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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Kundalini

    I was doing a little more research into Kundalini because up until a few days ago I knew almost nothing about it, I wasn't interested. Well I saw a few articles about how Kundalini can lead to "ego death". It was saying how you can go through a "dark night of the soul" as Kundalini rises and kills ego. Now I don't think I totally agree with this terminology but it does seem that a lot of this misery is very ego related, and I am really having a lot of insight into the facade of the ego, so I'm sure there is something going on with this Kundalini rising thing and ego death, and since ego does not like to die I guess that's why it sucks so much. Oh also interestingly I was listening to a pod cast where it was being said Kundalini is female energy, and at the moment my tail bone started hurting when this began the notion of the "feminine" is what came over me.
  2. The first world still happening

    This thread kind of reminds me of my internal dialogue over the years. First I was very zealous in the church. Then I got totally disillusioned with it and thought it was a huge waste of time. Then I got over it and didn't care. Finally I saw that a lot of the cultivation I do now in Buddhism and qigong I was doing in the church and didn't know it haha.
  3. Kundalini

    Yea this experience reminds me of a few years back when I first started qigong and was doing organ meditations for the first time and all the emotional crap that dug up. These days organ meditation does not have such a dramatic effect on me (I assume that I cleansed out a lot of that stuff) but THIS feels like those early days of first working on the organs. I guess this is on another level. If your feeling too yang the formula "Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan" is good to help balance that out.
  4. Kundalini

    I keep reading and re-reading this as I'm finding both very interesting and also explaining very well what has been happening to me the last few days. It's funny because just prior to this whole Kundalini thing I was so happy with how chill I was always feeling haha. Last night the most prominent symptoms seemed to be 2nd chakra according to this list. Today its been more like 3rd chakra on the list. Also in regards to the 3rd chakra (and I've noticed this in the past when I specifically tried to work on it) that not only did I internally feel the issues related to it, but it seemed that events in life externally were related to this issue as well.
  5. Where can one post flyers anyhow?

    you need tape for fliers
  6. Hello, I'm new and I have a question, too

    Oh yea?! cool. Which school? lol
  7. I noticed that the article said that "Black Knight" has been famous for some time now. Well it can't have been all that famous cause I've never heard anyone say anything about it, ever. If they got that fact wrong, what else did they get wrong?
  8. for all organ meditations I do a combination of the healing sounds and inner smile. The Kidney's sound is "choo". So what you do is you visualize your kidneys glowing with blue light and smiling on the inhale. On the exhale you make the "choo" sound either vocally, subvocally, or mentally. The book "Medical Qigong" says that for more physical symptoms you make the sound vocal, and for more emotional issues you do the sound mentally or sub-vocally. Also if you want to tonify (add) you focus more on the inner smile. If you want to reduce then you focus more on the healing sounds.
  9. Hello, I'm new and I have a question, too

    Hey nice to see you here. I'm an acupuncture student currently.
  10. What about the evil genius then?
  11. Uploading pics and docs

    How do you post a picture?
  12. That's weird, I've never heard of that before.
  13. The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

    omg that literally made me laugh out loud LOL
  14. Actually I am in the process of overthrowing "the system". My generals Samatha and Vipassana are currently doing reconnaissance and planning strategy against the enemy called "false self". False self is a difficult and cunning opponent because his generals are conditioning and delusion. But though the campaign is difficult and slow progress is being made on the awakening front. Conditioning and delusion are masters of camouflage and help false self to perform nasty sneak attacks which cause my kingdom great desire and then suffering, but Samatha is very cunning and sits very still for long periods of time until he can see through conditioning and delusions camouflage. Once Samatha has spotted the opponent then he gets on the radio and calls in an airstrike to Vipassana. Vipassana flies in on his plane "loving-kindness and compassion 1" and challenges conditioning and delusion to a stare down duel. At first conditioning and delusion just laugh at Vipassana and tell him that they are not going anywhere, but Vipassana is also very patient and just keeps staring at his opponent. Then just when it seems like conditioning and delusion will never give up Vipassana shoots his penetrating insight ray out of his eyes and conditioning and delusion dissolve. Of course a battle is then won but there isn't time for too much celebration because "false self" has many generals named conditioning and delusion and each one has a slightly different uniform. So Samatha goes back into action to find them too. But I hope to one day finally totally over throw the system and achieve ultimate victory and enter the land of Nirvana. The End
  15. Kundalini

    Sometimes, but it seems that what is happening most often now is that it is when I first wake up that for a few seconds I have the deepest insight into my ego/false self and realize with great clarity what a facade/delusion it is.
  16. Kundalini

    I was looking at that list of chakra's and kudalini and was wondering if it might not necessarily be sequential because since the initial kundalini experience I had on Monday I've seen to be going through to some degree all of those symptoms more or less.
  17. Kundalini

    Yea thanks for that information, its really good to get encouraging wisdom in the midst of this experience
  18. Kundalini

    Hmmm that's actually super interesting, I guess at the moment my kundalini is trying to get through my second chakra which is why I can't sleep haha.
  19. Controlling sexual desire

    Ok so previously I had mentioned how I did not feel desire in the sexual organ but in my heart. Now I'm at over 50 days of retention and meditation and I seem to be having the opposite end of the equation. I tried to go to bed and I wasn't thinking about sex or anything but my "member" was very sensitive and stood to attention for no apparent reason (i.e. I wasn't thinking about anything sexual). So in the past when I felt the heart desire doing the heart meditation would help. Tonight it did nothing. So instead I did the kidney healing sound and things subsided. I wonder they this reversal of experience now?
  20. that's great me too, but your in luck because you don't figure it out with math lol
  21. Figure out the nature of reality and that won't be a problem either
  22. well that's good, so in the mean time you can look into the nature of reality with out the distractions of bimbos lol
  23. The first world still happening

    When you get to Texas you buy me a beer and I'll give you some truth for it lol