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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. LDT meditation without a teacher

    If the goal of neidan is building jing to increase longevity then yes I do this with TCM
  2. LDT meditation without a teacher

    I guess it depends on what we mean by neidan?
  3. LDT meditation without a teacher

    You don't even know what I do yet? lol
  4. LDT meditation without a teacher

    I think one reason I never really got into neidan is because I don't understand what the point is? One the other hand I think in a way I do practice neidan via TCM.
  5. LDT meditation without a teacher

    This forum is full of self taught masters
  6. Transgender Q&A

    Its what all the cool kids are doing now ;-)
  7. Intro Post

    Welcome Shakti :-)
  8. Transgender Q&A

    I have no idea what we're even talking about anymore and I still love it 😊🥴🩷
  9. Transgender Q&A

    Maybe we're well on our way to becoming boring 😌 I just stopped at whole foods on the way back from work. Didn't even get one funny look. Come on guys you got to give a girl a little bit of excitement lol
  10. Transgender Q&A

    Oh the "Aeneid" and "Dante"
  11. Transgender Q&A

    The only one I could really make out was the "Iliad"
  12. Transgender Q&A

    What do you do for a living?
  13. Transgender Q&A

    you make her sounds like Morticia Adams lol
  14. Transgender Q&A

    did you get your "cootie shot" so you don't catch it? lol
  15. Transgender Q&A

    The right likes to say we groom kids and such, things like that.
  16. Transgender Q&A

    Thank you for your contribution
  17. Transgender Q&A

    Miss vanilla longs for that day. Actually the best part about becoming "passable" was being ignored at the store.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    Sounds like a kinky super hero
  19. Transgender Q&A

    I like how this little thread has become the lgbtq+ (and allies) club house :-)
  20. Cultivating the mind through the body

    Can you give me a reference please? I have read a lot of the Suttas and have never seen this.
  21. Transgender Q&A

    The weird thing is, is that you are not the first person to tell me this. I'm like "hey I'm nice" lol
  22. Transgender Q&A

    I don't know what that means lol.
  23. Transgender Q&A

    Oh no, I actually saw this at the grocery story of all places and liked the color. This was just a quick try on after the store. Actually when I did my cross dressing experiment it was not a dress. It was actually a tank top, shorts, a wig and makeup lol. I don't really wear jewelry, it makes my qi feel weird lol.
  24. Cultivating the mind through the body

    Which Shaolin Kung Fu methods cultivate the mind through the body if you don't mind me asking?
  25. Transgender Q&A

    That is a really pretty outfit. Here's the only picture I think I have of myself in a dress. I don't wear it often