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Everything posted by Non

  1. Taoism for the beginner

    I will. I also ordered Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality.
  2. afraid of being a tao bum

    does that mean my jelqs have to suffer too? I've been doing it with my morning wood instead of trying to stimulate myself. Why? because stimulating myself causes the prenatal to become post natal which causes a buildup in the perineum which I can feel stagnates there and hurts... like pipes being clogged. So there...
  3. Taoism for the beginner

    well I appreciate your thought. Though I have to say that I kinda was looking for a book myself, as an introduction to taoist though and practices.
  4. afraid of being a tao bum

    yea I can't really be financially stable right now. until I perhaps can get a scholarship.
  5. afraid of being a tao bum

    Exactly! I need to sublimate. That's why I desperately need to learn to sublimate my jing energy! It's also been hard to store it also because... well here's the thing. I like to believe that thinking and meditating on the idea of being with a girl can build a connection to her. Which also kinda turns me on. That and I do jelqing practices. Kinda hard to do both if you want your pre-natal chi to stay pre-natal and not turn into post-natal seeking to come out. Or am I mixing things up? Can i still sublimate it when it's in the post-natal state? Also, is there a difference between pre/post natal Chi and Jing?
  6. the internal climax

    about Oxytocin. Man Ive been wishing I could get an OTC medication for oxytocin. I've had social anxiety for about my entire life. I'm guessing it is due to my loneliness (never had a girlfriend, female friend, or much of any friends, always the loner type, etc.) in the beginning of my life and in childhood. It's hard to get out of though. You were supposed to learn things when you were younger. Balance is necessary and chemical reactions are supposed to occur in childhood and growing up... which didn't happen for me and I fear I have a personality disorder as well as physiological developmental retardation as a result that blocks me from getting anywhere in life. Starting out with a shortage of oxytocin makes it much harder to become abundant in oxytocin. It's much easier for someone with a NORMAL amount of oxytocin in the bloodstream to begin getting more oxytocin released in the bloodstream. I dont even know how it feels to have oxytocin in my bloodstream. How does one begin to imagine something they've never experienced? I try bein friendly and stuff though. I wish I could find a taoist support group here. Where I can find friends and people interested in the same things I am. Hard to find though...
  7. Heart orgasm

    I want to learn how to do the spontaneous orgasms. I read one way to do this is practice the rapid succession PC squeezes about 10-15 times everyday for about a month. But I tried it and nothing.
  8. Taoism for the beginner

    KAP huh. Is KAP reliable? My friend once told me that no book or dvd has the true way to awaken the kundalini. I'd have to travel to the himalayas and speak to a satguru. Why though? perhaps because it is so secret. IMO books are awesome. How do you think we all learn from school or college? Teachers are more like guides. If you dont understand something and you tried researching yourself then a teacher can help. Furthermore if there is something that can't really be taught in words, then that's another reason to go to a teacher. There's feedback, etc. It's all Information though, whether it's transmitted one on one by a teacher at a local or non-local distance. Words can only do so much. And a teacher can't explain every little thing etc.
  9. afraid of being a tao bum

    I don't eat soy. So the arguments against vegetarianism is based on philosophy rather than science? If I get all the nutrition I need from vegan foods why do I have to rely on meat? I'm not saying that I want to deny the material. I'm saying that western society is very much one-sided, ie lacking the other side. I guess.. another thing that has worried me is that life is short.. and I feel I'm in a rush to do things because well all the girls are going to grow old and I'm going to grow old and I'm never going to have a girlfriend (like my past) and i need to become powerful quickly otherwise in my current state girls are absolutely REPULSED and cast me out.. lol
  10. so what kind of fast causes the O a D ability? Is this a regular no food fast for 7 days or more?
  11. the internal climax

    I practiced standing bent over uddiyana bandhha which is the sixth tibetan right. that directs the energy upwards but also kills your sex drive... edit: about the youtube link u gave regarding mulah bandha. I think mulah bandha is just root lock. It only becomes pleasurable if u can intently do the consecutive rapid succession squeezes, ie squeeze rapidly about 10-15 times (like what occurs during orgasm) and try to really feel pleasure down there. Im not sure if this happens but I've read that if u practice the rapid squeezes for a while maybe 3 months or so, ur body will then start to automatically do these squeezes once u initiate it and can induce orgasms. I've read mixed things tho about mula bandha. I've read that if u do it too much, one can make the pc muscle too sensitive and u orgasm alll the time without control (and therefore can ejaculate). I also read that by doing mulah bandha is also cuts off circulatino from the penis. So I've read mixed things... that mulah bandha helps to control ejaculation, and that it also harms and that the real way is to keep it relaxed. what gives lol.
  12. its only easy if ur not prone to addiction And yea... I agree with you on the distortion part..that IS the biggest problem.
  13. Taoism for the beginner

    Really... I read that Mantak Chia's stuff is kinda distorted, or new agey.. and techniques are dangerous. Plus he's been noted as kinda fraudulent and or has taken info from another teacher.
  14. Actually i have had a bad habit of smoking marijuana for a while, and a long time before that, cigarettes. My dad smokes weed so it's also always within reach for free so it's been kinda easy to fall into that trap. I've had asthma and allergies all my life also, even before I smoked. I only smoke weed once in a while though but still have been battling the habit actually since my life has been so empty for a while that Ive been turning to it. my goal is just to smoke once, but being that my source sucks (unnaturaly grown, etc) it messes me up for like 2 days afterwards that I feel like smoking again. And of course the emptiness i feel afterwards.
  15. the internal climax

    Also.. you say any physical method is too limiting, so what's the non physical method, so that when I get to the appropriate level I know where to look to find the technique. Or will it just come to me automatically? And just where can I find a teacher for this after level 10? I think these teachers are very rare to find here in the United States.
  16. the internal climax

    Thanks. Is the full lotus technique in the book ?
  17. damn. I was looking forward to getting this book until you stated this book is based off misogynist ideas. Any other book which covers the same topic that you could recommend? But I might get the book just for the "O a D" information
  18. Spring Forrest is Awesome!

    hm thanks. It seems though that Chunyi Lin disagrees with the 'awareness watching awareness' thought as you semed to put it..
  19. Spring Forrest is Awesome!

    man i wish i knew what u were taking about...
  20. I dont know what the tree of life tones are, sorry.
  21. Spring Forrest is Awesome!

    yea i was reading about Yan Xin the other day
  22. Spring Forrest is Awesome!

    I dont get when people say that Chunyi Lin transmits the energy to you. I mean I would understand also that he gives energy in the workshops and seminars. I mean.. is this sorta like reiki or something... where a person must be an initiate in the lineage because only that lineage has special access to the special energy field? Or is it more like he kinda made a qigong whereby his students receive his energy?