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Everything posted by Non

  1. Excess Energy in my Head

    my qigong teacher told me this is (the first breathing exercise in the video) just normal "Chinese breathing". He did it in between each qigong exercise 2-3 times to ground. what's funny is JAck Greenwoods "Body Method" is just like this whole meditation only you move your hands up and down with the breath. For 15-60 mins. Initially it's this meditation done standing with knees bent down low, and eventually you can do it seated. In his book he just expounds on the technique and how to clear stagnations in the energy body, and later couple it with affirmations to manifest your wishes. +1 for this post.
  2. Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways got me into feeling the "energy" for the first time... though if it's the same as "energy body" I dont know.
  3. real dan-tien

    ok. I don't get much affect focusing on just underneath the belly button 2-3 inches down 3-3 inches inside. So I'm thinking what if the location of the true dan-tien has been hidden? I was thinking ok maybe I can focus on the whole lower jiao and all it's extensions. But more specifically there are 4 points I'd like to consider as being very important as perhaps even extending to the dan-tien. The testicles, the hips (not waist) ie where the bladder is, where many people hang their pants at.. not where they sag below the buttocks but then again thatcould be another area altogether, the belly button, and the colon area... especially where you feel the peristaltic action, or feeling when you need to uh... defecate. There is a distinct feeling there and i've thought sometimes that may be where the source of kundalini is.. and that perhaps one of the reasons why kundalini has been so hard to awaken is because people in general hold a lot of discomfort (at least the one's not so sexually successful) around things having to do with the anus and the restroom stuff. Base chakra? I was definitely thinking the testicles though too. I always feel when doing a horse stance like a cauldron of energy between my legs underneath my perineum like my genitals hanging really low and a pumping sort of action there. Also the mingmen area. It is funny that also kundalini might be the same as the mingmen in taoism. So yea... Lot of weird talk I know.. Just wanted to share my thoughts to see if anyone resonated with it.
  4. Where did you find this technique mentioned in "taoist" material? Any books/authors?
  5. Yea I read of this technique somewhere else. From the book "Advanced Sexual Practices" by Sebastian Heller. I'd be careful about the author though because I have had some history involved with him back when he was active on other boards on the internet, but see what you can take from the book. It might have some insight. Search in google for a torrent or at some share website. I haven't tried it myself but I was wondering how it could work.
  6. real dan-tien

    who the hek is Don Pablo Morales?
  7. real dan-tien

    Yea, if only I had the money for all this stuff.
  8. Waitankung

    interesting.. i want a video edit:nvm
  9. whos stupid now

    well, you can do testicle breathing and lift them (the BAWLLZ[!]) but I can only lift it up halfway.
  10. real dan-tien

    Good points. I have scoliosis and I wonder if it would inhibit finding the true dan-tien, and also the kundalini awakening process. Also, have to know where exactly the kundalini/dan-tien is.. I have the feeling that it's harder to find in myself than others can find in themselves due to structural issues.
  11. Indian vs Chinese Metaphysics

    dan-tien is kundalini
  12. whos stupid now

    eh.. how the hell do you "shove your testicles" in there anyway? do you actually put them through the holes they come out of by hand, pushing them in through there? lol... i tried it and it doesn't go in..
  13. real dan-tien

    well... the kundalini awakening exercise hasn't worked for me no mater how much I've done it in the past. Is it a thing that happens in one session or it takes multiple sessions?
  14. what is the truth in the location of these areas? here's a relted article tht I found with google
  15. tummo? Where do you find the practice? I know it's tibetan, though I thought it was supposed to be secret.
  16. real dan-tien

    Yea you know I've thought of doing this.. when I was playing around with Robert Bruce's Energy ways. Only I used colors for each chakra. I didn't really receive any results. I guess it takes longer when yuo have blockages. I want to do this at standing meditation. I guess it can take multiple sessions.
  17. real dan-tien

    how do you do it? maybe you can PM meif you dont want to post it here?
  18. real dan-tien

    But I learned something in class today. My TCM professor told the class that Guanyuanshu (UB 24) is level with the dan-tien, so it's the back shu of the dan-tien. It's not lvl with qihai as I thoght it was and was told by another professor who was not a TCM practitioner, but actually the professor of the Chinese history, qigong, Chinese language and Food therapy classes.. important because that means it's right at the top of the sacrum... so dan tien is associated with the top of the sacrum...
  19. real dan-tien

    I guess consistency is the problem. I don't do qigong everyday and I haven't really been focusing on dan-tien exclusively either.
  20. Bigu diet and The Three Worms

    Well of course... oxygenation is akey factor. Jana Dixon of BoK tells me the best way to get rid of parasites is deep breathing, exercise and Sun bathing, specifically of the areas that don't get enough like the genitals. So basically anything that increases oxygen. There's also Miracle Mineral Supplement which is known to oxidize microorganisms.
  21. I wonder if these people were also told not to masturbate at all, as in no self stimulation.
  22. Yea so basically I interpret from your post that let's say your baseline is 1. After 7 days the testosterone goes to 1.5. On the 8th day it just goes back to 1.
  23. Another question is this: they say Baseline. Does the baseline increase with each successive ejaculation after 7 or more days of retention? Or do you always have the same baseline? edit: nah nvm. Why the hell would you have a higher baseline? Unless the capacity for a higher baseline increased. In which case perahps it woudl be in the same 'ratio'/baseline relative to your capacity but even so you might have a greater capacity to hold testosterone.
  24. My question is this though: does increased horniness always mean higher testosterone or just lack of kidney yin or yang?