
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Non

  1. the internal climax

    I am so afraid of that damn thing its not even funny. afraid of sticking anything into my anus. AFRAID. I am defnitely interestd in learning the best pc muscle technique for training onself to acheive the dry orgasm.
  2. Taoist Instructors in Miami might want to also check
  3. I got schoo and work and I want to study my "own things" ie self help and spiritual development. and I dont even have to work all that much if I could focus on getting scholarships, but I don't want to look like a bum. I have no social life anyways.. and Im afraid of being seen as a loner who does nothing but stay home. If I have no job.. I am more afraid of stepping outside my home except if it's to look for a job. I feel like I have no energy no time (my sleep schedule is also crazy, but also my job has me working late hours). I feel like I have no time for any kind of practices. and my dad sees that everything I do which is related to taoism and cultivation, etc. is a complete waste of time. Well he grew up in a different time than I. would probably be different if I had no parents. His chi kung practices were his social life and girlfriend but he also was kind of fortunate to have that, but now he's a drug user who scoffs at anything and everything . how will i ever get a girlfriend if I spend all my time focusing on trying to improve myself through spiritual practices,because physical practices don't work too well for me, and Im already trapped in physical imbalances such that perhaps nothing can work for me,, not even physical. so my only choice is the other aspect but I lack the time and resources (it seems). This society is all based on just materialism and selfishness. one would be a bum to focus on his inner aspects but has to be denied love and a social life because society sees him as a waste of space on this planet. unless of course you are really powerful, and also wealthy such that you can do things differently. I dont even have much time or enerfgy for school (college). I feel like if I dont improve myself I wont get anywhere, but I dont have much time to really collect myself. school is just concerned with purely material things and external things. or perhaps too intellectual? well it's too much in one area and too little. there's no self development. everything is leisure (yet to me it shouldn't be leisure but more of a required thing, because without it, you wont get anywhere in school either). so yea just a tug of war between a purely mundane life of external superficiality and the more purely internal stuff when they should be in balance in harmony, its just that this society is very much one-sided, such that one has to become a renunciate to seek the spiritual life, or one has to be purely material to get things in life. Im afraid of going outside just to enjoy nature because of SOCIAL ANXIETY. this society is all one sided. one must renounce the worldly life, or one must be purely focused on the external and material things.
  4. What is the point

    I always thought clutterdness and meaninglessness was unhealthy
  5. the internal climax

    ill just stay lonely my whole life then. u guys make it sound like i masturbate everyday lol. right now im going for 100 days
  6. the internal climax

    i was wondering about the oxytocin thing. In the link provided it says that traditional sex causes a sharp decline in oxytocin afterwards as a result of a sharp increase of oxytocin during orgasm. does the internal climax counteract this? does the karezza method counteract this? If so does that mean that there is really no orgasm? I've been able to induce a sort of "thrust and flutter" type of dry orgasm through masturbation (never had the chance with a partner).. which is not a full on orgasm but it does cause the automatic pc muscle contractions... but this may also be like retention because afterwards u kinda feel drained tho not as much as regular orgasm, and the energy or semen just builds up and clogs the perineum, which may cause mild to more intense pain depending on how much you've done it and for how long you've gone retaining. What kind of orgasm is this? is this the plateau phase? if so it would be kind of dangerous to stay there. if this is the internal climax it would be dangerous because it is semen retention. any insight would be appreciated regards
  7. Taoist Instructors in Miami

    my name's Chris too
  8. I am sorrrrrrrry.

    I'm sorry for all the spams I've given. seriously though. All my posts are negative, and stuff. Im sure some of you are questioning whether I'm a troll, or an idiot. Or just a lazy bum.
  9. afraid of being a tao bum

    wish they were. but perception is never reality
  10. Taoism for the beginner

    hah... I like the spiritual too but moreso the alchemical aspects and cultivation, circulation of chi and transmutation. sexual kung fu. and the healing aspects.
  11. afraid of being a tao bum

    whoops... not just outdated sorry but also onesided such that one has to be kind of a renunciate to practice spiritual things or overly materialistic just to get things in this life. kinda hard to tread both paths. or maybe not for some people. Im also different in that I believe in certain things others dont, anti mainstream, conspiracy and extreterrestrial influence, but also very scientific, but not of the mainstream.
  12. Taoist Instructors in Miami

    Yea Huang looks good. But uhm.. I dunno I recently joined a kung fu school called Kung Fu Connection to learn all forms of tai chi chuan and internal martial arts I can. They teach northern ad southern shaolin but shaolin is buddhist. Though they also teach baguazhang and xinyichuan water boxing, chi kung, supposed esoteric Hua Shan Pai Chi Kung but its expensive. Theres another school called Divine Fist which teaches tai chi xingyi and bagua but Im not so sure of the school since the website spells taichichuan as Thai Chi.
  13. Taoist Instructors in Miami

    Hey me too have you tried google? darn google only has the mainstream stuff.
  14. Taoism for the beginner

    heh. it's no big deal I understand. Actually I've been into daoist thought for quite a while.. about 5 years starting with the practices of qigong and medical qigong. I bought the book Traditional Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy by Jerry Alan Johnson back in 2004 before they came out with the new elite series of textbooks. Man I want it so bad. So yea.. I've been around the stuff for about 4-5 yrs on and off but now I've recently come back to it with a new motivation to learn about it. I went through a stage where I wanted to discard of anything that was too folklore based, but reading scientific articles about qigong and daoist sexual practices as well as tantric sexual practices, kundalini and other forms of healing and health maintenance practices in eastern thought I'm coming back to it. So it started with Jerry Alan Johnson but I didn't read the whole book either because it was to me incomplete (plus there was an error in the page numbering), and now the new series is 10 times better and more refined. Introduced to daoism by qigong and taiji chuan and the philosophy and ideas behind it. As well as natural and alternative medicine and spiritual/physical practice (non mainstream modern biology and physics too).. It all began with the desire to improve myself and help myself in high school.... and desire to get women too since I never had a girlfriend, was unhealthy, etc. I actually like all the daoist stuff though I'm scientifically inclined. I understand there is folk daoism and ideas based on pure folklore in qigong and chinese medicine so that's the thing I'd watch out for but I'm interested in the truth contained therein. It's a system of belief that one can use to attain benefits from. It's not the complete truth IMO but we all start with generalizations which later become refined. Mainstream science has some integrating to do.
  15. embracing the horse, not tree, so it's done in a lower stand kinda like the horse stance. interesting. I love ma bu.
  16. HI this is Non again. I had an issue about the lower dantian and middle dantian, I dont know exactly where it is. I know they say, 2 inches below the navel. Then there is the "hara" which simply means "belly". Maybe I just have a huge belly, and with lots of tension in it. Every time I try to breathe into the lower dan'tian or do belly breathing, I think of the times I've read that the hara is the same as the lower dan'tian. But the tension in my belly (which gets immediate relief when I breath into it) seems to exist in my whole belly, not just the area of the navel. So when people say or write "belly breathing" synonymous with lower dantian breathing, I get confused. Then I start to think, what if that spot in my upper belly is actually where the solar plexus resides.... I also think I read somewhere that the middle dantian is at the center of the torso, not at the heart or chest level, but other sources say that it's at the heart level. I also have scoliosis and a big belly so maybe my dantians are out of line or something... or I mistake the tension in my mid upper belly as part of a dantian. Belly breathing for me.. feels best when I breath into that spot rather than lower, because there's where I have the most tension. So... What about the second chakra then, and the third for that matter? Or fourth and first? Whats the relation with the hara, dantians and those chakras? Is there an extension of the lower dantian which goes down to the knees? Because for some reason, when I go into standing meditation, I really try to feel grounded. I feel as if there is a dantian, lower than the navel. Wait, dantian is at the navel or between the navel and belly button? lol
  17. thanks for the WEALTH of information. I just need time to read it all so don't think I'm just collecting info, although I've had the tendency to collect a lot but read a little. So many things to do. If the dan tian is right in front of the kidneys that would mean that it's not really that much in the lower abdomen or navel but more like in the middle of the belly. The dan tian is more in front of the ming men which is just below the kidneys.
  18. man I dont know which is the correct posture tbh. I have scoliosis too so maybe that's blocking the intuitive sense of the correct position. When u say u straighten the upper spine, do u also squeeze the shoulder blades? whenever I tuck the pelvis in (which happens naturally as it relaxes and also tuck in the lower abdomen) it also makes my upper back hunch, or at least makes it harder to get it straight, unless I perhaps squeeze my shoulder blades together.
  19. afraid of being a tao bum

    well that's true. one thing I can't really do too well though is taking walks. I can balance myself by meditating, but if I dont do it it's detrimental. One thing that would be awesome is the ability to attain the sun's energy through meditation.
  20. afraid of being a tao bum

    Well.. my "reasoning" is that... I have an extreme lack of social life and love life that it is detrimental to my biology. I don't see it as 'social norm'. I see it as healthy and balanced not really having to do with "a norm". Such can only be recovered if I practice something which reverses the effects of deprivation and isolation on the physical and mental well being. Biologically I think that life doesn't necessarily depend on it but health does in some way. Like a person needs the sun for his eyes and skin. etc. a person needs human contact and to interact. At least because I'm not at all so spiritually and mentally developed and conditioned such that physical laws and time don't effect me (or my body). How do you think I'll be able to balance out my yang without yin? I'm not saying I need sex but at the very least interaction. We are social beings. Cells exist in a community. All life in the Uni-verse is social. Yin and yang is "social". Extraterrestrials I believe do not deny the power of community. We live in a universe that thrives on shared experience. If no one believes in something, it doesn't exist, at least for them. Humans are social and they thrive when they are together, as one like in a hive mind in a way. Reality is a shared experience. at least that's the way I see it. nothing to do with 'what's the norm' but more like what's biology. But this is of course from a deprived point of view, ie not in solitude where a person can actually stand his/her alone time. at the very least if one is to be isolated from society they do have to do something to counteract it's effects on the person's state of being, whether it be meditation or other practices, perhaps a conducive environment and mindstate. But if it's not taken care of or maintained, then I think it can be detrimental.
  21. afraid of being a tao bum

    I just want health. I also think cultivation is essential for health. I also think power is essential for health. I think health is essential for more power. I dont want simply power. I want health. I want balance. That way I can give to others. But I can't really give to others (at least that much) unless I am myself balanced and healthy. I guess... I also see that having a balanced social and love life contributes to a healthy well being.. especially if you are extremely lacking in that.
  22. Taoism for the beginner

    gotta love those torrents. I think you need to go through lvl 1 though first because lvl 2 uses a lot of the concepts of taoism and chinese meridians and medical theory that are taught in lvl 1, the probelm is the audio courses in the torrents are all incomplete and that's where all the theory is taught.
  23. afraid of being a tao bum

    VERY true. I do focus on girls a lot and become nervous but I've always had social anxiety. debilitating social anxiety which I believe stems from the fact that I've never had a girlfriend. Of course I'm nervous around girls. I've never had a girlfriend. Of course I'll never have a girlfriend, I've never had one to begin with! Its a paradox. Girls don't like you if you have no experience. People don't befriend you if you have no friends. Not just that, but you can't really get friends if you've had no experience in getting friends in the younger life, and now that Im old it's much harder because, I'm an adult. I was supposed to have already learned how to. Learning now just belittles me in other people's eyes. About the guys going for the younger girls... well. it's actually the way I think women set things up. They always go for the older guys.. and the younger guys don't get jack unless they are fortunate enough. I also never liked the fact that women are so selective (yet unconsciously too) and that they prize DISPLAY of confidence and DISPLAY of authority rather than true confidence and true authority. so... girls turning a guy who's desperate for love BECAUSE he is actually deprived of it.. is illogical, because girls like to go with feelings regardless of logic. it just has to 'feel good'. what if the feelings they get is just an empathic sense of the person they are feeling and not necessarily a "gut feeling to turn away from those who need love". The feeling they get is a feeling of their own suffering, not necessarily a gut feeling to turn away from them! Perhaps the only thing they need is love and acceptance. And yea.. I do give love and acceptance. Kinda hard for me to like myself the way I am (not because of the way I am but more of the situation I am in) but I do accept others. It's not true that one can't learn to love without having first loving themselves. That's just the way people want to believe. One can also learn to love themselves by loving others. I just dont get and am confused about those who run away from people because they need help, because it's what's "in" and because they are following some voice in their head that tells them what to do but perhaps they dont know it's origins. and of course I have my faults too.