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Everything posted by Non

  1. and the guys, just keep using women, and insulting them and their body's, and even themselves. They're messing it up for everyone else. Stop being complacent, and I say that for the women too, because they are also complacent.
  2. You got that right about the US dating scene, really sucking for men. But I doubt it's any different anywhere else. All of today's society's are usually dysfunctional. There's no woman in my age group that actually wants to be committed to a relationship. Nobody cares about monogamy. UNless you have lots of money, and are older, or just very fortunate. And women care not for fairness. And all their guy sex friends who just pass her around. They dont care that I might be a rich person in the future, or that I'll be popular, whatever. In the meantime I am a SAD LONELY FUCK. They all just want sex buddies, or whatever you want to call it. No strings attatched , friends with benefits, etc. This isn't really something I can do. First off, making actual friends with a girl is extremely hard, that is if I want to go the "friends with benefits way" which something usually goes wrong because, someone usually develops feelings, or whatever. I also think any unserious relationship isn't really natural. Just because people can use condoms now, everyone wants to fuck around. it shouldn't be like that. So like I said, this isn't really something I can do for one, especially the sex buddy thing. I cannot separate sex with a committed relationship. That's how it should be naturally. And also, it requires that I be superficial, and/or borderline offensive and sexually explicit to an extreme degree. And I simply don't have the guts to do that to any woman without really knowing she wants it. And trust me, girls make themselves completely unnapproachable to me, because I have to be "perfect". There really isn't any woman that cares. I'm not "perfect" because, for one I dont have an extreme amount of money, or I'm not fortunate with a number of superficial characteristics which she may think makes up my personality. I'm also very different, in my society (The USA) my kind are considered outcasts. But me extremely so. it's ok to be an outcast when you're already much older and have experienced a sexual life, or have a partner, but at my age no. It doesn't get you anywhere in life, neither does it get you any friends. I also can't change myself to conform to society. I'm still in college, getting my college degree. When I get out, all the girls will have been fucked senseless the whole time. I don't care who you are, Every girl is getting fucked and fooling around, and by a guy much older than me, with more money, or just more fortunate at the time. Girls don't care about fairness. And so after college, I dont think I want to get with any of those hoes. So much for your "serial monogamy" crap. If they cared about monogamy they would be more serious, even when single, even during college. After college, who knows, you'll meet your dream "boy toy" and you'll want to be with him, but he won't want to because all throughout your life you've been giving it up, and to people you really don't care for, or who dont care for you,and without caring for the consequences. I am not getting stuck with a girl who's mind and body have gone through the havoc of this fake societal sexual structures that are made from this stupid industry.
  3. Celibacy and sexual energy

    Yea Sivananda is kind of extreme though. He even goes on to say that building friendships of any sort build contempt, so for one on the path of brahmacharya one should not even make friends and be detatched from everything mainly . Then there's another yogi that I saw on a youtube vid that said that even smiling is a sexual act, and questioned, what Isn't a sexual act? We are sexual beings... "One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here how valuable this fluid is!" - Sivananda
  4. Celibacy and sexual energy

    1 drop of semen also = lots more drops of blood, Sivananda says. Anyway... I also read that there is a technique to transmute some of the energy in the semen so that when you ejaculate, it doesn't cause as much of an energy loss. I wonder how... but yea. I just want to be able to get over this damn ejaculation stuffy. All I know is, whenever I do it, no matter what, it feels bad, i lose energy, strength, etc.
  5. The Fourth Kind (MOVIE) haha. Well the theory goes that... There are many different extraterrestrials involved on planet Earth. The Verdants, Annunaki, Reptoids, even hyperversals. IT might even be thought that hyperversals let all our suffering occur because, well, to limit us. They have a so called "reason", and that is, to not let humans become too powerful, or any other extraterrestrials down here. For the purpose of limiting us from creating and using wormhole technology, which supposedly caused the destruction of the universe in the last cycle, so they 'dont want it to happen again'. They might even have created some of these extraterrestrials or be controlling them. Anyway. Some are benevolent, some are not. The annunki, or "SAMs" are mixed. Some of them, do care, some of the don't. Some hate, many, indifferent. many of our early religions and even modern, come from alien transmissions, or communications with humans, although many of them are in disguise. According to the ancient sumerians, we were created by the Annunaki. They had their own Adam and Eve. Marduk, is Annunaki, and he is "Lucifer" in the bible. God and Satan, are basically the Enlil and the Enki, respectively. You see the Enki and the Enlil were competing against each other. The Enki also had his own religion, Islam. Actually, basically what happened was that there was a lot of jelousy that Enlil had, and the Enki and Enlil had created their own religions among the humans. The Enki and the Enlil became part of seperate factions which were called Serpent and Ram factions, respectively. So there were at the time a bunch of Serpent and Ram factions. Islam being of the Serpent, and the Judaic being of the Ram. I can't recall the other religions associations with each faction right now. Both the Enki and the Enlil didn't care much for humans either. They just wanted to control them. The Big Flood recorded in both the Epic of Gilgamesh (Sumerian) and in the Bible was actually planet Nibiru coming inbound in our solar system, causing havoc and Earth changes. Now, how good a God was Enlil? Enlil was the Judaic God. Enlil was the Judaic God. But the Enki in the competition was winning the approval of the humans, and the Enlil became furious. He didn't tell any of the humans of the incoming planet Nibiru. But Enki had developed an affinity to the humans since they started to prefer the Enki better than the Enlil, so he warned Noah, and instructed him to create and arc to save himself and many of the creations. So yeah... Then we had Marduk, which really did not give a f*ck about humans. He is now part of the Serpent Faction, and the Enki is still part of it as well. Marduk wants to take over the Earth and mine it for it's resources, and make humanity slaves. He wants to take advantage of the time planet Nibiru comes again which will be showing up around 2012 in the southern hemisphere, but by then I'm not even sure it will be too visible, but surely those with telescopes will be able to see it. The whole Earth changes from that will begin to increase anywhere in the next 5-10 yrs and onwards, and Nibiru will make it's closes approach between 2015-2020 to 2035 I'd say. So yeah. The plan is to take over, just like it says in Armageddon, of course it's not to be taken literally but metaphorically. There are many parallels with this theory and the Bible too just so you know. And uhm.. So the plan is to take the humans underground when all this happens. This will be a Trap! There might also be other extraterrestrials on the surface that want to take us, and it will also be a trap. There are also many 'seers' who think they're communicating with benevolent extraterrestrials but it is a trap. Especially the ones communicating with Marduk's faction. They will tell them all to meet up at a certain area where they will be "Coming". And they will expect benevolent extraterrestrials. They might even come down and still act benevolent but then afterwards, they will slaughter the innocent. Meanwhile, part of that faction will also infiltrate the our governments, play the good guy, and then lead humanity underground to "keep us safe" from the destruction on the surface. As I said before, this is a trap. So what do those who want to survive want to do? Stay on the surface, in the safest place possible Most likely the mountains. Or find a way to teleport out of here. Whatever. Maybe find benevolent ETs to help us along the way or save us, and take us off-planet. Also, Jesus has been thought to be currently residing on Nibiru right now. He might be a human hybrid. But he isn't the real "higher self" that people may claim. Sure he might want to help us, but he's only coming either before, or even after all the destruction. He might want to help individuals though, not sure. He was after all, the King of Jews, and their Messiah, but they denied him. So he wanted to help humans, but they too, deny him. So he doesn't want to come at the wrong time. Right now the majority would most likely deny him, so he doesn't come until much later. But the "higher self", that is proposed to be Jesus, and probably was in Jesus, is something we call the Dedicated Human (DH), and can manifest himself in all humans. He's like, the queen bee of a bee hive, but the entire hive is also the DH manifest. And we need to tune ourselves to our higher self and collective self/christ consciousness, w/e, before it gets too late. He might come in the form of a higher ideal, or communicate to us through 'tao', I dont know. I myself need to. I was recommended to read the book A Course in Miracles (ACIM) since that might teach me to deeper attune to the DH. Although the book is speaking of Jesus, it is probably using the form of Jesus to communicate the DH's teachings. I'm not sure if it's the true Jesus in ACIM, but like I said, it might really be the DH communicating in clear, easier to grasp teachings. That is not to say you can't find the DH anywhere else, in fact he probably manifests in ALL human beings, at all times, it's just that for some you have to really look for it than others. In fact I don't even know that much because I get my info from somewhere else. But it has been said that he does manifest himself in all human beings, at all times, and that some are just more attuned to "him" than others. Anyways it's "complicated" Oh yeah, and it was also said the Free Energy Tech and /or ZPE tech will be released, and more advanced biophysics might be acheived, but I dont know if that means, that humanity or our governments will use it for good, or to it's fullest, nor release it all completely.
  6. Well that yea, but then there's also the whole alien annunaki and reptoid government political and exopolitical conspiracy theories, and the supposed 'hyperversals', 'verdants', etc. that might also be contributing to the whole damn scenario on this planet we call "earth" and might affect our lives.
  7. yeah.. I have a problem with some homeopathy tho. To see a homeopathic doc is expensive here... and I live with my father, so he wouldn't approve of seeing some "fake doctor to solve a problem I should see a psychiatrist for or something". That and many of the formulas aren't vegan. But I will see if I can perhaps find a cheap one? I did try some , ignatia and it did help tho. or some other one I tried that was for calming the nerves. I didn't think it would work, because how could such and EXTREME dilution such that "not one molecule of active components remain", as some TV documentaries have stated. But I took the whole bottle and I did notice relaxation. So I thought, ok there is something in these things...
  8. yeah I'm sure, that celibacy was probably not the Root Cause of my problems even tho I stated in the beginning post that it was, but I take it back. Though it has been the cause of my not getting better, atleast because maybe I haven't been practicing it the right way. But lately I think I'm getting the hang of it.
  9. Just to make sure.. confidence can be faked by many. So women can get "seduced" by it. But the fact that pick up artist material also focuses on getting laid with as many women as possible, and putting All Other Males who don't go by "their rules", to debilitating shame, and building up their seminars based on this vampiristic way of just insulting, and degrading anyone. So how do they get people to acheive things? Usually the way bootcamp does.. that is, tearing down and completely destroying one's identity, but in a very Brutal and Violent fashion, and then rebuilding it up. There's other ways to do that. Of course, there's goign to be another here who says "you're just a pussy man, stand up and be a man you bitch". Etc. People need positive affirmation, not negative affirmation.
  10. I am, I already found a therapist. My first session was last week, the intake. She decided I wasn't going to benefit much from a social anxiety group therapy, and that I should just do solo for now. At least, her excuse was that I'd just not benefit as much from it rather than seeing a psychologist solo.
  11. Oh yeah.. isn't the navel the dan-tian? Aren't there numerous sources saying to keep the focus On the navel, ie dan-tian?
  12. and that's also pretty cool that you got that I was an extremely socially anxious person from the CD you recommended. I mean, dont get me wrong. At times, I dont have much social anxiety.. but when it comes to being leisure, and "social", having leisurely social fun.. I just can't do that. Especially by myself. No, not at this time. I've tried, and trust me, alone, I am my own worst enemy.
  13. get out of here. you're from FL too huh. me too Im in Miami.

  14. "You have unshakable confidence in yourself as a hopeless case... arrogance involves ignoring everyone and their opinions and sticking to yours. Confidence involves being certain. Being certain and ignoring everyone is what you do here... by denying our attempts to help, you're bolstering your own self image as someone special - someone so unique that no one even understands you, let alone has enough insight to help..." yea that is true. But I am different.. and I believe I am so. I went through some situations perhaps nobody would understand, unless they at least really tried to. Also, much of the advice given does not work for someone who has extreme social anxiety and extreme lack of skills and knowledge due to social anxiety and etc. That, and I have extreme differing opinions. For example I don't agree with being a jack-ass and a jerk like how most people seem to think its good. And to be very extremely dominating and overpowering, and taking advantage of others, mocking, etc. I'm also not too much into the overly-macho kinda thing. Oh yea and you know my problem with women and how it seems they like only the jerks. Im an adult also, so if I do go out in the 'real world' I am often ridiculed, and looked down upon. Now tell me how is it that I can better myself in such in environment when I can't even be myself around people without causing myself and others enough stress to block me from improving myself, AND helping others?
  15. well I was going to reply back, I just hadn't read every reply yet. yea lately I haven't been getting much protein. well compared to what I usd to get, which was around 120 grams a day, at least on the days I workout, and 80 on the days that I don't. Is that really too little? Yesterday I got around, 150 grams. I dont eat much sometimes either, because of lack of time or whatever. And just bad time organization. But trust me I don't eat soy that much. Only lately because I've been having inflammation in my prostate and needed to cool down the sexual energies from too much stimulation. So yea...
  16. Celibacy and sexual energy

    well for sure, ejaculation always causes a energetic discharge. For me, anytime I ejaculate, I stay in a weakened state the whole week. My sense of balance goes down I'm also a lot more nervous and tense, I can't do as intense exercise, I'm fumbly, and my self esteem goes down, especially around females. It's a shame too that men have to deal with this and women don't. Do women know this? I bet most don't and figure we're just as weak as we are after ejaculation, all the time.
  17. 1 Glass of Wine?

    there's a juice made by Genesis Today called Resveratrol Juice...
  18. Celibacy and sexual energy

    So what do I do? Jelqing fux up my celibacy. How do I counteract the shrinking of my penis from being celibate? I really have no choice but to be celibate because nothing and nobody turns me on right now. Not even porn.
  19. says you paul. man you people don't know how to handle me without getting insulting. And I'm being "negative". So I'm just like one of those "homeless dudes" that dress up in raggedy clothes and begs for money. And then it's used to buy drugs or something. Or like.. one of those people in india that break their childrens bones to get more money to bring home from the tourists they beg. So i'm just like one of those people who put drain all your energy and then use it all for evil. Sometimes poeple are just viscious. I'm sorry. Oh wait, I can't say I'm sorry. Oh and I can't show emotions or have pain, or be honest because that's fake. so I apologize. Oh wait I can't do that either i'm just tryin to gain sympathy.
  20. Celibacy and sexual energy

    It is good but it's not entirely necessary. It's just another medium of communication. It just has to be a good teacher I guess. I go to a kung fu school and any time I asked about more detail about the qigong they tell me to just watch what I do, that I shouldn't have to learn all the details because analyzing everything will just overcomplicate things. Even though I'm the analytical type and I think things should be explained Exactly the way they're supposed to.
  21. so just cuz I'm vegan I lack jing and male sexual essence that makes women not want to talk to me? wow. That's really shallow and has nothing to do with real attraction. I dont even eat soy. in fact lately I've had to eat soy because I felt too stimulated. yea.. so maybe that's why I dont get women. because the majority of society are meat eaters and I'm not. finding a vegan chick that can understand that is hopeless. I've always wondered about that too , since meat can cause heavy emotions and agression, which perhaps women can sense, but not in vegans. anyways, it's about assertiveness not agression but I guess poeple dont know the difference.
  22. well, if that's what you all think of my honesty and frustration.
  23. I don't do PUA stuff. I had bad experiences with PUA material, and believe me in high school I tried it. I was successful in getting interest from girls but I figured it was shallow, so I stopped. Figured most people are shallow anyways. The end.
  24. No kate. There's nothing I can do. I know you mean well. I'm sorry. I can try all the advice given on here. None of them would work for me. I'm just not attractive to any woman on this goddamn earth. I'm sorry. I'm doing my best but I've got some serious issues at hand. Women are like drones. They want perfection.. and I am far from that. They are the manifestation of natural selection and I am being bred out of existence. Out of the book of Life. There's nothing I can do. Just forget it and let this thread die. edit: actually it has nothing to do with natural selection. It's all about sexual selection. And women are in control of that, since I can't force a woman to do anything. I don't choose, they do. They have all the rights. I have none. It is obvious that a woman doesn't have to do anything special and most likely she will always get something. But the guy on the other hand, has to be perfect. Every aspect of him. If he is lackin in any aspect he loses in competition with the "better" man. Always. It is also very discouraging and disheartening when you see that criminals and gangsters and 'badboys' get the majority of the women when good guys at heart get nothing but unrequited love. This means that sexual selection really has nothing even to do with natural selection and the propogation of "good" genes. To be rejected by woman means to be rejected by 'god'. It means that internally you are non-existent since it is light penetrates the darkness.. since there's no darkness, I have no light. and that means in effect that I don't exist. Just let this thread die off just like my very essence will, regardless of what I do. yea pretty fuckin dramatic.