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Everything posted by Non

  1. Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

    my deal with pornography is that it I think it makes people more deviant. I mean, humanity had always been deviant but it was more the tyrant warmongers. Pornography has no problem showing things that would be considered immoral, unethical, and unnaturally violent and abusive towards women and sexuality. For instance co-ercion, which is considered unlawful. Rape fantasies, or things which are at the line or controversial, ie, you don't know that it's rape, or sex without consent but it's just a porn fantasy so "its ok" but in real life it isn't. Though this teaches the young mind that, if people enjoy in this type of material, that people act this way in the real world. That women come to expect for men to put their hands on the women without consent, and practice coercion, and to be promiscuous, immoral, deviant, etc. Why does sex have to be deviant? Sex is a sacred thing, and to be associated with 'deviancy' is just wrong to me. The moment the two become associated we have taboos and repressed feelings and guilt, and idol worship "black magic", etc. Most people are ok with it because they think humans are inherently violent and cruel species but this is simply not true. Even if we were we are more civilized now and have SUPPOSEDLY outgrown unuseful stress responses and activities. I also have strong feelings toward promiscuity, because I don't like my woman having sex with tons of other guys getting her sh*t worn out and sharing with me other men's detritus and fluid as well as other energies. Which of course most people don't care about. It's about genetic purity and variation. We don't want inbreds because people don't know who did who, what family we come from, etc. etc. etc. It's also unnatural. A mother and father have to be committed to raising their own children, and protecting them. Pair bonds are necessary for survival. That's why we developed the vagus nerve. Unless there's another way, like the bonobo chimps who's females probably have sex with tons of guys at a time, they don't care, they don't get jealous. They don't care that fluids are being shared, or that it may be 'unnatural' to see their women beat up by the amount of hardcore sex in their lives, because in the 'wild' , the first mate you see is probably the last mate you see, because you have to deal with raising the children you get from that, and life wasn't always long lived. And a fertile image was that of a pure woman who you would meet when young, when your hormones act up, etc. Chances are that would be her first time or she would be raising a child or already pair bonded with another man. But this industrial society is fecking things up and then you have poeple with strong emotional conflicts with their own bodily nature. Or we could of course have a society that trained everyone like monks to just sublimate their sexual energies until the right time. That includes the women too. Remember, humans are also one of the only species to have sex simply for pleasure.
  2. haha yea. I've always wanted to know about testicular braething myself. Especially, getting the unaroused "cold" sexual energy to move up to the dan-tian. There's this website: but there's some holes in that explanation as are many others, so I'm not sure as to how exactly do it.
  3. The psychological evolutionary basis of retention and reclusiveness One of the foundations of health, maintenance and behaviour according to psychologists is the endocrine system which includes the testes and the sexual function and psychological system. If there is a sexual dysfunction or disorder it can cause unhealthy behavioural disorders, general unhealthiness and psychological disorders. If there is a psychological disorder there is sexual disorder, and general unhealthiness. General unhealthiness, etc. etc. etc. For some time now humanity's basis on success was to be violent against each other. Thus, primitively only the most aggressive and "evil" could mate. Then we started to become smarter, evolve, and we came together, but we still have some people that think the old way, in fact perhaps the majority still do. Being that this world is so fed up anyway, we bred each other this way. The world was fed up so we needed to become more spiritual. Being so good meant that the men got no sex. We had to become spiritual though that also meant that we had to become good to each other. So men became recluses ie cavemen. Thus we created The Monk. The monk was Good. But he got no sex, so realizing that he would go mad if he didn't have sex he had to literally kill his sex drive and sexual function such that the body and psychology no longer depended on how many times he got laid, so he sought inner alchemy, this evolved basically from cutting off the penis to transmutation and transformation of the sexual essence. It was rather powerful but of course it was a solo cultivation practice. Dual cultivation is more powerful but does humanity realize this? *incomplete*
  4. yes true... but in many cases... who would be more successful in perfecting his vision? One who's life is complicated, or one who's simple?
  5. Taoism

    "The tao that is celibate, is not the tao..."
  6. Plattfform Zin

    but what if you also in the process call "emptying the mind of good and bad" "good" and being "caught up" in it, as bad? ok.. I undersatnd there's a difference between doing and judging something as good and bad. Ie, it doesn't mean that just because you are not doing it, that you think it's 'bad'.. you just might find it useful for a particular practice. its just... ti seems like they ARE saying that it's bad to label things as good and bad and good not to label things good and bad, which is contradictory.
  7. How important is a closing?

    how do you close?
  8. celibacy and body changes

    wow, crazy. .... isn't kind of messed up that most of humanity (or rather MEN because the women are always messin with them ) has so little control over thir sexuality that people choose to become celibate to kill their sexual desire just to become sane? I mean.. I think it would be better, if you do this AFTER you had already mated and fulfilled a domestic and a more biologically normal 'human' life, but the simple fact is that , most (or ok, SOME) people cannot fulfill such a life because of conflict, that they have to literally destroy what God gave them because they were unable to make use of it, or transform it, to basically reach death in a quicker and more peaceful way (isn't that what nirvana really is? anyway?)
  9. tea

    Be careful with the polycarbonate, or any other plastic. Especially since you use hot water. I remember reading somewhere that polycarbonate materials (chemicals) get dissolved in the water or liquid in the container, and can cause serious problems with sexual functions, and decrease testosterone when consumed.
  10. celibacy and body changes

    Im not exactly sure that the generative force can be kept "sublimated" for so long... as for me simply focusing and being aware of my lower chakras and genitals guides the energy downwards. Besides you do need the water element down there, ie you need fluidity down there. Many times, simply feeling water in my lower chakras, or liquidy eases digestion, makes my bladder and urinary functions work properly and keeps me calm perhaps among other things. I remember my friend telling me something funny: "The Tao that is celibate is not the Tao..." It's not the ONLY way. I think mainly excessive ejaculation is obviously unbeneficial. It can also make one feel tired because there is a chemical reaction involved that isn't simply explained with "energy leaving the body". yea celibacy can lead to reabsorption of the semen's nutrients, and perhaps these lower chakras can store nutritional energy that if one became sick or deficient, the essences can provide something. It can also serve a function to carry dense energy. I believe there is another way with dual cultivation. One doesn't need to be celibate. In fact I think dual cultivation would be far superior, if those involved just knew the right way to do it, and to have sex so that no energy is lost and both are revitalized. Also, the emotional reaction (ie sadness, low confidence, low energy, etc.) when one loses the semen in masturbation might also be biologically, due to the fact that it's semen and sexual energy being wasted and there's no energy being reciprocated by the environment or from a partner.
  11. Its possible that... in many cases of the bible God and Satan are annunaki, the Enlil and Enki respectively, which were part of different annunki factions that simply didn't agree with each other and had their own followers, so that one side viewed the other as the devil but the same thing was going on in the other side. Mainly Judeo-Christian and the other related traditions, and the Islamic and other related traditions. The Ram and Snake factions respectively. Lucifer and the Beast in revelations also being Marduk. Jesus might have also been human hybrid. Some also would say that the one that passed down the true tantric tradition was also annunaki. Nagas in hindu tradition was also alien. Hermes also being Ningishzidda. OH yes.. also in the bible, the fallen angels were either those annunaki that were sent to watch over the humans, or do some other operations, who impregnated some of the human females and "giants" came of those pregnancies, I think they were the "nephilim" but I'm not sure. SO yea... also, the ancient sumerian religions had their gods in the form of those annunaki extra terrestrials, and they were the first "official" civilization to exist. they had their 'adam and eve', the creator god's being the annunaki. also in the epic of gilgamesh their's a mention of the Great Flood, which had occured due to the planet Nibiru which comes around every thousands of yrs or so and causes haywire on planet earth. This was also "heaven". Annunaki are like giants, or taller human like aliens. Many giant beings and dieties in mythologies... go figure.
  12. the thought, that both internal and external martial arts, meditative and mystical practices have been passed down by extraterrestrials, many which have not survived in the passage of time, the ones that were left being altered, parts taken out or hidden. perhaps many of the ancient deities and mythological and legendary figures were extra-terrestrial in nature... historical records having been hidden and altered. if this is the case then what are we? what are "the heavens", what is "THE Heaven"?
  13. goji berries, some abstenance of self arousal by hand at least.
  14. Loving the Eight Brocades!

    Everyone I've seen that teaches the Eight Brocades has their own version of it. Is there any one official Eight Brocades Qigong?
  15. hey Ryan, do you know of the correct breathing pattern for this qigong exercise? Michael Winn doesn't explain the breathing in the DVD.
  16. Qi is NOT Energy

    I read somewhere that to 'cultivate chi' really means 'to cultivate mind/body union'. Or when will acts in harmony with the body.
  17. celibacy and body changes

    that's actually interesting.. because I've actually felt more around the belly button area, at least more tension and where I need to keep focus because there's a lot of tension around there. Why not just around the belly and belly button That's where we were hooked up in the womb before we were born, that's where energy came from.
  18. celibacy and body changes

    what is the LDD?
  19. I forgot to mention, that he displays, BOTH ways in the video. The first way I described is what he started with, and then towards the middle of the demonstration, he switches, without explaining why, or it's purpose. methinks it may be that it's a conspiracy.
  20. Right Hand: Yin or Yang?

    exactly, that's what I wanted to know. If one hand is yin, the other is yang, I can put them together over a yin body part, to draw energy to it. anyways.. I think the whole yin/yang stuff is basically about comparison. A thing is only yin or yang when compared to another.
  21. well you're explaining using taoist and energetic concepts which are beyond my knowledge right now lol. Anyways... For some reason also... in the Sexual Vitality Qigong DVD... Michael Winn reverses the knee bending and hand movements for some unknown reason, and never explains it. Perhaps it's a different variation. He basically instead of compressing the energy downwards on the bent leg, draws up energy from that bent leg. But perhaps the way it is perceived seems that way. I think he lifts the heel up off the ground from that leg, which makes it bent, while the other leg is straightened. I'm not sure which is the right way but you can play with the both ways that I described.
  22. Illiteracy In Biology&Anatomy

    Science is science. Physiology on the other hand, the physical locations of aspects of the body should be looked at and taken into consideration.
  23. Orgasms and Cultivation

    ah... I had to laugh when I saw the title of the article "You Can't Fake a Full Lotus!" as you're always referring to it, and Chunyi Lin's Spring Forest qigong stuff. I personally think any kind of leg crossing sitting position is imbalanced. One leg over the other can cause the hips to become unbalanced, don't you think?
  24. Orgasms and Cultivation

    Yea you know I'm unsure of Drew. He always seems like... in his own world, many times bypassing questions with answers of the same type which only serve to reinforce the main arguments or theories of his, and not really answer the questions. At laest from my experience. And then uses fancy type words and stuff which have no real scientific basis or foundation, and is just about presentation. Sometimes the links and scientific papers he presents have nothing even to do with what he's talking about. Sometimes the answers he gives have nothing to do with the question at hand. It's possible that drew has real experience... though perhaps a bit in his own world I guess.. maybe unable to transmit his knowledge with clarity and in a plain English, down to earth way. is English your first language Drew?