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Everything posted by Non

  1. I dont have time for volunteering.
  2. my god biff. That was so lame. Of course it's not that extreme. Isn't it a shame though, that this is a double standard. In that, if you dont have chemistry with the woman, she not only rejects you, but she says that you are crossing over some legal boundary or they call you a perv, weirdo or something, and can call it sexual harassment. But someone else does this, with confidence, and not caring whether she'll get offended or not, she's all over him. And it usually has only to do with confidence. One cares not to offend her, the other cares whether he'll offend her or not. Usually the one that doesn't care about offending her will get her simply because of so called "confidence" the other one is lacking. But the one who doesn't have confidence isn't just being unconfident, but also sexually harassing and etc, while the other one is doing the same exact thing, except with confidence, or in an authoritative way. Whatever you mean by chemistry too, whether chemistry is a type of constitutional factor, or it's something 'in the moment' kind of 'special bonding/connection' that occurs. Most people would think it's part of one's constitution and physical make-up of the body, rather than some sort of chemical bonding/connection. But when you think about it, the word chemistry is manipulated all the time with women. So what decides really what is chemistry or not, if chemistry happens just by a short glance at someone you hardly even know?
  3. there's also no denying the fact that women these days are extremely, and superficially selective. To the point that it's really messed up. And people support this unfairness. But unfairness is justified for woman.
  4. meh. I found those dating sites really lacking in women, and of course lacking in my type. And the questions asked in matching websites are always redundant, or open ended questions that can't be answered either A or B. Or I just can't even relate. Most questions are also geared towards people who have experience. And the fact that you have to pay is not that good. And guess what, every girl, since they now have the most unlimited choices, reply extremely selectively. I only get like, 1 reply out of like 100.
  5. and also, don't our recently developed vagus nerve functions also make it so that we are able to have more oxytocin and vasopressin in our bloodstream, which makes us more apt to pair bonds? not so much extreme like the prairie voles but they do exhibit monogamous behaviour, and they stay with only one partner for their entire lives, but it might be kind of extreme such that even when one partner dies, the one left alive doesn't even go out to look for another mate, and in fact gets angry and violent towards another of the opposite sex that comes their way. this is due to oxytocin in the brain, and vasopressin. Oxytocin has also been shown to be involved in social situations. A person who has low oxytocin levels has social anxiety, fears, lack of trust in others, etc. And a person who has high oxytocin levels is very social can bond and connect with others easily, is trusting, doesn't ahve social anxiety, etc. All because of sex too. The problem becomes though that a person who has low oxytocin levels can find it hard to get higher oxytocin levels since it requires one to have a good range of oxytocin levels to get more oxytocin, but they dont have that to begin with so they can't even make connections with other people, and in fact others avoid them. They can just sense it. People think it's just easy, one has to smile, and be friendly, etc. But the problem is that with low oxytocin levels it all becomes fake and unsatisfying. Oxytocin levels actually controls the capacity to make such magical bonds, making it impossible for one with low oxytocin, because bonding is a result of the oxytocin level, if one doesn't know how to feel love, and make themselves feel love, they have no recollection of it, they cant summon love. And connection therefore becomes also a magical thing they just can't do.. it's a magical click that happens magically, and only for those chosen ones, and not him/herself. Ie, the connection is just something they can't control, it happens spontaneously. And that's something unattainable, because people actually subconsciously sense your oxytocin levels and respond to it on an unconscious level and Blocks connection. Thus, it just happens on its own. So if a person has high oxytocin levels.. that person can make spontaneous bonds and connections/sparks with people even at a significant distance apart. Thus, if a person starts off with low oxytocin levels, unless a person IS aware of this type of thing,it's just a downward spiral. or just stays the same. At the least, it's just, like, difficult. So you have to find a way to make that oxytocin on your own, but oxytocin depends on bonds you make with other people, which again, depend on oxytocin, which again depends on an ample beginning supply of oxytocin. Ain't it funny this is all due to sex? If not just sex, then social relationships in general, which also connects and depend on sex since sex and culture and society are tightly intertwined that they become inter-dependent on each other? Man some people just don't get it. :ninja: :ninja:
  6. "spasm and spurt philosophy of relationships" Hm... interesting concept. but yea .. I thought kate, and not just kate, but you also and others who support the whole wanton promiscuous casual sexual lifestyle is kind of an immature and a "spasm and spurt philosophy of relationships" kinda thing. And it was kate that said that marriages are wrong. Or at least 'westernized relationships'. whatever that means. I'm sorry guys I'm just a little foggy headed right now and am feeling a bit disorganized, so I dont really care to look over and edit my posts. I als like to press the "post" button as soon as possible, and then make changes later because I want my ideas to get out there as soon as possible, then edit them later... which doesn't really make for a finalized product.
  7. at which point do the two become seperate?
  8. for the past couple of years now I've been getting de ja vu feelings that pop up out of nowhere. I go through a situation and when I think about it later on, it feels like I've done it before, but at the time I do it, it doesn't seem like so. Or perhaps it's that same memory that just feels so vague that it feels like de ja vu. Maybe my memory is getting weird...
  9. free kunlun teachings?

    that is only level 1 correct?
  10. My kung fu school teaches "authentic" Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong. There's this one move that my si hing was talking about whereby you breathe in and push the breath into certain spots of the body as chi, or converting it into chi. by the end of the exercise when you have to breathe out you find out there is nothing to breathe out.. which confirms that it actually converted into chi. he said that after learning this exercise in one night, the next day a persistent shoulder pain he had from an accident went away and never returned again. Is there any similar exercise like this? Perhaps it is a type of neigong? Is there anything similar to this in another discipline? He's had a strange experience also with Iron palm which is quite weird. He had done an iron palm qigong exercise which sends energy into the palms, and one time, perhaps from incorrect form, his left hand was buzzing with energy and it was really intense. He was in a car in the backseat with 2 people in the front. and as soon as he opened his hand a shockwave of energy went out and the two people in the front who were not even facing him, screamed and looked around in fear trying to figure out what they felt and what just happened to them. It hurt them... He told the sifu about it and he never heard of such a thing or knew why it happened but thought it was probably just incorrect form. anyway yea that was a deviation from the topic tho.
  11. de ja vu.. i've seen u post this pic before in my memory
  12. free kunlun teachings?

    well I heard of spontaneous bouncing on the feet or something.
  13. MEH. all you people seem to generalize things like, all marriage is bad, and all relationships are bad. it depends of course. not al marriages are bad, and all relationships. it also seems like you can't let go of your desire to fuck as many people as possible and remain promiscuous. edit: whoops that wasn't meant entirely for you Kate.
  14. WTF, co-dependency? It's not co-dependency. It's just the way things work best. Now if there's a death, ie someone is widowed, then that's a problem... But yea.. even tribal peoples believe in monogamy. Even other species, extraterrestrials, etc. It's not something that is unfounded. It is universal. We are interdependent. Does living in society and being social make us co-dependent? Does having a family make us co-dependent? Does interacting with another being make us co-dependent? No. Not necessarily.
  15. Yea well, not all men simply want to have sex with tons of women. Ie, me I would be happy with just one.
  16. is nature the playing field or the players in Life? Has anyone thought of this? When people think of nature, they think of Earth. But they also view earth as being inanimate, or without life. Like rocks with no soul or spirit. Or is nature Life, ie the living organisms? If so, then anyways, nature is just Nature. It's what's in it's NAture to be Nature. Which can change. And is indifferent. So what is NAture then? And just because other animals behave a certain way, does that make it justified?
  17. Has anyone ever thouight that this Isn't really Nature? That nature is just indifferent, but it was set up by another being? Perhaps extraterrestrials? or some kind of hyperversal that has set up our universe. With this wicked cruel "nature" that is not nature, it's just simply indifferent? So why does nature have to be cruel? It doesnt.
  18. but just think about it. Look at pornography. How does it affect our culture? it makes sex to be a devious and taboo thing. And it glorifies defiance and violation of the human body with lust and crude desire. One has to be kind of remorseless to partake in this act. Look at the animls, when they "fuck" they don't usually do it in love do they? Sometimes the female feels pain afterwards. Or the male feels like he needs to Pin Her Down. Now some of us humans actually do it in love. BUt for a majority of animals, they feel they need to compete for it, and to fight for it. SO in itself, it makes it an aggressive act. An aggressive attempt to take love, or companionship. Or to take a sexual partner. To feel wanted. Because that doesn't come around often right? And there's this NAgging feeling that doesn't go away, of wanting to feel loved. In the sexual organs anyway. And it's aggressive, or at least when it's scarce.
  19. I dont even think 'jealousy' sums it up well enough. It strikes me to the core of my being as disrespect and a undermining of a principle. I just couldn't imagine my girl doing someone else. It would make me cringe actually. This is me bein honest though. But somehow I also see it as act violent act. I see it like... a violation. I also kind of fear it. In the sense that I just couldn't imagine my girl being Brutally Banged HardCore, (and in most cases, it is hardcore, and brutal), by some Enemy of mine, or some big scary heartless man. I think it's more than simple jealousy I feel. I also feel a need to protect her. And if she likes being brutally banged by another, I would also feel insulted. I dont think she could bang another guy while at the same time demeaning myself, or her image of me. Ie, at the same time, thinking less of me, or in spite of me. At the same time, being deceived by another to uphold him as superior than I. It feels cruel, no matter how else I could try to view it. While the other guy is just laughing, and not respecting, or taking it serious. In fact, probably not caring about her. I guess. But then again, I view sex as a sort of agressive and vicious act. Sexuality as being like.. cruel, or morbid in a sense. I see sex as violent, or crude. As deviant. It might also have to do with the way I grew up, in a society that Views Sex as taboo, deviant, and the like. Such that sexuality is corrupted.Not that I necessarily view it that way, but since others do, that would be the reason they look for sex, ie, to do something "bad", to "fuck hardcore", to "violate", to "make her cry masochistically", etc.A brutal mixture of pleasure and pain, and bdsm
  20. Well sure, times are changing. We no longer have to be violent towards each other all the time. So if she's missing the cavemen of the ancient days, it's because cavemen were outgrown. But people still revert back to it because they cling to the fearful things.
  21. Oh yea and about the birds singing. It's kind of contradictory. but that's sexual selection... a type of sexual selection, intra-sexual selection. It doesn't as much as intersexual selection where females choose the mates that survive best or are more adapt. In intra-sexual selection, they select their mates based on competition with other males of their same species, ie whether one can fight the hardest to overcome the next male, or sing the loudest, to get to her first, etc. Or just choosing the mate that is the 'sexiest' to her. Whatever that means. But when it comes to 'natural selection', then it doesn't really say that this male is the best adapted for survival. It simply means he knows how to get a mate which has to do with survival but only in the aspect of procreation.
  22. Isn't this a bit set up by a fear based mentality of imperfection? That we must always struggle, and be at war and conflict within ourselves, etc. What if again like I said before, Nature isn't what you think it is, ie, inherently cruel. I think things may have just been set up the way it has been on earth, but that doesn't mean that it was inherent in nature. Nature was just the conduit for this situation. It allowed it to happen, but did nature determine it, or did we? Not to say that we can't do what we have to, to survive. But I think it's wrong to think that, this is nature, or with such absolutism. Or somehting..
  23. I had reiki lvl one training in supposed "authentic" japanese reiki. It was nice. There were 2 main meditations u do every day. Gassho Kokyu Ho which is a meditation in prayer mudra. U breathe in energy (reiki healing energy) into the hands, going into your heart, and into the hara, and then, back out. This revitalizes you, energizes u, etc. Then the other was.. I forgot the name. You basically sit, with palms up. And you imagine breathing in energy and receiving energy from the palms facing up, and collecting into the dantian, and then shooting back out in all directions circulating all throughout your body. Then there are also a couple of mudras to take in mind. There's also a cleansing technique which looks like you're sweeping your hands across your body. To do a healing u must start by going into prayer mudra, and then hold your hands up above you to receive healing reiki energy, or to become a conduit for it, ie as an initiating move. Then you just place your hands on the place that needs to be healed and 'let the energy flow through you and into the area you want to heal for a time. as long as you feel is necessary. uhm.. not sure what else I left out. I have the manual at home somewhere.
  24. Why gluten-free?

    Actually I forgot where I read it. But it was something to do with the fact that chemically structured, it is abrasive to the intestines, and doesn't digest well in that it doesn't properly get broken down or something.