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Everything posted by Non

  1. Eye sight

    does anyone know which energetic poitns on the body and what organs have a special relationship with the eyes? e.g. the ears are considered to have a close relationship with the kidneys. walking on the knees are good for the kidneys. Slapping the kidney 1 point on the feet are also good for the kidneys. Etc.
  2. Short modified version of this post: I need sexual transmutation techniques, how to cultivate prenatal chi as well as internal alchemy resources. Anyone know of any , especially for free? Maybe its health related, but also self improvement related. I am kind of "desperate" to learn how to transmute my energies, sexual definitely included. It's bothering me and I live a really unfulfilled and unfulfilling love and social, well life in general which I can't seem to change, atleast fast. I'm desperate for a lot of things actually but I think this may help tremendously. also a method of cultivating "pre natal chi" which was spent through, well.. spilling the elixir. Man if I only had enough time and money to really go in depth and study all I can about alchemy.. but I'm at a pretty unhealthy and disorganized state with insomnia, laziness, and several addictions (not drug related though... I hope) and my schedule is full, and well a family member of mine thinks I just waste time.... The cycle of negativity keeps repeating as well.. I can't seem to change my negativity, and it manifests in the world. I sort of 'ended up this way' for living an unfulfilled life, and feeling so estranged by society, the universe and life.
  3. well.. I have a friend who told me to use the feeling of goosebumps to keep the body cool, while doing a 'electrogravitic kundalini burst' where you sort of pulse energy up the spine, starting from the gonads, and up into the brain, causing an adrenaline rush, heat, dizziness if your not used to it, and a feeling of power. You also have to be relaxed, almost as if it's actually caused by a spontaneous relaxation of the kundalini. Relaxing also sorta uncoils the DNA and causes the cells in the body to become like a gel (which stores or keeps energy in or at least keeps it from escaping as heat). While doing this you also use the goosebumps to keep the body from heating up too much (because with energy is released as heat with increasing entropy). Keeping the body cool. If you get really good enough... u can cause a pulsating adrenorgasm as he calls it. He says it's the key to eh... 'manifesting' objects but he does with some a set of hummed sounds that cause the adrenorgasms automatically, and its kinda secret so I can't tell you but it has to do with the YHWH being a set of sound, each letter being a certain frequency of the solfeggio tones but converted to RA scale. eh... maybe that's a bit too much info.
  4. 'll have to see about the CBT stuff. I was planning on seeing a psychologist. So many things to do so little time. And yoga nidra huh. I actually bought a book on ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, called The Happiness Trap, and an ACT workbook kind of book. I only read the happiness trap, and about 75 percent of it almost. I stopped reading it because it seems as if they're just teaching what I already know, which is non-judging mindfulness. That doesn't stop the pain but it can stop one from dwelling on it so much. Regards. I'm tired I'm sorry I may post again on this topic at another time. Peace
  5. I guess also one of the biggest problems I have is not just the approach, but what to talk about and how? Ive been doing a lot of standing meditation lately. maybe not everyday but surely. Like this one book called The Body Method by Jack Greenwood, and standing like a tree and the 3 ball standing meditation.
  6. Thanks. I'm still reading this.. but about the pick up artist idea... I actually joined this forum called in my late high school years. I read that I needed to adopt a cocky and funny attitude and it was all about being a man, this and that, taking women off the pedestal, etc. Now I agree with the being a man part, but that goes for any kind of self help program, that requires that one faces their fear. I didn't like the cocky attitude though. I did try it out for a while, and I did get some women interested but that just wasn't for me. I do think it's also kind of childish for women to like the badboy, more than the good guy, but it's also extreme. A badboy is just as extreme as the petty nice guy. Not all nice guys are petty, and not all men who are good with women have to be 'bad' in the sense that they are careless, and provocative, selfish, materialistic, are manipulative, don't care for monogamous relationships etc. etc. So, I stopped reading into these things. It really is about Inner game, but then again I also don't like the whole "game" attitude. It's not a joke to me. It's not some kind of childish game either where you laugh at the losers, and carry an overly pompous attitude about how much of a "macho" man you are or how aggressive women let you be because, well you are granted with certain gifts and can manipulate women like a puppett almost. And those women who let themselves be played by this are probably messed up. I haven't gone back to the PUA community, but I know that when I was into it, these are the ideas I had about it. Maybe it is more refined, etc. But even the idea of being a PICK UP artist, the title entails that you train yourself to pretty much get any and all women you desire, and perhaps, to get all women, or just, be promiscuous, casual, and non serious. You want to pick up women and tons of them. You are the "pick up artist." Now learning social skills is different. I for one am different in that I am less of the devious, and aggressive type with women because I fear it might be disrespectful, and I'm not into just getting laid with many different women, and stepping on other peoples heads in the process. Even if it's to just get 1 girl. I don't agree that women have to make it so hard for men, and be so ignorant. I'm not at all overly materialistic. And that's how a lot of the PUA material comes off as devious overmaterialistic, darwinistic, etc. etc. and people buy into a "brutal reality game show" about how women are manipulating men and that we have to tell them "we won't take your sh*". To the point where, women actually agree that this is the way it should be so they test men, and treat them like sh*t to see the "real men" stand up to them. Do we really want to beat a woman? Do we have to be forced to? I mean metaphorically beating. Soooo yea. And if it's all about confidence, that too I kind of disagree with. I mean, things can and should have some leeway. What if the person is actually a good guy, and he has just gone through many experiences whereby he now kind of believes that nobody likes him and will ever? It doesn't mean he's INFERIOR and WEAK and PUSSY, BETA etc. Get the point? Maybe it's a conceptual thing, or psychological thing he just doesn't have but it can be helped. What DOESN'T help is the rejection, and betrayal, and people who neglect him all the time, and leave him alone to fend for himself because "oh he needs to suffer more". I mean yea confidence is good but is that the absolute decision maker? it shouldn't necessarily be. One can be confident, yet be totally off the mark or simply displays confidence and "authority" to make people like him or manipulate people, and steal fame, and glory when in actuality on the inside he is a different person and it's all just a big front. As you can see I really dislike how some men can be such jerks and how some women actually support it/are jerks themselves. but some women follow blindly. some of them are ignorant. that's why in their 30s some go "wild", gee I wonder why. Men and women grow up differently. But women also want to be catty, ****es, whores, and men well, like dogs, a-holes and players, and both groups would feel justified, even to the point of thinking it's the absolutely right and just thing to do and moral. They can justify it with scientific evidence, etc. But monogamy can also be supported with scientific evidence....... I dont agree with how people make it all out to be something devious. Why should sex be devious? Because of taboos placed on society? Such that now sexuality is devious, so one comes to expect men to be devious, or just really explicit because women make themselves so unapproachable so that only the most careless men can approach them? just damn. this post is really long.
  7. Thanks. I have a whole lot to read. I'm also looking forward to reading and also learning the biological and physical foundations of internal alchemy.
  8. The importance of caves in Taoism

    They cave? From society as Cavemen? j/k
  9. a lot of the times I tell myself that the reasons I should feel negativity are founded upon by biology and science. the human body can only take so much... unless of course we have integrated ourselves to the point where we can become immune. but we can't throw ourselves into the lion's den without first training ourselves. this is important. I often feel estranged by people when they talk about 'positivity', etc. in telling me that I'm being so negative, and all I have to do is "be positive". Well duh! If only I knew a systematic approach, of how, and how to counteract all the reasoning of the analytical mind. Some of these people have the 'holier than thou' attitude even, to think that anyone who has problems are that way because they are 1. extremely selfish, and 2. immoral/evil/possessed, or 3. morons, or just someone who is lazy, childish, 'knows fully well the wrong they do yet still do it', irresponsible, etc. But in judging a "negative" person, aren't they also being "negative" in a way? Just what is "negative" in the first place? Isn't it according to the eye of the beholder? Can we counteract negativity with positivity and transmute it? Negativity is such a broad generalization sometimes. We can refer to it as our pain, as that which causes death, ''evil", "sin", a lot of names. Calling me such a negative and foul presence, unwilling to actually give help, and leave us to fend for ourselves, making it look like we ALL have to go through every single situation in our lives absolutely alone when actually humans are interdependent creatures, and we can't live alone. It is that way we can enjoy our alone time. When people are going through "serious problems" there's a tendency to become co-dependent because we are alone. If we live our entire lives alone, we might also fall into co-dependence (depending on how we all grow up and our psycho-physiological conditioning) Maybe they just aren't able to feel what others feel, and thus can't relate. Same here. Maybe, just maybe, all the foul 'negative people' are actually communicating that instead of running away from problems they could also be dealt with. People who become kind of greedy (only in the sense that they need to help themselves, and are thus "selfish" because they focus on their self) are taking it upon the world that likes to neglect people who have any problems and demonize them. I also understand that nobody wants to deal with negativity. That's why it must be transmuted, instead of neglected, because what if it comes back to bite us in the arse? But yea I'm just being the Scrooge character here. Maybe I'm just alone, and it's been harder for me to find my place in society than others because of my differences, and/or 'negativities'. So I've been kind of weird for "some" time now. Sometimes I think.. I'm the only one, thus making it harder, and makes me think that there's nobody who doesn't just tolerate me.
  10. well if you think Im a selfish person...Im not, at least I don't think I'm as selfish as others who get a lot more than me, and not just because they take. I've been thinking of doing community service once I get my life together. But, thinking its a magic pill before I can handle my own stuff, it can take more of my time than I really need to sacrifice. And then for what? for people to hate my presence even more? I appear like the scrooge type of negative person, but its not like I go around putting others down. I only put myself down, and yea I am really negative, I am careful not to offend people. I just seem resentful all the time. but yea. I was thinking all this was related to sexual related dysfunction ie that Ive never had a girlfriend and Im missing the yin aspect in my life, and in many aspects. But I also seem to be at a point that nobody can really like me, even if I tried.
  11. The programming is not actually feelings of worthlessness (or so I believe), moreso lack of faith in others or society to find me worth something. repeated rejection and neglect. especially from women, actually, its the one i care for the most i guess. the vegan diet is hard, because the society isnt too vegan friendly, so it can be costly. besides that, i dont have time to prepare my foods, so i just get the cheapest multivitamins and minerals, protein shakes, and just eat potassium rich foods i can scrap, beans, leafy veggies and no soy. nothing organic, nothing special, tasteless.occasionally somtheing tasteful, but not routinely. i need another blood test tho, so far in about 2 yrs, nothings been low. im sorry maybe i shd meditate more instead of chi kung. quieting my mind is something i need to be doing.
  12. Yea... definitely have been thinking about doing community service and volunteering. I just have to search for the good ones.. because.. some people might call me anal. I just want to go the straight and narrow path. Some volunteer services actually support the foundations of mediocrity.. and I choose not to support the continuance of something that is beneath humanity. Ie I wouldn't really volunteer in allopathic medicine (well not all). Things like that. Same reason I wouldn't work just to make money, and Id have to work for a cause that is truly transformative, and good. yea their may be faults, im trying to minimize them. I am... very different. In fact.. maybe too different. This may be another reason Im so damn alone. For one my health and the never ending insonia just keeps me trapped. Ive been to chinese doctors. but theres still something I gota try.
  13. I guess.. one of the biggest factors may also be trying to find someone who I can resonate with. I also sometims think my negativity 'magickally' manifests negative situations, or that Im being targeted, or like I have some kind of forcefield around me. Yea Im seein if I can join a bio club. I guess.. its just the pattern is there... stuck I just need to make drastic changes to finally set something in stone. well, I'll talk to u soon. peace
  14. i can't. Im just too fearful, and different. Ive been thinking of suicide lately. I just dont have confidence, and I seem to think, that the reason I have such low confidence is that I've never had a girlfriend, and never had much of any friends. never had real connections. yin cannot exist without yang, and vice versa. even if celibacy is an option.. I dont think any human can stay sane without ever communicating and interacting with a female at least.. gender wise, even health-wise since the body is based on the gender principle and other complementary principles. so... yea I've got to beat all these negative associations. to me it even feels physiological to feel this way, not just a mental thing but more like... for example keeping a monkey in a dark box isolated from the animal kingdom for years, and eventually he goes insane and is psycho-physiologically diseased physical because it's rooted in time, and the cycle of growth that depends on certain factors chemically, energetically, and in every other way. he is unable to communicate with other monkeys, or live amongst any, and develops disease very easily, can't mate, other monkeys pick on him and girls avoid him like the plague. I don't even think... that the other monkeys even KNOW why they reject him. They just feel there's something missing, they dont know why. so it's probably something physiological and/or energetic, not just... a 'mind' thing, or just a 'physical context' thing. a developmental retardation, which takes happens as a result of an imbalance of somthing when growign up to a point that it's irreversible, because its like a growth/developmental defect. One thing goes wrong in the cycle, and the whole cycle is fucked.. and everything goes hand in hand. Unless maybe it can be reversed by contact from others. But in the monkey society (and in ours) it's very rare that it can actually happen. Like u say, it probably requires a person to be touched 10 times a day to be fulfilled? I probably require... thousands of touches. Thousands of conversations. In a way, it's impossible to even begin with because I am just so very unfulfilled (Maybe belly breathing can help? lol) ,not just because Im unfulfilled, but because that causes immense sicklyness that people just want to avoid you, even if they can't understand why. Its very hard for me to go out by myself.. first of all most of the things one would do outside requires (at least for me) another person so I can enjoy it. and men... I can't really deal with men. too mischievous. even though I'm a male. As you can see there's a lot that goes through my mind.
  15. i can't. Im just too fearful, and different. Ive been thinking of suicide lately. I just dont have confidence, and I seem to think, that the reason I have such low confidence is that I've never had a girlfriend, and never had much of any friends. never had real connections. so... yea I've got to beat all these negative associations. to me it even feels physiological to feel this way, not just a mental thing but more like... for example keeping a monkey in a dark box isolated from the animal kingdom for years, and eventually he goes insane, is unable to communicate with other monkeys, or live amongst any, and develops disease very easily, can't mate, other monkeys pick on him and girls avoid him like the plague. I don't even think... that the other monkeys even KNOW why they reject him. They just feel there's something missing, they dont know why. so it's probably something physiological and/or energetic, not just... a 'mind' thing, or just a 'physical context' thing. a developmental retardation, which takes happens as a result of an imbalance of somthing when growign up to a point that it's irreversible, because its like a growth/developmental defect. One thing goes wrong in the cycle, and the whole cycle is fucked.. and everything goes hand in hand. Unless maybe it can be reversed by contact from others. But in the monkey society (and in ours) it's very rare that it can actually happen. Its very hard for me to go out by myself.. first of all most of the things one would do outside requires (at least for me) another person so I can enjoy it. and men... I can't really deal with men. too mischeivous. even though I'm a male.
  16. I do some form of exercise everyday. I just hate the nagging feeling of "I never have time" or "I'm too damn fearful of going outside" and "I never sleep well enough". But I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and run at the track (and im too fearful of the jogging outside thing) Do the five tibetans everyday. Some form of chi kung I try to. And meditation. Its not even the fear... I have a very reasonable fear that my body language communicates how much of a loser I am, and signals for everyone to just hate me.
  17. so which is the best full lotus meditation? haha, im already vegan mundane things don't really seem to help. though I guess id have to work on it too. I am usually focused on worrying and reading about self help and thinking a lot and feeling bad, and not really being able to be happy to really focus on school work and mundane things. I have no life, no desire and a lot of bad associations, anxieties etc. to even begin doing anything mundane. I guess I just dont have the NRG! I've also had insomnia and I haven't slept well in about 5 yrs, and it used to be way worse but now it's all about the accumulated sleep debt which keeps me tired even if I've had 7 or 8 hrs of sleep or more.. I dont know if it's compulsion or me just trying to be healthy... sometimes you just have to release or it can do damage. then again maybe I have too much down there... but its not like I want to make it go away so that I dont have the drive because then I'll definitely not get anything.
  18. Do taoists have to create the spirit, or soul? I know this question might seem a bit redundant. But lately I've been thinking about a "need" to cultivate shen, or creating a spirit, or soul because, I don't think I have any of these. I haven't read anything taoist related really, my own interest in taoism came from my interest in the internal martial arts, starting from qigong/chi kung and taiji chuan. Can anyone perhaps point me to a good resources for learning about taoism and the energy work? I am also really interested in taoist internal alchemy and the system of belief that goes with it, any pointers there? I'm mainly interested in it for the internal energy work, and transmutation of sexual energy and more. Any insight would be appreciated. Kind regards
  19. Cross eyed chi kung?

    Maybe also "staring into wuji/nothingness" appears a little crosseyed. Basically it's just eyes are relaxed staring off into infinite space.
  20. :)

    I am glad I found these forums. I recently became very interested in Qigong and Tai chi practices. I'm interested in learning about the foundational knowledge of these practices. I'm here to see the kind of discussions that take place here and exchanging information about tai chi and qigong. I am very interested in medical qigong and meridian theory, and taoist practices for spiritual and 'functional' development. I'm hoping to see something positive come out of this. So I'm here to gain more familiarity with the theory of these practices and attempt to connect them with knowledge of biology. I will also do my best to help out in whatever way I can. eh... not much of an introduction right?