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Everything posted by Non

  1. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    What if mainstream media and mainstream science, education and top industry leaders in the USA and elsewhere currently supports everything I have to say? Ok, maybe there are some select FEW who aren't the same but they would have to be far far far removed from the injustices of mainstream society.
  2. El Cheapo tea challenge

    man u know what... this pu-erh tea I get for under ten bucks is awesome. A nice beeng cha. I dont even want to taste the expensive ones.. lest my mind be changed. I did get a brick for 15 bucks, which was more expensive. Still great. I love how it can be brewed a very long time and NEVER get bitter, only stronger. That's Real pu-erh tea I would think.. because it's characteristic only of pu-erh teas.
  3. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    sexuality is sado-masochistic. At least in these days. No wonder all the religions spoke against sexuality, or at least, spoke of the sublimation of sexual energy. This is the reason why.
  4. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    this is why I want to commit suicide. Evil rules. No matter what. Whats happening is a make believe genocide. It's all the woman's "sexual selection." But then again the "badguys" force them to anyways right?
  5. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    people forget that it's NOT all about competition but moreso about cooperation. So what if, you were the only male left on earth because you Killed all the other men off ? Every child born would have no choice but to inbreed. Plus you're alone so wouldn't we actually need more of our own species to ensure that we as a SPECIES survive, not just "me me me me me". Needless competition is actually what the "evil powers that be" want us to believe in because they profit off it.
  6. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    my idea is that tantric sex and taoist sexual practices are not a free for all wanton lusty orgies between many casual partners... I think that's kinda imbalanced, but I'm a bit more conservative I guess. Then again I haven't been too successful yet in any sexual 'endeavors'. I find it disgusting to be sharing with so many others especially when it's not needed. I really despise the whole needless violent competition among males to steal each others fame and hard work and their greed, their mischievousness, etc. People die and make wars just for sex. In every male in the animal kingdom its ingrained into their heads that sex is associated with violent competition, death, betrayal, hatred, etc. And I guess it's all fun and games for the women...and all the 'alpha male badboy top killers'. But in fact it's common for the females to let themselves be abused by the alpha males because the alpha males are most often the most violent, aggressive, brutal. But it's ok to kill. It's ok that men die earlier than most women because we're all fighting each other and breaking their own backs to compete needlessly Against Our Own Kind for More of this. It's ok to leave completely good and innocent men fatally and desperately alone, who doesn't want to disrespect women by simply treating them like a piece of meat at the expense of herself and his own. It's good to be bad. It's good to be evil. It's all balanced out by the love of evil. These traits have been passed down for generations. We live off others suffering and torture. We live by violence and greed. That's how we survive, and no one gives a thought to how misguided sexuality is actually very much tied in and plays a huge part in this whole ordeal, and that it actually constitutes the majority of traditional sexual practices in our modern world. There's no love, it's actually hate. Hatred is actually what we call "love". But daoism wants to overcome this right? Or unite with it... hahahaha *shoots himself in the head* Crimes of passion people.
  7. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Not everyone who uses the word slut have to be christian influenced... I'm sorry if that sounded mean. I know I'd probably get a lot of flak for this.
  8. Has anyone here heard of pu-erh tea? I got a disc shaped brick from the chinese store around here and I've been drinking it for days lately. I can't believe how much energy it gives me. It totally reverses all feelings of weakness and fatigue I have especially from lack of sleep and sun. It gives me a lot of strength especially, like of the explosive sort, like creatine. It's crazy. Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha
  9. Meditation and sleep deprivation

    I would be more worried about the effects on my metabolism and circadian rhythms than whether I'll be more prone to visions and hallucinations after lacking sleep. I read tho on a buddhist website, according to the author the best way to sleep is 2-4 hrs twice a day. There are also those polyphasic sleepers. There's also Yoga Nidra, which is supposed to be able to replace lost sleep. Sleeping qigong, etc. Full lotus. Brainwave entrainment. I would love to be able to only need like 1 hr of sleep a day, hell if any. But my understanding (from sources I've read) is that one can go without sleep as long as the person has had 4 hrs of REM sleep a day.
  10. well I've been "conserving" for about 3 months... but I'm sure this is not what's referred to as 'laying the foundation'. So I'm asking for instructions as to how to go about it. What is the "100 days of laying the foundation"? Where can I find information, and instructions as to how to do it? Serious discussion only. Regards
  11. Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu-Erh Tea

    my beeng cha's look like these: I have one green label and another yellow label which is almost run out. Anyone know what the labels mean? Ie, instead of the center symbol being green it's just yellow. Less than 10 dollars each I think? and I have another one that looks like this except it came in a plastic wrapper.. It hink this one is lesser quality though sicne the bag had holes in it and it kinda smelled like cooked food or like it soaked the smell of food that was around it, around 15 dollars a brick. I dont see any on the internet as cheap as I found it at my store.
  12. I used to be a member but was banned since my computer broke down and my ratio was not good so I didn't get a chance to upload anything until I got my computer back, and I was banned. Can anyone send me an invite if you are a member? Regards
  13. I thought embryonic breathing sounds funny. WOuld the belly button have any play in "embryonic breathing" being that in the womb one was attached to a real embryo through an umbilical cord? Could the belly button be seen as a chakra itself or vortex drawing in energy? or.. at least, be the place where the chi would have the to fall in the center of the lower belly being deeper in the belly button as a place of storage? I always had tension in my belly, and perhaps some of that might be due to a fear I've had of sticking things into the belly button because I thought it would feel SO odd and weird that it would be excruciatingly painful, since it seemed like there would be an opening at the other end, a hole into my navel... I'm an innie btw..
  14. weird.. I feel de ja vu from reading your post balance.
  15. so the lower dan-tian IS where I thought it would be. It's the Hara, or Belly, not just the point 3 inches below the navel. But... I already knew that, so it doesn't change much. And I'm guessing that 3 inches below the navel is still correct, as that's usually where the center of the dantian is located, but it still expands from deep within the body in all directions encompassing the entire lower abdomen. but there's just so many points in my entire abdomen that feel like "a spot of interest" because of a particular feeling that's found there, and some connections to that spot... usually where I feel certain digestive processes going on, so many times I just go from spot to spot, not really knowing which is the Real Dan-Tian. It would be nice to know the exact feeling it's supposed to give you when you've found it. Also, what if one's belly sags a bit.. does that mean that the center might be a bit more above than what is shown in pictures showing the surface of the skin of a muscular cut up abdomen?
  16. No it's just that I've only seen threads here about the 100 days of laying the foundation but not the method itself. And really I don't have much time to be going everywhere reading everything I can about the subject of taoism, heh, at least right now. I just want to focus on one thing, since I've got other things to do in my life. Besides everyone has their own method which can be confusing at times. And everything in taoism is in like code language.. I guess the only way to be one is to study everything written about taoism, and every taoist book and stuff to get an idea of the common themes and common code words and phrases being talked about.
  17. so laying the foundation is just 100 days straight of qigong and meditation, with complete celibacy.. it can be done with any meditative and qigong practices as long as there is a considerable amount each day and it just builds up. I thought it was a specific practice.. So basics could just be MCO everyday, with for example spring forest qigong. Isn't it more than just qigong though? I thought it also included specific neigong practices.
  18. You think Ken Cohen's Essential Qigong can do it?
  19. Yunnan Chi Tse Beeng Cha Pu-Erh Tea

    I guess cakes are more authentic as opposed to the loose teas? my cakes look just like the ones u see in the pics with the paper in the front with the green or yellow label (I dont know the meaning of the labels, some are red, green and yellow), and they have a paper inside the cake too from the manufacturer, as well as another rectangle square describing the tea.
  20. Sugar

    jaggery might be harder to find in the states, though in hispanic markets they might sell panela Over here they sell it in most markets since this area has a lot of hispanics I guess.
  21. Karate Kid

    There's also a difference between the "kung fu" wushu taught at Shaolin, and what you see in movies and the real traditional kung fu that was banned in China during the communist invasion.
  22. An article about America

    where can we go? I really want to GTFO.. but I have no money and stuff. Maybe I can see about studying abroad? What's a good place to go?
  23. Sugar

    You mean processed or refined sugars? I would stay away from processed cane sugar.. but what about palm sugar or turbinado sugar?
  24. Sugar

    Well I dont think sugars are evil... you just might have to stay away from the high glycemic index foods as possible, and keep the sugars (not carbs) as low as possible, if any like I said before it should be low glycemic index. We are all supposed to consume carbs, I dont know how much is best, but surely, if you look at the label you can see how many of the carbs you are eating is sugar. High glycemic index foods will give you that sugar high, which will also give you a low feeling afterwards, and perhaps give you cravings for more as it may also eat up leptin a hormone in the body that controls appetite and curbs hunger, can give you a 'satisfied' feeling. High fructose corn syrup not only eats up leptin more also never shuts off gherin, which gives you the hungry feeling. when too much fructose builds up in the liver (as it does in the consumption of HFCS) it starts turning the fructose into fats, especially when your liver is already low in sugars.
  25. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    uhhhh what book are you all talking about, with the levels and stuff? where can I get information on this sytem?