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About RyanO

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  1. Dreams Of A Soulmate

  2. The beauty of the secret smile is that it is adaptable to your own constitution. It does not need to be done exactly as given in the instructions. A simple conjuration of a loving memory combined with deep breathing can do wonders, so I would encourage you to not be deterred. Make it your own. Be creative.
  3. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    Bottom line: everybody (every body) is different and you have to experiment to find what works for you. Many schools will present their techniques dogmatically (you have to rotate energy around dantian such and such times, different for men and women, etc etc). But you will find many contradictions in these teachings while also finding successful practitioners in many systems. One is left to conclude that arbitrary techniques are mixed in with essential ones in these systems, and it is up to the practitioner to find out the difference. This is especially true if one is "mixing systems", which is where you get the advice to refrain from doing just that. Regarding the tongue thing, you can do it either way. Simple. Tongue connecting all the time will create a constant channel while leading the tongue can help to facilitate downward flow once energy reaches that point. Safest would be a constant connection, which is why you hear that so often, but there is nothing wrong with dropping the tongue every once in a while. In your case it might be a good idea to keep it up with too much energy in the head. Some more advice would be: Inner Smile is great, HEE triple warmer sound (from Chia) while moving hands downward, google "Duck Egg" meditation to bring chi down to dantian, any qigong that brings energy down (grounding, rooting practices such as earthy walking, deep earth pulsing, mind in your feet, chi circulation movements, etc. Lots out there) By the way, mentally directing chi does not have to equate with forcing, so use a loving and accepting intent. And again, figure out what's best for you! ,
  4. Related to the loving-kindness route, the inner and secret smile practices are also excellent for any kind of psychic self protection. Search em up!
  5. Seeking alternative systems

    labria, based on what you have written, my recommendation would be: http://www.kundaliniawakeningprocess.com Lots of info about this school scattered about this forum.
  6. Howdy, I don't post much on here, and it's obvious that devoted practitioners of the Healing Tao post even less. I myself do not practice much of Winn's stuff anymore but I did want to mention that I know practitioners who do and have for years and receive great benefit, there's just not a strong voice on here (if interested check out the Healing Tao forums). That said my experience with this particular version of the orbit practice was that it was powerful, safe, and authentic, and I would recommend exploring it. Winn is a great teacher and innovator and I highly respect his work. I also wanted to say that mind-directed methods are proven, time tested approaches that are not inferior to less directed methods. Both have their pros and cons which may vary according to the individual. In either case, I would agree that not "forcing" anything is a good idea, but that's not exactly the same thing as saying not to lead qi with intent, which is a hallmark of many approaches to energy work.
  7. Meditation On Pleasure?

    Great topic and great idea! Here is an awesome method that uses this premise: http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/9719-dr-morriss-secret-smile-breathing-basic-kap-1-giri-for-the-tao-bumbs/?hl=%22secret+smile%22+giri There are many possible variations of the above.
  8. A Taoist approach to bad habbits

    Thanks galloway, you're welcome! It is generally agreed that both the inner and secret smile meditations are very safe for most people, even without a teacher. They are different meditations with different purposes but are both variations on the theme of the smile. Check them out and see if you like them. Michael Winn has a great ebook on the inner smile, you can get it for free if you sign up for his newsletter. Here is a sample of the first chapter: http://www.healingtaousa.com/pdf/innersmile_ch01.pdf And here are instructions for the secret smile, right here on the Dao Bums! http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/9719-dr-morriss-secret-smile-breathing-basic-kap-1-giri-for-the-tao-bumbs/
  9. A Taoist approach to bad habbits

    What I'm about to write is a stream of consciousness response because I'm procrastinating on work and is in no way a well thought out, formulated response which is my usual MO. I am simply replying because I am interested in this topic. Also, keep in mind this is general advice for habit change and not necessarily a response to your particular situation. Here are some important factors: 1) Intensity. You have to want to change and you should have good reasons for doing so. It can help to feel this desire as intensity, which is your "change" fuel. It may be helpful to visualize (or actualize) a sun blazing in your solar plexus to feel intensity. 2) Let Go and Smile. When you are trying to let go of a habit, it may seem easy for a bit but when the habit strikes, you may give in unconsciously, which is why mindfulness is important. Or, if you try to resist, you may feel tension somewhere in your body. The trick is then to be able relax this tension and smile. I find the Inner and Secret Smile meditations very helpful in this regard. A quick Google should help you out if interested. 3) Persistence. This is perhaps the most important factor. Most attempts at habit change will initially fail. Those who succeed are the ones who persist over and over again even if it takes years and years. This isn't necessarily from a Taoist perspective, but one could see it as an alchemical process involving #1 Fire and #2 Water and #3 Earth being the ground. I don't think self-improvement is a trap, though it certainly can be when it becomes an obsession. Like many things in life, self-development vs self-acceptance is a balancing act which plays out in our paradoxical, dualistic reality. Anyway, I'm back to work, hope this helps a little. Good luck!
  10. Lots of good advice here. In my experience sleep paralysis occurs most during daytime napping, so that would be something to avoid if you're looking to avoid it. Also, I think that a lot of hypnogogic states have an element of sleep paralysis and thus the actual experiences may vary widely. Sometimes it is fun can be associated with lucid dreaming. The most painful sleep paralysis experiences, on the other hand, are associated with night terrors, in which case there is a strong element of fear and can include a feeling of a demonic presence. For these cases, practicing the inner smile or similar meditation such as loving kindness can be a powerful antidote, in addition to healthy lifestyle and spiritual practices in general.
  11. Outsider's doubts

    Hi Juan, Regarding your interest in the correlation between the Hindu and Taoist systems, you might find the following video helpful: Good luck to you.
  12. unconditional love

    I wanted to add that conditional love is not "bad" and is a necessary and even virtuous thing in this realm of duality. One would benefit from being immersed in non dual unconditional love while paradoxically playing the game of duality. Relationships where both parties do this would naturally be more harmonious than attachment based relationships, so in that sense the advice for relationships is true, just often misunderstood.
  13. unconditional love

    I agree, well put Bud. I think unconditional love is mostly misunderstood. This is reflected in common suggestions that a relationship should be based on unconditional love. But a relationship can't be based on unconditional love, because a love that is directed towards anything is by its nature conditional. It is conditional simply because the identity of the receiver itself is a condition. Rather, unconditional love is our natural state of being. It is simply awareness. Non-discriminating awareness is unconditional (infinite) love. This is why sages such as Ramana Maharishi state that ultimately there is no difference between Self-Inquiry and Bhakti.
  14. Supplements you use

    I've spent a good deal of time researching and taking various kinds of supplements, it can be a frustrating thing to do with the overwhelming amount of information out there, often contradictory. It can also be an expensive habit! In order to keep things simple and easier on the wallet, I have narrowed down what I consider an effective supplementation regimen: Millennium Sport's MVP 365/ZMK Barleans Omega Man Flax Oil Nordic Natural Fish Oil Three Lac Probiotic Spring Dragon Longevity Tea Of course I try to eat as healthy as possible and get in other healthy superfoods when I can, and have yin yang (mix of hot/room temp) water with whole squeezed lemon, ginger powder, and cayenne pepper first thing in the morning. The most essential part of this is the MVP365/ZMK. The first is a multi-vitamin, the second a multi-mineral. They separate the vitamins from the minerals to enhance absorbability, and also have everything in more bioavailable forms than most other multis (Krebs cycle intermediates). I am not a doctor or scientist so its often hard to sort out the BS from the truth, so I'm left to gauge my own body to determine a product's efficacy, and I feel great with these. I knew the MVP 365 was legit because contains the same Coenzyme B vitamin complex which I have consistently responded well to in the past. The ZMK is essentially ZMA with added minerals, including copper, but not calcium which would interfere with the absorption of the other minerals. I have responded very well to ZMA and the ZMK is ZMA Plus. You can google or go to amazon (which is where I get mine) for more info.