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Everything posted by Non

  1. Why do you think I would speak of women I've never met?
  2. but why not just get a damn woman instead of watching music videos? That goes against the whole "social-cultural" thing because in those MUSIC VIDEOS there is socio-cultural programming!
  3. my friend likes Celtic Woman?
  4. Yea well being quiet has never gotten my anywhere with women thats for sure.. I think.
  5. Yea. Actually I've known about it for a while just didn't know there was a "practice" to it. I know that if I dont relate with women I will go insane. I dont even have to have sex but just relating to a woman. Becaue I'm yang and she's yin it has a balancing effect, but nobody recognizes this. They'd rather just leave you alone to fend for yourself.
  6. yea well. I guess you just have to pick the right women to watch. how would I know she's right for me?
  7. Well it's played on the MEDIA, the RADIO and on TV that KIDS watch and in BOOKS it's written to be this way. It's Popular. It's Mainstream.
  8. Yea pretty much sums it up. Is this song supposed to be horror music or something? She's like a succubus demon tramp tryin to be like medusa or something. Women like these want unhealthy relationships and shows that they are control freaks and laugh and wish hell on them and torture them. Even if they don't know it themselves
  9. yea that's why I dont like the casual relationship thing.
  10. but I dont want a casual relationship. I dont want others having casual relationships either. Idont want my girl to be casual or have had too many casual relationships if any.
  11. The Cool Draw

    I've heard Michael Winn referring to an exercise called "the cool draw"... Im thinking its, getting the sexual energy from the testicles, and drawing it upwards (for men anyway). How do you do it? Is it like the 6th tibetan rite? BTW I've been doing the 6th tibetan rite and have been wondering if the contraction of the PC muscle, and lifting of the testicles is essential.
  12. I was just wondering.. because I've read that females don't lose energy, or at least as much as men do when they climax and that this puts her at an advantage over the male. I've also heard that some women can ejaculate, so could she lose as much energy as a male during this ejaculation, or at least, somewhat more than the non-ejaculatory orgasms? Perhaps she can lose as much energy if she just has more and more and more sex? Would it perhaps equal the amount of male energy loss if we also take into account menstruation? I've just always wondered this... Especially as regards if men masturbate, and tend to be weaker because they do it alone, ie without a partner to perhaps make up for some of that energy loss, or at least to understand. Why? Well, if women aren't aware and men lose energy, doesn't that put the men at risk of being judged as weak around or in close proximity of ejaculation periods? Perhaps women also lose as much energy but it's just so drawn out and over a longer period of time, that it's just not as noticeable? Well, anyways, women are much more allowed to be weak, than men. And they dont become more "masculine" whenever they do have orgasms, or menstruate, just as men might become more 'feminine' or whatever whenever they ejaculate. Perhaps, during menstruation, that all changes? I've also read that, if a woman can do the 6th tibetan rite, the right way, over time, she can actually stop the menstruation process, but that might mean that she also transmutes her sexual energy? I dunno whatever. But I do know women have the tendency to judge a man, and if most men masturbate, and don't make up for it, then there's a lot of weak and effeminate men as least around the time they ejaculate. But maybe they can "make up" for it by seeming "stronger". hah... or eh.. whatever. Perhaps even aggressive. And men do tend to be dominant and aggressive at times, solely for the woman's opinion, or for territory because they are so damned stressed that they cannot come up with any better way to live or deal with 'problems' than to start wars and kill each other, etc. And so all these wars, and weaknesses. All because of the lack of sexual mastery. And they think they know what "masculinity" is, when most of the time it's simply a made up concept, of their own minds. And women fall for it. Regards
  13. meh.. men should be able to retain their energy for raising the child as well, or work.
  14. and Pick Up artists. You know the pick up artist community started on the FREAKING INTERNET.
  15. Rofl please. not in this society. Now you have college, and can't settle down until you're in your FREAKING 40s! So until then you just fuck around and have your body and mind worn out of exhaustion. Something I couldn't really do. No girl wants to settle down, not even for a damn BOYFRIEND. Even if it is a boyfriend is a series of boyfriends. or "fuck buddies". or just, a boyfriend for a time. Then, time to leave, and get a new one, etc. Depending on where you are, depending on the time. They have in mind that relationships are to be broken, and to make new ones. Over and over again. How can we do this, we are only in our prime what 5 yrs of our lives more or less before we start to get old?
  16. yea I never got how men could just approach a woman they have on their "radars" for sex without seeming like they want sex. So I thought well this guy just shows no remorse. Besides that even strangers hardly talk to each other for social reasons unless at a social event. But even THEN.... Grrrrrrrrr
  17. So what is post-feminist then? Being nice to women? So basically, the PU artists are just teaching to not let them have it, and not take their shit? I mean come on. BTW one also has to realize what one person has said before that sticks to me. Feminism ideally is supposed to be good, but has been corrupted. Feminism only let women bcome more like men but not be like the women they're supposed to be in the first place, so it has kinda failed. And besides that, still human corruption leading it to devious ways.
  18. It's a funny thing u mention that. Women do make themselves more unapproachable, and more colder than the average guy does. At least for the 'good and nice guys'. but besides they also carry a large impenetrable shield or forcefield around them. And they also manipulate it too, letting in the "badboys" and shielding off the "good guys". So, the good guy, just can't penetrate it, so it looks like he's needy, or obsessive. He also doens't want to OFFEND the girl by being too forward, so he comes off awkward. This does send stalker signals, evne if he's not a stalker. But then what do you know, he gets bitter, and set off because no girl wants to even acknowledge his presence.
  19. No no, you have to be devious about it. You have to be a jerk, AND funny. You need to not come off as a jerk, yet still are. You need to be deceptive about it. Cuz women want Hard, and ruthless.
  20. so how do you get over the fact that at 23 your a virgin, never had female friends, or anthing, without making it seem like you really need them, because in fact you do? So I guess the only way is to lie, and become a good actor. Which I can't do because I'm not an actor, nor do I even know the damn role because I've never experienced it.
  21. Exactly. Its like, they want a guy who doesn't care about them at all, who treats them like Nothing. I couldn't do that. Besides, it's not like I've had tons of sex that I can actually play that part without any sort of inconsistency. So I guess women are attracted to the player types, and then complain about it, then go back to the same player. Maybe it's because they rely on other people's opinions to decide whether a man is attractive or not? Like, freakin monkey see monkey do. If you see a crowd of women over one guy, he's automatically the most desireable man. Doesn't matter if he mislead all of them.
  22. Man, it isn't even about confidence. I have more than a bare minimum of confidence. What they want is "BAD." That's what it's all about, that's what SOCIETY is all about, that's what NATURE is all about, that's what REVOLUTION is all about. You need to be remorseless to talk to women. The "bravery" you need is the kind of bravery that lets you talk to a woman like she's a piece of meat, like a predator, and not care about it, once u do care about it, you are no longer attractive. You can say it's not like that, but at it's fundamental level, it is all predatory. Only "accepted" behavior, and non accepted behavior.
  23. So I'm really planning on this celibacy thing for 100 days at least. So far I'm a week and a day into it. But this is the first time I've actually done it without stimulating anything whatsoever. I've gone 2 months without ejaculating but I never went without stimulation. So now I'm thinking.. what are the consequences if I didn't have an erection for a very long time, what would happen? Is the celibacy thing more effective? Or less effective? Does that make my penis more prone to shrink and shrivel up? Lately I've also been having to do the 6th tibetan rite, as I figure there's no hope for me in the sexual arena so I thought I'd just give up and become asexual for a while, but I dont want my penis to shrink. perhaps this will make it shrink even more. So your thoughts would be appreciated.