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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. But standing meditation is a good way to build up qi right?
  2. Parallel Universe

    Yea string theory kind of supports OM theory that everything is just vibration. So everything is just vibrating "string" and this is (hopefully) the unified theory of everything in that it successfully unifies Einstein's theory of relativity which explain how things operate on a large scale, and quantum mechanics which explains how things operate on a very small scale. The problem so far is that Relativity breaks down at the small scale and quantum mechanics break down on the large scale. The hope is that string theory is the answer at unification. Part of the theory is that there are multiple dimensions wrapped up in themselves at a very small scale. So yes string theory does support multiple universes or planes.
  3. Parallel Universe

    Where can one read more about this from a Buddhist perspective? haha that made me laugh so hard!!
  4. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    That is definitely happening and its blowing my mind lately lol.
  5. Apparently for about a week now protesters trying to save a city park in Istanbul are being assaulted by the police, yet there is no media coverage of this. Just trying to get the word out.
  6. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    So is what your saying in a nut shell is that to really penetrate into what "self" is can really only be understood through meditation? I've noticed that at first meditation made everything seem quite and serene. Then it started to seem that I began to become more aware of just how busy my mind (ego)/ clinging are.
  7. So standing meditation is a good way to build qi right? At least that's what I've heard. Usually I have a difficult time waking up in the morning, but I did ZZ last night before bed and waking up this morning was much easier. The weird thing was is that after doing it last night my right lateral thigh was very sore as though I'd been kicked there. Also since as of today I'm at day 57 of celibacy I'm contemplating what connection there is there and how that extra jing relates to the extra and regular channles in the legs (as far as filling them up).
  8. Pain in lower back

    Usually in TCM if you have lower back pain that can not be explained by an injury its caused by Kidney deficency.
  9. I would appreciate wisdom and insight from those who have been doing this a while. I've been doing mindfullness for a few months now, and notice that sometimes afterwards all kinds of funky emotions and thoughts come up. I've been told this is "normal" but is there such a thing as doing too much mediation. Also are there ways to deal with challenging thoughts and feelings that come up in the process of meditation?
  10. Controlling sexual desire

    what is the heart's desire is to no longer desire?
  11. Controlling sexual desire

    That was actually my attempt at humor haha. Ok so what I'd really do is what I do these days anytime I find myself reacting to something no matter what it is, and stop and ask myself why I feel that way, as opposed to simply reacting. I'd go and meditate and see where and why I have this particular craving or desire. Just about every time what I thought it was at first dissolves into some facet of ego, and once I see through it as just a manifestation of ego then it dissipates.
  12. Is your Buddhism just an ego trip?

    I was under the impression that to see into ego you did Vipassana and to be calm you did Samatha. But lately I've been mostly doing Samatha and having a lot of spontaneous insights into ego anyways... hmm.....
  13. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    Go back to what I've already said and see if you can figure out what I'd say lol
  14. Controlling sexual desire

    I just remind myself that something must be wrong with her for liking him haha
  15. Controlling sexual desire

    Repression.... yes indeed a problem, but what is repression really? Is it just beginning to feel what you are really feeling as your energy level gets to the point for you to really start feeling it, and then distracting yourself from that by releasing that energy? Or is it when your energy level rises and you begin to feel what you really feel but then sitting with it and allowing yourself to feel it until you get to the bottom of it no matter how uncomfortable it may be? Which one is truly repression?
  16. Controlling sexual desire

    That's pretty much the definition of proselytizing your own opinion. Agreeing with what someone said because you agreed with that opinion already. Not at all, I simply made an observation.
  17. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    Yea I guess I should have specified, all sentient beings have consciousness, and I don't think plants are sentient. But as far as the animal kingdom goes they are sentient.
  18. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    Yes to have truly free will one must be enlightened, BUT even unenlightened beings still have a will, its just not completely free. In having a will you make choices though one has to consider what factors influence those choices? According to Buddhism all living things have a consciousness and a will and desire pleasure and to be free from suffering. The mention of conditioned responses is actually a good example of one of the elements that causes will to not be totally free. So the cat sees the mouse and its hunter instinct kicks in creating the desire to catch that mouse. That desire then strongly influences the cat to choose to chase it. The two factors of desire and will usually happen so fast that we see them as one. The smoker feels the desire for a cigarette, and then either chooses to or not to smoke, though his will is heavily influenced by craving and desire for a cigarette. Since only a Buddha has fully eliminated craving and desire only a Buddha would be completely free from such influences.
  19. Buddhist & Taoist Cultivation

    When I speak of enlightenment I do so from the Buddhist point of view that you have eliminated all desires, craving, and clinging and thus are free from Samsara and have attained Nirvana.
  20. I pretty much changed my life path from one that was not working very well for me, to one that works much better, .... so yea, I'd say so lol
  21. Walking Meditation

    Walking meditation is one of the four postures of meditation in Theravada. Sitting, walking, standing, and laying on the right side.
  22. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    Even the simplest creatures in nature make choices
  23. Matter, Consciousness, Experience

    We come from and are part of nature so where does one draw the line? I've seen a cat play with a mouse, kill it (slowly for fun) and not even eat it.
  24. Buddhist & Taoist Cultivation

    Is the Dalai Lama not enlightened already?! The reason would be that they use up all their good karma and merit as a deva and drop down.
  25. Walking Meditation

    I pace in my apartment looking a few feet in front of me at the floor, doing the "Budo" mantra mentally. I've found that if I'm too antsy to do sitting meditation this helps get me to that point.