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Everything posted by gj551

  1. Nocturnal emission question.

    thank you for your information however i did not find that book on the site you gave me there.. is like the blog though
  2. --

  3. i regret bugging you with questions but heres a thing, kundalini travels up the spiene and shushumna ida and pingala are all there (look woodroffe serpent power), but mantak chia draws these circle at other places too like in the front of the body (conception channel) thesis: kundalini and taoism are not the same
  4. michael A. persinger (born June 26, 1945) is a cognitive neuroscience researcher and university professor with over 200 peer-reviewed publications. he has worked at laurentian university, located in sudbury, ontario, since 1971. he developed a device called the 'koren helmet'. as you may know brain activity can be measured by EEG ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroencephalography ). using this tool man is said to be able to intentionally manipulatete it. http://www.mind-shop.de/magnetfeldstimulation-39/shiva-neuro-stimulationssystem-173.html (this is an english one: http://www.shaktitechnology.com/shiva/index.htm ) now i only found this shop in germany selling it but, man, i wish we had one of those
  5. Jing building foods

    douglas wile presents a comprehensible list of herbs and vegetables in he also specifies the corresponding chinese character. i managed to look some of these up but they have outlandish names. here are some i put together: -sclerotium poriae cocos (tuckahoe root) -rhizoma acori graminei (sweetflag rhizome) -fructus corni officinalis (fruit of asiatic cornelian cherry) -radix trichisanthis -semen cuscutae (codder seeds) -radix achyranthis bidentatae -hallosytum rubrum
  6. "arohan"

    so i stumbled across this picture. there was no explanation and i googled for "arohan" and "awarohan". you see, the person does something resembling the microcosmic orbit but its amended somehow at the upper part. what beneficial effects could breathing like this have
  7. talk nerdy to me^^
  8. you gave me much help and valuable advice regarding the perusal of TY, i ponder many hours over the worthwhile posts you made this is a picture from taoist yoga, it is on page 124 i still couldnt resolve this - assume O is the lower tan t'ien then what does the mysterious pathway L represent? i mean maybe it doesnt mean a thing but it really puzzles me. well ive got another question look he says A is the mortal gate. he also differentiates between what he calls the mortal cavity, the mortal gate and the genital gate, the latter being the opening at the tip of the genital by which generative fluid leaves the body. what, then, does he mean by mortal cavity? is it the spot adherents of tantra allocate the mooladhara chakra at (the perineum, that is the spot between the scrotum and the rectum) or maybe someplace else in vicinity?
  9. heres a forum devoted to it http://healingbeats.com/forum/index.php
  10. i ching clock

    hello dear bums, look i had this idea -> one could easily afford some technical parts and put them together to craft this thing a clock which randomly changes an i ching pattern. how can you build it?
  11. back in the fifties wilhelm reich (1897-1957) drafted a device called "orgone accumulator". it basically consists of a wooden box filled with metallic wool and some screws construction thereof for private purposes deemed possible to me. it gathers ethereal energies in your body (=gets you a b*ner). i have to get panels first and a drill, will report back in.. http://www.orgone.org/articles/ax2001-grnfld-aa.htm
  12. hey pal i cant see any DU points on the forehead (yintang?) but there arent an numbers missing in between
  13. "Mysterious Pass"

    hey please give this a thought, in the tibetan book of the dead the soul traverses 'bardos' or planes of existence.. the first one of it, the chikhai bardo is defined as clear light whereas in the second and third one meets with deities who provide the voyager with some hallucinatory experiences. do you think this could refer to hsuan kuan being shed light on in a buddhist framework? the point to be made is that the TBOTD does not attribute to it powers of healing and the like this is how evantz wentz translated it dude that clear light thingy is, like, a double episode with batman
  14. What is Enlightenment?

    considering seriously all youve written before made me contribute this dont wanna come off as luk geek or something but he published this topic related book edit: dont wanna ruin your party either but the tibetan book of the dead made enlightenment look like death to me because it rendered it being liberation from game existence, thence what are you when you dont run the wheel of rebirth? bingo
  15. "Mysterious Pass"

    "the place where all the things meet you" the verve - bitter sweet symphony
  16. post it and leave it web addiction

    i use this http://www1.k9webprotection.com/ it blocks youtube and all the fun sites, youll have to reinstall your operating system to get it out, furthermore turn your screen to greyscale.. be inventive, delete games, uninstall AIM
  17. Use of Unrefined Qi in Healing

    uhh do you pronounce CHI like in 'sky' or like in 'cheech'? please do tell^^
  18. yo dawg i herd you like meditating.. uh managed to put your great and worthwhile translation into one compact formatted text file. blessed be your bodily odors. yeah i can take it off the air if it doesnt please you but i thought it could be of use because its dispersed over many pages questions golden elixir.pdf
  19. Hello!

    may the surmounter of all hindrances deliver your foes into your hand
  20. hear ye concerning meditation (which is an important hobby for everyone, even those who aint that messed up) people come up with questions that matter, like "what is this, man?" or "can there be a difference between certain odious emanations of parochial intricalities, dude?" so i got this pic alright please do tell, kind sir of magnificient honorability: WHAT IS THIS SITTING POSITION CALLED ? compare it to lotus seat (padmasana).
  21. Bi Polar and mood swings

    well, one could seek professional help for example
  22. snake oil

    hello i am in deep respect of your ways and would like to talk about a topic that may affect us in more ways than you might deem possible. as you may have heard there are phony vendors selling life extension and the like. now it may be a shame to do so but i took a look at them. they had a lot of ingredients youll have to look up. most of them have chinese names (plants). now the basic claim of said shops is semen increase. as bogus as that may sound, JING (or, to speak in reverence of the great lord charles luk, GENERATIVE FORCE) i consider to be a matter of importance discusseth ye i put together a list of substances which they say are in the product but did not give a link because these sites have bad imagery and from another one this is a charming table edit: http://tinyurl.com/cwd738t
  23. Inner Alchemy

    do it