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About Maddie

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  1. Is porn bad for you?

    It's hard to resist a lady bug slumber party though
  2. Is porn bad for you?

    Yes. Technically it would only be intentions, because if while you are asleep if you roll over and squash a lady bug that is an action but there is no ill intent at all, even thought its technically an action, so therefore no karma.
  3. Is porn bad for you?

    Yes karma is both cause and effect. One makes karma with ones actions, and the karma made in turn conditions future actions.
  4. Is porn bad for you?

    There actually are some cases where I will use the term "bad karma" but these are where someone else is actively being harmed with ill intent.
  5. Is porn bad for you?

    I don't know if I would use the word bad karma. I think acting on desire creates the karma of desire.
  6. Is porn bad for you?

    So I guess the real question is more about the mind and desire than the actual visual images themselves.
  7. Is porn bad for you?

    Assigned male at birth is more about gender than sex. It is the assumption (usually correct but not always) that one's sex and gender will be aligned.
  8. Is porn bad for you?

    Is it? how so?
  9. Is porn bad for you?

    That's definitely messed up and wrong no doubt, but I was curious about the energetic aspect.
  10. Is porn bad for you?

    How so? Being that I'm asexual I'm curious about this.
  11. Is porn bad for you?

    Define bad. In what sense do you mean is it bad for you? As in it can be addictive?
  12. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    I know I'm a little late to this thread but the title caught my eye as delusion was the primary cause of suffering as taught by the Buddha and seeing through delusion is the primary goal of Buddhist cultivation.
  13. Help with Kidney issues

    I know I said it the other day but I don't think this is a really a Kidney issue, I think it is a heat issue.
  14. Micro Qigong?

    Thought I would bump this post and see if anyone on now knows of hand Qigong sets?