then it becomes part of the body until it has a "mind of it's own". BUt that it is "addiction" is true.
  17. Reiki?

    My question then is, is it enough to just use "universal qi" if it just passes through the dan-tien first? Or it's just best if you collect it let's say, in the beginning of the day. How long does it take to "digest" in the dan-tien?
  18. Happiness in solitude

    Yea I mean you can be happy if you're kept busy, and value the stuff you do more than other worldly things, or at least the society.
  19. Hermit Practices?

    Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qi Gong. Especially at the Shen level. Jing, Chi, and Shen level. Each level contains 36 exercises that focus eithe ron the jing, chi or shen. The shen is level is best practiced when you're older, for it focuses a lot on astral projection.
  20. Heh, that's similar to what I've read just recently from the book Your Hands Can Heal You by Master Stephen Co.
  21. Reiki?

    yup, I found it. Very I see how it connects with some of the things I've said bfore in the post. AS for pranic healing.. well it is a step closer to having some of the "qi manipulation skills" that qigong has. Though qigong seems more focused on cultivation for personal transformation. as for the enrgy transmission part... well Robert Bruce's Energy Work, has healing based on energy transmission. Is any transmission based healing work which uses Energy On-Demand (ie, external qi gotten for qi transmission moments before) the same as spirit-ual energy transmission? Ten what's the difference between qi and ling qi? I guess some epople have to be careful of their focus, otherwise they could be getting ling qi instead of.. eh.. qi qi..
  22. Happiness in solitude

    yea that's just suffering. getting beat hurts. People forget that to become a person with such siddhis as "enjoying pain and suffering" and being able to withstand it without pain which something of the body.. one needs spiritual advancement for such a siddhi. For such spiritual advancement within the physical body to occur one needs to either have a very advanced spirit or for their body to become conditioned to such a state. That conditioning requires the body to be able to manifest it.
  23. Happiness in solitude

    IMO, no. The very question you're asking answers it at the same time. A person who is COMPLETELY alone, cannot even find purpose. For to have purpose means to have "Others" in your life. All that is in your "life" IS "life!" The rock, the tree. Your self. These are Others, apart from the "observer". Which may not even exist. In the end isn't it all you though, which means you are others as well? IN essence one cannot be completely happy if one is a lone. To be happy is to be happening. Happyning. To exist, within the Community of others. I'm sorry but most people here that are thinking of solitude and being happy, are thinking of a person who lives with not as much people in their life but they still have the company of the objects in the reality. That could be animals, that could be the people you associate with but aren't really even "making friends". Who needs friends anyways, just get sex. lol j.k. but no seriously a lot of poeple think that way. I just wish I would be able to do that in a moral and just way, and in a way that I would like. There just is no way. TO have purpose means to have, an-other on the wait. An-other reality that awaits, ie when you acheive the purpose, or have the purpose. It is an-other itself. THink about it. You people are crazy just be gdamn human. Freaks. AvPD. Seriously tho. I'm jkk about that last bit. welll maybe only a little. What is it, people think it's "cool" to be a hermit because it makes one look super bad-ass, and cold. Yea, coldness and yin. That makes one hot, and yang. Mass media got to you much? Most hermits are only so to get away from the society that overwhelms them. And yes everyone needs their time to themselves, their personal space. But sooner or later you may want some company. If its not for the urges of boredom but because it may seem lifeless. You may just become unconscious. How else will you learn? How will you learn of yourself? Will your body just break down from lack of usage? Imagine generations of being alone, asexual producers. You just become this tiny point of light, with really no purpose until it finally diminishes. You become one with God. That's "death".
  24. Happiness in solitude

    I think the people that are happy in solitude have simply adapted to a toxic society such that it's necessary to run away from society. But I dont think that's very natural as opposed to living a good life where you aren't alone and people aren't toxic. Ie in a community with like minded people. When it comes to be celibate that might be the hardest. Sure you can forget about everyone else, but can you really say that about the opposite sex? All you need is sex right? lol that's how a lot of people think. Forget friends, forget people, just find a good sex partner every once in a while. Anways that's how many animals do it. IN practice though I wouldn't know how to do this because I'm not a 'player' and I dont know how to just seek sex for just sex.
  25. Reiki?

    Are they good/bad, or against reiki? Are they to be found here on the forums or elsewhere on the net? cd you give us a rundown, without actually convoluting (i know may be hard).