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Everything posted by Non

  1. Good stuff. I think the stretch exercise which you now say is number 6 is similar to a qigong exercise shown on the DVD Sexual Vitality Qigong by Michael Winn. Basically you shift from side to side. Hands facing earth (or the one hand that goes up facing in pointing down), the one hand which corresponds to the side being shifted to (and legs being bent) goes down, and you imagine compressing the energy which is flowing through that leg, is being drawn from the the earth coming up the other leg which is being straightened and stretched by the soft internal grip it has on the ground. The hand which corresponds to that side where the energy is being drawn from the earth is the one going up, simultaneously while the other hand is going down. And you repeat for the other side, going from side to side in this way. It's supposed to be done slowly too, which a slight pause when you have come up and you're in the middle and both legs have been straightened (but of course slightly bent in the traditional leg stance). But your version focuses on one side at a time, while with Michael Winn's stuff you go from side to side alternating. Also, on the "uddiyana bandha", I think it's slightly different in that you are coming from a bent forward from waist position, to standing upright. It is important to draw the navel in and up I think, and pc muscle squeezed and perhaps try to feel a slight pulsation in the exercise. Another variation of it and making the prayer mudra in front of the chest, and perhaps also lifting that mudra over the head, arms straightened. You can also experiment with another mudra like uttara bodhi. There are also different details in different versions like... keeping the pc muscles contracted and navel in and drawn up (thus drawing in your testicles if you're male) as you breathe in. I'm also unsure of the safety of drawing sexual energy up the front (functional) channel , as opposed to drawing it up the back (control) channel and up the spine. Regards
  2. Illiteracy In Biology&Anatomy

    it IS important. It's quite important. But one has to understand that most education in these days is also regulated by government, and most of the time the government isn't for your best interests, and might want to keep you down, and in the dark, always struggling, always incomplete. So take what you can, and work with it. Take what's useful and leave the rest, from all aspects. Especially in western society. Especially in eastern society. Especially everywhere there might be an imbalance between the "physical/external/material" and the "spiritual/causal/metaphysical/wahtever" aspects of education. Also there might be a conspiracy, politically and exopolitically if you know what I mean. Planet Earth may not be as it seems... Balance, is key.
  3. Dealing with negative people.

    in dealing with them, don't be negative. transmute it (if you're able) into positive energy. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...... Also, take into consideration that negativity can also be rooted in the physical in the form of a physical disease. Perhaps maybe even astrally, or causally.. Do you know the technology that our government holds, and scientists? And our otherworldly neighbors? and astral neighbors?
  4. A friend of mine, who supposedly has had his kundalini 'awakened'... can 'pulse' energy up the spine, which causes a feeling similar to the pumping of the PC muscle. it's around that area, but it's more of an energetic pump rather than a physical pump. If he does this over and over again, as a string, he has multiple "non sexual, non physical" orgasms. So this might be considered "non-sexual" orgasm. perfect symmetry, part of each other, kundalini spinal connecting. yea...
  5. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Actually what I was looking for was if anyone has heard about this qigong and could tell me a bit about it, and perhaps guide me to a place where I could learn about it. Perhaps I can only learn of it by going to Mt. Hua. Btw, I dont know what to make of the master, just because he charges money for it doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. We live in a society where we have to make money, and nothing comes for free in such a society. Perhaps one day if we became closer he could give me some tips, but not now . Anyways, I dont care. I was just interested in seeing if anyone else here has heard of it. regards
  6. celibacy and body changes

    Alright man... obviously. lol no offense though, but I know there are times where I don't get morning woods, but that largely depends on my sense of the stimulation. Some days I get it, some days I don't. Just depends if I'm stimulated by it or not. I never said it always had to be sexual either. alright man. I agree, that we can get boners from having lots of chi. But that is because there is a tingling sensation, and it is stimulating the nerves on the penis. The reason why I talked about urination is because that IS a possibility. Even if you don't have a full bladder, you have not urinated for some time so that some of the left over ingredients in urine which was left in the bladder has been sitting there for a while, either left to dry up or ferment or whatever, and it stings/tingles, whatever. so you need to flush it out by drinking water and urinating. Im not saying you can't have a boner from chi. I never said that. Actually, all this doesn't need to be so damn mystical and mysterious. It's just a damn tingling sensation which stimulates the penis, point blank. It doesn't have to be sexual, unless it is associated with the act of sexual intercourse, and it becomes fluid which wants to be associated with the act of sexual intercourse.
  7. I was looking to see if anyone here has followed the Taoist Yoga book by Charles Luk Chan, so that I can perhaps try to understand a bit better what this book is trying to convey (and hope that it's an authentic transmission). Any insight would be appreciated.
  8. Hm, interesting thought that u think "not all ecstacies are orgasms". I was just "told" that orgasm is basically ecstatic pulsation, so that I would think all ecstatic pulsation is "orgasm" in a sense. So now.. orgasm in this new light is now more sexually oriented ie having to do with actual sexual intercourse, not just the interplays of "yin and yang approaches to gender roles" or the other way around: "gender role approaches to yin and yang".
  9. Still not getting Taoism?

    it's not even that its "technical". It's all written in code language, and conflicting messages, that I wonder if there's really anything to it, other than to just really 'sound poetic' or keep things secret, or sound powerful. Im sure there's something to it, but the deeper you go... the more "mysterious" it gets, to a point where it seems like they just want to keep it mysterious for some reason...
  10. Orgasms and Cultivation

    haha, I'm in as well. Does this mean no ejaculation for 100 days or the complete abstinence of penile stimulation and mental masturbation as well? Hey man what's the technique for drawing the jing upwards? Do you draw it up the control channel or the functional channel? Is there a specific method you choose? regards
  11. celibacy and body changes

    Yes but, I think there is something to the importance placed on the semen and the sublimation of sexual energies, including the experience of it, or to just find a way to discover and experience sexuality to the fullest, including to realize it's sacredness. To be able to separate orgasmic pulsation, and ejaculation. And one thing is for sure... that the abuse of sexuality can hinder one's spiritual progress. It is also about virtuosity, but also biological. And well, perhaps there's also an element of "what if I practice semen retention, what kind of extraordinary things can I find useful with it?"
  12. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    yea I spoke with my Sifu and he told me his Hua Shan Pai Qigong consists of 108 movements.. and he charges for 65 dollars EACH movement. That's a whole lot of money. He says it's very rare.. so rare that the only place you'll find it is by going to Mt Hua yourself, pass a couple mountains and maybe you'll see someone practicing it that meditates in a cave or something. lol but he says it's very powerful, has hard and soft qigong. Sifu also says that he was the only disciple or student of the master to which he passed down the practices.
  13. ok.. wow. that is a little f-ed up because now I'm just a little envious since my whole life sexuality has been this 'untouchable unreachable' thing which is totally beyond me and my abilities (since all my past lives I think too, it's the place I get stuck at, inevitably and the lesson I have to learn.. but I might just be making that up)... and here you are and you don't even have to lift a finger and you have women cumming all over themselves all around the world. I don't know anyone else who is like me...
  14. celibacy and body changes

    lol. "buddha's dick..." anyway... I think... a person trying to be celibate in this society is VERY hard. I think the people who have attained "true" celibacy, have had the right environment or surroundings that were enabled them to be so, if not, a tremendous internal state to allow that. Right now in these days, in this society, and the way our bodies are now, it can be very hard, and may take longer, and will be harder for us. If you want to be truly celibate, I'd say the only way to do this is to surround yourselves with LIKE people, and in a supportive environment, like a temple, or perhaps... a cave... also... perhaps might even need to proactively make yourself disgusted with sex, build up a STRONG willpower for it, or see absolutely no meaning to it. You're fighting instinct in a way. Though, I dont think it's unnatural to be celibate for a time, though I think it's a stretch to be celibate for life. Animals are quite celibate themselves, until they find a mate. They don't wack off I think. Well maybe monkeys do.. but still they don't usually do it too much like humans may as they're more connected with their bodies than humans are with themselves, to really know what's good and what isn't. Right?? also... them monkeys probably find it easier to find sex, plus they find a need to 'compete' for it as well.. and the sexual practices are different from humans. to us some of it looks like rape, co-ercion or non consensual... if u know what I mean.. so it's not like they could have that much of a problem getting sex like some humans with social anxiety do...
  15. Taoist Yoga book help

    I dunno that's just the synopsis on the back cover.
  16. Taoist Yoga book help

    So then WHY does the book say "this is a comprehensive course on Taoist yoga which provides complete instruction and training". lol There's so much mystery in all these MYSTERY traditions I have no choice but to doubt.
  17. celibacy and body changes

    Uhm, I get a morning wood because I need to urinate and my penis feels tingles, and feels stimulated. it feels PLEASURABLE, like pulsation, like orgasm is pulsation (minus the ejaculation). We really have to see just what sexuality is. What is it's REAL true purpose? If it's just pleasure, then why can't we just have orgasms, without having to ejaculate? It's just like someone rubbing and massaging a point on your skin until it becomes extremely pleasurable and tingles because the nerves are becoming sensitive and being stimulated. Now on the penis, there are nerves which are VERY sensitive, and are connected to the ejaculation pump. It can be very hard to keep that orgasm (pulsation) in the area of the penis without ejaculating because of this. And to make the pulsation go elsewhere the other parts of the body also have to become as sensitive as the penis to be able to carry that same pulsation. So then really, what do you refer to as "sexual energy"? Orgasmic pulsation? Or "sexual intercourse".... So then.. the pleasurable feeling that you get from a morning wood, is it orgasmic energy, or is it SEXUAL energy (which is always about intercourse), or is sexual energy more than that?
  18. Taoist Yoga book help

    lol.. full lotus for me isn't so easy. Longest I've done it is about.. half an hr, but by then my feet were numb and I had pain in my right foot for days... And lately my flexibility has gone down, but the pain has gone up. I was thinking it was due to sitting too much in full lotus.. that now my hips are now harder to open up. Well I did have a question as to the four-fold breathing practice. What does the author mean when he states "ascending breaths"... Does he mean.. from one point to the next, you breathe in fully, ascending the chi to the point, then exhaling and sending it back to the first point, and continue one doing the same for the required amount of "ascending breaths"? Or do you just breathe in fully WITHOUT sending it back down, for the required amount of "ascending breaths". OR do you breathe in for the required amount of "ascents" as intermediate ascensions for one full breath, without breathing out in between "ascending breaths" and you sort of hold the chi in the intermediate steps, letting the chi keep rising until you reach the next point. Also... is the idea to start this practice with an erection? Since he talks about old men having to stimulate his penis to get it erect. If this is the case.. when the erection goes down do I have to stop the practice completely? Is this the point of the exercise? Or is it to be able to keep that erection throughout the entire practice? It's kind of strange to me why all this isn't clear from the very beginning in the book, which makes me question it's authenticity. The fact that all these teachings in "code language"...
  19. celibacy and body changes

    Well, Taoist Yoga, the book... is about celibacy. But that doesn't mean, without "stimulation". Whatever that means in the book. There are different kinds of celibacy. Avoiding all sexual thoughts, and urges, even erections. Personally.. I think if anyone is having an erection, it is sexual, doesn't matter if there are no thoughts of "sexual intercourse". The human being is a sexual being, period. It is always sexual. So in Taoist Yoga.. the author recommends that old men can stimulate their penis by hand, in order to do the "fourfold breathing" practice which is like a microcosmic orbit practice, because they are low in jing or whatever, enough so that it's harder to get an erection easily. It even says that if one does not experience "arousal" for a considerable time, "it shows that the 'generative force' is exhausted; if it is not fully restored vitality will come to an end and death is not far off." But that may be in regards to old men? So there you have it... So I'm guessing the book talks more about celibacy in the form that one has kept from ejaculating for a considerable amount of time.. and that one is not 'lustful'.
  20. Do you believe that you can learn from the body?

    Jack Greenwoods "The Body Method" You can find a torrent somewhere probably. The book is called "The Ultimate Power"
  21. Stress Eraser

    I waas wondering if anyone had gotten heartmath institute's EmWave products and compared it with the stresseraser. According to the reviews it looks like StressEraser is better than EmWave personal.. although the whole EmWave PC system that goes forabout 300-400 bux looks pretty good.
  22. Anti Aging - The China Study

    nice. you know enzymes are protein.. I wonder if those are counted in the nutritional data of food. They should be. Also... one thing I've read about plant enzymes: just because a plant has its own enzymes it doesnt mean that all of them would be useful in the human body. So some enzymes might break down in the body, while the useful ones assimilated. I didn't even catch that mung bean juice extract.... it sounds similar to rejuvelac which uses grains instead of beans. One can probably even try this with the most yang of all beans which also nourish the kidneys, the adzuki bean. hah, u know what... there have been some supposed studies in the hispanic world about the "enzyme powerhouse" that are canarygrass seeds. According to the "news"... a glass of canarygrass seed milk contains "more protein in the form of enzymes than 2-3 kilos of steak..." if I translated that correctly. I also wouldn't throw away the mung bean grounds.. I could probably make a good raw bean paste out of that just like people can make raw hummus. It's also high protein.
  23. Anti Aging - The China Study

    semi sprouted mung beans are awesome!