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Everything posted by Non

  1. I feel that way all the damn time. Somewhere I read.. that the holy grail is the vagina (althought I dont believe that). Somewhere I also read that... to please the heavens is to please a woman and vice versa. To do God's work is to please females, and vice versa. So if male does not have a woman, he has no place in society, no place in the universe, etc. He does not exist he is not in the book of life. That is if he's not just tryin to be virgin and be celibate. Anyway... I was reading about sexual selection.... there are two types of selection. intra sexual and intersexual. Intra has more to do with male to male competition for females (the NEVER ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST HUMANITY, OUR OWN KIND WHICH WOMEN SEEM TO SUPPORT) and intersexual which is actually is just about being great, and not about just male to male competition or what is considered 'sexy' or not.. I feel people focus more on intrasexual, and so do women.. such that now it's all based on this... I mean, really. Do you think people care about whether their relationship has any real purpose other than to satisfy themselves? Do they care whether it's good for the whole of the species? Do people still only care about quantity and not quality when it comes to sex and relationships? Oh but sex is SIMPLY a materialistic thing according to many people.
  2. I think it's society and culture. Women could be just as creative if there wasn't such a conflict between males and females and if females didn't have to believe they are weak and the men are the strong. Society dictates biology which dictate male/female roles. Like I said... other animal species have females playing what would be the male role sometimes. So does it really have to do with "yin/yang" so much? I think categorizing things with the elements can sometimes hinder... things just are what they are. althought it can provide a framework for certain practices.
  3. I think, and I believe that until the 'great shift' of this age occurs, we can't really see a balancing out of yin and yang in humans, simply because the influence the "powers that be" have over us is too great. We must build up our power to fight it. One of the great plans was to create a conflict between the males and the females, because they know that if they could control sexuality and make it taboo, you are taking their essences and controlling them. So I think it's more than simply balancing your own yin and yang, but also, destroying that which limits our own balancing of our yin and yang energies. Cause we could spend all our lives trying to balance our yin and yang energies when it keeps being taken out of balance by some other foreign powers we don't even know is affecting us, and therefore can't even really do anything meaningful about it. And 99.9 percent of the world doesn't really know what's going on. I can spend all day trying to fix my problem but I need to go to the source... a psychologist is not really going to know a damn thing about going to the source of the problem. They don't even know where it lies at.
  4. Yea I want to take martial arts. But I started with internal martial arts (tai chi for now, before I can move on to the more advanced) and I will surely move up to the external martial arts. I just wanted to focus on tai chi first. I do go to the gym though and I run like 3-5 times a week so... I kinda think external martial arts is like a last resort kind of thing. If the internal don't work, the external will and finish it off.
  5. What about the theta males Actually.. it just depends on the individual, and their species also. That's why some species are monogamous, and some are not. Some also have a choice. But there is no "one is bad, the other is good". That's an opinion, and depends on your purpose. but there are just those people who would say it's unnatural to be monogamous, and it's nature to be violent, and anti-social, and uncaring, loveless, promiscuous. That we dont have the capacity to be monogamous and faithful. Maybe it was primitive, but we can also change and evolve. We dont have to be stuck with useless patterns. I'm not saying that non monogamy is useless. But if we humans had supposedly evolved like Darwin said, or how scientists would interpret "darwin theory", do you think humans could survive and take care of their offspring without the use of tools and intelligence against a sabertooth tiger? No so we came together, made communities, tools, became intelligent. We don't have thick skin like the gorillas do. Why aren't there as many numbers of different kinds of humans as there are apes and monkeys if we all evolved by ourselves? What made our isolated species alone evolve so rapidly? There's a missing link that our schools haven't taught and perhaps "the powers that be" know. What if we were genetically engineered a long time ago? We as humans have the capacity to produce both oxytocin and vasopressin chemicals which are responsible for pair bonding. Then again, a lot of humans don't even know the true nature of sexuality, and settle for low end sexual experience which may cause partners to become seperate as time goes on and let loveless division become prominent in their relationships.
  6. I am that guy. But are you saying I'm weak in my yang simply because I can't get women, which is something to do with sex? It can be just the same if one was weak in the yin, ie being a guy weak in the yin aspects of himself, unable to get a female for sexual/romantic/"creative" purposes. And it may have more to do with yin and yang being in balance. They all need their due stregnth and harmony to work in perfect balance.
  7. Yea that might be true. But there's also something deeper going on than just "men are becoming effeminate". There's a documentary called the dissappearing male as being a result of environmental conditions, pollutions etc. There's also a corruption in this world... The Powers That Be which exist actually have been steering the world and humanity for their own purposes and destroying us. Powers that are BEYOND any sort of human male stregnth. So yea from a perspective it looks like they TAKE IT UP THE ARSE, but really they have no real power over something such as technologies which go beyond their own technology. And any sort of imbalance can be considered a disharmony and lack of integration of the yin and yang and any of the elements. Any problem can be considered a sexual disharmony. Any sexual disharmony can be considered a problem beyond simple sexuality because humanity is sexual. I always thought.. promiscuous men and women were kind of homo. Why would a guy want a girl who's been around the whole block, with other mens detritus in her, and a fascination with 'extreme hardcore' masculinity to a point it seems pretty gay. And same with a girl. Besides I don't even think it's all too natural... if nobody was monogamous we would have a lot of babies not being taken care of and no familial structure. Promiscuity would probably only work in non pair bonding species. Ie those that don't depend on pair bonds to raise their offspring or whatever else they need pair bonds for. PUA means "pick-up artist"
  8. Depends on what you view as hot. Sex is sex, hot is hot. Scientists have agreed it's testosterone that makes people want to have sex and aggressive (but moreso its aggression about sex). This is why I don't really like the whole categorizations some taoists belive in because it just further supports duality and confusion.. attributing concepts to each other and creating linkages with this and that. It's just a mind made system, for the individuals mind and 'energies'. what if it really isn't just about yin and yang. what if it's more about a trinity not just a unity? what if it's not about any of those two? What if the trinity is just yin, yang, and then the yin/yang together?
  9. I agree with you Enishi. I tried it once, and ignorant women fell for my cocky aggressive attitude with them and saw it as "manliness". The problem with society is that they class masculinity and feminity with certain characteristics. For instance males are aggressive, violent, strong, logical. Women are pacifist, unviolent, weak, and emotional and illogical. And then they say "it's nature, it's darwinistic, etc." Most of humanity don't even know our true history. We didn't evolve by ourselves. True macro evolution would've taken us a lot longer than what our textbooks tell us if we evolved from ape to human naturally by ourselves. we also see with our limited perception of the senses we have. we see on earth animals killing each other.. to "survive". What if on a different plane or dimension of seeing we aren't even "killing" each other? What if this is all an illusion. We can't be "stuck" in a violent universe. This is the problem with duality. People become dual minded. Taoist and the yin and yang theory: doesn't that support duality? Then it mixes and theorizes with the folk philosophies and categorizes things. It might help to just view it objectively and not as factual. it works more as a system of belief, it's a system of categorization, that one uses for personal gain, but it's not factual. It's conceptual. I dont mean "guide" as in "seeing a figure guiding another by the hand". obviously you're going to think of a male guiding the weaker ignorant female who doesn't know anything that needs to be guided because she can't think for herself. (lol). I mean sorta like.. yin is the boundary and yang is the path. Isn't yin that which gives form? Without the dark, light could not exist. "Emptiness is form. Form is emptiness" kinda thingy.
  10. i do not think yin and yang should be synonymous with male and female, feminine or mascule.. for sex and gender is a product of the human condition or individual species which have genders, and it's not so universal. there are species which exist that are asexual, that have the so called 'normal' male/female roles as humans do, backwards. Ie some females are actually more aggressive and stronger than males. some species are monogamous, some are not. etc. we have a choice. if you read about extraterrestrials, a lot of them are asexual. They would also believe that sexuality can cause problems and divisions within societies because it is too pleasure seeking selfishness and all about lust and desire and not about community, to the point where it limits them if they dont have sex. To me, sexuality is ok if it can be handled correctly, if not then it's a powerful force which can kill.
  11. the fire, the spark, the light is yang. the water, the dark, the form is yin. It is the feminine which guides. the yang is a spark, without the yin the spark has no definite course, and is scattered. There needs to be a carrier. but really, sometimes it depends on how you look at it. sometimes the internal is seen as yang, since the internal can be considered pure light, which came first, before the external. yet sometimes it is also considered yin, since before light there was darkness, and it can be attributed with VOID, or nothingness which came before something. But then again.. nothingness also came at the same time somethingness was created. without somethingness there is no 'nothingness'.
  12. Number of healing sounds per day

    Alight cool. I've always had a problem with the sounds. Different sources say different things. Also.. when it is explained, its unclear ie... for the kidney sound they say it's "chu" or "hu" or something like that. They dont tell you its the long U,not the short u as in "uh". So why not say it like "Oooooooo". But even when it's said like that u cant tell whether those are long Os or a bunch of short Os put together to elongate the sound, but not the vowel. I have a video on healing sounds of baguazhang yin style. Heart sound is HA, but lung sound is Ah. The difference? Freakin... chinese daoist theory and elemental yin/yang theories are usually never clear either, as from any perspective the same object can be categorized as hav ing many elemental attributes.
  13. Cultivation and attractiveness

    i wonder if this is like a "spine wave" technique where you sort of make like a wave going up your spine as you come up.
  14. Cultivation and attractiveness

    why are the movements so rigid and stuff? the sense of chi, isn't it supposed tobe a circle? there aren't 3 openings and 3 closings in your video... the movements aren't flowing... uneven... legs are too straight? in the beginning you open with palms facing out, on the side view you open with the palms facing in. lol, u trying to hide the real movement or something?
  15. Semen Retention & Modern Day Society

    ok.that reason why it seems like I just argue and reject the 'help' ppl offer is because nobody really understands and knows whats going on with me, to really know what to tell me. people think it's all so simple and they just go by what they've heard. nobody truly knows me, knows what i've been through, knows what's wrong with me and knows what needs to be changed in order for me to change. I am a different case in pretty much every damn case. what works for others doesn't work for me because it all just simply doesn't apply to me. I'm different. I'm different, I'm different. It's hard to explain why though to people who just couldn't understand because to them everything is so damn SIMPLE when in reality it's not like that. The only reason why things work is the power of Belief. Nothing else. Believe it's simple and and it will be that 'simple'. I'm not the type of person who can just summon belief in something at will. It has to be reasonable enough to me and "logical". I'm not into blind faith at all.. even if I wanted to be I just don't know how and believe me I've done my best to follow blindly. My case is too damn complex, and nobody feels like I do. Nobody. My internal state is different. The internal state is something I havent been able to grasp easily. Theres a reason why I am the way I am. Anybody who is unable to do something is simply unable to and theres nothing u can do to change that, nor the person themselves because they are simply unable. It is just is. yea one can try to change, and trust me I try but I have to accept that I am what I am.. Nobody else is like me... nobody. So yea all I can say to you guys is.."if only it was that simple".
  16. Semen Retention & Modern Day Society

    yea I think its more of a WHEN thing also. I think... sex is necessary as well, but its more of a when thing. Necessary for a sexual being like humans. So yea, its my fuucking dilemma too. I can't get nowhere because I've never fucked or had much social contact nor do I have the memory or experience necessary to actually get myself any social contact and get a girl other than a fucking prostitute. So what the fuck. Peple are just going to keep rejecting me even if I act nice (I'm not always bitter).
  17. I've been a little sad lately. Sad about the fact that there is so much secrecy in our society, and brainwashing. Knowledge about our history has been hidden from us, invaluable teachings, and the truth is distorted. Imagine the evolution humanity could have reached if all this information was freely available. Do you believe that we might also have the ability to use this information for evil? What if this information could actually transform us into loving God-willing beings who actually have compassion for each other? Do you really think that information has been hidden from us because we would use it for evil? or is there really a mal-intent by the powers that be?
  18. Semen Retention & Modern Day Society

    actually... I think semen retention, or more like, prolonged celibacy ie 100 days or so, plus the 6 tibetans, may be beneficial for those who (like me) are extremely unfulfilled in their lives that their UNBALANCED sexual energies cause havoc in their day to day lives and controls them. would be nice to stand up and feel free of the burden of "needing" to have sex... but of course that need might only exist during the first phase of celibacy. I wonder though.. what kind of effect I would have if I still have "sexual" thoughts or get erections throughout the 100 day period ie for some exercises. 100 days is quite a commitment. I would fear that some of my best opportunities might come during that time.. but lo and behold I would have to be practicing celibacy... then when I get out of it, my best prospects would have gone away from lack of effort? lacking that "lower chakra spark"? ie too much upper chakra too little lower chakra, for the girls. and they wouldn't even understand it... and I wouldve felt like I did it for nothing. nothing but to put up with longer unfulfillment. If only I could find a girl who could understand and stay with me through the thick and thin... maybe practice along with me And she'll learn that it was all for the better . but then again if I dont do it then I'll still be quite messed up. If it wasn't for that begging "desire" to have sex NOW and not later because "life's too short, we could die anytime, we get old, the women get old, or taken, etc etc etc" edit: maybe a way of balancing sexual energies is another idea i found this on sexual energy balance: havent read it tho
  19. actually a bit deeper would be "the movement or transformation of energy"...
  20. Semen Retention & Modern Day Society

    wouldn't the sixth tibetan rite help? I know after practicing a few days... I felt like my drive had a cap on it. It wasn't totally gone but... well what do u expect when you're sitting there doing the practice of pulling your balls into your body? As for penis shrinking I guess a number of penis lengthening exercises would help.. and, well just become more sexual.. not in the bad way tho either where you can't control it. take some goji berries for testosterone or whatever else. horny goat weed, mucuna pruriens to jump start it with dopamine. or just get a woman.
  21. Heh it was a bit of a joke and metaphor. I mean generally spirits, ghosts, negative energies, inner demons, etc. since sometimes it seems like people who practice internal martial arts (not so much chi kung tho) it seems like they're fighting something that "isn't there". If you practice it for health, you are in a way "fighting" negativity. And if you think about it practicing it gives it form, which may or may not be useful...
  22. Not to be the 100th guy.

    that's a load of BS. so women dont care about anything but confidence? wht if hes a "sociopath" or any number of things.. you just want things to 'appear' ok or feel/seem ok to you.
  23. Not to be the 100th guy.

    yea well you hardly have any older women going for the younger ones..except for maybe the cougars in their 30s and 40s who can't get anyone else other than another man who has trouble with girls his own age.. and that's just a slap in the face for the men victims who had to put up with women their age wilfully being lured and "seduced" by the much older men such that those men have nowhere else to look except for the much younger themselves, but many of them don't want one that is much younger (obviously it's pedophilia) so have to settle for the much older. pain in the ass. and there's all sorts of justification too like "oh women are more mature".. or "becvause those men never got any when they were younger" well duh! because all the women went for the much older men and had extremely high standards (yet that's justified also). what people are dong is keeping the men from really maturing because they are denied a basic need. it affects women too, to only want the much older men and the gangsters or "badboys". But no any guy who has any kind of issue or problem is a weakling who deserves nothing but further torture. but the women on the other hand they can fake a problem and get the entire heavens and hell to help them out.
  24. Hard to sleep when I fast?

    adrenaline... I read a book on fasting and it said adrenaline rises when you fast, as well as glucagen which burns calories, and insulin goes low (which stores energy), hgh, another chemical that makes it easier for you to burn fat and utilize non physical energy, etc. basically all you need to withstand the fasted state provided you get energy other than from food.