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Everything posted by Non

  1. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    The technique sounds good. I'm just a little wary about this: guys will always try to make other men look weaker or "less masculine" than the other to get the woman's attention, regardless of his own strength. This is nothing new. And since men are always associated with 'strength' and somehow, women with .. well I dont want to say weakness but definitely not the strength that men have.. it's more like power than strength I guess. Different type of strength. But anways.. and the whole "masculine/feminine" roles are usually largely based on societal conditioning. Whose to say, that maleness has to be associated with the Sun, that is simply a celestial being. And woman, a moon? So who can really tell solely by outward appearance of strength/weakness how much of a "man" a man really is. A woman usually does not have to worry about strength at all, therefore.. what does she really have to worry about? Men are just dispensable I guess. If I connect with the sun.. too much.. can't I develop too much heat, become dry, etc. What is too much? How can I be sure that the sun is masculine anyway, and not feminine? Why the assocition of male with sun, and yang with harsh qualities, and woman with well.. the opposite? Or that woman is yin and man is yang. But aren't yin and yang their own concepts? What if male and female should just be complementary opposites but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are what yin and yang are supposed to be. All these classifications of yin and yang.. u have to admit people can get each other confused. What if making genders complementary opposite to each other actually makes us dependent on each other more than we really should, because a yin/yang gender concept of complementary opposites is kind of like fantasy? Can yin and yang exist without each other? Perhaps not. All I know is that somewhere, when we first became manifest... the ego became confused, and we became in-divi-duals and some/most confused ourselves with pure ego, and now we can classify things and hinder at the same time. De ja vu. I swear I've created thus post before and now that I think about it.. it was in another thread about the same exact topic.
  2. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    So I guess it's only males who can be unbalanced.. as for women they're never unbalanced? Must be because they get enough love, err sex. What you're talking about attraction anyways is some kind of magical attraction. It obviously doesn't occur by itself by simply 'being male'.. that's just simple biology.
  3. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done. I'm out. I've done enough damage to this thread and these forums. PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Yea, maybe it is social pressure. The pressure that makes all of society look at you and judge you harshly and label you because of your lack of sexuality or that you're alone. We are social creatures, it's natural... or else you want to be social with the tree or the divine cosmic universal energies instead of humans.. so people will think you're crazy, etc. But it's not even just social pressure, I can assure you it's biological.
  5. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I dont mean I have bad luck either.. it's just the situation I am in makes it so that it's damn near impossible. And being different the way I am, I can't play it cool. Because to be different means that I have to suffer crazy extreme loneliness to the point that it breaks a man, not just emotionally but conceptually because you get no experience which takes experience (because I'm getting old, and I'm not a young person who can do that) and makes it SURE I get nowhere. It's not a good thing, to be unconventional to the point that it makes you unbearable. There are way more expectations for a guy than a girl. He has to be perfect, women are the gatekeepers to sustenance, and the keepers of the Book of Life, the ones who determine who will live on and who will die, who goes to heaven or hell, what is 'good' what is 'not', they breed the future, and women judge you like crazy, and they think it can all be done by first impression.
  6. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I was there when the whole "Pick Up Artist Community" took over pop culture and made bad boy the standard. Back when it was starting to become something in the underground scene with being a pioneer. Before that it was the "secret" Fast Seduction 101, etc.'s main thing was Cocky and Funny. I swear that whole thing led to some large social movement, which then led to it becoming more popular on TV, and then pretty soon badboy was THE thing. Most people don't know though that the pick up artist community began as some secret society type thing which then moved to internet newsgroups back in the beginning when the internet became available. Now every guy is cocky. I'm not saying that cockiness wasn't a thing before, even in some "seduction" material, but now it's a systematic approach being blurted by pretty much by everyone in the pick up artist community. It is way more common now. They have the marketing strategy of bringing up the "badboy vs good/nice guy" crap. They FEED off of this marketed drama hype. So much so that they've convinced even women that it's what they want and prefer, simply because of the generalization. Now you can be sure that all women think they want this. Before that, pop culture did also play on the badboy. Ever since, the 50s. Heck even before that, when TV first became available. You had your gangsters and women dressing up in their cabaret style fashion, women were bad oh yes. Now you have bad women dressing up to accentuate lewdness, and accentuate the genitalia, not just show it but to BE provocative of images of lewd and 'negative' lust. They are ok to look like sex slaves. Sex is taboo, but only to the non-initiates part of the secret gang-ster culture, and the only way on TV sex can be thrown around is with negative, 'bad', 'naughty' connotations. There's no sacredness about sex. No, I'm pretty much naturally reacting off of what is IN THE MAJORITY of ALL United States mass media. Do you know just how powerful mass media really is? Don't just say that there are some who sidestep it, because there are PLENTY who dont, and that's the damn majority. Even the ones that don't are still influence by the 'underground media' for even that is mass media influence. Nobody can deny this fact, that the media does have a huge impact on Popular Culture, and it's not just the media, it IS Popular Culture, led by those secret 'powers that be'. What can little old me do? Not a damn thing it seems because we are of course outnumbered by Popular Culture and it's hidden leaders that can turn a crowd of people against anyone by pulling the strings.
  7. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Yes but the majority who do this in my area at least are christians, and I'm no christian. and yes, girls can do that, guys who aren't christian on the other hand can't... Very few would do that if they're not religious. remember.. marriage these days is falling apart. Nobody believes in marriage, nobody believes in love. And , no, I disagree with the 'pick up' and I disagree in turning it all into some game, because life is no game, especially for the 'losers'. I cannot even do pick up. Pick up requires a specific type of person, not everyone can do that. It requires me to change into someone I'm not, be a dick, etc. You're suggesting that to get to a relationship that could turn out ok for the long term, I must go through first a bunch of one night stands, and have as many promiscuous sexual experiences. Yet first of all to get into that I need to turn into someone I am not. I cannot get experience, without first having experience, and to get the experience I need, I NEED THE EXPERIENCE firsthand. I simply cannot get past this dumb paradox. I need to be casual. I need to have had many casual experiences, to get them first, I need those. I Cannot lie, my true personality does show. I'm not good at deceiving. Only a person who can deceive is a person who can draw from experience, and good models of what they need to model, which I can't do because first of all I can't connect with the model, remember I have poor social experience, poor social skills, at least for this society, and extreme social anxiety, at least again for this society. So in a sense.. I have to be bad, to get someone. I have to lie about myself. seriously.. the only way is hypnotism. And hypnotism... is kind of extreme. Any other way I could not get into it. It's either a complete lobotomy, plus some magic and miracles, changes in history, or live alone the rest of my entire life, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it. Some people, very few people have what I have, and that is complete and total bad luck when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm not talking about small bad luck that most people have, or that other people have no. Because about 90 percent of people actually have had something by my age. at least SOMETHING, at least even interaction with the opposite sex. Then there are the rest, who have had some bad luck I guess... but even fewer than that are just like me, who are on a COMPLETELY different level than most of society in mind and soul, even different than the crowd of so called "different people" and "alternative thinkers".
  8. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    When you're young, you can be a virgin, people will avoid you. When you're older, nobody will touch you with a 10 foot pole. Not one female. Even if she's a virgin herself, even if she's 'average', or even less than 'average'. Only perhaps a whore. When you're young it's ok to have first time experiences, or learn or be ignorant of anything. It's ok. When you're older, the harder it is, society just doesn't work that way. The only time to do things, is at the youngest possible age. The older you get, the more you have people thinking you are this or that way for a number of truly negative reasons, regardless of the real reason. Society doesn't have a place for such 'developmentally retarded' folks. The only way is to restart... but in this world even restarted won't work. You gotta be bad. All we hear in our radio, and TV, in social settings, are subliminals telling you the only way to make it work is to BE EVIL. The only way. I wont go the route of the pick up artist. My experiences with them have told me that they're just teaching guys to lie, appear cold and "bad-ass" and how to appear in some way that you may not already be. I dont know how much they've evolved but still the majority is I would think about that. Besides most are just about marketing. You see Mystery on TV acting like he's a magician and that's how he gets females with tricks and lines, or routines/techniques. But in real life the way he pulls women is most probably the same way a jerk does. All females, all of the feminine, hates me. Because the feminine only wants us to be evil. All female animals have it in them to be attracted to the most violent and brutal of men. All of us, have it in us ingrained to be evil. nature thinks that's what works. Because it produces good, right? And good produces more evil. I still do not believe good gets anywhere but more evil. The only reason good exists is to maintain evil, and vice versa.
  9. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I don't even believe in that. If they say it's all about confidence I'm pretty sure it's not the confidence they think they're attracted to. They're attracted to the brutish type of confidence, the type that destroys a man's soul. Maligned pride, the type that says "look, I can make this other guy look like the lowest lifeform on Earth.... look, I can render this other man dead". because when it all comes down to it, it's ALL violent competition. All about murder and death. They don't want you to have confidence, they don't want you to just win, they want you to win BRUTALLY. In a girl's subconscious mind, a guy losing is equivalent to a death and becoming emasculated (ie being dead, or severely disabled). To a girls mind a simple game of soccer is war. One on one game, is a brutal fight to the death. Even, if the game is "game of love/sex/genocide", even if what makes one win is simple past experience of winning in this "game" of deception. That's why virgins, will always stay virgin until they're very old. IF they even get any. BY simple virtue of not having had any past sexual experiences with women a man is rendered BIOLOGICALLY a dead man. Literally. In all persons eyes, especially his own, and especially to his own cells which even try to get his own self to commit suicide through depression for 'natural/sexual selection,' to fulfill evolutionary purpose of simply maintaining a balance of evil and death in this world. There is no love, there is simple evil, and 'love of evil'. I'll never believe that women are attracted to simple kind-heartedness. ALL EVIDENCE shows otherwise. If you see a "nice" guy, or a "good guy" with a girl, you can be sure, he got the girl with bad-ass appeal. Nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I don't even think that it's just that men are a-holes. I think most men become "a-holes", pervs, etc. because 'attractive' to women, but a good guy will always be told that's not how it is and that they're actually appalled but in secret and behind his back the real deal is another story.
  11. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I dont go to a school that has that large Greek system thing... I think it still occurs but this is a community college, not a university. Anyways... I still don't believe it. All women like the bad guys, and hate the good guys. I'll never believe it. I just might end up killing myself.. I do know that I will never be able to find anyone because of this. The world is TOTALLY OPPOSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do good, only shit comes to you. You do bad, and ... if you've done it confidently, you get rewards, but only if you'll keep doing it.
  12. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I'm sorry people.
  13. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Exactly. I long for this so much.. though there is hardly any of that in my area. Even if there is, it's all just tourist attraction. hard to find places by myself. But... heh.. maybe I just need to explore. I'm actually afraid to explore because that means I'll have to put up with lots of people and societal conventions, and I'm very unconventional.. at my own expense of course.
  14. Cold water on my chest? Sensation?

    i get this feeling sensation when meditating or 'energy raising'/qigong and stuff.
  15. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    well if ur talking about solar yang and all that.. I dont really go outside by myself too much often. I have EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME EXTREME social anxiety. It may even be natural considering the way the world is and my views.
  16. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I do not believe there is any woman who is different. They all love evil, and hate everything good. This is enough to make me want to kill myself, TRULY. I may just do it. KNowing that Good has no purpose. Good cannot exist. Everyone truly despises good yet they don't know it. Everyone love evil yet they don't know it. It IS enough to make me want to commit suicide for life has lost ALL its purpose. Good men are weak because they can't find love. And so, the bad men continue to be strengthened because they get ALL the heavenly glory.
  17. El Cheapo tea challenge

    I'll take pics...
  18. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Not necessarily. I think it's purely biological to feel this way unless you are in a temple living as a monk, and/or know the exact way to sublimate the sexual energies. In the USA the methods are really garbled too because there are many methods, and many interpretations. Even then... to put up with being a virgin at 24, never having even experienced the domestic life, all of a sudden being forced to live like a celibate monk, with NO external support, even being isolated.. (and yes even monkes need human-human interaction at times, even male-female interaction) and in a society that throws all this stuff at you.. is tough. Many monks.. grow up in a culture where celibacy is actually supported, they either start at the very young age, or after they have experienced the domestic life. Otherwise you would be opressed...
  19. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    yea I could be an activist but I just dont have the time for that u know... I would also be disowned, I'm in college and stuff.. and btw I do not really find anyone in my path who agrees with me.
  20. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    of course that's not what I necessarily believe. sigh.. I must go.
  21. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    usually anti-establishment for a majority means complete and total anti-establishment, even the good ones.
  22. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    right. and people think the USA is a real democracy when democracy only works when we have a free press, which we don't. Democracy in USA is 'popularity" and even that is not real popularity since the big media tells you what is popular and what isn't. blah. I must go now. I'm sorry for hijacking the thread and not even reading anyone else's posts. I got some things to take care of..... Peace. (which feeds from war right?)....
  23. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I guess you're missing my point. A guy will never be listened to, let alone win at anything when it comes to females. Especially nowadays a woman gets away with anything.. and of course feminists would be on his ass from day one. And yea, of course. Men who have problems are feminine, beta males who deserve to be tortured. That's good stuff right there, that's family television.
  24. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Ok, so what about physical needs? You cannot develop yourself internally without taking care of the external. And yes, sexuality, is biologically ingrained(wow). Yes, lack of human-human interaction does kill a person and make him/her go crazy. yes there has been scientific research on the effects of male and female sexual deprivation and human isolation... how debilitating it can be, to a point where one can become dysfunctional to even begin to start making improvements for him/herself by him/herself, of course... noting that even people that are 'worse' are not as lonely as you are, but just by virtue of being sexually deprived have men evolved to biologically class himself as unfit for survival, thereby biologically rendering himself useless, worthless, for anything no matter what he/she has done his entire life, making sure he dies quick.. because that's brutal evolutionary "sexual selection."
  25. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    What ARE you supposed to do? If anyone talks about any of this, especially a male, they'll be opressed. Males are not supposed to have "issues" as "thats for women", Right? This is something so far-out and abstract by mainstream society that anyone who spoke about this first off would not know where to start, and second of all they would from the very beginning end up being labeled, classed, and killed as a criminal. And you're saying that it's ALL our fault, by ourselves? Of course women don't have any say though right? They have no control over their desires, neither can they withhold from the 'badboys' even if it could deteriorate them, and the good men would outnumber them.