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Everything posted by Non

  1. It is the first step in learning the SExual Chi-Kong in Dr. Lin's material. It has to be practiced for 6 months atleast. So after practicing a bit I notice that there are times where it feels my genitals start to feel cold enough for me to think I wet myself. But when I check there's nothing there but my genitals are quite cold. It comes on kinda suddenly. I think this is a good sign. I have a hard time isolating the 'tailbone muscle' that is "not the PC muscle" but between the anus and tailbone, not between the anus and genitals as commonly thought.
  2. YOu bring it in through the head, not elave it in there. Ultimately all are joined in the dan-tien... at least that's what my teacher told us.
  3. ok.. this was taught to me by someone.
  4. a century of mistranslating Super-Ego+Id as "Ego"

    Yea... I thought of that. actually when I first began on the path, someone told me the ego is not bad. What most people refer to as the ego is just really referring to the not-self, but in reality it is the self - the worldly self, just not the real higher self the self that exists in reality. The "bad ego" most people refer to is just when you begin to identify with the ego - worldly self, and the errors of perception arise. Well this is just my understanding anyway. So breifly then my understanding is just that we have 2 selves - the higher self which is our "true" selves (if there was a true "self" at all), the observer. Then there is the observed self which exists in "reality". It is when we start to forget our self as an observer of the observed self, and identify only with the observed self that I think "negative ego" refers to. Then of course there is the stage where you begin to realize you're not actually the observer either you are beyond the observer and of course the "self which exists in reality/the observed self" and they both become part of 'self' just as much as everything is "the self"..
  5. So here is another question: when you do the contraction do you have to hold the contraction until the air is released all the way (or in the other case after inhale is finished) or do you just do a single contraction without holding it,ie contract and release. So on the alchemical taoism website it might hint/suggest that anal breathing is contraction on the inhale going up the Du-Governing Vessel and relaxed exhaling down the front Ren-Conception Vessel. I think it's just like that and the Sexual Chi-Kong is just the reverse.
  6. don't you need to create the internal elixir ie dan? So how do you do it? Does it require celibacy? So I suspect yin/yang kung is just when you balance the yin and yang energies in your body... and specifically in the LDT area. doesn't that happen automatically when you attain a very high level of meditation practice? ie you become a circuit with negative and positive charges... which you already are just you either open up to it or you create an area in your LDT area where they both are united to create electrical charge?
  7. yea probably nei-dan methods.
  8. Wagging Your Tail

    I guess I was not the only one yesterday to come to the realization of the connection of the anal sphincter and the tailbone with the dantien/kidneys/organs/sinews?
  9. qigong+resistance training

    I came to a realization yesterday when meditating on my lower dan-tien area and it's connection to other muscles, as well as the Earth when doing the Body Method from Jack Greewood. I felt the gravitational pull on every part of my body and felt as if there was a weight there and I was exercising the muscle. Even my tendons and organs, I imagined them all like a muscle and I stimulated them with tension. Afterwards I did some spontaneous qigong based off of bagua and noticed I was making kung fu mandalas.
  10. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    you're not getting the point. you don't see guys wearing scanty clothes as much as women do. NOt atall.
  11. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    ah because most youngwomen are like this?
  12. Wagging Your Tail

    eh, I was thinking about the same exact thing yesterday.
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza "Women want the attention from certain guys. In order for you to compliment a woman and get away with it, she has to be attracted to you first. Women who dress that way do it to feel sexy and to attract the men they have their eyes on. They don't want to attract just any guy. So basically, if a woman gets angry at you for staring and touching, she's saying "you aren't good enough to look at me. You aren't good enough to touch me". Go look at someone who is in your own ranking zone." Just because a woman is dressed that way does not mean she is always for the male attention. I know when I dress a certain way, it's because it makes me be like, "dang girl!" at myself. I'm sure other women think that way too. Women do like to admire themselves just as much as men like to admire them too. Some women like to rival with one another as best dressed and such. The way men pursue women these days make women a whole lotta arrogant. I think all of us women are effected by this kind of mentality. Another thing is that we live in a sexualized culture. When you go to clubs, guys always want to grope you and junk. You don't even have to have revealing clothes to be groped. Guys love the female body and always want to touch it. Women are not always sexual. Usually women at clubs just want to chill with their girls without the company of guys and they will still put on certain clothes to feel sexy. They want to feel like they are one of these attractive celebs. They don't mind people staring but when it comes to the guys, they want certain guys to only stare at them a certain way. If you are a very attractive guy, have a certain personality, you may be permitted to touch these girls. Lots of these girls go to clubs to just chill with one another and to tease men. Women know how much men desire them. When women do things like this, it's kinda like dangling a doggie treat over a whining dog and laughing at the dog because it is so desperate." -------------------------- This makes me think all girls who wear tight scanty clothing are being groped by random strangers and people multiple times throughout her day. Then call an "unattractive man" a pervert for looking at her like a normal guy would yet he's being tortured with overt sexual stimulation and psychological castration with the guys she prefers? isn't that fuckin sick? forbid that she calls that man a stalker-weirdo-creep-foreigner that should be caught and tortured in some kind of prison for eternity. Haven't we learned in history most of our conflicts are about sex.
  14. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    and yet he charges so much because actually he targets more the richer folks like entrepreneurs than the regular Joe.
  15. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    well I read somewhere that he was kicked out of his master's school or soemthing and he's not teaching his methods without permission.. Like I said he might have skill, and he might be genuine as in it's hard to find the types of qigong he teaches.. but I'm just turned off by the method of transmission...
  16. excessive practice of qigong

    to reach a 'high level'?
  17. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I'll try it. I bought the book long ago. Actually.. I guess I'm wayy to impatient usually to sit down and do the practice. I mean essentially its asking myself questions, feeling pain, going into the pain and relaxing that area. I dont know if there are special techniques to relax but... well I mean... I've done it before but really it takes a long time and sometimes it feels like it's donig nothing. On some days the areas feel clear, so it feels like it just depends on my mind... I dont practce the Sedona Method nor do I know it but I think I know the foundation principles. The book Your Hands Can Heal You has a similar method... I think any meditative practice as long as it's authentic helps with this. As in the budhist type of meditation like cessation-contemplative meditation. Like from William Bodri. It might take some time though. and I havent read your post thoroughly. I've been very scattered lately.. well more like for the past 2-3 yrs in fact. I'm sorry. I will read i t.
  18. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    well after reading about Gary CLyman I would say I don't trust him.. his advertisements look sketchy. He may have some skill but smtg about his personality just doesn't resonate with me.
  19. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I dont have the money to travel and do this.
  20. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I guess. because I keep striving and it's never any use. I have had a severe problem with attachment to the outcome right now... The only thing that helps is when I get really serious with my cultivation but I take on the mindset of a person who's going to be alone long term and that's kind of self defeating..
  21. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    sorry. to Mahberry
  22. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    again.. I'm not against working on myself. But I just won't become bitter and angry. Because you say you seek happiness now.. IMO that's just well... the cause of suffering according to buddhism. Anyways... Again and again.. im not against working on myself. I just don't agree with the attitude of being crude and such. Like some suggest.. I go see a prostitute, go bench press until you pass out from overfatigue. or whatver. You're actually just taking on the same bitterness that I talk about but turning it against women, to manipulate or deceive. I talk about the harsh reality.. and you take on the harsh reality, and in doing so become bitter and resentful. You do project that in your posts. Also.. you know too much exercise can make you more stressful and angry. Overstimulate your sympathetic nervous system and put you in that fight/flight mode. Not saying exercise is wrong of course. Just too much and you may not be noticing what it's doing to your system. You do seem a bit aggravated and it came off on me.
  23. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    "All I want from women are their vaginas" wrong again and again. Anyone who thinks this is wrong. Just because I feel like I'm missing smtg you all say it's because all I want is vagina!? AND NO!!!! I never said "I dont have muscles because I'm a good guy". BS! I just went to the gym yesterday after your advice and what happened? I lost my flexibility. I won't stop going though. Man I exercise all the time, I've just had issues to deal with but I'm always working on myself. It's just hard when you're down in the dumps like me. How to even find the motivation? but why is it even such a damn bother if "girls don't care so much about looks" in the first place? Appearance is fine but when women use appearance as the sole factor or even the one factor to even start to consider me is just messed up because there cold be a number of reasons why I look the way I am, or the way I am. Not any of the generalizations and judgements on how "alpha" or "non-alpha" or "masculine/feminine" "selfish/unselfish" I am. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with your demeanor and I don't agree with some of the way you go about things. It's really crude and I just don't resonate with it. It may have worked for you because you just work on yourself. That's fine, work on yourself. But I'm trying not to be like you are: saying "fuck this, fuck what people think" out of aggravation, and become either bitter or cruel. Even though I have become bitter, but Im still trying not to be. You have misjudged me and now I'm just pointing it out. A lot of people would initially agree with you because they admire the tough guy attitude but it is completely wrong about me because you assume that I am just weak and feminine and you're SO much more masculine because we need to be rough and brutal and crude, etc. Some girls like that of course but is that the deciding factor of whether you're right or wrong? Is that the deciding factor of whether ANY guy who is suggesting the same? Because girls think it's hot? Do these girls ever stop to think aboutwhy they feel the way they do wheneverthey see a "hot guy, preferrably with huge muscles that they can't even move, are stiff,etc. can't even fight"? Or even any good looking guy? Do they even care? So they'll just let appearances control their judgement of what's right and wrong. Mere perceptive reality. God forbid what they see in a man and find attractive is actually what reminds them of the countless times men have abused them and made women fearful and now she's confusing that as "love" or associating it with lust because the old simple mammalian brain cannot differentiate the neurochemicals and hormones which are part of her affliction. The same ones that play a part in addiction. The same ones that play a part in BDSM, or in mixing feelings of pain and pleasure. The same ones that play a part inthe ignorance of whether one is feeling fear or "butterflies in your stomach"...