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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Chundi mantra

    I am very hesitant to do this mantra because of its very strong purging properties but last week I did it again for the first time and maybe a year and OMG that was not fun LOL.
  2. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I think another factor is that in Theravada it's all on you, but in Mahayana there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to help you.
  3. Inner alchemy outer reality

    Yes, I think it would have much to do with the collective karma of the society that determines the leader they get.
  4. Medicine Buddha

    I've been doing medicine Buddha more lately. I'm impressed.
  5. Inner alchemy outer reality

    True but if you look at the various states of health of individuals it quickly becomes apparent that the state and quality of Qi in different people is not the same. One can also assume this is the case in the environment with the different states of feng shui different locations have.
  6. What exactly is the religious aspects of Confucianism? About all I vaguely know is there are temples, incense, and priests, but what is the purpose? What do they do? Why do they do what they do?
  7. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Something that has been a bit of a surprise to me to realize lately is the reactivity I have to my two major Theravada practices which are meditation and reading texts. It seems that either one produces a strong reaction and me that is awesome not positive and I'm not sure why.
  8. Mahayana vs Theravada

    yes for this reason I am paying a lot of attention lately to experience. Trying to see what actually works as opposed to just what sounds good in theory.
  9. How you filling your days?

    I usually wake up around 7 give or take and after some coffee and breakfast spend most of my morning either doing mantra practice or meditating, reading or studying history. Around noon I wake up my daughter we eat and I help her with online school. After she's finished with school we usually watch something together. After that I might do some more reading or mantra or walking meditation to get some movement in. Then it's dinner time and we watch something else. Then we either kill some more time doing the things I mentioned before or watching another show and then I go to bed.
  10. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I should probably clarifying even with some mantras I have to use them sparingly like the Zhunti mantra. With that and with regular meditation the reaction with me is just too much karma release too soon.
  11. For spiritual attack For mental health
  12. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I think upon reflecting on the essence of this post a little more if I was going to streamline the issue for myself personally I would say the main difference for me is methods of practice that is mostly meditation-based or a mantra practice. I found that the more meditation based practice made me feel worse in the mantra based practice made me feel better. I think in the end for me that's what it ultimately came down to.
  13. Mahayana vs Theravada

    From my understanding The Vedic culture being Indo-European from the Aryans had much more in common with the Greco-Roman and Viking religions than the original Dravidic religions of India.
  14. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Maybe proto-Hindu would be an adequate term? The point about the Buddha learning advanced meditation from those teachers and then him deciding that it wasn't enough really resonates with me. I was pretty much mediating every day, usually several hours, some days practically all day and while I could at times get into some pretty deep meditative states, it just wasn't "doing it for me". This would explain my current interest in mantras and the study of wisdom.
  15. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I suppose that's always a possibility but on the other hand it seems like if you created some sutras later on in the timeline and you wanted to try to make them sound legitimate this would be a line that would be used for this purpose. Actually what baffles me more is the efficacy of nam-myoho-renge-kyo what does chanting the title of the lotus sutra and yet text Jewel scholarship has shown it to be written much later and buy several different authors. So it seems very doubtful it was actually said by the Buddha yet chanting is title seems to be very effective. To me the shows that later innovation isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've even heard said by some scholars that attributing later Mahayana texts to quoting the Buddha wasn't meant to be taken literally but it was a literary device that was taken for granted.
  16. Mahayana vs Theravada

    The earliest mention of mantras that I'm aware of is in the Pali Canon but it's talking about The Vedic mantras that the brahmins used. But I think to keep with the spirit of your comment it does make me wonder what was happening the cause mantras to be introduced or as they hadn't been into Buddhism earlier? Effects of the Kali Yuga? The age of Dharma decline? Something else?
  17. Mahayana vs Theravada

    This to me is exactly what's causing me to question things about Theravada. It makes so much sense on one hand yet on the other hand I felt like it just wasn't working for me. I felt like for the most part the more I meditated the worse I felt.
  18. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I think the mantra that caused me to begin questioning was Manjushri. It seems to have the effect of pulling one out of their preconceived assumptions, and leads to questioning.
  19. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Cheerful lol
  20. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I've read a lot about calvinist theology and if you follow their reasoning it does make sense based on the sovereignty of God but then once you're done following their reasoning it still makes God seem pretty cruel in the end.
  21. Mahayana vs Theravada

    That's a very interesting perspective. From my Protestant upbringing the basic view is that if you're born you're just the worst and your wicked and evil and there's nothing good about you whatsoever, and since you're the most horrible creature in the universe the only way it was possible for God to even look on you without barfing was to sacrifice his son to himself to somehow make him happy about the whole situation.
  22. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Of course arguing for and against eternal damnation presupposes the Christian assumption that by default we are Damned, and therefore in need of a savior. To me it seems like creating a problem in order to market your solution.
  23. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Although the argument that St Thomas Aquinas makes is that the things of God can be known through reason.
  24. Mahayana vs Theravada

    Unless Mount Meru is a metaphor for some aspect of the mind or as I've often wondered if the seeming inaccurate Buddhist geography of the time was actually meant to be understood on more of a galactic since than terrestrial. Like are the continents planets? Solar systems? Galaxies?
  25. Mahayana vs Theravada

    I agree I am currently reading Steven bachelor's book "After Buddhism" and I do like his explanation of the Pali words and some of the cultural context for sure. It's just I don't understand how you can read and understand dependent origination without a view of rebirth I feel like you have to deliberately ignore that. it does strike me though how he seems to really be enamored with the Buddha and his genius but then I think that the Buddha was intelligent enough to separate his thoughts from the cultural acceptance of karma and rebirth at the same time. Although I can't say that I do not have a certain amount of skepticism of my own or I probably wouldn't remain Christian.