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Everything posted by Non

  1. Not exactly. I've gone about 6 months retaining and have not once made any connection with women.
  2. lol so what about 100 days during a period of "laying the foundation" with chi kung neigong meditations etc ? they haven't gone that far in the studies...
  3. the body decreases production of testosterone after some time of semen retention to make up for what it already has. Then who knows.. as an evolutionary mechanism it probably thinks you are beta male and don't need any testosterone and might lower it? At least... if you're not having sex. I read somewhere you need ejaculate at least once in a while to stimulate testosterone production, but it has to be the right way. If you have no partner though i don't think it's any good. Masturbation overstimulates the PC muscle which can cause probs.
  4. Kill your self...importance :)

    Well killing your self-importance... it's about in what context you take it. Obviously the better way to Rid of your self importance is through selflessness. nothing more nothing less (what else is there anyway?) but to add the context of "murder" and "suicide" and other "negative connotations" is unnecessary and in fact may hinder progress. Trying to force it in such a way is also risky. It's better to just practice selfless-cultivation methods rather than to try and "break" yourself. Breaking yourself has the attachment of negative emotions,a nd is still ego centered. It might be one way. Like meditating on a mantra until the point of exhaustion that your mind quiets.. instead though you attach negative emotions which can also cause traumas on the way and other nuisances. I dislike when poeple try to "force" you into selflessness by trying to break you.... and for what? domination? Some people just don't have it in them to deal with that, or they don't have the temperament for that way.
  5. Tips for dealing with night sweats?

    american ginseng? and gou qi zi heart blood tonics: dan shen and tian/san qi ginseng.
  6. Eternal Spring Chi Kung

    interesting. I wonder if his book of Neikung is good.
  7. I dunno I'm liking the idea of Jnana Yoga, Advaita Vedanta and Atma Vichara. As for what system is oldest? I thought the Indian systems were the oldest.
  8. Everyone (including myself) and nothing contributes to and causes my problems. We are all contributing to this f*cked up state of the non-universe.
  9. Motivation vs Concentration/Focus

    perhaps because motivation is based on sympathetic fight or flight/fear based adrenaline?
  10. ok ok. People at my school say horse stance is this: feet HAVE to be pointing forward as much as possible, meanwhilst the femur bones (upper legs) are pretty much parallel to the ground. Wth? How do you do that? I mean in front of the mirror I can do something like it, but it's never perfect. My feet are never able to be completely pointing forward.. they point outside a bit. If I try anymore the insides of my feet raise. Also I'm pretty sure my knees go past my toes anteriorly.
  11. Do the goji berries (gou qi zi) need to be brewed into a tea to have their maximal effect or can they be eaten raw and still have the same effect as the pills?
  12. I've been eating 1/4 cup, plus another 1/4 cup at least for making tea, then eating them. As for the raw juice: isn't it just the best tasting water after exercise? lol. I put a little himalayan salt and cayenne pepper, and maybe some lemon juice.
  13. proper horse stance...

    well.. Our school stresses keeping the butt in as opposed to out, which keeps the back straighter and not tilted forward. The knees push out so there's a stretch being felt (supposedly), it's the boxed type of horse stance. and the curriculum is mostly northern until you advance and you're taught cheung kune pai(southern emperor's longfist) and also some hung gar and southern praying mantis. It's mixed I know..
  14. proper horse stance...

    also is there a difference between the southern and northern horse stance? What are they if so?
  15. Florida, you?

  16. yea when I get high (on cannabis) all these realizations which are "ordinary" all of a sudden become extraordinary. Or I just start to get a direct experience of it all.
  17. hm, seems like I know you..

  18. Hardship case inspiration

    damn. I wonder where the hell was he going to go after he left all by himself it looks like.. one of those girls in the audience needed to take him home ;p. well I bet if he sucked none of them would be showing such gratitude for humanity.
  19. is there a way to bypass the need to always retain semen to be able to spiritually progress or even physically progress? I feel like all my abilities are shot if I ever lose it.. except for example it was "lost" with a woman that could just probably make up for the loss. But what'ws the evolutionary purpose of needing to relying on the witheld sexual energy to provide motivation towards progress in the physical or spiritual? What's the evolutionary foundation for this? Were men denied passage of semen (or sex) in the ancient days by the women unless they did something pleasing or fulfilled the woman's desire first? Is this the reason we have come to rely on the semen (or sexual energy) to provide the drive to succeed? Were the men denied creativity or rights unless they had fulfilled a slavemenship duty and then coupled it with a split in sexuality to mate? I mean.. to constantly have a burning sensation reminding us "do your work". Do we require the burning sensation of repressed sexuality to drive us toward seeking in life?
  20. What is ATP...?

    yea I think according to TCM theory spleen yang might have to do with that the generation of postnatal qi using the air we breathe, the oxygen and other gaseous materials. Of course the airs we breathe the waters we take in, the foods we eat, whatever else we take in, "energy potential transference" contributes in the expression of "qi". But is that all really qi? Is it just the animating energy of the body? Then there are different levels of that energy called jing qi and shen with differing "densities" so..
  21. Recipes for good Chi

    yea pine nuts are great. They are euphoric. A thing about nuts and seeds though: they all should be soaked overnight at least. Some need less time like sesame and cashews. Some don't need soaking but then still you eat all nuts/seeds with moderation. Any seed, legume or grain including, must be soaked. Then they can be dried or eating like that. This germinates them at least partially. Gets rid of their anti-nutrients and bitterness of the skins. They can be further dried tho in a dehydrator . That's what I do a lot of the time. I soak a batch in salt water (using sea salt, this makes the germinating faster) and then put them in a dehydrator. Any sprout has a lot of energy. Baby greens too. If you marinate veggies also they will digest better.
  22. Recipes for good Chi

    oh yea and I love seaweed. algae too.
  23. "energy"

    Ok. I was meditating recently and I came to this conclusion. I came to the conclusion that it seems most people don't even know what the hell "energy" means when they practice energetic practices. Just what do you imagine when you "cultivate energy", or the "masses of light", the "qi"? Obviously these are mind-made concepts that can stagnate the true energy body. These mind-made 'thought clouds' can stay stuck in the areas that you project them to be. They create tension in those areas, they store energetic memory of what? Colors? Colors which are made of what? What if real qi is NOTHING like that crap. Of course it's not. What if qi is not even "electricity" or "EM waves" or even "electrogravitic energy" etc. Maybe "qi" is just a metaphor, just as jing and shen are, etc. Maybe all these concepts are metaphors. Doesn't make it so easy to understand and practice now because it's all subjective. All religions, all practical philosophies, all spiritual practices are highly subjective. Of course this is not new to any of you. So what gives? How do you know any of this won't be causing harm to your bodies or you are misconstruing things? E.g. So what is the "golden light" people talk about that is cultivated? Is it simply Awareness as if a light is being shone on an object ie the body parts? How can it be illuminated so brightly if in the real world it is inside the body where it's as dark as a cave and no light can go through? If there is a light, then where does it come from? Better make sure it's a good source... The energy, what is "energy"? Potential? So are you storing informational energy (same way waves can carry information) into your cells as cellular memory or command signals? Are you working with the templaic or logomorphic domain of the body, or just storing tension and creating neuropathways to hell?
  24. Recipes for good Chi

    hm.. I like pears. melons. Seriously though... one time I ate a head of green leaf lettuce. It was amazing how I felt afterwards. So crisp and clear.. just like the head of lettuce. gou qi zi (goji berries) are quite good too. I eat raw foods. Greens and veggies and sprouts. No grain sprouts (as of yet anyway). Some adzuki and mung bean sprouts. Nuts and seeds and little oils. I stick to the omega 9 rich nuts/seeds/oils for filler and the omega 6 and 3s need regulation of a 1:1 to 4:1 ratio. This is Very important. As for fruits.. well I'm in multi-stage diet so right now I'm not supposed to have any fruit except for salad fruits and if so a little of the low glycemic sweet fruits with greens.