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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. PUA and Spirituality

    Oh of course, I'm not saying they all are wanting to hop in the sack with me, I'm sure many of them do just want to hang out as friend (thank god lol). I'm simply talking about pure attraction, whether it be lovers, friends, pals, colleagues what have you. Here is what I'm getting at though, whether its people wanting to date me or simply befriend me I've noticed it picks up more as I meditate with celibacy for longer periods. In fact it seems like sex isn't even necessary. Lately these days simply in conversation with a girl I feel all these electrical tingly sensations all over (feels nice actually) and judging from the expression on their face they seem to be feeling it to or at least something similar. So its not about "sex" its more about the qi and how it feels (it makes simply having a conversation pretty fun lol). I sure hope I'm not coming off sounding like an arrogant prick lol, I'm just reporting simply what happens, my experiences.
  2. PUA and Spirituality

    I don't know what if any practices you do, but based upon I saw you post I'd definitely recommend doing mindfulness meditation and explore all those things you said you feel about yourself regarding relationship and intimacy issues. If you look at them long enough with detached observation they will dissolve of their own accord.
  3. The first world still happening

    Good question. One upon a time I was actually a seminary student. Then I became a history student which ended the Christian chapter of my life lol. Ok so here is what happened. Around the end of the 3rd century AD the Roman empire under Constantine was on the decline. Up to this point Christianity has been a scattered collection of various sects with various beliefs and texts and was persecuted by the empire as subversive. Constantine was concerned about the decline in Roman power and was looking for a way to strengthen, unify the empire more firmly under his control. The senate liked to argue, the governors of the provinces were subversive and the pagan religion was buffet of gods and goddess from countries all over the world, so none of these approaches seemed like a good way for Constantine to consolidate power. The Christian church in Rome had a very linear and narrow set path to personal salvation and damnation. This consolidation of spiritual power through a linear hierarchical system appealed very much to Constantine so he decided to unify the entire empire under the religion of the church at Rome. So he came up with the story about seeing the sign of the cross before battle and being told that he would be victorious under this sign. After that all other religions were banned and everyone had to become a Christian. As at this time there were many various Christian sects and as Constantine wanted consolidation this would not do. So in 325 AD he had the heads of the various churches throughout the empire meet at Nice in France for the Nicaean council. Basically what happened was that the way the church of Rome did business (more specifically they way they now did business under Constantine) became the unifying way all churches had to do business. The rules were made, and the books of the new bible were chosen. Basically after the Nicaean council all power was ultimately funneled to the new "pope" or big papa in Rome who oversaw all the other church leaders, and of course the pope was the emperors stooge. So now basically to go to heaven you had to do what Constantine ... um I mean the pope... um I mean what "God" (wink wink) wanted, and to not do this meant to be excommunicated from the church and thus look forward to an eternity in hell. So yes back to your original statement, yes Christianity as most of the world today knows it was designed to suppress and control the masses. Hope that helps shed some light on things.
  4. There is no self

  5. A simple question on the human soul

    Anatta has been at the forefront of my mind the past couple days as I'm trying to wrap my mind around it. I'm also trying to reconcile the remaining 4 Skanda's with the notion of Hun in Taoism. To me what it seems like is that the consciousness that survives death in Buddhism is similar to the Hun soul in Taoism as it is the part of us that survives death. So what I'm wondering is if the term "Hun" is simply the Taoist label for the 4 Skandas.
  6. Center of chi in the human body

    Sounds like good info, I agree with it more or less.
  7. PUA and Spirituality

    Yup that is how it works, especially if your celibate and meditate. Yea the same stuff happens to me. I'm celibate and meditate and not only don't try to meet women, I try to avoid them (as not to get distracted from my meditation). So case in point, last night I get asked out to diner with one girl from school, today I get asked out to lunch from another girl from school. This is just with in the last 24 hours. I don't try to woo them, in fact I try to avoid eye contact and anything but the most innocent of conversation topics. When your celibate and meditate you develop your qi, and this just draws people to you like moths to a flame.
  8. There is no self

    Yea I think what we so often call "me or I" is actually the delusion of calling a thought "me" thinking the thought is "I" as opposed to conditioning that is not who we really are.
  9. There is no self

    lol of course enlightenment is the answer, and the hindrance to that answer is this false sense of self that gets in the way, but it is rather confusing. This talk was pretty mind blowing.
  10. There is no self

    and what is that?
  11. There is no self

    And what is that aspect of self that wants notoriety, recognition, fame, and popularity? What is it about the self that gets angry or upset if it does not get this?
  12. PUA and Spirituality

    true, but in the lives of most people they are rarely separated
  13. PUA and Spirituality

    Cause I didn't say the key was not wanting women, I said the key was not wanting women, AND meditation, AND abstinence.
  14. PUA and Spirituality

    no one said its easy lol, but then again letting go of clinging never is, but its possible and very rewarding
  15. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    wow that's so sad
  16. PUA and Spirituality

    oh well that's easy, build a LOT of qi. Do that through lots of meditation and abstinence and creating emptiness by not wanting women, its really a paradox lol.
  17. PUA and Spirituality

    Well I suppose if friends make out with each other and go home together at the end of the night, then I suppose they could have been. lol
  18. There is no self

    How does one realize Anatta?
  19. PUA and Spirituality

    good point
  20. PUA and Spirituality

    Oh no one knows that, not even women haha
  21. PUA and Spirituality

    True, but it still supports the point that they don't necessarily have to be good looking. I do listen. On the other hand I've noted for a long time that what women say they want is often very different than what they really want.
  22. PUA and Spirituality

    lol why do you say that? Most of the chicks I've known in dojo's (most not all) have some real power issues.
  23. Yup that would make sense
  24. anger

  25. Well in all actuality they are always spinning as the word "chakra" means wheel in Sanskrit.