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Everything posted by Non

  1. I can't. I'm already in such a lonely, deprived, socially awkward state that I can't even be normally social like everyone else can to "meet likeminded people" etc. It's a never ending vicious cycle. The universe operates on killing those who are weak and strengthening those who are already strong. Giving to those who already have enough and taking from those who don't have enough. People are biologically dependent on relationships it's just the way it is. Just like food, or water. When an organ in the body is no longer functional the whole system of the body becomes dysfunctional. That person needs soemthing to replace that organ otherwise he/she will die. You can't expect a person who is on his last breath, to travel the world looking for his next breath on the edge of death. And not only that to be a confident zen master, or a faker. Expecting a person to magically become a zen master when he/she is already caught up in the disasters of life is like trying to teach a dead person live.
  2. So eveyone who is deprived to you is a freeloader. ok. Next tiem one of your family is starving and asking for food because he/she cannot get any food call them obsessed if you like. See how that person handles it. Go ahead and call everyone in the world who is dying and suffering obsessed.
  3. I dont beelieve in the 'fake it till you make it' doctrine. Why? People once a person finds out you were faking it,then what? Faking it because you thought she was naive enough that you had to fake it? Besides, you cannot fake anything. It's impossible to fake.
  4. I might as well commit suicide. Every woman expects me to be confident like the ladies man who has multiple women a week to even be generous or respect. Therefore it's impossible to any man who is a virgin over the age of 25 or more, an omega male, to be ever be successful with a woman because he's always expected to be happy, 100% confident, whatever in his dreaded loneliness. It's impossible for him. Girls just want big muscles and money. Or a guy who can put on a good act/display. Then act like nothing ever happened when something goes wrong in a relationship. Heck you can't even devise a good plan or counter action without being judged as "pathetic" to a woman, because men are supposed to have no problems, are supposed to be absolutely perfect. I guess that's why most men are unsuccessful with women and 10-20% of the men get 80-90% of the women. Only the richest. Rich does not mean good obviously. Who needs virtue and good acts when it's easier to (though it's not that easy for me) to cheat your way up the hierarchy through acts of brutality and violence.
  5. people and especially women seem to be naive. people who expect everyone to be confident, super happy, etc. are very selfish and materialistic. How can you call a person deprived of water, looking for water, obsessed with water? A person naturally deprived will obviously have some defects, but I am expected to be perfect and Im supposed to have sex with tons of women FIRST before 1 woman will attracted to me. It's natural to be lonely when you are lonely. If I knew a woman who was lonely I wouldn't reject her because she was "acting lonely". Jeez. People are just doing the equivalent of labelling another human being who is sick as an evil person because he/she is sick, or having been made sick because he/she was being evil. or soemthing like that. It is only men that have to be so confident and suave under all conditions. There's no expression for men. They cannot even admit to problems so they're never dealt with. A woman can have any problem and usually she will be helped. Or does she expect every man to lead her by the hand, is she with the current societal conditions able to be on her own? So only the best of the best males with the most money can succeed in this life. It's not "confidence" confidence is a reward you get biologically by having enough sex. Atleast that's the kind of confidence women are looking for.
  6. Uhm.. I think any good qigong can reduce sleep necessity. I know the 5 tibetan rites do especially help with that. yoga nidra might help too. Also.. I tried to do the polyphasic sleep thing for a while and I noticed that when I came back to normal sleeping patterns my body seemed to want less sleep.
  7. Well its just that all women in my life have always done the opposite of what I expect, what I least expect, or the worst i can imagine if not more than I can imagine. Either the entire female race is feeding off of males taking advantage of us, mindfucking us, intentionally trying to destroy us or the universe has genetically wired females to be the most pain in the ass for all men,and all in the desire to make them more available and free for the next, and the next and the next, etc man. To test men. But the fact is... our genes, our biology is not fit for this modern day society. OK, women provide a very vital function in men's lives, but the way we live nowadays just does not let that manifest in the fullest way possible. Most men in these days are unsuccessful For women. So I guess... men will just become extinct and/or nature will give us more women than men because most men just suck. I mean if the universe really WANTED us to learn, it's definitely not by destroying every last bit of sanity and destroying our identities in the way that women do me everyday. That just makes me want to not live. There comes a point where women's mysteriousness/mischievousness can be detrimental to a man, and that's especially common in today's society because we live in unnatural times.
  8. well I guess it's because most people are biochemically wired to depend on human contact. Not just that but a relationship with the opposite sex. It has to do with oxytocin. You're "supposed" to feel uncomfortable without contact with another human being and/or celibate. I truly don't know how monks do it but.... my eyes are open. DO you think all buddhist monks can withold their urges and desires? I read somewhere that buddhist monks can still masturbate and even have sexual relations with other monks in the temple behind closed doors. So what about Taoist monks? In a video documentary I saw, a Daoist monk said the practice of tai chi can make up for not living in socially. I'm not sure how that works. If one can use tai chi to sublimate to sexual energy that would be awesome. But one can say just about any good hard and focused work can somewhat transmute the sexual energy. Tai chi though works with yin and yang so it might work on a deeper level. But even if so, research has shown that a good relationship between man and woman is far more rewarding than hard work at easting depression among other things.
  9. Suicide, evolutionary perspective

    we suffer only because suffering exists. We suffer only because we have to. NOt becauseI want it. That doesn't mean I can't try to enjoy it but it seems there's a fine line between acceptance and "wanting" which in unclear to me. I don't understand why we have to suffer to experience good. There are many who cling to suffering because they believe this. Like I said, if it's necessary then it is. But to actively seek suffering for enjoyment, is not true suffering.
  10. ahhh you can dismiss this thread. I'm just rambling.
  11. Well. I dont know how I can fear something such as non-existence when, if I am non-existent that means I don't fear anything because I don't exist! So I think we just fear the momentary physical pain that might accompany a less than peaceful death.
  12. Suicide, evolutionary perspective

    How is it a copout if you have zero to extremely limited capability of ever becoming successful enough to be useful? The universe would probably think it's no use! Most people would think this as well. How many people do you see these days really caring for someone who is suffering? Why is there still suffering?
  13. Suicide, evolutionary perspective

    I always think of suicide as simple being better for everyone around me. I seem less concerned with how I feel, and think more about how my suicide may affect society. Sometimes I feel as if I have a moral responsibility to commit suicide. Some even might say it's an evolutionary mechanism. Cells self destruct when there is a problem during cell division. Most of the time I feel suicidal not of my own deepest desire at the very least. Why do you think it could be an evolutionary mechanism? A HB9.5 (lol) was mentioning the other day in my class how she's reading about an evolutionary theory that says depression is a mechanism to keep beta males from trying to accomplish what the alphas already have, and have no use accomplishing. So what more can I say to that? Alpha males don't have to be virtuous, etc. all they have to do is be dominant and pretentious and all the Gods and the Universe have their back. While good and decent people get to die from horrible and suffering filled lives, only to serve the alpha pimps and gangsters who obviously outnumber everyone else. When I say alpha, I don't mean men simply "better". Alpha in this society simply means more dominant. So if a "BG" (bad guy) is dominant he is alpha. Is it just the nature of the universe, that people HAVE to be aggressive bad guys/girls to survive in this society? Heck alphas can be anywhere in society. In taoist temples, in buddhist temples. They all have their bullies no matter how supposedly virtuous they are. Maybe it is just nature. Nature opresses the already weak. Doesn't make sense. Or strength always comes with lack of compassion. The "good" are always weak, etc.
  14. Suicide, evolutionary perspective just some articles I found googling.
  15. Schools in America may or may not have courses on qigong. Back in the 80s or early 90s neigong was required for Tuina programs in China.
  16. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    any green really, but of course raw and I mean just eating the green by itself without flavor. Of course salt in foods can also make you crave more salty than sweet but thats only an addictive effect. In my experience the greens can even help with that. Greens like romaine lettuce, green leaf, red leaf, chard, kale, turnip, collard, etc. all greens have bitterness. Some fruits do as well. Also getting enough vitamins/minerals you're cravings shd go away. Other than that.. also making sure the diet is sattvic can help reduce cravings.
  17. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    I don't believe in a fruit only diet like Astral Anima. It's not for me at least. David Jubb recently has said an optimal food is that which becomes a flower, so he mentioned cauliflower and others. Anyway.. I consider in moderation sprouts to be a good source of protein. Lentil, mung, adzuki, and pea sprouts. Seeds/nuts like sesame, flax/chia, hemp seed, almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, wild jungle peanuts. Higher protein greens like algae, greens powders, baby sunflower greens aka sunflower sprouts. When you sprout they become less of a starchy food as the starch breaks down to simpler sugars, proteins becoming glycoproteins, fats will be broken down and make glycolipids, phospholipids, lipoproteins, etc. Ok, well technically and botanically these are fruits too. I think sprouts are a good food. Again in moderation just like any fatty food. Same goes for all starchy foods. But IMO all starchy foods coming from seeds should be sprouted and eaten raw. Only the ones which are not poisonous when raw. As for what is a good source of plant protein? In a raw diet as long as you're eating a healthy proportion of each food and enough you're going to be getting enough protein. I normally use various sprouts for protein and greens (including sea algae and greens). Since I am a 'low-moderate carber' that means I have low starch veggies (salad fruits and veggies) and greens all (including seaweed) day with a small amount of low glycemic fruits in a salad. Seeds/nuts for protein and fat. You can go on any calorie count website and see that if you calculate the amount of vitamins/minerals needed for one day of carefully selected food this diet meets all of them Except for b12 and vitamin D, but that's normal. Latest research has also found that just 30g protein a day can be enough for most humans. So IMO I believe it's about the quality of protein you get in a day, I am about 158 lb and I can get about 60g or more of protein a day.
  18. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    Yes. Once I started eating bitter greens I lost my urge for sweet or excessive flavored food. If you start to get required nutrients from a new source of food and become accustomed to it you'll start to see cravings for the new foods you're eating. So your body will reprogram itself.
  19. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    As for the not hungry part: just because you don't feel hungry doesn't mean you don't need food. In my experience I can experience no hunger yet become weak, tired, lethargic, etc. because of a lack of nutrients from food. You might be getting enough carbs/sugar but what about the vitamins/minerals? It's hard to get all of the in the required amounts if you're just eating fruit. BTW in TCM a symptom of spleen imbalance can be lack of appetite. But just be sure when you're not hungry you don't really need anything and it's not just coming from excess cold and damp from foods leading to stagnation. Or lack of yang, stomach yin, etc.
  20. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    as for 5 element dietary principles on a raw vegan diet: it works. Traditionally too much raw foods can harm, but that's more ancient tradition. Most common vegan foods in general are cold/yin in nature so it doesn't matter whether you cook it or not, it still can end up being yin or cooling a lot of the times when compared to meat. For dampness just make sure nothing is in excess. So you just find the heating plant foods, exercise, balance the elements, etc. Don't eat too much cold foods you can warm them lightly. You also don't have to be 100% raw, you can still have teas, or some herbal supplements, etc. I still believe in some cooked/heated foods for special purposes. As to the whole cooked vs raw tomato thing, I look at it like this: You have more lycopene available when you cook foods. Ok I guess if you have a need for more lycopene in your diet I guess that would be of use. But also cooking makes the tomato more acid, denaturing proteins and enzymes, cooking out the bio-energy as macronutrients are broken down, etc. So there is some use in cooking tomatoes, there is also use in not cooking a tomato. So really it depends on individual needs. One is not better or worse but for long term I think raw tomato is better. If a plant has to be cooked to make it palatable or less poisonous than that means one should be very careful with that plant.
  21. OMG! A Huge Raw Foods Bodybuilder!

    very possible. You have to do your own research though. I follow more than one person in the raw food movement, and combine them to see which is best. I just don't believe in the whole fruitarian thing though. I follow a raw vegan diet based on the Zone diet principles. Except for the protein to carb ratio, being that supposedly 40-50 percent of the protein after being heated above 115 is denatured as well as the enzymes. So I pretty much assume that all protein is double effective when raw, especially considering the enzymes. It's also more about quality protein than quantity, and the ratio of protein to carbs. Since I stay away from more higher glycemic veggies it ensures that all the food I eat is low glycmic. These are basically the raw low-starch veggies. So being that raw protein is higher in quality, and that raw low starch veggies are usually low glycemic and lower in carbs it suggests that a low carb raw vegan diet is totally feasible. And cheap. I basically have 2 lbs or more of greens that run about 1.50 or less a head of lettuce. I might have some thicker greens. Some cheap low starch veggies. Some of the cheapest seeds like sunflower, flax, and pumpkin seeds for higher protein. I might also have some low glycemic fruits like berries and add a very small amount in a salad. That's it. It's pretty basic, no flavors or anything, unless I want to make a special meal. Heck you can even do a ketogenic diet on raw as long as you stick to the greens and have nuts/seeds, and eat that all day long. I've done it before, and you basically have to stay under 20g of NET CARBS every 4 hrs. This is easily done and you still can end up having a HUGE SALAD with more than enough stuff to eat and still be under 20g of carbs.
  22. I know most of you won't take this seriously. I'm a male, and I'm also very different from all of you. I also have other problems that go beyond the scope of this topic/thread or at the very least do not contribute to my getting better. Ie, that I have other problems which do cause problems but the root is definitely involuntary celibacy and extreme isolation. It causes most of my problems and contributes to most of my problems. Don't talk to me if you're already healthy, and think this is an easy thing to overcome when you yourself are already healthy from the start and mentally healthy or perhaps never experienced ill health due to involuntary celibacy and isolation. Unless of course you have something positive to say. And positive means helpful. This is only for those who can understand that I'm already at the extreme depths of unhealthiness caused by the following. I've been an involuntary celibate for a very long time. My whole life in fact, and I'm 23 years old. i've also been extremely lonely for a very long time. I feel it has led to major depression and mental ill as well as physical ill. I dont want to go to a psychiatrist that doesn't treat me for the root of my problem, first off. And second off the majority of the psychiatric drugs mess you up if taken in the long run. You have to understand it's very hard for me to do normal things due to this depression and lack of self esteem, that simply does not go away no matter how hard I tried. It blocks all sort of avenues and opportunity to get better, especially in regards to getting sex, and away from isolation. Is there anything a person like me can do? Going to the gym and exercising doesn't help, although I still do it but I oftentimes lack motivation. But this is besides the point. It doesn't treat my illness. My illness can only be treated by getting that which I need. But that illness keeps me from getting what I need, and it's not simply dependent on myself (ie others have to accept who I am).
  23. I dled this book a long time ago and played around with it. It's a standing meditation where you bring in earth energy up and down your body with your breath through your legs. You do it for 15-30 mins a day and you can clear your stagnations in the body, heal any kind of blockages,and in the more advanced levels manifest your desires with carefully chosen affirmations being repeated as if they are already taking place. The reason why I stopped is because the book seems a bit vague and lacking in detail, and there's no help or further explanation that I can get anywhere. So I want to ask if anyone has tried The Body Method from that book and what were your experiences. When I was doing it for 30 mins a day I noticed all my sexual urges (particularly the urge to ejaculate) went away and I was really grounded. I don't know exactly what technique I used as there are a number of mind-techniques/energetics while doing it.
  24. Can the taosit faith heal you?

    well, Stigweard gave me a very good invocation called the Golden Light invocation of the QUanzhen school, and it's very good. Seems like a prayer now that I actually have recently come to realize it's depth of meaning. Also, I think you have to do the Taoist practices with some bit of faith otherwise it wouldn't work as well. But yea there are different schools which focus on different goals. Some focus on ceremony, others on breathing methods, others on alchemy, etc.