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About gj551

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Current Events Discussion

    please access to non-binary forums
  2. .

  3. kôan / kung-an

    post some cool koans (theres no such thread as of yet) "when a man alone in the woods states his opinion, and theres no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
  4. whats the difference between 1p-lsd and 1p-eth-lsd? up to this day it is hard to determine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1P-ETH-LAD
  5. what if one was to translate the damage smoking causes into qigong terms? i suffer from severe smoking addiction.. what (kind of) qigong exercies are best to cure/repair the specific damage smoking causes? the lungs are associated with the element of metal (and the color white, and the direction "west").. so...
  6. american chakra

    have a good laugh once in a while^^
  7. american chakra

    heres the thing: charles webster leadbeater has written a book on the chakras (its called 'the chakras'). in that book he says: source: http://www.anandgholap.net/Chakras-CWL.htm in short, he says the (activated) svadhishthana-chakra is a bad thing. westeners (should) use their spleen chakra instead of their (as of yet dormant) svadhishthana chakra whats the difference between a westerner using his spleen-chakra (instead of the svadishthana-chakra) and an indian person having an (active) svadhishthana-chakra?? c.w. leadbeater says, as quoted above, that we would regard an active svadhishthana-chakra as a bad thing... why? (heres a pic of leadbeater's spleen chakra; its the one to the right)