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Everything posted by Non

  1. The Fourth Kind (MOVIE)

    damnit. I watched this at night. I couldn't sleep that night without my lights on. And even then, I felt like every lapse in time that I could've just fallen asleep, somethijng was happeneing. I've had many sleep hypnosis episodes, where I felt like something was around me whiel in bed, and I couldn't move, I felt very haevy, and then I feel a splitting pain, or I levitate. And the voices too seem like something I've heard or something deep and archetypal like, the most fearful horrific thing you can imagine associated with alien abductions. And guess what, that Sumerian language, with the periods in between each syllable, IS how they REALLY talk. I had some "insider info" that the movie was actually ghost written by someone, that's why it actually seems very real.
  2. ORMUS

    well I didn't know what to do with those little girls. I kinda feel weird whenever a woman just hits on me, even if it they don't "hit" on me spontaneously but still catch a spontaneous interest and want to interact with me... I feel pressured to be the "best" and to "BE A MAN SHOW THEM YOU FUCKING WANT SAX RAWR!!!" but I'm more of a modest type guy and I do have pretty powerful lust, and I usually think the initial wow factor appeal they see in me will diminish once they see more of me. But also when they choose to leave is usually also the best time to further get to know me because, sometimes it just takes time for me to open up I guess.
  3. ORMUS

    well uh... I took more than I was supposed to on the first day. The instructions say to take 1/8 of a teaspoon on the first day and then up the dose until u get to the 8th day where you will take 1/8 of a teaspoon 3 times daily. Is it best to dissolve under the tongue? That's what I've read. The reason why I took more was because I dissolved it first under my tongue, and it was so much to dissolve that I thought it would mess it up. It was a lot but I didn't have much time because I thought I'd have to dissolve it in my tongue little by little. So I thought i'd rather just then mix another 1/8 teaspoon with water and drink it. Immediately I felt my hands tingle and feel like cold/warmth, which is how chi sometimes feels like to me. Cold but hot at the same time. Like, a refreshing cold, or a soothing warmth, but at the same time. Icy Hot. And I felt the effects the entire day. I felt more alive. I went outside and I felt like I was in the movie avatar and watched the wind interact with all the trees and ripple the water. I didn't feel a lot of electricity, but I definitely did feel more alive or aware. My vision really improved. Everything I saw was CRYSTAL CLEAR. Heh... I got a car with women honking her horn at me when I walked to the park to run, and some other middle school girls playing around asking me if I wanted to "join them" but I didn't take them seriously and sort of acted like they were foolin with me, and like "eh.. these are little girls I'm in college"...
  4. ORMUS

    Interesting effects I got from the ORMUS I ordered from Four Realms.
  5. Forthcoming medical qigong book

    yaaaay. yea true dat. Jerry Alan Johnson's Medical Qigong texts look great. I have the first edition.
  6. Green tea vs Black tea

    Be careful with Green Teas as they can retain a lot of flouride and elemental fluorine from fluoridated water or soil. And too much fluorine is obviously bad, but ANY fluoride (sodium fluoride) is bad. So be careful with it, get organic or a good trusted source, preferrably imported from china too. Hm I like rose white tea/green tea too, from china. ANyway... white tea out of all the teas retain the least amount of flourine compounds, and green tea the most. I'd guess black tea somewhere around the middle. I read somewhere that, if brewed green tea with fluoride will have concentrations higher than allowed by the FDA...
  7. Green tea vs Black tea

    kombucha, white tea and purreh are all good. I tried also, dragon pearls. White pearls, black dragon pearls are also teh shiz. RAW unprocessed, or unsmoked yerba mate too. Teh Shiz..
  8. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    It is kindof unbelievable. There's a picture of Li Ching Yuen at the school. It's the same one u see in the wikipedia. I was like "hey I recognize this guy", si hing is like "yea he goes way back in our lineage". I was like "yea right lol". But it makes it believeable when my si hing tells me of these crazy stories, and he seems like he's talking about real events, and not just making things up.
  9. Green tea vs Black tea

    gyokuro or matcha tea is teh best for meditashun.
  10. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    I just found out... that Larry Lee Johnson, and Si Gung Chin (the Grandmaster who taught our school the Hua Shan Qigong) was taught by Chan Chiu Lim who was taught by who at the time of transmission said he was 183 yrs old! This looks to me like a compilation of very powerful daoist qigong, like an original, or where a lot of the daoist qigong's u find nowadays have originated from. I think I'm very fortunate to start training in this qigong.
  11. ORMUS

    well im going to try some from
  12. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Yes! I think found some info on it. Larry Lee Johnson has written books about it.
  13. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    well mostly from my neck of the woods. But the Grandmaster (Si Gung) was Chinese. It was rare to have a Chinese Grandmaster. He trained Si Fu when he was little and taught Shaolin Northern Fist, and also introduced him to the Hua Shan Pai Qigong.
  14. six healing sounds

    which healing sounds do you practice?
  15. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    yea well I've heard a lot of cool stories and experiences from students who've tried it. It seems they can do superhuman things with it.
  16. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Been speaking with Si Hing lately. This school I go to is great. Authentic lineage going back to the Shaolin Temple before the communist uprising in China. The Si Gung (Grandmaster) who teaches the Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong at the school, was pretty much one of the only 2 teachers in the whole United States to teach it. He died unfortunately last year so we had to find the other guy who teaches it. This isn't only soft style qigong. This is hard intense qigong. It's 108 exercises altogether but takes many years to complete. There are 3 levels. The first level works with the jing, to transmute it in the second level which works the qi level, to transmute it into shen, the third level, which works with the shen.
  17. I dont get why so many taoists here are recommending western psychiatric pharmaceutical drug therapy. Any of the chinese medical doctors I've seen have told me to stay away from them unless you are very serious, and to use if only for a short term to gain balance when other available modalities simply have not worked, and to yet still be very careful.
  18. carbonation bad mix?

    haha. meditating on the dan-tian has made me release gas... So when I'm in public and meditating I have to try hard not to meditate too deeply otherwise u know..
  19. Let's say that a woman can tell if you masturbate. Or have not ejaculated in a long time. Does it make you more attractive to women? Now, the other question... Does it work better if you transmute the energy upwards, or is it better to just leave it as sexual energy, and accumulate it? Now I see that Drew might be posting soon... The way it seems is that women will try to deconvert that energy into sexual energy by trying to turn you on. But this doesn't mean that they are attracted to you, in fact they want to use you. And so there could end up a power struggle of you trying to transmute that jing, and the woman trying to deconvert it to sexual energy again. For power mainly... Then again maybe once she incites you, you also get her going. Not that all women do this but I think some women do. Anyways... what makes you more attractive though, when it comes to witholding ejaculation and being celibate for a while? Transmuting that energy, or leaving it as jing. I'm pretty sure that if one just leaves it at jing and nothing happens, no attraction, then seminal leakage can occur. But also if you transmute it to chi, then there is no sexual energy, and no reason to lust.... Yea well... maybe it's not even that complicated. I just need them Orgasm at a Distance skillz. Perhaps, it's just best to be able to transmute it whenever sexuality is not needed, and when it is, just appropiately convert it back into jing. But if that's not doing well then I guess you have no choice but to convert it into chi because the jing will just seek to come out. But what do you think is what gets her attracted, the jing or the chi/shen?
  20. See the natural grounding is a good method. But the same guy makes this video which contradicts the sexploitation aspect. I'm not saying to deny "sexual intercourse", but he still seems to associate sex with 'bad' and negative energies..
  21. It is kinda hard to imagine tho. She appears faceless most of the time. I have no idea of how such a woman would look like or even be like. And just the idea seems really out there. I have no female models to really consider, and I dont want to be too specific about her looks because really I may find a lot of combinations of looks to be attractive. it is kinda hard tho when she has no face.
  22. I tell you though.. one thnig that has worked for me. When I get mad sometimes, and think of being estranged by all woman of society. I think of a woman who understands and cares and one that I can relate with, and it soothes me. She doesn't exist in real life though. I have to create her. That may causes problems later on... It is delusional.
  23. I mean, seriously. Now thinking about it. pre-teen is just another way to say that you want a submissive little girl who acts so young that it is reflected in a naive state of mind, that can do whatever you say. But then again.. it's like with japan and their pre-teen sexual obsession. Pre-teen or youthful teens are considered beautiful so the age of consent is very low. If women have to be pre-teen just to be pure and understanding, and kind-warmhearted than... Whatever happened to the adult goddesses who dont go around attracting criminals and serial rapists trying to corrupt them because they are attracting pedophiles and men who want to corrupt their youth? But eh.. maybe in some countries pedophilia is accepted. I mean, seriously. Because these men probably think pre-teens give up sex and love easier because they are naive at that age. So that only pre-teens are able to do so while adults can be as nonloving and non-caring as they want to be. Until they got this BIG FUCKING SCARY DUDE she looks at as her DADDY that puts other men to shame fuckin with a SWEET LITTLE INNOCENT NAIVE GIRL that is taking over her MIND AND BODY with tactics that make her feel like that sweet little innocent naive girl, and that is 'native' and 'primitive'.. So now sexuality is associated with naivety and darkness, 'bad'. That's why you see porn associated both the 'virginal goddess' in the form of youth, and youthful ignorance, with dirty sexploitation. so that the virginal goddess image is corrupted and no more because in the society it becomes corrupt and it glorifies bad behavior.
  24. That video. Basically states it's about getting in touch with the pre-teen 'personality' of women. Ie, the virginal goddess. But it still can be sexploitive.
  25. Some of these videos he has conflict with the whole premise of "non-sexploitatiion". I personally think whenever a woman dresses and in any way associates sexuality with something deviant, and 'dark' or 'bad' 'unpure', it's sexploitation. Ie like Showgirls 2007 - Oh La la. That's exploitation. Oh but I guess,being almost naked and showing off your short skirt (or not), black makeup, a whorey type look of filth and prostitution, and unhealthy submission and sado-masochism is a popular thing women do these days. women also like to think they are cats, but on a leash. that's like being submissive, but also, raw and CRUDE anger in a very primitive non-evolved way. Like they will step on you and run all over you unless you MAKE them submit. Otherwise they will toy with you and play this whole power dominating game with you, and take advantage of you, like power/control freaks. I'll stand up for myself when I need to but people testing you for stupid reasons is unnecessary. Anyways, it's a stupid game too because they'll just keep tryin you and testing you and keep trying to walk all over you until you get pretty much fed up. They want to make you fed up. It's also like they want to find a guy to submit to, why? Because on the inside she thinks that she is inferior?