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Everything posted by Non

  1. "energy"

    but if you look at it this way then how do you think it would look like the effects of chi kung are supposed to be? Is it supposed to leave you high strung full of explosive energy like you're on cocaine, and for what purpose? What motivation? People think of energy and they think "energizing, alertness, hyperactivity, EXTRA energy", etc. But it could also mean ATP being distributed to where the body is missing it and needs it to perform balancing functions, digestive functions, etc. clearing out blockages where there may be stagnation. That's why I sometimes don't like the idea well of "storing?" energy. Rather if I think of "storing" it's more like a place to collect qi where it will then be distributed to places it needs to go, and out if that's what it needs to do. If I breathe in energy, I usually have to breathe it out and think the energy just passes through me and "vitalizes" me wherever it needs to, and then goes out.
  2. "energy"

    I've jut been wondering how much of the affects of "qi" in my early practices was just placebo and positive health effects of deep conscious breathing. Obviously the Chinese know better just what is the "qi" that they refer to, as it's a cultural concept. To them it's just a normal fact of life and nothing special.
  3. Recipes for good Chi

    Gabriel Cousens writes about a spiritual diet using raw foods. Raw foodism has 2 types: high fruit/low fat, and higher fats/moderate fruit. Some ppl have different needs. Just so u know, u have to research A LOT though. Raw foodism forces you to. Actually veganism does too. See the video about healthy fats, search on google "Dina essential fatty acids" and watch it.
  4. Is there such a thing? Here's something I found: A master recommended an exercise: put a weight on your hara and belly breathe into the weight making sure it moves up and down.
  5. well.. in all efforts they all show me to be a joke. Like someone is just laughing at my every drive towards success because the more I seek the further it goes away from me.
  6. story of my life. only .. you have a girlfriend, you have had success. the insanity and suffering of life for you is conceptual.. mine is reality it seems.
  7. doesn't "work" it only "works" if you make it "work for you".
  8. Meaning in life

    escape the "non-existent" cycle. makes "perfect" sense.
  9. Meaning in life

    Death. What's the meaning of death? Life.
  10. Yet Nan Huai Chin has stated that if you meditate on the lower tan-tien too much your intestines will become enlarged and you'll get that 'bloated' look'.
  11. Is it a secret or something? Must it be a "hermetically sealed" practice that has to be kept secret? Can it be dangerous used in the wrong hands? Or perhaps.. it cannot be truly described because it is more an experiential thing.. just like Tao.
  12. ah so this is the only way to creat the 'true dan-tien'. hm. wish I could have those "methods" obviously, if it's not such a natural thing to have a 'real dan-tien' since it needs to be created.
  13. so which practices? I thought 'filling dantien' was an alchemical practice..
  14. Alright.. my sifu told me to take it easy on the qigong he taught me. It's kind of an intense qigong unlike the soft flowing type. This one has a flow but it's quick and intense. Powerful. He says when he first learned of the practice, he wd practice the chi kung everyday like he practiced kung fu. He saw himself becoming really irritable and overly aggressive, etc. over time. Like in a couple weeks. Really mean and just like I guess 'excessively yang', and/or deficient in yin. So he talked about this with his master who transmitted the teachings and he told him to take it easy, it's not to be practiced like kung fu, and that he's doing it too much. At the very least start off slow, then you can increase but only in due proportion. Now I see people on these forums say they practice qigong for multiple hours a day. My question is what types of qigong and meditation is this? Does that long duration of practice have a good use, or can it be destructive in a more longer term? Are there any qigongs that are EFFECTIVE and that you can practice a lot?
  15. excessive practice of qigong

    I feel like one deviatinohat could have been caused is a tendency for the energies that have to go down 'go up' instead, and I feel like it is partly what causes my constipation, bloating, distension, difficulty urinating, etc.
  16. Is there a difference besides the methods in the overall effects of these two approaches to sexual intercourse? Taoist lovemaking I'm referring to here are the methods of Dr. Lin and Jolan Chang vs Karezza from Marnia Robinson and Neotantrism by Diane Richardson. Marnia seems to think some of the Taoist methods are like Tantric non-ejaculatory orgasm methods which are still not beyond the dopamine cycle and some of the post-orgasmic feelings of satiation, depletion, irritability, habituation, etc. As for Mantak Chia, I think she was referring to Mantak Chia's methods of taoist lovemaking, as the teachings were quite different from Karezza. Also: she generally suggests women do not go for the orgasm as she also gets post-orgasmic syndrome. It's probably less than the males, and they can recover quite a bit faster or more but still some PO effects are present. I should actually say overt orgasm as she still thinks there is a "valley orgasm" possible in Karezza which is unlike normal orgasm so she prefers not to use the term orgasm because it signifies an effortful activity which is not what Karezza is.
  17. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    i guess because deep down I am either ashamed, loveless, or I feel like it'd be morally wrong to take advantage of the situation even though I know it's wrong. Or I have the wrong perceptions, etc.
  18. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    and it's based on how she perceives you, regardless of whether it's true or not that you can satisfy her sexually.
  19. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    it costs about as much as the woman's normal sick human biology to the rest of humanity.
  20. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Well.. the following might also be true:a woman will size you up moments after first meeting you and put you into one of 2 categories: she could find you sexually satisfying, or she doesn't. This affects all interactions thereafter, and yes even normal common non-sexual interactions. If you're not sexually satisfying her currently or are not going to.. even if you are able to then it's best to steer clear of her. She will either a) call you out on sexual harassment and/or look at you as less of a man, or inferior. It's just biology. I know it seems wrong and messed up but this is primitive human biology.
  21. So this is a message I sent Dr. Lin: There seems to be a conflicting information regarding the direction of the energy pathway on the inhale and exhale. In the beginning part of the Sexual ChiKong section where you drscribe the Anal Breathing method it says: "Old Taoists termed this technique as the Anal Breathing Method because the ChiKong practitioner can feel the anus inhaling Chi into the spinal cord or the Governing Vessel. To practice this technique, you have to focus your mind to your tail bone with semi-closed eyes, lightly contract the tail-bone muscle several times while slowly inhaling, and release the muscle while exhaling naturally." So you contract the anal sphincter on the inhale going up the Du-Governing Vessel and release on the exhale going down the Ren-Conception Vessel. You say that a person contracts the anus several times also, ie not just once.. and then no more clarification on that is explained. Then in this picture: It depicts-shows the same thing just state above in the picture... but the description describes the reverse of what is shown in the picture, ie inhale down the front, exhale up the back (with anal contraction). So which anal breathing method is the correct one? ----------------------- So can anyone give me further insight? I'll post here what he says.
  22. This in itself is not bad when you know when to do it. It is for the purpose of sublimating sexual energy which revitalizes the body. It doesn't mean you can't put it back into the genitals through the sexual Chi-Kong. Thisi s why the previous poster unmike suggested one do the sexual Chi-Kong first to energize the genitals to have ample energy to sublimate in the Anal Breathing method. Though when first starting out Dr. Lin suggests you practice with the Anal Breathing Chi-Kong method before moving on and practicing the Sexual Chi-Kong. Too much sex energy in the genitals can go to waste when not used and stagnates. At least this is from what I interpret. This will help me for the times I'm feeling all depressed and shit from having too much sex energy in the genitals and not being able to satisfy the urge.
  23. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    That stuffs good but expensive. Yea Tui na and asian massages are very good for just about anything health related. But they are costly..
  24. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    And this is mostly because unless you're a sex god you don't know when random strange women will be ovulating, so it's best to stay on the safe side where you know for sure you won't lose your job or be landed in jail for merely being in the same room as an ovulating woman you're attracted to.
  25. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    more reality bits: Dr. Lin says: " Nowadays, women are liberated. Naturally, women may pursuit sexual orgasms more than men can provide. Their slogan is "Give Me Sexual Orgasm, No Sexual Harassment." Giving women unsatisfied sex is the sexual harassment, in particular, during the ovulation period. Obviously, Confucius has been right for more than 2000 years, but women's sexual desire has been suppressed for such a long time. I believe that men have responsibility to give women sexual orgasm during the ovulation time. This is the fundamental and universally biologic desire for women." .... and "Sexual orgasm distinguishes us from other animals. It becomes essential for permanently binding a couple together in the modern society. Men just cannot release their own sexual pressure without considering women's sexual need. Giving her orgasm is a physical expression of love and care. In the good old days, the women's natural, sexual desire was suppressed by the conservative doctrines of religions. This is the sexual discrimination! The main reason behind the doctrines is the men's fear of failing to give women sexual orgasm. Intercourse without giving her orgasm becomes sexual harassment if she is horny. This is one of the main factors that cause divorce in the modern society. " --------------------- To me this translates to this: When she is ovulating or as close as possible: If you approach a woman in ANY manner, sexual or not, friendly or not.. if it's not sexually satisfying she can call you out on harassment, even sexual harassment. If you are unappealing to her she can call you out on sexual harassment. If you are NORMAL but not particularly sexually appealing she will ignore you and possibly call you out on sexual harassment. Which means this: unless you are the most attractive male you should not approach any women you are attracted to for WHATEVER REASON, innocent or not. Talk to the girls you're not attracted to. Because women you are attracted to will sense sexual attraction and for a man who is sexually attracted to a woman the 'body' will naturally try to sexually attract her as well. If you are unsatisfying this means you are sexually harassing her! Even though it's biology and nature for your subcosncious to Automatically try to sexually attract her. You have no choice in the matter. You don't know when she is ovulating. So please.. if you are attracted to a woman DON'T APPROACH HER FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER unless you KNOW you can sexually satisfy her. So markern: I know what you're saying. Of course nobody wants the wrong person to approach, but when it comes to women during her ovulation period ANY interaction of any sort can be seen as sexual harassment unless she is sure the person is going to be sexually stimulating her. This is messed up but very important for me to know, because it gives me an answer as to why most women seem bitchy to me even when I'm OBVIOUSLY DOING NOTHING WRONG. She also dresses very sex close to ovulation so any man attracted to her will obviously be moreso on those days, but she can only swat them like flies when they get close.. because no man can resist a woman's beautiful body depending on how currently sexually satisfied he is. Depending on her ability to be conscious of herself it's in fact completely subconscious to her, which means she is mostly not conscious of it.. which is why women will deny their own fault in many things and blame the man when actually it's because he's not satisfying her sexually.. and it's also why she will accept the abuse of men as long as he's sexually satisfying. It goes back into primitive biology. Female chimpanzees will readily give themselves to dominant males even if they are abusive, even when given a chance to find another.