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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Hmm nice, makes sense. I had just mentioned in another post how my kidneys seemed very empty in meditation, so yea good way to connect the dots
  2. The main reason I try to do breakfast is because my TCM professor said its the most important meal of the day because between 7-11 the energy is predominate in your stomach/spleen meridians and therefore you get the most energy from eating at this time of day.
  3. yes well that part I gathered, but I'm not sure what caused it.
  4. AA

    Well I did go and meditate upon this doing insight meditation and did get an interesting insight into this. So as I'd said I'd been having issues with people sucking off my energy. So yesterday in school I tried to be mindful of this and flex my wei chi in class and did the gyan mudra (index finger and thumb touching) and that seemed to help somewhat. I still got sucked off but it was not as total as before. Of course I think this caused the girls to up the ante cause they were touching me more than usual. So anyways I get home and am sort of tired from class but still got some energy left over. I notice that the tiredness really kicked in at about 3pm which is when the bladder/kidney meridian time starts and lasts till 7pm. So I'm like ah my water element is low, which is not surprising as in TCM they say the Kidney is always deficient. Now I had been working on the other organs no sweat but when ever I thought about my kidneys it was like something told me "no not yet". Well you know how human nature is, if one shoe drops you just got to have the other one drop. So my roommate is over at her bf's place puppy sitting the puppy but he is out of town on business. So she messages me and asks what I'm up to and if I am hungry. I tell her that I can't afford to go out so she says she'll come and get me and buy me dinner lol. So once I know shes on her way I have this inner dialogue and am like "oh no you don't, you don't get my energy this time muhuhahaha" So I do the kidney meditation. Now unlike all the other organs I work on the kidney seems like this black hole and it seems like I can meditate upon it for a while and its still hard to make it glow bright. So I figure I'd rather give my energy to my kidneys than to my roommate so I do the kidney meditation while she is on her way. About 20 min later she shows up and my kidneys still feel not "full", but now I'm pretty tired after how much qi my kidney's soaked up. So we go to the pub and we are eating and I notice that this time she looks bored and is yawning. So I consider the skeptics on this thread so decide to do an experiment. With what little energy I still have left I decide to send some of it her way. She immediately perks up and looks happy and gets chatty and starts joking. Then I stop sending her energy and she gets dull and looks bored again. I did this a few more times and got the same result each time. But since I didn't have a lot of energy left I stopped the experiment and then shes like "I'm ready to go" which is unusual for her cause she likes to usually have several beers and linger for a while. So yea I was tired again but as opposed to the energy going outward (mostly) this time it was my kidney that soaked up an enormous amount of it. Though they do say the Kidney is the store house of our energy so that is interesting. That and the fact that it lies with in the area of the lower dan tien which also stores our energy, so yea pretty cool.
  5. I began with natural then transitioned to reverse and then when I started to feel funny I went back to natural before I stopped.
  6. AA

    I have been meditating a lot and I actually feel better emotionally now that I can ever remember
  7. AA

    Yea it is odd isn't it, I made an edit on my last post touching on that.
  8. Hmm interesting. I did a total of about 30 min of standing Zang Zhuang meditation today to build up some qi due to my tiredness issues. I was watching an hour long talk by Ajahn Brahm and was planning on just standing the whole time since one hour sitting is no biggie. But half way through the talk I had to stop standing cause my breathing was becoming labored and my heart started to beat hard, I broke out in a sweat (not that I care about that) and my ears closed up (but they do this when I'm sitting for a while too). So mainly I stopped cause of my breathing and heart beat, though I do feel more energized though lol. I think I like this
  9. AA

    Lol yes really. *actually I'm glad you brought that up cause it caused me to realize something. I don't get tired after talking to people I don't want to talk to, but I do get tried when its people that I do enjoy speaking to. Made me realize that when its someone I don't want to talk to its like inside I hold back and don't experience that drain.
  10. I did 15 min of ZZ before breakfast this morning and was amazed at how much energy it gave me! *edit: After breakfast I did another 20 min and at that point had to stop cause I started feeling weird. One thing I've noticed that it does not matter lately what type of meditation I do sitting or standing after a while it feels like my ears clog up.
  11. AA

    Um no that's not really the issue at all. I enjoy talking to these people and actually feel pretty happy about it.
  12. The Truth of Tao by Alex Anatole

    Wow I didn't realize he was such a badass as that second video shows lol. I loved his book.
  13. Do you do and/or does Chunyi Lin do or teach any kind of standing meditation like Zhan Zhuang?
  14. AA

    Yes, though sometimes don't you ever feel like your damned if you do and damned if you don't? lol. What I mean is that I notice this energy getting drained off of me so I decide the solution is to strengthen my organs so they are strong and thus harder to leach energy from. So after a while of not doing so I begin to do organ meditation again to strengthen them for this purpose. So I go into organ meditation and I can tell my organs are loving the attention and they are just like these happy little qi sponges just soaking up all this qi for healing n such. Well me in my zeal worked on all the organs and they soaked up so much qi in the process that I'm tired again lol, I just have to laugh cause if its not one thing making me tired its another haha. In retrospect I think its either better to focus attention on one organ a lot, or all organs just a little, unless you have lots of qi.
  15. Yea I throw those into the mix as well ;-)
  16. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Isn't a serpent also important in the Australian aboriginal beliefs? I like the holographic comparison of the universe to the body :-)
  17. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Do you have any knowledge of how Buddhist cosmology differs from Taoist cosmology?
  18. Hello

    Welcome Sunny :-)
  19. Taoist Cosmology

    University of Copenhagen... nice Another problem I was pondering considering Buddhist cosmology was that it said humans came from beings who were in a higher plane, so when they first came to earth they had light bodies, and could fly, and only gradually as they ate more earth food lost this and had shorter life spans. Obviously this goes against everything we know about evolution.
  20. Taoist Cosmology

    I was reading that wiki article about Buddhist cosmology and while it was interesting I found a few problems with it. One was that it said that humans came first and then animals, but science shows the opposite.
  21. Yea thats a good point. I was reading that "Medical Qigong" book and it basically said to work on the organs on a physical level you make the sound on a very vocal level. To work on a more emotional level you make the sound either sub-vocally or even just mentally.
  22. AA

    That made me think of the state of my roommate's mind, the "why is she this way in the first place" question. I'll just go ahead and re-emphasize again that my roommate is one of my best friends and a very nice person, because I've had the feeling that some people misunderstand this whole dynamic and think she's consciously preying upon me which isn't the case lol. So I tried to think a step beyond and see what is it about her that leads to this in the first place. Well since she is gone a lot (unless I've build up a lot of qi apparently haha) sometimes I tend to forget how busy her mind is. She simply can not sit still. She always has to be doing something, going somewhere, with someone, watching something, talking on the phone, ect. In fact I've noticed that if she does stay home that if I'm sitting there quietly and shes around I usually just go ahead and turn the tv on because just sitting still and quiet makes her start fidgeting, and restless to the point that I start to feel restless lol, so I turn the tv on just to keep her mind occupied so I can relax. Now if your bored and feel like going out and doing something shes great, as that is pretty much her world. But on evenings when she is like "hey we are all going to the pub, want to come" and I'm like no thanks not tonight I can see the briefest expression flash across her face as if to say "you just want to stay here alone where its quiet?" as if I'm choosing the worst fate there could possibly be haha. But what is going through my mind is "well we just went out last night and had drinks and talked about John's new gf, and the looser Sally just dumped, and did the same thing last week, and the week before that, so yea I think I'm good for the moment being lol". But to her me choosing to stay home is an unimaginable self torment. So anyways her mind is very busy, and I've noticed at the clinic that the very chatty girls there are also usually the ones with the very busy minds. Nice people mind you, just very busy minds. Now from a TCM point of view lots of thinking burns up lots of qi. So though I'd like to think that if they drain my qi its going to some noble purpose, but I think they are just fueling their busy minds and powering their cravings.