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Everything posted by Non

  1. I dont know if it's because I live in the city or whatever. But there are no parks around here either where I can just find an isolated spot to do all my practices IN PEACE and without social anxiety. Well maybe not so much the social anxiety, but in peace. I wish cultivation practices and meditation were more accepted and stuff. Thing is though I practice pretty much a lot, so people would probably think I'm weird, and wasting a lot of time.
  2. I've seen conflicting information on whether the hands or either yin or yang. The dan-tian has been also said to be yin, is that the case for males as well?
  3. Right Hand: Yin or Yang?

    nobody's really explained why medical qigong uses right hand as yin. I wonder if this effects any of the practices if they use this theory in the application of the practice.
  4. do you practice outside?

    yea actually i just practiced outside today. Everywhere I wanted to face was bad tho cuz I was facing people looking directly at me. lol. And there's lots of youngsters who go there, gangsters and shit. But that's the closest park.
  5. Jerry Alan Johnson books

    I havethe old version of the Chinese mEdical Qigong Therapy book. I want the new edition!
  6. Celibacy = no boners either?

    Yea well, my main goal is not even to just be celibate either but also to get power.
  7. Celibacy = no boners either?

    Well since it seems that PMs are not working could you suggest anything for a vegan diet lifestyle? regards
  8. yea well, all dance especially nowadays is dry sex so I wouldn't be surprised.
  9. Celibacy = no boners either?

    oh trust me I think I'm actually going for the whole thing. I think the 6th tibetan rite will help me.
  10. Celibacy = no boners either?

    I think if you dont have an erection for a very long time, the penis can and will shrink. I've also noticed my erections becoming more powerful. I've also noticed tingling sensations in the upper parts of my body, hands, etc. Like electricity. Today I stepped out the car and I felt a shock go down my leg and into the earth. Weird. So yea... But I also think that one could try at least to have erection once in a while as long as afterwards you transmute the jing into chi again.
  11. retention vs conservation

    I personally think it should be at least abouve conservation. Obviously one day we might want to procreate, and I think semen ejaculation should be reversed just for that. And even then, we should learn perhaps not to attatch our jing, or chi to our semen so that we would lose energy, because there's no denying the fact that no matter what, ejaculation = a huge energy loss and not just in terms of energy but also resulting in depression, a spike low in dopamine and feel good chemicals, and nutrients. And much loss of power. At least for me. So to me there's no matter of choice, I simply have to conserve.
  12. eh.. I'll get back to the rest of the posts later. hopefulyl I can just put this to an end. but I still do want an answer. are women attractive to 'third eye' men more, chi filled men or are they attracted to those with more jing.
  13. masturbating absolutely sucks. I always feel worse afterwards, and for days on end too. it takes a nice bit of oxytocin to get a woman to hug u too.
  14. meh. I'm not even that fat. I was for a large part of my life as a child, but then I lost 50 lbs, and am still working on the whole "getting built" thing. I'd say I'm about average but still have that muesli belt if u know what I mean.
  15. as for the volunteering thing, I'm still tryin to make time for it. I've been really busy lately and disorganized.
  16. Dude, I do weights, and I am in a martial arts class. And all you pick up artists can do is support them in their devious ways.
  17. Guys... see women are always judging men based on appearance. And they say we don't. They come up with justifications for certain behaviours because they've been judging them for so long. It's like superstition. Anyways.. what you're talking about Cat, doesn't necessarily signify that you LACK IN BED. It simply signifies that they want you. It may also signify the skill or the success they have in getting women INTO bed with them but not their skill in the bed already.
  18. I'd like to familiarize myself with kunlun, and especially the standing posture that everyone's been raving about lately. I've seen that there is said to be free teachings floating around but I'd like to ask, where? I have not been able to find them. Regards
  19. *sigh* this is so messed up.
  20. hah, the reason why honesty doesn't work is that you're supposed to have no remorse doing it. If you've been told all your life that being totally honest is offensive to women and a crime (and it usually is, until there is "chemistry/lust" in her, or you've been cool headed too, and a bit nicebut point being cool and indifferent because hey you get laid all the time, otherwise you wouldn't be cool headed) it will be kind of hard, especially to change that mentality. Because in one POV u feel like u want to protect women, because you've been told it's offensive, and a crime (ie sexual harrasment) and on the other hand, you will also pretty much be bred out and die off ala darwinism. So it's a lose-lose situation. Both situations would get you either in jail or killed if it even goes that far. So you have to find that healthy balance. ie, u make them feel good about what they're doing. Even if it's wrong. You just SEDUCE their asses. It's like.. like, touching a woman, u want to do it gently, but nonetheless TOUCH THEM, and they're yours. And usually all u gotta do is act confident, and u can be a serial killer, criminal, rapist, drug dealer, anything, but as long as you act confident (right) she's yours because it display "authoritay", and it's damn masculine and sexy too to be seen as if you own the world, and put everyone else to SHAME, and are Bad-ass because in this society, bad=good. And sex= taboo, which makes sex associated with 'deviancy'. And you NEVER want to seem too serious. Save that for AFTER you've had enough mutual orgasms to make her feel "love". Otherwise she will RUN AWAY like you're a plague. How in the HELL do people get past these double standards without feeling remorse, and then women not caring to help us out and expecting that WE DO EVERY GODDAMN THING FOR THEM@!!!!!!
  21. women play a wicked cruel game. I just realized.. that women tell you that to attract women, u must be nice, not mention anything sexual, etc. And they make themselves out to be chaste and shit.=, and they say they expect you to be chaste and shit. That really is a bunch of BS. On the inside, all women care about is whatever makes them horny. So here I've been, Chemically Masking myself, because in front of women I didn't want to be too sexual, and serious. Turns out women do not want anything serious until after they've fucked a couple times. So I guess, what I gotta do now is not care about anything serious, don't act serious, just act like a PLAYER. Be sexual, all the time. It's kind of hard because I grew up with the mentality being hammered into me that women want a chaste man who can control his desire and focus on things other than sex, be "mature", this and that. But when you get them alone, they are different. So now what you have here is manipulation. Women tell men that you have to be nice, respectful, etc. be serious. Be good to her, etc. All this is often times viewed as weak for a man, and unmasculine. At the same time it does nothing in terms of 'chemistry' ie, lust. What they want is probably what they say, but it's not the complete story. It's also not the deal breaker, far from it. They'd rather have a guy who makes them horny than a good guy. And often times they wont feel horny unless you are sexual with them. Unless you boast and display "strength" or "aggression". Now I have to find a way to stop bein fearful of offending women by being sexual around them. It's kind of hard too when if there isn't some kind of like, confidence she will see it as awkward and label you a freak of society perv, serial rapist or something. And if you're too nice, regardless she'll also see that as a bit unmasculine because you know, all men have to be violent, aggressive and non-assertive. Theyalso can't have feelings, be dicks, and not serious. So yea.. there u have it. The difference between making her feel like you're her brother and the guy she wants to fuck all night until she has multiple mutual climaxes and then calls that "love". And guys are the ones who are supposed to be known for being lustful...
  22. That seems like a belief you want to cling to. Do you use that excuse to justify doing harm? Always, some woman has to bring this up, thinking all men are the same way. They are not. I am one of them. Although an extremely bitter 'ex-nice guy', but I am one of them. And I'll continue to be a good guy, but I can't stop the bitterness of being the good guy that women like to step all over because they think "goodness isn't manly or strong, it's weak and pathetic" etc.
  23. free kunlun teachings?

    heh, that sitting posture looks like a standing posture in level 1 spring forest qigong. but of course standing is more powerful I believe.
  24. when women talk about confidence, more than likely they just want to see a Display of confidence. Which is the same thing apes and monkeys or other animals do, ie with the use of displays/fronts.