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Everything posted by Non

  1. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    and you all say you believe in "love" yet you say I require a prostitute before I can "move up the ranks".
  2. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    it's biological not mere mental.
  3. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    it is not too hard to believe that simply because I'm around women who think like I do will care any differently. Women are women, enlightened or not. They're still the same.
  4. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    it's actually also a mental block when people judge me based on whether I act like an experienced guy who's been laid quite enough before. But they are blocking themselves from me. If that is what nature is anyway.
  5. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    It's obvious I won't have the same mindset as a guy with tons of experience. You're going to tell the most beautiful woman in the world, to go see a prostitute, or another man, simply because she has never had any experience before she can get to you?
  6. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I DO NOT WANT A PROSTITUTE. NOR DO I REQUIRE IT. Why is it that I have to "move up the ranks" by seeing other women to get to more women? This is exactly why virgins can never find anyone. Because women expect perfection. They expect every man to have experience. A prostitute is NOT the answer. Not for me anyway. WTF am I going to do reject the most beautiful woman in the world just because "she has no experience"? It's not that it's a "mental block". Well it might be but actually it not NEED BE a mental block, others just need to be willingto understand that I'm not perfect. People need smoething when they haven't gotten anything FOR SO LONG.
  7. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    "If you start to feel better about yourself and feel attractive then this will project outwards in your presence and body language and women will start to notice and they will give you signs like eye contact, smiling and moving closer to your position and then it's YOUR job to lead the interaction where you want it to go." There's almost no way a 25 yr old virgin can feel good. Women are being very selfish if they expect every man to feel totally 100% confident and secure and bla bla bad assed, etc. And they may miss out on the best of men simply because they only care about display.
  8. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    all of womankind. If you dont have muscle then act like an overbearingly dominant bad-ass or be an asshole. That'll make her think your 'bad-assedness/jerkiness' makes up for the lack of muscle. And to say that women do more work than men? Come on.. MAYBE just maybe when it comes to the argument whether one enjoys life more than the other they may be equal. Depending on where you live though of course and the rules/regulations but in a "normal" society women are all queens. They get laid more often and when it comes to evolutionary biology theory, sex is pretty much the goal of life. In spiritual theory sex and sexual energy is the most sacred thing. So they perhaps have the most basic thing a human being requires for healthy living if you're not some kind of monk living off of transmutation practices which are extremely hard to find and rare. Also.. a lotof men just get what they can.. and not even care too much about looks. Usually it's only the men who get a lot of chicks that care so much about looks (as in take because when it comes to being alpha women submit themselves to them, they don't really call that a "choice", whether it was by violent force or not) And I see women like this: for every good looking women it seems they all have a swarm of gangsters that surround them. They're all untouchable and guarded by evil men.
  9. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    it's all about 'mememe' isn't it? So what if I choose to commit suicide, I'm the only one suffering. In the end I might end up saving more lives that way. At least in this lifetime. If in the next lifetime I come back, I can commit suicide again, and again. I'm a dysfunctional soul anyways. In the end though if people just let go of emotional attachment they'd be far better off without me. Nobody needs me. I'm the last and only person in my lineage and so far I suck tremendously. My father's brother sucks with women too, it seems he'll never make a family. I'm an only child. Nature is not calling me, so maybe I was meant to end it. As for my family, oh well, it probably is what was meant to be.
  10. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Maybe when it comes to some things but other things: men are usually more physically stronger so they end up doing more than women. When it comes to physical things men do that, emotional needs women do that... but it looks like that is dying down ever since women started trying to be more like men.
  11. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Well I dont need to get too big. I was going to the gym and my sifu told me it shows because I lost my flexibility, and I became stiff. Now that I lost muscle I need to strike a balance. ok... so King Kabalabhati, you probably had no problem wth your sex life because you are older than me. Maybe much older. As people age they care less. Women start to care less about looks. Also,my generation may just be different than yours. Ask the older people about women and they'll give you different answers than ALL (yes ALL ) of my age group. All. Women are becoming more and more brutal, more and more indifferent and cold. So why don't I look for older women? Because frankly, women want just about everything it seems. When they're young, they want the older guys because they have higher status. Then the girls get old and they want younger guys. Meantime the men, are told it's wrong to like ANY woman, young or even old. Even of the same age group. The only men NOT told this is the men "women have no choice" but to be attracted to them because he just takes over her mind and lets him abuse her because it's all about 'his pleasure' not hers. and Yes women do care about looks, I'd say just as much as men do about a woman's looks. They just look (not the word LOOK) for different characteristics. Women are all about displays. You look big: it means you can do whatever the fuck she wants you to do for her because our biologies show that men are supposed to break their backs for women and they do nothing but weak stuff. So they come off as being more selfish. But actually taht is false because women are stronger in their slow twitch muscles while men are geared more for fast-burnout quicker type of exercise. Of course that's in general anyway. Women have more blood than men. They also have much potential to be just as strong as men if not moreso. Not many people care... not many women care though. They justify that the men do everything because "they are providers", women are care-takers. As in they take the care men give them, not that they actually care. So a woman sees a muscular man as having more ability to provide.. even if it's not true. Even if it's not true. Even if it's not true. I'm fine with doing most of the work when it comes to physical needs but the problem is she is never satisfied. She always wants more, and wouldn't give anything in return. No love, nothing. I could give and give and give, it's always unrequited.
  12. spiritual psychosis. Actually I raed this is supposed to happen before a big breakthrough in cultivation practices. Specifically I read this about jnana yoga.
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I guess not too good. I'm working on it, though I don't go to the gym because well.. right now I'm doing the Strongfortism thing and seeing how that goes. I also think it's better for my kung fu that I don't go. I stopped it but I started again. Once I'm done I'll go to the gym but just do lightweight training. Doesn't mean I'm not aiming to get strong though. Some of the most strongest people are lightweight trainers because they put focus in their practice, dynamic tension, do it slowly and with muscle control. So yeah... as for my diet well I'm kinda skinny on my limbs and such.. I also lost a lot of muscle since I changed my diet because well it's hard to keep up and to do it RIGHT. It was either low carb or low, I chose low carb... but that means I still need some carbs every 4 hrs (less than 20) or else I'll lose muscle, and I also want to stay in ketosis. it seems though that my protruding belly is due to a spleen issue and/or water retention. Bloating distension type, the skin around there isn't too thick. Then again it could also be visceral fat which is more common in males than in women because they accumulate fat more in their extremities and just under the skin. I eat quite a bit of fatty foods so maybe it's they are slower to digest. I'm only 150-4 lbs or so... I'm going to have to incorporate some walking... and mild running (my knees). Just to sweat, my TCM prof said sweating is the best thing for excess dampness. Yea.. my scoliosis too sucks.. it seems I can't stand up straight no matter how hard I try. Talk about it's effects on my psychology too... But I am working on it.
  14. I know... the heart is something which must be transcended, or at least balanced. For most that might require going through heartbreak, abandonment, etc. which would lead to the clearing of blockages in the heart. I remember drewhempel saying it's the hardest thing for a human being and that it must occur for the jing-chi-shen transmutation. It seems that it literally requires cold-heartedness.. or at laest that's what it translates to. Coolness in the heart. Only enlightened masters are truly detached.. and yes even from the heart. That might be the hardest step... People always put so much attention on being heart-centered etc. but do they really know what it is balanced whole heartedness?
  15. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Yea I don't know how to answer that.
  16. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    my practices are in my blog or practice journal. I've been fluctuating but I've been doing at least one of the practices I mention there everyday. Sometimes I'm low energy, high energy, too much on my schedule, etc.
  17. overcoming heartbreak

    well i have no friends.. and I dont drink liquor.
  18. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I really don't know what it is I have to "do". I do try trust me I do. but I just don't believe in the type of trying that means "going out on the prowl/hunt" etc. In doing cold approaches etc. If the situation is closed to me, it's just closed. I'm not going to force it.
  19. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    tried it already. doesn't work.
  20. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    he probabyl believes men war because women are evil and they make him go crazy. lol as for chi? men have more chi, but in reality wmoen have more "true qi" because blood is the mother of chi and houses chi, so she has more potential I guess.
  21. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    well I don't know. you could just die or commit suicide in the name of good and saving others... but I dont know if that's the best choice. if your not enlightened the only thing you live for is dopamine surges. that's the only meaning of life.
  22. that's only a theory anyway.
  23. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    well as for the selfishness bit it's just what my TCM professor says and it has to do with women being strong in liver (storing blood) as opposed to men who are stronger in their spleen (muscles/limbs). heh, he also says that since women can be weak in the spleen, can have a lot of dampness which can give rise to evil thoughts with heat. "men think it women act it" it probably doesn't hold water a lot of the time. it's very general too. see, this is why I don't agree with some taoist beliefs in terms of the masculine/feminine roles, and the fact taht many chinese people and daoists believe in very black/white statements due to the whole yin/yang thing. feminine and masculine is considered yin compared to the males INSOFAR as the CURRENT gender roles of society and the culture. But this doesn't mean that yin and yang is femininity/masculinity.
  24. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    you're not truly good unless you are an enlightened master. yuo may appear good, but in reality it's just selfishness, neediness, expecting from others, etc.