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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. I listen, but there ARE things you can do about it as well, some of which I've tried to share with you. In my experimentation I've also tinkered with the various chakras to see how women respond to the various kinds of energy we as men emit. You are correct women like very yang males, as when I increase my yang chakra women respond, and when I increase my yin chakra ... well they also respond but not favorably lol. I understand your frustration and I honestly and sincerely wanted to help you because I know how much feeling that way sucks, and I really do want you to "get the girl" ;-). What I was starting to get at the other day was your two best friends in this realm are you sacral and solar plexus chakras. Your sacral is your yin chakra, and affects how you feel about women. Your solar plexus chakra is your yang chakra and affects how women feel about you (when your solar plexus is strong women will melt over you, and won't be able to control themselves). Both are important in meeting women, as if you don't feel comfortable with women, intimacy, ect.. things won't go well, and if women don't feel attracted to you, well you know.... I've tinkered with this on dates too. I've focused on just the sacral chakra and I felt pretty darn good, but it got me no where lol. I've also focused on the solar plexus chakra only and women were throwing themselves at me, but because I had neglected the sacral chakra I was rather put off by it. I've even experimented while talking to women. During the course of a conversation on a date, I would send chi to my sacral chakra and notice I got comfortable, she lost intrest. Then I shifted this to the solar plexus and she got turned on, and I lost intrest. Then I sent equal amounts of chi to both of them and things went well. So please understand I was not telling you this information about chakras to be annoying, I really want to help :-). One important point though is when you have a rather large imbalance, you can not just do a little qigong and expect everything to be all better in a few days or even weeks. You have to be very persistent, disciplined, and patient. Since obviously these chacteristics are not easy to have when you feel like crap, that is one reason a while back I recommended some homeopathics, flower essences, herbs and stuff like that. These things will help you to get to the point that you are able to focus and get to work on these things, and can even help you to acheive a pretty decent degree of balance on their own. Non I know how frustrating all this is, cause I'm a guy too and we all have to deal with women's crap. So hang in there buddy, don't loose hope, things can change, and things will change. I know they will change cause you want it too bad for it not too. :-)
  2. Ejaculation control for "everyone"

    Very interesting as the exact same thing happened to me as well when I was doing long term retention. This female army officer took me to her home, gave me a bath, massaged me, and then just sort of wanted me to lay about nude for her kicks n giggles (I know she wanted more) and ironically even when she couldn't keep her hands off my body I easily maintained my composure. Then at other times when I was alone during retention I went through extreme episodes of sex obession where I didn't know how I was going to make it. I figured that simply being near a female had a yin/yang balancing effect.
  3. You know I've been pondering something and have done a little experiment about the whole "women are frustrated because men don't understand them, and thats really what they want" theory. I think that is SO NOT TRUE lol, leme tell you about it .... Ok so as I've been doing qigong I've noticed that my ability to read people's energy is becoming more and more acute. It's gotten to the point that with most people I can just sort of look at them and pretty much get the basics of who they are in a moment. I now think that in those situations a few weeks ago when I would see a pretty girl, and just KNOW she was not for me, this is what was going on. In fact being out and about in public one thing I have realized is that MOST people's energy is not compatible with me at all, ok but I digress from the point... So on to the experiment. Ok so lately when I would meet a girl and go out lets say to get a cup of coffee or what not, I would first anaylize their energy while we were making chit chat. Then after a few minutes I would say something like "most women claim that all they want is a guy who understands them, right?" and their eyes would light up and they would say "oh yes of course, blah blah blah". So then I would say "well cool cause check this out...." and then I would proceed to tell them all this stuff that I knew about them, even though I had just met them. It was at this point that the color usually drained from their face. They would always then proceed to ask me with a rather disturbed look on their face, how I knew all of this? I would then be very candid and explain to them that its just a develpment that has come with doing qigong for a few years. It was at this point that reading their energy became really interesting as you get a buffet of reactions, from them thinking I was full of shit, to being scared, to feeling very uncomfortable, but NEVER was the reaction positive. It was usually not too long after this that they were ready to go, and of course I never heard from them again lol. So what does this show? It shows that what women say is NOT what they really mean. They are not straight foward, and they definately do NOT want men to really understand them. What they really want is for men to buy the front they put up to them as this aids in their never ending quest to have power over men. Ok let me say that again, basically all of the things women do can be summed up in that they have this on going arms race to obtain power over men, and they do not like anything that is not in their favor, including being sincere and direct, and men really understanding them. Here are a couple examples that I have run into and I'm sure everyone else has too woman says: Oh I hate it how men all want to get into my pants. woman really means: Shes either saying it to boost her ego by showing how in demand she is, and/or she actually wants you to try to get into her pants because she either really wants sex at the moment, or she can reject you and then it boosts her feeling of power of men. (these are actual energy vibes I was reading when being told this line) woman says: all I seem to date are jerks woman really means: I want you to try to "prove" really hard that your not a jerk, and thereby become my chump.
  4. Has meditation really changed me?

    curious? what kind of meditation do you do? and how long have you done it? and how often?
  5. Qigong & Love

    I've also wondered a lot why in qigong there is not really that much said about love and such things??
  6. Speaking of the kidney/bladder meridian / water element. I've noticed that between the hours of 3-7 pm when its these meridians dominate time, that I tend to get rather horney lately. Anyone know why this might be?
  7. whats the Beef

    I've noticed lately that after eating beef I feel very sluggish and uncomfortable. This has not been the case for me before, but it has been lately? Anyone know anything about this?
  8. She wants me to cum

    I guess I should have specified a little more. On average I retain for about 1-2 weeks at a time. So when I feel that it is time to release I definatley am not over doing it lol. Chinese medicine allows even suggests that men relase every so often according to their age and health.
  9. Lower Dan Tien Attributes

    Ok previously I had started this thread about the lower dan tien in regards to energy level / fatigue issues. Now I am still pondering the LDT but in a new way. I am very curious to know about what effects it has on our mental / emotional / and sexual health? Reason I ask is because I've been working on/with it more lately for some specific reasons, and have been feeling "different" ....
  10. She wants me to cum

    Hmmm the whole toxicity issue is interesting, because as one who practices retention it seems that there are times that my body is screaming at me that now its to to NOT retain. It seems that at these times that if I listen to my body, then I feel much better, but if I don't and am stubborn, then it almost starts to make me crazy, ... really.
  11. speaking of the lower dan tien, I have been doing something new today, and I was afraid this was going to happen, but I'll state my reasons in a sec. Today I decided to put a lot of focus on my lower dan tien, not only in seated meditative breathing, but also in the hold the ball position of ZZ. The reason I've decided to do this is because I've noticed that as I've begun talking to various girls the same pattern comes up again and again. I have no problem approaching them, starting a conversation, getting a first date ect.. blah blah blah, BUT I seem to have a hard time getting a second date, or a call back or what not. I realized that during our conversation on meeting that I was not feeling attraction, and I felt that she was not feeling it either. I suppose this has to do with my trying so hard to close down my sex chakra when I was still living the married life and now I think I am feeling the effectiveness of my past efforts now. So what has happened today is that since the sex chakra and the dan tien are pretty much in the same area I have been very aggressively horny today, but I figured it was something I'd have to go through if I decided to do this. Does anyone else have similar experience with such things? I hope I can get through this phase fast cause I really do want women to feel attraction for me, and I know for this to happen my sex chakra has to be doing its thing, but I'll be happy when feeling like a dog in heat is over. :-)
  12. whats the Beef

    I wouldn't call me lucky lol.
  13. whats the Beef

    1974 I'm a Tiger lol
  14. One thing I like about qigong is that for example in Christianity I feel that some of the teachings are pretty good, yet they tell you what would be a good thing to do, but don't really tell you how to do it. I've found that qigong helps you to apply good principles to your life.
  15. This feeling your dan tien even when your not meditating you speak of.... I've noticed that when this happens to me, that girls get way more flirty ;-)
  16. Is it just me?

    Yup I love this forum too. As others have stated there are not a lot of people and places to discuss such topics, so this forum is wonderful. I just wish Drew Hemphel would return here, that zany guys rants helped me tremendously. Maybe we can get a petition going to get him back haha.
  17. YMAA qigong material

    Yea no kidding, it took me a while to get my current routine that I have now, but "shop" around with various forms, and see how they resonate with you. Its a good way to decide what you want to make part of your practice.
  18. Too bad a lot of the great things Jesus taught are just head knowledge in mainstream christianity :-/
  19. YMAA qigong material

    I actually have the 5 Animal Sports DVD from YMAA. While the movements are quite external, it definately has internal effects. I actually began to wonder as I was doing these movements how they could have an internal effect. What I realized was that they have an internal effect on the energy much in the same way that acupuncture/pressure uses phyical manipulation on the exerior of the body, to manipulate the internal energy. How does acpuncture work? I really don't know, but it does. How do these movements have a balancing effect on our internal energy/organs? I don't know either, but it does. The 5 Animal sports have been around in China for a very long time and have been proven again and again. I heard a story about a lady in Bejing who got cancer. She refused chemo and the more standard treatments, and ONLY did the 5 Animal Sports like 3 times a day for a few months. The next time she went to the Dr. no more cancer.
  20. I don't think Qigong practice conflicts with any belief system or the lack there of. In fact one of the things that drew me to Qigong was because it was NOT a religion. I had recently gotten out of extreme fundamentalist Christianity and was rather turned off to religion of any form what so ever. I saw that Qigong was a practice, not a faith which actually drew me to it. There is nothing about Qigong which would be incompatible with Christianity. There is no praying involved, no worship, no belief systems that contradict Christian doctrine, so its fine in that realm. On the other hand it is good for your health and that is a pro-Chrisitan aspect as Christianity considers the body the temple of the Holy Ghost. Balancing your chi helps one to live more virtuously which is a plus in just about any religion ;-).
  21. Well cool cause you pretty much outlined my practice just now lol.
  22. Hmmmm yea I'd like to know more about this...
  23. Yea I know, this was for my own reference as I am curious about the various sublimation techniques and their effectiveness in relation to eachother. So far the various techniques I've heard of are ... 1. Sitting in full lotus (if you can) from Drew Hemphil. 2. Mantak Chia's methods including testicle breathing, and big draw. 3. Lower dan tien meditation/breathing. If anyone else knows of other methods for accomplishing this I'd be interested to hear. I'd also be curious to hear of the effetivness of the various methods in comparison to eachother? and personal experiences.
  24. YMAA qigong material

    YMAA probably is where I learned about half of my practice. I do the 8 brocades daily, as well as MCO and dan tien abdominal breathing, all of which I learned from Dr. Yang's material. Its been very beneficial to me. :-)