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Everything posted by Non

  1. don't worry I do plan on getting therapy.
  2. Question on breath control technique

    I learned the 1:4:2 breathing ratio from the book Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins. I would normally start with a deep 3 -4 second inbreath, and do the rest. He wrote in the book that it's supposed to activate the lymphatic system and cleanse the blood, and refreshen, give energy. I tried it and after a few times I REALLY noticed an effect. I got like, hot flashes, and felt refreshed. I was impressed.
  3. The Error of the Buddha

    Forshang Buddhism is a supposed "new buddhist thought" religion, calling for the modernization of buddhism.
  4. Perhaps things have been set up by "the evil powers that be" so that people like me become outcasts of society, and can't make it in this world. When oh when will the cries of humanity be seen by our neighbors, by God? There are those of us who do try to do good and be good, are we ever heard?
  5. Im not sure why bioenergy is not considered "scientific" but anywho...
  6. External Qi Transmission Video

    actually... thinking about something.. if magick, and qi transmission is based on belief... then wouldn't the knowing of this cause it to lose it's power? What if it ISN'T just belief, but about ENERGY. Belief is a form of focus. You know that saying "energy flows where attention goes". so the video drew posted doesn't disprove qi transmission. it just goes to show that belief can open up and close doorways. If all is thought.. then such things are built on thought systems.
  7. ... I was meditating... and a thought my friend told me came to mind. Joking he said to me something along the lines of "you're life is an illusion, a computer generated simulation. you are here to experience *my name* who is sentenced to death and make a judgement based on your experience of his life. when you are done you will wake up and be your true self again." I said "ok sentenced to death for what?" "A CRIME you will commit after several years." "What crime?" "I cannot tell you." Well it got me to thinking. "Am I becoming insane?" I thought to myself. "Will I do something crazy in the future?" To be honest with you I did see myself going crazy and doing something crazy in the future if I continued on like this. I may already be insane, or crazy. At least.. distorted? My practices have seemed to make my thoughts stronger, especially my fears and insecurities... I need to address something deep , my perceptions have become increasingly distorted, and my experience of reality has become increasingly distorted, all down to my feelings impulses and actions. It's like Evil has been invited into my life. Keep in mind before I started practice of qigong and meditation my life was pretty insane already and I may have also been a bit insane. Or just my thoughts and the experience of them. If not practiced under supervision of a wise teacher can qigong or other energetic and meditative practice induce psychosis or insanity, at the very least make your thoughts of insecurity which stem from misperceptions, perhaps inherent mental distortions and fears stronger, such that they manifest insanity in their lives, not just mentally but also manifest, negative situations to an extreme that it is insane, which makes one insane? On another note if one practices semen retention, and is unable to sublimate it, or make good use of the sexual energy, can it make one go insane? I've read that the sperm become retarded if not ejaculated in too long a time.
  8. semen retention and insanity?

    do the eyes have to be open? So I'm guessing I can just do MCO like normal, then when I get to the third eye, do I instead of lowering the energy down the front channel, shoot it out my eyes into my hands which reach the lower dan-tian, and repeat the orbit?
  9. semen retention and insanity?

    hey drew, where is the vagus nerve climax located or where does it take place? In the back of the head shooting out through the 3rd eye? I've had some instances lately where I would draw up energy from the bottom and raise it up the spine, tingles the base of my head and travel out my eyes, making me feel brighter and more awake and my vision bcomes clearer. Is this the beginning of a discovery? Shoudl I keep working on it?
  10. semen retention and insanity?

    So how exactly do you learn the vagus nerve climax? Ive been trying to stimualte the areas with my awareness and focus, and try to make it feel goosebumpy... not much luck tho..
  11. I've always wondered about this. People talk of mastering the mind, cultivating emptiness, and then they talk about how it's so easy.. and I'm just like "oh yea what if you're testicles are on fire and you are being tortured how easy is it for you to remain peaceful and 'happy?'" Perhaps there's no real way to be absolutely 100% happy in every single case.. sometimes you just have to deal with what you have.
  12. If one feels offended, it is a lack of love. It is a lack of compassion, it is an insecurity. A fear. If you feel offended, look within, because most likely it stems from a belief that you cannot deal with what you're presented with. It's hard not to feel offended sometimes though isn't it? I always thought.. that buddha could never feel offended, because he has no insecurity, and being without insecurity and being self loving, he is infinitely compassionate, thus would never feel offended because he has fix all his inner demons..
  13. Interesting Website... Indeed.

    I never said it wasn't a hoax, just said it was good. beside su know how it is... people mix fact with ficiton these days because the truth is too much to handle in its raw form for the current populace.
  14. External Qi Transmission Video

    does this mean that if someone does not believe in the power of chi, any sort of healing is closed off for them? Im talking about disbelief, belief that it isn't possible. Im not talking about simple passive "i'll believe it when I see it" which is still open to the possibility. And if a person IS open to the possibility, than it really does have power, and can do "impossible" things? But it's the belief that allows it. This doesn't discredit magic though, but confirms that where attention goes, energy flows; and that's the real secret to magick isn't it?
  15. Interesting Website... Indeed.

    new age horsepucky. the real wingmakers series is good though.
  16. semen retention and insanity?

    Says who? If you are alone and don't have a partner because you are involuntarily celibate, then it only robs you of energy and vitality. Isn't it only possible to get more energy with a partner, or at least that energy that was lost, back, otherwise if you are alone there's no way to do it without needing to learn the proper way to sublimate the sexual energy, ie practice abstention as stated above. Otherwise wouldn't it ruin you because it's not natural? THe more you dump it out, the more it affirms to your body that natural selection has excluded you, and so your body literally dies inside. People say that you don't need sex to be healthy, or to live. It sure is necessary for survival, it's what's natural. The only people that are able to stay healthy even if they abstain are monks and advanced spiritual practitioners, because they know how to transform their vital essence.
  17. semen retention and insanity?

    how else than do you sublimate and conserve your jing if not by retention?
  18. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    About the BDSM stuff. I was thinking about it... most of humanity has not yet learned tantric love and healing love. People talk about "pity sex" yet don't know the meaning of pity anymore. Pity was to care for someone, to feel sorry. To sympathize, etc. Now pity just means... well to look down on the person. Not saying that, but when the opportunity for healing love arises, people think that "pity sex" would be the wrong thing to do. It might, but it's probably more healing than a loveless life. Isn't make up sex a type of real "pity sex"? If so then you can see why BDSM is so popular: that is because people have not learned that there can be sexual healing and healing love that the majority of society hasn't accepted so instead they have BDSM which is one way that people deal with emotional issues through the use of sex... only I don't think it's that good. I mean, ok like one person said.. in this society things that just ARE have been corrupted such that it becomes impure. Sure one can practice BDSM and it doesn't have to be wrong, because it's genuine. But the way this society can corrupt anything, modern society's practices of BDSM may be a little more than deviant and perhaps detrimental and contributes to suffering in the world because they tend to view sex as violent, aggressive, immoral, wrong, or just plain deviant, and mix the two together so you have impure sex only magnifies aggression and violence by binding it with the very poweful sexual energies. In my view, this corrupted form of BDSM is a result of the society's non acceptance of true sexual and healing love and the failure to master it. Or we are still getting to the point of mastery. I'm not saying that BDSM is wrong though I think people have the wrong view of BDSM, and have gotten the perception that sex and sexuality is violent and aggressive, because of the misperceptions of BDSM. So people, especially women will look down on what they view as "pity sex"... but in a sense, BDSM, is a form of pity sex, make up sex is a form of pity sex, and pity sex can take on the form of healing love, albeit corrupted or a misunderstood version of real healing love. To me, it is a result of people not knowing how to live a sexually satisfied life. A sublimated sex life. A godly sex life, one in which there is no conflict. Humanity has not mastered it. So BDSM is a form of perhaps expressing this struggle.
  19. being offended means that you have a weakness?
  20. semen retention and insanity?

    So with the above in mind... if one is an involuntary celibate (ie cannot find a mate) and for some reason cannot find a teacher that would help in proper semen retention techniques or spiritual practices to sublimate the sexual energy, is it possible to be able to not experience any loss of energy and health by having to ejaculate every two weeks or so to keep his semen from becoming toxic and retarding? I read that cells also commit suicide if there is an error during cell division. Is this in any way related to the sex cells?
  21. Losing weight is one of my goals

    Practice mabu. In mabu you literally drop your weight to the ground
  22. External Qi Transmission Video

    the first vid was more believable. I think it's legit because the one's getting the qi move in unison with the master's hands, with their eyes closed and in a complete trance. Unless he had a string. And the people could definitely not move like that on their own they would fall on their ass with all those close calls only to be pulled in the opposite direction from some unknown force, as if there was a string guiding them but there isnt! That shizz crazy! To the western christian this would seem like a work of the devil though. Demons posessing them. Why the need for such violent reactions and movement?
  23. Well I read in that one should purify the energy going up the back channel by first drawing energy from the top of the head and taking it down the entire front channel through the chakras before orbiting up the back. Or probably can start at the dan-tian, and take it up to the head and then back down to complete the orbit as normal. I'm pretty sure one can also make a chi kung or nei kung exercises that incorporates movement to guide this energy down and up.
  24. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    the whole cumshot to the face thing is pretty extreme. THis society is obsessed over it. It doesn't always hav eto be degrading. But when people make that a goal to pursue at ANY COST, and is done without love then it's degrading. I agree, that it can be a form of submission. The man feels like a woman is so devoted and their bonds are so pure. But to really do it the way porn does it IS pretty degrading. At least the majority of porn. I'm not against erotica. But porn is something else. Porn by definition means wanton, raw, brutal, crude, etc. Erotica is something else. Porn is a type of erotica. But even then, porn if anything, should be educational, be performed with catharsis in mind. The actors should be careful. This is Imagery. This is media. It does have subtle control over people. heh, only in missionary or front to front sex, can the chakras and souls meld together/unite. Or so I've read. It's also the most primal position.