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Everything posted by Non

  1. lol.. perhaps if the base chakra were more open it wouldn't be so easy?
  2. How does a perineum lock stop one from ejaculating? I dont think used alone does the trick. If you read about David Deida's method of drawing energy up the spine during sex, he says to contract the perinuem or PC muscle, AND pull the lower abdomen and pelvis in and up, pulling the testicles upward, and imagine pulling energy up the spine. You do that as you approach ejaculation or any time during sex to raise energy up the spine. Is this the same as the big draw? For some reason I imagine that as making the penis suck energy in.
  3. How does a perineum lock stop one from ejaculating? I dont think used alone does the trick. If you read about David Deida's method of drawing energy up the spine during sex, he says to contract the perinuem or PC muscle, AND pull the lower abdomen and pelvis in and up, pulling the testicles upward, and imagine pulling energy up the spine. You do that as you approach ejaculation or any time during sex to raise energy up the spine. Is this the same as the big draw? For some reason I imagine that as making the penis suck energy in.
  4. my sifu is a polyphasic sleeper, but then again he also does a lot of qigong.
  5. Well, about sleeping less. People vary in times that they need to sleep. if you for some might need to catch up on sleep then sleeping a little more is probably beneficial, but once you catch up on sleep, cutting the amount of time you see everyday to 5-7 hrs will not only be more possible but actually be of benefit. Same with the polyphasic sleep. We are not used to it, so once we get into it we might feel tired, no we will feel tired for some time but once the body gets used to it, it will be the best way to sleep and it will be the most natural.
  6. 80 10 10 diet

    There are some issues that one has to consider if going into the raw diet. The cooling nature of raw foods, and the fact that it works the spleen moreso than the cooked diet, and dampness. If one modifies a raw lifestyle to take into account all of these one can do it. Or one can make a transitionary diet as well. The other thing is that right now there seems to be a divide between low fat/high sugar raw diets like 80-10-10 and low sugar diets like hippocrates. Not everyone digests carbohydrates the same, or have the same capacities to. Also lifestyle choices like enough exercise, etc. Douglas Graham of 80-10-10 sees that nobody should be eating anything other than fruits, with the occasional other types of foods as a condiment. This may be what our ancestors had, but the problem is that we are not the same as our ancestors the homo-erectus. We also have to take into account other adaptations we have made in our bodies, and also the current conditions we're in, including diseases. People have sugar problems, candida, etc. So a period of cleansing and accomodation too more exercise might be in order to be able to withstand a higher fruit diet, so it doesn't feed candida, does not jack up blood sugar, and neurochemicals. Just look for lower to medium glycemic fruits and introduce them at the right pace. Another is that there needs to be more research on sprouts. The current opinion is that all grains seeds and beans have anti-nutrients. Some still think that sprouted doesn't make them any less nutrient consuming. There's hardly any empirical research though. One can sprout seeds until the tails become long like the normal mung bean sprout, or one can sprout them with short tails to retain the properties of what's in the seed. So the information data on sprouts are usually of the long-tail types, and then raw beans well.. nobody eats raw unsprouted beans. Cooked is acid forming. Starches in sprouts turn to simpler carbs, and fats break down, proteins break down into amino acids, all with the help of enzymes which become active only once enzyme inhibitors in normal raw seeds and deactivated, and anti nutritional factors also become lessened. Even so... sprouts shouldn't be eaten too much since some can just slow down digestion because of the complex carbs. It's best only consumed for their protein and enzymes. Ie, a handful vs a bowl full of them. Hippocrates institute Brian Clement says the main components of their diets are sprouts and greens (grasses), seaweeds and green algae, and blue-green algae. The rest are condiments or supplementary. For sure in terms of medicinal perspective Hippocrates is the way to go if you're into the raw thing.. and well 80-10-10, I guess it depends. One can fluctuate depending on time of the year, and body composition.
  7. 80 10 10 diet

    From a biological point of view? If you truly followed the scientific method I'm sure you would find that the right vegan diet WILL work. It's about following the right diet. Just because there are many fad diets out there and misinformation and just plain ignorance doesn't mean that a raw vegan diet can work. Yes you can attain all nutrients from raw foods. It's not that hard to see. If vegan diets can work, raw vegan diets can work.
  8. wheat grass juice. a great qi boost

    I want to start doing it too but I dont have a juicer. I think I might just get a good nut milk bag and blend it all and then strain it. It might take longer though.. I got a Vitamix blender.
  9. 80 10 10 diet

    Yes.. i'm another one of those that think an all raw diet is probably best. pretty much says that it's the best way to go for awakening kundalini. Other authors have written about this. The issue is doing it RIGHT. as for candida issues with sugar... I think it's best to just take into account not only glycemic index but also glycemic LOAD. That makes many fruits ok if their glycemic load is low.. but still it's always best to have both low. Select Berries, apples, pears, grapefruit, etc. Candida is a big issue now. up until now people have thought that lowering sugar intake cure candida, but many people have done this and haven't noticed much improvement. That's because lowering sugar intake (and they really mean PROCESSED sugars AND carbs) even fruit starve your own internal floras. Grains are not too digestible either. Though this article doesn't take into account the sprouting of starchy food. So, for curing candida it's actually best to be low in fat. Many people make the mistake of eating less carbs and replace it with fat. Fat increases insulin resistance so that it feeds candida when sugar gets into the blood instead of being digested by the cells. That's no good. The other issue is that by having cooked food fruit is no longer any good for the candida diet because your body will become acidic with cooked food. So perhaps the best way to be candida free is the raw diet. I prefer more greens, and protein though, but still not as much as bodybuilders would say since in the raw state you absorb much more protein, and since most of the protein is found in FREE amino acid form it's the most digestible form of protein. There are also much more enzymes and that's protein as well but I'm not sure it counts as protein on the label. The other plus is that with the raw vegan lifestyle you RETAIN muscle much more than if you were on a meat eating or even cooked diet. That said... I'm not sure 80-10-10 diet is for everyone. It's possible that one needs to go through a cleanse for a period of time to strengthen the body before one can enjoy a frugivore diet. For a low sugar 80-10-10 diet look to the Hippocrates nutrition programs. In all honesty though, I think there needs to be more research. There's a big divide between Douglas Graham's 80-10-10 diet and the low sugar raw diets like Hippocrates institute ones. One thing is for sure fat intake needs to be limited.
  10. Eating and Running?

    Being that fruits digest fastest. Then more complex carbs, then proteins and then fats. But some say one shouldn't really exercise until 6-8 hrs after really concentrated protein has been digested. Complex carbs I'd say are best, but make sure they are digested fully. Even if your stomach has gone down your stomach might still be processing it so I usually wait quite a while after eating to do exercise. It can slow you down...
  11. I was thinking about this earlier today. I think the answer to the question depends on one's definition of what exactly it is to deserve something, and what is being deserved. What is getting what one deserves? Obviously.. there are people that believe without a doubt people get what they deserve.. all the time. It's possible if you think of deservingness as simply what you see is what you get. Or, what you get is by default what you deserve because by the "laws of nature" you have been given what you have dominion over, what you have achieved thus far all your efforts. Therefore, what you deserve is simply, what you get. Is it really this way? You get what you are, or vice versa? Is it always this way? Is everything justified? Does the opinion differ from gender to gender? or How can it? Maybe this is not the way you think of deservingness. Who sets the rules, who decides whether something is worthy enough to deserve something? Is it even based on worth when you put the "law of attraction" in the picture? What if, not everyone has taken advantage of the law of attraction? What if it might take some more time than others to achieve what is deserved? Or does it happen right away? Is it possible that not all people get what they deserve? At least instantaneously?
  12. Tired / Fatigure

    You know.. I've been having fatigue as well. It might just be things surfacing ever since you started your practice. Also... physical exercise is necessary if you do lots of meditation, or else your energy body will zap your physical body. SO you need grounding exercises. For the time being, if you have lots of blockages, clearing them up will mean you'll have more energy flowing through your energy body, meaning you'll need more energy, and more rest until you can adapt. BUt even still it's always good to ground. Another thing, which might help is postural restructuring. Diet is also somethin to keep in check. I was thinking perhaps my fatigue might be due to candida overgrowth, which is what happens when one eats a lot of sugars and fat and yes even fruit counts as sugars. And cooked carbs but I'm mostly raw foodist so my complex carbs are ok, it's the fruit sugar I have to worry about. Stay away from high glycemic foods.
  13. When I did it this way, the only exercise in which the breathing reversed was the fourth rite. All the rest was pretty much the same as most people do it.
  14. Do genes determine mental health?

    Everything is idiomaterial. Meaning both non-physical/spiritual/energetic (idio) and material. One should always look at this from a balanced perspective, not purely spiritual, or mental, or psychological, or energetic, unless it fits or is appropriate. Neither purely material, unless it fits or is appropriate.
  15. How exactly am I supposed to learn from the yantra yoga book about the five tibetan exercises? Are each of the exercises contained in the book, or are you really meaning to say that I should follow the principles laid out in the book?
  16. Was it really from Yantra Yoga, or Kum Nye? Some sources say Kum Nye, others Yantra Yoga.
  17. Spinal Pulsing

    It's probably what I was talking about in another thread called "Kundalini BUrst Orgasm" if you can find it. But I was quickly shot down about the idea. I think it's related to kundalini. In fact.. the whole jing>chi> shen transmutation is also kundalini. The dan tien is the base, where the kundalini is said to reside at the bottom of the spine. The "kundalini" energy circuit runs starting from the gonads to the top of the head and I think it also falls down to the heart or solar plexus area.
  18. Do genes determine mental health?

    Epigenetics, DNA: How You Can Change Your Genes' Destiny Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny,8599,1951968,00.html
  19. Do genes determine mental health?

    What about EPIGENETICS? If scientists have not been able to find a link to genes, maybe they'll find something related to the epigemone. Actually, this has already been proven.,8599,1951968,00.html
  20. Politically Correct BS

    Come on now is that really necessary?
  21. Loneliness

    A man can be the sexiest thing without having to be dirty, or bad. Even women say this... but usually aren't consistent with what they say.
  22. Loneliness

    Anyone who doesn't agree is just desensitized to the violence. People come to accept it as normal and incorporate it as part of their lives. They become it. They might have once seen what I saw.. but they had to give into it sooner or later. Associating bad and universally evil things with sexuality is black magick. Black sex magick. Nobody is innocent.
  23. Loneliness

    I'm sorry but even in bed no guy should be a "bad ass". Not even in bed. that just associates sexuality with negative connotations. It's masochist. One can be passionate, or aroused, and not have to be "bad". Throw out the word BAD and you just have arousal. Simple. And that's very stereotypical to think that all women have a hard time finding the right direction. That's like saying all woman are dumb. Even if it was the case.. then woman most often do not even seek to find the right direction with the right man. They unconsciously find a "bad man" thinking they will lead them to the right direction. They ALL do this. They ALL want bad men. Because our ancestors fought against each other. brother against brother. For women. They wouldn't have it any other way. Man on Man war. Most wars are about passion and lust. "It's Just the way it is". I have both men AND WOMEN tell me it's exactly the way I describe it. So I know I'm not just making this up. I saw it today, I see it everyday. Violence makes the world go round, and women's nipples hard, and that's why violence will never end. In fact, it may even be that right now we have violence because it makes women horny. It's damn true. That's why a third of men die to make the population equally men and women, yet more men are born than women. But because of sex wars they tend to equal each other out. If you were an extraterrestrial, you would see that perhaps most of the worlds problems are due to procreation in a very real sense. Both subtle and explicit. Or at least, the ignorance of higher forms of sexuality.
  24. Loneliness

    You may think sex is nothing now. Now that I'm a virgin I do care less about sex also... but I think being a virgin huts my chances of anything deep. I think it hurts me, just to be a virgin. Being a virgin at 24 means everything to me. But if it was just about sex, then I would just get a prostitute. I don't get one.. because I know that won't solve my problems. I want love.. not just seex. Yea I do want to love my virginity but only because it holds me back. AS a male...I feel forced sometims as if I need to care about sex a lot jus so a woman could accept me for who I am, like I need to be like the other guys. Thr reality is, the reason why most relationships, it seems, they break apart.. is because it's romantic love, and they dont practice tantric sex, or karezza. Even if they do and it stilll ends up in a separation at least it will be on good terms and not a violent seperation, like with what occurs with normal sexual relations. Though I do think, sometimes sex is necessary.. at least if you want to stay a sexual being, perhaps with a gender role that fits your gender. Even so, frustration can build up. Just like a virgin does. Karezza can be very balancing, tantra can help one spiritually. Sure you can be alone your whole life and practice brahmacharya but.. goood luck with that. I know you'll be struggling.
  25. Loneliness

    Read about Companionate Love vs Romantic/Passionate Love vs Consumate Love exclusively Romantic love relationships.. also called Passionate Love... is actually based on pain, longing, and fear. Romantic love is probably the most common type of relationship in western society. All western media portray pornographic type relationships. There's no tantra in movies, or porn. No karezza type bonds in movies. What you see IS what you get for sure in america. The media. The people you live with. The people you have to see everyday. Where you live.