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Everything posted by Non

  1. I recently bought the two books "Living from the Heart" and "Energize Your Heart in 4 Dimensions" both by Susanna Bair and Puran Bair. It looks interesting. Anyone here have any experience with this method?
  2. I'm interested in finding good sources where soy is mentioned in preferably ancient chinese texts, and its role in medicine And if there are any negative views on it, or if say it's consumed in excess. Specifically in regards to the phytoestrogens contained in them. Could anyone help guide me to a good resource? edit: I saw in the website soy is considered "left-spin" and bad according to this article:
  3. Fallen Angels

    whoops, yea sorry. The nephilim are not the same as "fallen angels" but their descendents after being mated with human females.
  4. Fallen Angels

    Well.. the nephilim are the igigi or "watchers".
  5. Overtone singing

    After some resaerch I found these websites to be helpful.
  6. Overtone singing

    here's a tutorial on that type called 'kargyraa that one's a bit harder for me, probably since I've had asthma since I was young, and it feels more like Im just scratching my throat and it feels itchy and makes me cough when Im doing it.
  7. Overtone singing

    These are buddhist ones which have a much harsher voice. These are called "gutteral" i think. It's harder for me to get those down. "The Gyuto Monks of Tibet are the unique masters of a deep harmonic overtone chanting. Trained over many years, each monk has the capacity to chant in three octaves at once." this old guy is funny lol
  8. Overtone singing

    I love the overtone singing. I usually do a sequence of tones using overtone singing while meditating. It makes it more effective. You'd have a tone, and an overtone which is of the same harmonic so then, when combined the effect becomes amplified. Gregorian chants used the 'holy' solfeggio scales and when combined with overtones the effect is amazing. It can also be called harmonic chanting. I haven't really learned professionally but I figured that oneof the easiest ways for me to learn was to practice saying "wwwrrrrwww" and then play with that, opening and closing the lips more or less, making the tongue position tighter or looser, it makes a sort of cup like described in that video with spiky black haired guy. But there are probably other techniques you can find, and different types of 'overtone singing' as well. These guys are incredible... David Hykes is good
  9. Well I've never seen any tutorial of the rites include anything about the other 2 locks (ie diaphragmatic and mulah bandha/root lock). Though I would imagine in rite numbers 3 4 and 5 you can use the diaphragmatic breathing breathing in if you do it the 'normal' breathing way. One person told me he does the breathing in the 4rth rite reversed for reasons that he found it was more "beneficial", and he believes is the "right" way. Mulah bandha, I'm not sure where I can incorporate that except for probably number 6. As for the chin lock, I haven't read anything having to do with breathing patterns and in the chin lock but maybe I have to do more research on that, and find yogic poses that use it in specific a breath in or out exclusively.
  10. It seems like I have some sort of blockage in my neck, specifically like, at the base of my skull. Everytime I do exercise it feels like I can't do as much as I could because that area always feels tense, or like energy can't flow through it. I've been to a chiropractor and he hasn't been able to do anything. It feels like my tendons are not right, or are really tight around it. Not enough oxygen maybe flows through it and I'm always breathless and specifically in the upper extremes of my chest because of this. I am really tense in my shoulders as well and all the parts connecting to the area, ie from the base of my skull and back of it, down to my shoulders and upper chest and upper back.. so I always feel like I have to raise my arms and look up, because my flexibility is also really low there. Is it a thyroid problem? I do take a lot of iodine.. though iodine does seem to activate it too.
  11. alien religions?

    most of them. The god "Yahweh" in most cases of the bible is the Enlil of the Annunaki while Satan was Enki. Lucifer was Marduk, of which Enki was also working with. Most likely the gods of Hindu religion is also Annunaki. The muslim god being the Enki. Inanna was Kali. Ningiszchidda was probably Hermes, or a halfbreed.
  12. uhm, definitely. Though.. I'm always doing Robert Bruces awareness tracking up and down the throat, it still doesn't seem to open that up. Seems Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways is ineffective except for gaining awareness in areas you normally don't have but doesn't really bring 'energy' in. IN fact.. I've never understood how "simply imagining" breathing in energy can bring in energy from outside except by breath..
  13. So you're saying that the breath for rite number 3 should be done the traditional way? I just find it kind of odd that when it was brought to the west we got no specific braething instructions from Peter Kelder, and nobody else has written about them direct from the guidance of the tibetan people who practice the exercise.
  14. but also maybe if I look at the Ten Tibetan Breaths it might also give me clues? Yea actually I just read about them, and the traditionally prescribed way matchs the 10 tibetan breaths as well so dnno.
  15. well I tried it out. And I have to say that I did feel different. Starting the 3rd and 4rth rites with an inbreath instead of an outbreath when the chin is tucked in. It feels calmer and it balanced me right away emotionally. After not having enough sleep I felt calm energy. Maybe it's just placebo. I have done the T5T with "normally prescribed" breathing but I don't think I've felt as balanced as I've felt with this one.
  16. Tortoise Brushing Technique

    wow, ok, holy shizzle that was awesome.
  17. Music and qi-gong (chi-gong)

    I like listening to and saying what makes alpha women horny. i like listening to horny women. now that's alpha music.
  18. Music and qi-gong (chi-gong)

    I like listening to silence. or listening to listening to listening to listening...
  19. shouldn't it also be noted that the term alpha and beta are used wayy too much? I mean, who's the say one is alpha or beta? Shouldn't it be more like alpha beta delta omega, etc? Each is supposed to have it's own place in the community, one is not simply 'better or worse' one just has a different skill set and thus a different place then another on the SAME TEAM. If the captain simply got it all he would have no team, and one person cannot do it all by himself we are all One. but no we must preserve the struggle. We must support violence. Without evil there would be no good. Evil maintains good and vice versa, the same can be said about death. Love supports all. But it really is just a matter of Perspective, a point of view. So as long we keep thinking this way of duality then, well.. there will be alpha/beta strong/weak.. so in a sense, when we categorize this way.. we create the 'evil.' or we might as well be unmanifested.
  20. haha. "Good Guy" doesn't ncessarily mean he can't protect himself. But you see a lot of good guys who really can protect himself and any woman, NOT getting the girl, simply because he isn't "bad". People still associate goodness with weakness and bad with strength.. and I think that is a result of mass media and/or social programming. So if that's what alpha is, it really will be alpha as long as those types of males get the pvssy, because they're not the ones being biologically emasculated and therefore being made beta... the other guys are by virtue of not getting any being made biologically emasculate and beta. Alpha in this case refers to how much of a 'man' you are, which equates to having sex/gender, which is what makes one biologically male. If you are asexual and asocial, it means, you're asexual and asocial, you're therefore not considered a male human being, and therefore are out of the equation for human beings are sexual, and social creatures.
  21. Sometimes really bad situations inspire, and in that case they are actually better off than others. Just cuz a person is externally worse off doesn't mean internally he is worse off. That person is many times better off than others who have it all but nothing internally.
  22. yea really that's what it should be but I'm getting mixed messages being here.
  23. You know what's messed up.. at this point.. the only sort of balance I could achieve with regard to yin yang balance, ie to be "yang", in a short amount of time, in this world is to do the same that has been done to me and my kind, go off on a killing spree and then killing myself before anyone gets to me. but that's what happens when you live in such an extreme environment that needs extreme balancing out. Over a long term thing I don't even know. Is this what the badboys want? A never ending killing sprees too between males and the unconscious rape of females, never ending too because it just keeps balancing itself out through more and more killing and rape, to preserve the existence of murder and rape. Murder and rape is what yang is, being the victim of the two is yin.
  24. Lots of women like to think they are even that strong, even men. What would they be without all the bad boy's they've fucked? What would all those badboys be without all the women they've fucked? They obviously don't care because they're killing off the good guys while they're thinking 'well we gotta die somehow'.
  25. From evolutionary biologists point of view.. Which is better, a male who is virtuous, and can contribute to the survival of his own kind, or a male who would not even care about his own kind, cares only about the individual and none of the whole, which does not ensure as much survival?