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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Self vs No-Self

    Something that I have often noticed on this topic is that a lot of times I think people use the five aggregates or five skandas to explain what the Buddha said we are, but it seems when I read the suttas the Buddha is using the five skandas to explain what we are not.
  2. Self vs No-Self

    I think I began to wonder if I was not thinking this way when I posted this question.
  3. Self vs No-Self

    Actually for me now the question that the Buddhist side answered makes me want to better understand the Hindu or I guess proto-Hindu point of view that the Buddha was responding against.
  4. Self vs No-Self

    Yes I am interested to hear from other perspectives as well.
  5. Self vs No-Self

    It sheds a great deal of insight into at least part of it.
  6. Self vs No-Self

    @CT that's actually a really good answer, thank you. If I understand correctly from that post it would seem the question if more of one about perception in regards to self as opposed to a teaching on the essence of a self or no-self? This raises the question though, what was he teaching in opposition to in India in his day?
  7. Self vs No-Self

    It would seem CT's post answered the Buddha's take on that question pretty well.
  8. Self vs No-Self

    The Buddha spoke of impermanence often which was his premise for no-soul, or at least of of his premises.
  9. Self vs No-Self

    The reason it's emphasized is during the time of the Buddha in India one of the common teachings was that there was a soul and that it was defined as being permanent and unchanging. The Buddha on the other hand said this was not the case. This is why there is the focus on it being unchanging or changing in this context. This would be one definition of a soul. There is nothing to say that there couldn't be a soul that evolves and changes.
  10. Self vs No-Self

    Yes I suppose that is a good point, defining what "soul" means. Though I think in the context of the time and place of the Buddha it was seen as the unchanging inner essence, and the Buddha rejected this notion.
  11. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I actually have known people who went to those things and they actually had to pay to get in and some of them actually got knocked down and they said that they were not trying to do so. The psychology of group hypnosis is actually pretty well documented and understood.
  12. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    And for those who think someone demonstrating pyrokinesis on a YouTube video is definitive proof and could never possibly be faked this is for you.
  13. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    This is just a case of group hypnosis and the power of suggestion. There was another one of these so-called Masters who got challenged by an MMA fighter and since the MMA fighter wasn't under the power of suggestion like his students he knocked him out in like 30 seconds. But if you would watch videos of the same Tai chi Master with his students he would throw them around barely touching them or even without touching them. There's many cases of group hypnosis having pretty profound effects on the people who buy into it.
  14. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Now we really know what happened to the dinosaurs. 🦕
  15. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Someone can shoot lightning out of their nostrils and fireballs out of their butthole but if they are not kind, compassionate and humble I could care less. "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal resounding in the wind. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have faith, that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." - I Corinthians 13:1-2
  16. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Questioning the validity of anything is not synonymous with an attack on the person holding the view. We only tend to perceive a challenge to our views as synonymous with a challenge to ourselves when we identify with the view as being part of our self. When we identify with a view as being part of the self than any challenge to that view is the challenge to the self. On the other hand when we do not identify with the view but only see it as a view and not part of the self any inquiry into the validity of the view simply focuses on why the view may or may not be correct. The mindset of scientific objectivity is to be willing to change ones view when new data disproves or modifies that view.
  17. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Yes check out my new guru.... It's all real too because nothing in a video can ever be faked.
  18. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I don't know if the chicken or the egg came first but it seems like the vast majority of practitioners of the system that I've read on here seem to have a lot of ego and delusion, and tend to get very defensive if questioned.
  19. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    But wanting to not talk with me is a desire, which is not applicable to someone who's transcended ego.
  20. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I suppose asking for evidence of statements is personal if one has an ego but that wouldn't apply to you would it?
  21. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Can you show me the quote where I said I have not tried cultivation?
  22. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Cultivation means to grow and develop. If I cultivate crops it means I'm growing crops. If I cultivate my ego it means I increase my ego. It's possible to cultivate anything
  23. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    How would you know if I have or have not tried cultivation? If you can't have an ego to begin cultivation then what must one do in order to get rid of their ego?
  24. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    But how do you know you're cultivating your ego less or more?
  25. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    How do you know your mind has been freed from ego and delusion as opposed to that thought being just another delusion?