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Everything posted by Non

  1. Reiki?

    Really? Like what? I can't find anything on google. I can find about him but not on him and reiki. I read somewhere someone's own thoughts of reiki was that it's attunements are actually attachments to the crown chakras, connecting all those in the lineage. I forgot what else, but yea... that guy didn't like the reiki energy.
  2. I have not gotten to learning such techniques on removing negative astral influences and shielding, etc. or psychic self defense. For reasons that it seems the techniques I have come across are either too "religious" or ritualistic or something. Maybe that's what I need though. Or I feel like what is put out on the internet most of the time seems like it's a sham, ie doesn't work, or is misinformation. The only thing I've tried is a "lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram" exercise that seems, well, hermetic? Well I mean, using elementals and archangels. That and I found it on the internet. The only thing I've seen are techniqes I've gotten from Robert Bruce's and websites, but they haven't helped me much it seems. A lot of the visualization techniques seems to make it worse for me, the negative energy seems to 'come back to me' and it's hard to throw it away, when all Im doing is visualizing and I dont know if the energy has actually been thrown away, destroyed, etc. To explain further, I mean, when I try to "throw away" the energy I always imagine it being able to come back to me like glue, or some some like putting resistance on what I will it to do. A lot of "astral" things seem very thick and solid for me to throw away. Like for example outside my walls or out the window, or "into the earth". It's like a boomerang comes back to you after you throw it. Im always afraid of contamination in this way too when Im doing healing. The visualization just seems to be 'worthless' in such a way.
  3. I wonder if such banishing rituals or shielding, psychic self defense etc. can protect one from remote influence from let's say... either ETs or "advanced technologies" like some secret agencies in the military or whatever, "psychologic operations". I know you think this might be a bit out there.. but I think it's something that needs to be taken into account. Some people use orgonite but some say they dont work. Other use tin foil hats (lol, jk).
  4. is this any good? Also, what can I do about the negative energy that I take from my own field when for example healing? I always think I can just "throw it away" but that would mean Im just contaminating another spot. I guess it's hard for me to get around the whole "astral space is not the same as physical space" thing, as in it's all non-locality. space dimensions are not the same, everything is everywhere simultaneously, or at least differently than the physical plane right? so if I throw somehting to my wall, expect that it can go through it because in the astral space there is no wall, or it doesn't even matter? I always feel like I attract back to me the negative energy I threw away. It needs to be Destroyed or disintegrated not simply "thrown away" for it to get picked up again. Even so how do I know it has been destroyed? What if my belief keeps it coming back again? Not exactly my belief but if I "dont believe" it has been thrown away, or that it's destroyed/expelled, etc.
  5. Reiki?

    Wouldn't it be best if a person who trains in qigong knows the other types of healing so he can heal with energy on-demand, rather than having to build up his own qi only to have it expended on the person receiving the healing?
  6. Reiki?

    You also gotta be careful of the type of reiki you learn. I hear the most mainstream form of reiki taugh tint he west is not really traditional. It's best to see a traditional practitioner. I got my certification from this guy : I researched his lineage and it's pretty good. Although he's had to retrain himself because he learned the 'commercialized' western version of reiki. So he sought another who learned the traditional form. It's a bit pricey though. One of these days I'll go back to him when I have the money and the time.
  7. Reiki?

    I do have a question though: What is wrong with using external qi for healing? Why is it considered any different from qigong? Qigong methods also use external qi, they bring in the external qi and make it their own and build up their bodies with qi which can take many months if not years. Why the need to do that? If a person can just become proficient in having that external qi in their bodies to be projected On Demand, why not do so? It certainly seems faster if you are pressed on time, and a person can also at least practice Energetic Hygeine like pranic healing practices, and also reiki does. Though pranic healing has more knowledge of different systems, including even qigong.
  8. Reiki?

    Pranic Healing has been shown to be more effective? I got reiki lvl 1 training. In all honesty, the only effects I've noticed from it is a calming light feeling from reiki, and light healing. It's a light form of healing, it's not drastic, might need more than one session, is probably more effective for light ailments, but can probably help for more serious ones. Help but not cure. The other thing I've noticed is that I could get tap water to actually taste pure. The different with reiki and qigong is that qigong is a complete system with medical knowledge and there are a lot of specific treatment protocols. The other main difference is that in reiki you use or external qi or some believe heanvely qi (because it comes from above into the crown, which comes from "the heavens"), and some even say only through a link with the lineage carriers. A "special energy" with a spiritual quality that seems to be guided by some type of heavenly intelligence. Once it is channeled into a specific part with a general idea it "knows" exactly what to do, or how to balance. Supposedly. With qigong, they basically cultivate qi, and make it part of their own bodily qi first, and develop qi skills, and healthy qi body and then they can start healing. Pranic healing also uses 'external qi'. I haven't really studied all that much pranic healing yet, but it seems good. It's a whole lot better than 'energy work' by Robert Bruce that's for sure, which seems like a spin-off.
  9. I'm interested in his Wei Qi Gong method. there used to be a website for it called but it's now gone, and you could buy a video or something about it. Healing with Qi. 800 year old family secret from Professor Duan Zhiliang. Learn how to begin practicing healing with energy. Trailer from DVD($35)video also in EBook free trial download at WWW.WeiQigong.Com Duan Zhiliang, one of China's National Living Treasures, visited the US in 2001. Duan stayed at Starfarm for 2 days, during which he gave a personal transmission of a special energy balancing technique, one of his methods of qi healing. This video introduces Duan and thoroughly demonstrates the energy balancing technique called Wei Qi Gong. The complete instructional video can be found at I downloaded wuji qigong. It's ok I guess, but not much special. Maybe I shd get into it again now that I'm more mature
  10. I think it should be stated again that I don't choose celibacy. I simply am. But when I say celibacy, I mean complete, as in no masturbation either. The only way to manage that is to avoid sexual thought or rather change focus. Until a lot of my "stuck" sexual energy at the base becomes converted to the higher chakras. To me masturbation is no equivalent with dual cultivation. It is solely focused on the external, down and out focus and only leads to congestion if you try to cultivate with it. There are many reasons for this but it's a touchy subject so I wont go there.. So the only way to handle being sexless, is to stop masturbating altogether. The only way to stop masturbating without consequences of burning up the sex organs and becoming repressed, etc. is to transmute and that means avoiding/changing focus from sexual thoughts to something more productive until either I have enough jing, or sexual energy becomes converted to something more managable. Even if I would have a partner, I would not masturbate. Even if you have a partner practice moderation. But by most standards in the West excessiveness means moderation.
  11. At first you will most likely experience feelings like feeling castrated. I know.. I felt incredible urges, and they it was physical irritation even while the mental was not even thinking of sex. Causing spermathorrea, or a feeling that my organs were turning themselves inside out lol. It might also help to consider one's diet as being one of the contributers to waking up of this "passion/lust"/irritation. Certain foods cause an irritation in the groin moreso than others. When you see that perhaps it's just a cycle of irritation caused in the groin area and that it might actually have to do with energy that is actually being utilized in the process of digestion, or regulation of the body, it might not cause as much for you. The organs have been sensitized such that there are a lot of dopamine receptors down there. Your penis is addicted. The body is addicted, to sex. Even if the mind isn't. It would need desensitization. When you come to realize that that energy is actually probably energy that can be the same energy that participates in the regulatory function of the body, which has simply traveled downwards and 'awakened' the sexual organs, filling it with blood, it may become easier for you to see it as just that. Your mind might try to justify it as being a need to ejaculate, or to have sex, whatever. If you are seriously on the path though of conservation (not celibacy), or celibacy, and want to achieve control over the organ you'll see that the energy can be used in the regulatory functions of the body, and perhaps even should be rightly so.
  12. I was referring to the fact that whatever is normal is really what I consider to be extreme, or I view it as being hypersexual, in a rajas way. It is what's most common in the world today, especially in the west. Of course I didn't say there's anything "wrong" with it, it's just another path. It's just not ideal for me. I didn't say that sex was wrong. I just think the way people go about it is less than ideal. The most common way anyway. For one it leads to infidelity in relationships, and just chaotic patterns in relationships. I thought daoists students would know about this already. Passion and lust makes way for instability and chaos. Entropy. Then again some people hold on to passion and lust as if some is necessary to live an ideal life, or that it should be present in one's life. Then there is the other school that thinks lust is not good at all, for lust is actually in imbalance in sexuality. All or nothing. Lust and is simply irritation, longing, fear-based. Buddhists wanted to rid of this when getting rid of desire is being spoken of. It's the result of an an erratic dopamine cycle, that becomes active due to excessive pleasure becoming a habit or an attachment. Excessive pleasure done out of habit or attachment. leads to addiction symptoms. I guess I would fall in between. Anyway, it's all semantics right? Some just define lust in different ways. For some, they define lust with negative connotations, ie in the negative context like above. One in which there it leads to chaos and instability. Another would define lust with a neutral context, it all depends on how lust is used, etc. I personally don't know if all lust leads to chaos and instability and if it just depends on whether the person uses or abuses it. Whether it's rajasic, or whatever. I just know that at some point lust can lead to instability and chaos. This is why people have developed methods to transmute or suppress their sexuality. Some think it's just only preserving jing. Do you really think it's only about that? Just think of the consequences of becoming overheated, hypersexual. The real life effects, ie dopamine cycling, the happiness trap and how it actually burns the organs and creates a sense of irritation/longing/pain and fear. If romance is based on such passion, and in the West it's All about romance only and not companionship in a slightest bit only for married couples, and only to be overtaken by Passion and Lust such that marriages will indefinitely end after 4 years at most, then are all romantic relationships based on this longing/pain and fear? Maybe it's only "normal" and "right" in certain amounts to you because in the West it's part of the established image of the the Lifestyle? BUt at the risk of being too extreme and suppressive, ok I'll say that it's probably that lust and passion is ok, only in the "proper" amounts and not in excess. Even if lust and passion has it's consequences.
  13. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

    Well.. my sifu once said that he thinks what the West is doing with Acupuncture is a disgrace. He went to China and had some acupuncture done for his shoulder pain and it was gone in One session. Bing bang boom. That was it. In the West though you see a lot of TCM docs say that you need to come in regularly and have like 10 sessions or so. My guess in all this is, that either TCM has 'standardized' everything so that it's less effective, or there are just different schools of acupuncture. Different lineages, different methods. The most popular is obviously the type that requires a lot of sessions.
  14. According to ayurveda and the concepts of the gunas, there is sattvic, tamasic, and rajasic. Perhaps what you view as normal is 'rajasic', and that's very common for people to think. There's nothing "wrong" but I don't know if I would call it ideal, at least for me. Really it depends on the path you are taking. To each his/her own. Though I found the rajasic path to be quite chaotic and violent. So I choose sattvic path. Though some have degrees on what is rajasic and what is sattvic for them, for their constitution that is. Some people need a little spice to be "sattvic" where-as others not. Also, tantra is kind of about transcending levels.. the whole categories of sattva in the sattvic diet at least is only for the person who practice bakti yoga. Mantak Chia's sex practices are rajasic. Neo-tantra and karezza is sattvic. And the mixing of rajas with sattvas makes well, tamas.
  15. TCM?

    Well I was thinking of studying TCM here in FL, USA. Though I thought there would be more qigong training but it seems the school around here doesn't really focus as much on qigong, than the other practices. It seems very much focused on the physical practices. I dont know, I just thought it'd be different but it seems maybe they have made it more modern where it focuses mainly on the physical to make it fit in with the West. I wonder how it compares to classical chinese medicine.
  16. TCM?

    Also, if you take into account that you have to have at least 60 credits which is equal to an associate's degree before entering this school, and then having a minimum of 3 yrs for the TCM program in total that's like a 5 yr bachelor's program. Though since if also gives you a master's in TCM it's also 5 yrs yr master's program.. which isn't the same as the 7 yr program at Shanghai. Shanghai probably has of course just a bit more on chinese medicine, being that it's in China, plus a lot more in Western medical theory like Biochemistry, and that's probably due to the fact that in China TCM can be used as a complete medical system whereas over here it's only "complementary" or "alternative". But I'll see about the going to China thing, maybe it'll be good for me, not sure if it will change the course curriculuum though.
  17. TCM?

    Yea there's another school down here that is also much closer which teaches massage therapy and acupuncture.
  18. TCM?

    ok. well the school I'm considering requires minimum clinic hours every week and towards the end more. So what do you have against acupuncture? I know, it's not necessary, one can just use acupressure and stuff.
  19. TCM?

    I'm learning the mixture of the external styles offered from the curriculum at this school Also am learning the hua shan pai do ga qigong. Some of the forms taught are also not listed and just recently we picked up some more stuff from a hung gar master we have trained. They've also got all the major internal styles, tai chi, yang 24 posture and international 48, chen 108 posture, various ba gua styles. Xing yi chuan can also be taught to advanced students as well as water boxing.
  20. the big draw is from mantak chia and the same as testicular breathing, but what's the cold draw?
  21. TCM?

    hm well... it is a four year program that can be done in a minimum of 3 years.. or at last that's what they say. It gives you a bachelors of health sciences and masters in TCM. PLus is has connections to the Shanghai University in China, being that it's the 'sister'. So I can study abroad. Maybe I will go that route. I jsut dont want to stop my kung fu training here.. a lot of traditional kung fu styles have been banned in China after the communist revolution. I spoke to the president of the school. Real nice woman, she was talking about how her great ancestors founded the Shanghai University and how her whole family was into Chinese medicine. And yea TCM is TCM. Maybe it wont teach qigong but at least I'll be able to practice under the acupuncture physician license. Besides... China has the whole government thing going on.. the government isn't the best. But maybe that shouldn't be much a worry. I actually think that in China you'd find less of the traditional stuff that has survived because much of it has gone elsewhere. Though perhaps it is at least more traditional than in other places, if a bit modernized.
  22. So testicular breathing is not the same as the cool draw then? btw it's hard using wiki to see just what the difference is between the urogenital and the pelvic diaphragm. The pc muscle squeeze or kegel seems to isolate the same thing. The pelvic region is not really above the penis?
  23. TCM?

    Also, there is the five element schools which might be different, but more modern. I think what I'll do is just go through this, get a license, and branch off from there. There's no naturopathic physician licensing here in FL and so the only way to legally practice other alternative practices would be to get the acupuncture physician license first.
  24. TCM?

    I'm sure there is a daoist system of medicine which is different. Classical Chinese medicine I heard if only different in that it teaches about extra channels. Oh well, mabe I can just learn on my own the ways of medical qigong. I can read from Jerry Alan Johnson. The school is this one:
  25. Cultivation and attractiveness

    I find it's the opposite. Maybe if you are choosing to conserve for the reason that you want to just focus on your practices, then sure women will pick up on that and think you're just not interested in sex. but if you are conserving for the reason that you want to gain control over your sexuality so that you can use it consciously, when you want it to, and not be controlled by it, yet still being open to it, then women might be more attracted to you. That's the way I've experienced it. It's not natural to be sexually agitated. IMO anyways. I think that's addiction, and sexual energy blockage. I've had sexual energy, even though while using the cold draw and the 6th tibetan rite, and women seem to be more attracted to me. I seem more confident and mature. But only the mature ones anyway. The ones that can see that a man does not need to be sexually agitated to be a man.