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Everything posted by Non

  1. Whatever that means (friends with benefits). As long as it's committed sex ie she is only fucking 1 person at a time, as I cannot stand how disgusting and messed up (disrespectful) that is to be doing more than 1 guy at a time. I also prefer that she doesn't have the goal in mind to simply jump from person to person, and closes off the opportunity for a relationship or longer term thing simply because she's "not that type of girl" . it's kind of gay actually. or bi. but I guess a lot of people don't care, or much less even know that it's bisexual. You cannot expect every guy to be fond of the fact that a woman only has casual relationships, or is too casual. For the same reason I mentioned.
  2. Why gluten-free?

    ever done research on it? It's hard to digest. And many people have allergies to it and can develop allergies to it if eaten too much since it is hard to digest.
  3. I simply don't know how to keep my back straight, if I have to tuck in my lower back....
  4. Forgiveness

    Anyways, I think we need to agree on what is forgiveness. Because for now it's just a word and people here disagree on what it means to 'forgive'. People use generalizations to come to more conclusive generalizations but it's still generalizations anyway...
  5. Forgiveness

    I thought forgiveness was letting go.
  6. Forgiveness

    One can forgive but not forget. One can forgive and still be wise. The doctor is talking about forgiveness, ONLY, and at the same time being complacent. One can forgive and still do the right thing, make justice, but it wouldn't be revenge after there is forgiveness, it's justice.
  7. and so.. in today's society we also deal with diferent kinds of stresses than we did in the ancient times. Yea u know, we had to use our fight or flight, freeze responses, etc. This kind of stress response is inadequate for the more sophisticated type of stresses we might deal with today which usually last a longer time, or stay with us, and need a different response. Back then, it was life or death, now or never, etc. Not to say we can't use this, but not all the time. But sophistication is many times viewed as weak. That's why you have some of the greatest scientists and smart people who have to end up lonely, and celibate. Because they were ahead of the crowd. They had to be celibate, it was the only way. If only they could have carried on those genes. Maybe one day we won't need to, and we will find another, better way to procreate. A more cool-headed way, instead of being slaves, or imprisoned by what we think of as "nature".
  8. Hah, so every beautiful woman is corrupted then, at least in this society, is what you're saying? So do you justify it simply because they're beautiful or what? Or because it just "is"? I dont know about that infidelity statistic. At least not nowadays. Do you think women will tell the truth? I think nowadays cheat much more than they used to, and what they say. And u dont know if all these statistics are fair and balanced.
  9. BUt whatever.. keep thinking that everything is either all in the mind and has no connection to physicality because you seperate the two, yet think they are the same because you deny true physical reality. Or think it's just physicality and still seperate the two because you don't see a balanced connection between the two even though u think there is. Of course the same can be said for me in many instances but Im working on it. People deny that we don't live in the world by ourselves, and the collective can have an effect on individuals. Of course this is not from a codependency, but interdependence. One becomes co-dependent when interdependence is no more.....Otherwise we would be living all by ourselves. No, together we stand, divided we fall.BBut there's so much division and disorganization in this world, and conspiracy and hidden truth that it's not always easyy.
  10. Anyways. The faultyness of such thoughts is most probably due to the fact that truth (about their nature, their history, where they're at, etc.) is hidden from the masses and they are lost, and can't find their way out. This can be tough for the person who knows what's going on but always gets silenced because some "authority figure" with big guns doesn't want the truth to be known.
  11. So, all this talk of "jealousy". It's not always unfounded. We do need genetic integrity. Integrity in every aspect, mental, physical, cultural, etc. We dont want INBREDS resulting from promiscuity and people not knowing who's related to who. We also want genetic purity. There is bioethics involved. As well as cultural. I also heard of a story that a guy who had raped many many women, or had sex, whatever. But down the line this resulted in inbred offspring. It is also not smart to reject every person just because they are a bit "imperfect". This also goes against evolution, but darwinists would have you believe that Nature is wholly cruel, and that nothing can be fixed, only "die off". If that's the case then everyone needs to die right now. As far as I know it the only evolution I know of is macro evolution, education and harmonic resonance. What about harmonic resonance theory? ie, a monkey learns how to eat potatoes by washing them and on th other side of the island they too learn how to do it because as a species they are connected to each other, yet they never once communicated with each other, or seen how to wash potatoes, they just know it. And there are aboriginees in australia that also can sense whenever a member in their tribe has gathered food or made a kill. Yet they are far away from each other.
  12. I mean personally, the biggest factor that nobody seems to care about as regards to polygamy, or cheating, etc. Is that I think it's just disgusting that women share with more than 1 guy at a time, and for a period of time. This means that she has the detritus of more than one guy and is mixing it together. At the same time her body is also worn out from this, and her mind is becoming more fleeting, and unstable. Therefore you won't be able to trust her again, because she has developed the personality to have fulfill fleeting desires, and her mind also ambivalent, or jumping from one to the next, and it doesn't stop. She won't be able to stay still. Only until she gets exhausted, and she will get exhausted, she is reaching for exhaustion. She won't be able to give undivided attention until then. She won't be able to "settle down". Which isn't even that hard in the first place. In my opinion this is not natural. Chances are if you were to see a woman before this industrial society, or even before much of what this society calls a "civilization", it would be the first and last time you saw her. Because afterwards you'd have to take responsibility for the children that would result. Or you wouldn't have women trying out every man she can find before 'settling down', etc. And so, you wouldn't really find a woman who's had sex with 30 other cavemen. To each their own right? Well, unless you live in a tribal society where women and men are left to have sex freely amongst each other, and have non-ejaculatory sex. The children that would be born... uhm. Wait children? Who would raise them? Other men? Would they know their fathers? How could the women take care of them without the Father to provide protection, since women can't do it on their own. Hell not even a man. So that's why we have society. Which means you need to stick together. Which means there must be mutual trust, and pair bonds organization, Family (familiarity?), a coherent, consensus of society etc. to ensure that we survive, and make the best of life. Social structures are built on this trust. Well maybe not this society though...
  13. they are both at fault, and not at fault.
  14. they are both at fault, and not at fault.
  15. yea..I always thought today's sexual practices were not always natural either and resulting of this industrial society.
  16. Now I'm not also saying that the article states truth. In fact it very much does. It is a cruel truth, but that doens't change the fact that it's Cruel and Unecessary. And to cling to a cruel reality simply because it's primitive goes against the logic of evolution. So much for your evolutionary psychology. If we could evolve beyond these primitive ideas simply because they are 'ancient' and primitive, we could atually have a society and live in such a way as to maximize survivability much better than these primitive ways. I'm also not saying to throw away all primitive and ancient ways. But Im not saying to accept every primtive way, and to cling to them absolutely especially when they are unuseful, all the damn time just because they are primitve. Enough said right? Well some people still don't get it and believe in false autonomy.
  17. That really is a load of bull. It only works that way because people believe in that way. It is primitive, and just because an idea is primitive and "ancient" doesn't always justify it. We only evolved that way because that was the only way we knew and we were Primitive, and obviously not as evolved as we are today. Or are supposed to be anyways. and we are supposed to be above unuseful primitive ideas and mindstates and behaviours, not stick to it simply because it is 'primitive' and 'ancient', that goes against the logic of evolution. insterad you just choose to be victim of false autonomy and NOT evolve, and then call that "going with the flow", like it is the superior thinug. You work with it if you need to, but don't let it run your life. I mean, come on. You think Nature really believes that violence, cruelty, inconsistency, backstabbing, etc makes for a better society, in which people can share and evolve and live to make life better to actually increase survivability? As opposed to violence and torture and cruelty. That's backwards logic. Just because you see, animals behaving a certain way you think That is nature? What if there's a difference between true nature, and what you've been lead to believe as nature as some kind of false autonomy of the ego.
  18. Like I've said before.. there are animals that are monogamous. There are also animals where 'male-female' gender roles are reversed compared to the human gender roles. There's also a REAL capacity to be monogamous. oxytocin, vasopressin, etc. The vagus nerve too. We aren't necessarily by 'nature', supposed to be violent and stuff. at least not after evolution.
  19. Yea it's pretty messed up. I woke up to the truth of womankind when I got into material back in high school. I also think that society feeds into this reality. And this the whole good guy vs badboy crap is used as a marketing ploy to make people buy into it by making them fearful of what they are. Now it's mainstream and even women believe they are as stupid as they make it seem to be in this material. I mean, that is not to say they weren't already, but not as much as when it wasn't as much encouraged.
  20. dude. I know there are people who have been alienated by society. But for different reasons. I know too much. That's different from another person who simply "feels out of place" because everyone is simply unique in their own way. That's not the kind of isolation I'm talking about. That and though there are some people who have known too much, they have been able to put it aside and live, fake lives. For one because they have no remorse, and they trained themselves to be absolutely emotional. And they probably had a lot of experience growing up, before they got into their mess, so they have knowledge to draw upon. The people that always say you consciously choose everything that happens in your life are full of it. Whatever guys. I'm done.
  21. Man you got it all wrong.
  22. so I'm practicing celibacy. It might be ok. But it would be even better if all women didn't reject (even on simple interaction or for friendship or something) me based on superficial qualities, and my differences of personality. A person needs interaction. For a man to be totally alone is not good. And I also have no guy friends. Can't really get any at this point.. I'm too messed up to even begin with, and its all due to my lonliness. Plus it can be gay. Women are preffered, but anyways, who really wants friends these days? I mean seriously, what relationship isn't caused by a simple want or desire of sex? Or to get from the other person. Just take and take and take. Never give. Hopefully, I can probably transform all this lonliness to become like the buddha. Totally asexual, so that it doesn't bother me. But there's no way to be Asocial. Or is there?
  23. Celibacy and sexual energy

    so I'm practicing celibacy. It might be ok. But it would be even better if all women didn't reject (even on simple interaction or for friendship or something) me based on superficial qualities, and my differences of personality. A person needs interaction. For a man to be totally alone is not good. And I also have no guy friends. Can't really get any at this point.. I'm too messed up to even begin with, and its all due to my lonliness.
  24. it doesn't matter what the F i do to improve myself. My values, and my opinons, my personality is so different from others that I have no place here in society. Because society is mean, and superficial and extreme materialist, such that, I couldn't even be able to improve myself, because I am not that type of person.
  25. No one cares about purity. Maybe just the christians, but I dont go there. And even christians don't care. Even spiritual persons don't give a flying damn feck. Purity is also, nothing about some stupid ethical agreement that is only a personal opinion. I mean it is, but it is also reasonable, and based on our biology. So is true ethics but nobody knows ethics. Everyone thinks it's just relative, and without reason. What about the bioethics. Bioethics of sexual and societal traditions. It's easy to say that it's all relative, until it's your life on the line. Ok, sorry. Ranting like a crazy madman.