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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Head in the clouds

    hmmmm interesting.... I'll try that approach
  2. Dayan (Wild Goose Qigong)

    I have a video tape version that I got from YMAA. It is the first 64 movements, and I have done it somewhat. I have not made it part of my regular practice but did enjoy doing it. As far as how it compares to Bruce Franzis I have no idea lol.
  3. celibacy for 8 months...

    I have been doing the cold draw since early September (no loss, not even any self stimulation) so it looks like I finally found a technique that works in that regards. It has been very effective at minimizing my sex drive. Why would I want to do such a thing? Well a big reason is that I'm going through a divorce, and so before I left didn't even want to touch her cause she was mean and nasty to me. Second I am trying to use all that potent energy to heal myself on the inside. Third I don't want to rush out into a rebound type relationship situation, cause to me that says "I can't be complete on my own, I have to have someone else to make me happy". I'm 99% sure I won't do this the rest of my life, but I think for now it is what I really need to be doing, and this technique has worked wonderfully for that. I used to do the big draw, but that just kept me hot and bothered constantly, so I have found if you want to go a long time and keep desire low the cold draw is the key.
  4. Head in the clouds

    My western sign is scorpio, my chinese is tiger... You know this is interesting cause I was sort of pondering this in the back of my head, like what if these annoying thoughts n such are my bodies way of trying to get my attention about something that I need to know. In the past when I have stopped just trying to get rid of such thoughts, and actually try to decipher the reason I am having them, it often leads me to a blockage somewhere and then I get to work on that blockage and then poof problem solved.
  5. Head in the clouds

    I appreciate your answer Sloppy, but after some more work on this topic, I believe that this is a Spleen issues, since when the spleen is out of wack there is a lot of obsessive thinking that really goes no where, which describes what I am/was going through. It did not feel good to me, so I saw it more as an imbalance.
  6. Head in the clouds

    cause I'm wasting a lot of time when I need to get things done
  7. I made it to Texas

    for anyone who was paying attention I made it to Texas. Its been quite emotional for me because I came here to get away from my wife and her family who have treated me very poorly for a long time. What confuses me is that even though I hate the way she treated me, I feel really emotional anyways, not sure why considering how she has been to me for so long.
  8. I made it to Texas

    I added holding the ball at the middle dan tien to my practice today, will let you know how that is working for me in the days to come. ;-)
  9. I made it to Texas

    Thanks for the reply. You know its weird cause now that I am here I feel all sorts of gunk in my heart as in the "over excietment" of the heart which of course lies in the middle dan tien area. Not sure why exactely, but I'm sure it has to do with the change going on in some way. And this is not the proper "joy" of the heart, but its negative variant of being too excitied.
  10. I made it to Texas

    I find this advice interesting as I was thinking doing something with the middle dan tien now would be really good, is that why you recommend holding the ball there?
  11. I made it to Texas

    definately plausable, if feel rather "weird" lately lol
  12. I made it to Texas

    Yea it is nice. I went to a great Spurs game on saturday
  13. I made it to Texas

    thanks, now phase two begins, dealing with all the emotional issues
  14. The Way of the Warrior

    I suppose that is why I am interested in both Qigong and Martial arts. I have had a hard time explaining (even to myself) my draw to martial arts, but I know that its NOT because I want to be some bad ass tough guy (a lot of people I've known in martial arts do fit this category, and I find them extremely annoying). I instinctively feel in my gut that through martial arts there is some high virtue to be obtained. I had this same feeling about Qigong before I began it as well, and this has most definately turned out to be the case. You know I will say this about the previous posts. I wanted to join the Marine Corps, but my father said I should join the army instead. He had been in the Marine reserves during the Vietnam era and hated it, and so thus decided that I would too. Yet me and my father are nothing alike (fortunately). So I ended up going into the Army, and the whole time I was in the army I regretted not going into the Marines like I has wanted to (felt that one in my gut also lol). The army was alright, but they did not have the same discipline and "warrior spirit" that I saw in the marines. I had gone to the Marine Military Academey in high school so this is how I knew somewhat of the marines. Now I realize that a lot of people can see military guys, and especially marines as a bunch of jar heads, and there is some justification in this. But one thing people may not realize is that when you face death in the face, and when you contemplate what it means to possibly kill another human being, this can have quite an effect upon one's spiritual development. Granted there are those who do not learn the lesson, or miss it completely, but how is that different than anyone eles in soceity who misses the lessons that life tries to teach them? As far as concerns about the morality of the government sending one into battle. Tell me when has any government that sent troops into battle had pure and noble motives? But not to sound like a re-run of "Black Hawk Down" when your on the battlefield and people are trying to kill you, you don't care about politics, and such, you just care about staying alive and your buddies to your left and right. I'm not really sure why I got on this tangent, cause I think war sucks, and goverments are corrupt, but the point was on the individual warrior's own path. I've also learned through marital arts that one of the best ways to learn about another person and yourself is to fight them (not to sound like a Matrix re-run lol).
  15. Michael Winn and Mantak Chia have both said that external finger locking is not good for you, and I agree. If you are going to self stimulate and stop ejaculation its better to do internal locking where you contract the perineum muscles internally. If your goal is simply to have more "dry" ejaculations this is the safer method to do so. As far as when to stop.... stop when you want/have to lol.
  16. I was a history major, and we learned in school that before the advent of modern artificial lighting that people had what was called "first" and "second" sleep. Before artificial lighting people had the general tendancy to go to bed earlier, then to wake up either around of after midnight, then be up an hour or so, and then go back to bed for what was called second sleep. Then once modern lighting was invented this trend faded away.
  17. Tired / Fatigure

    Ok I promise I tried to search Tao Bums for a thread like this first, before starting yet again another topic. I have mentioned this here and there in other threads, but this is really starting to bother me. For the past two weeks I have been unbelieveably tired. This occurs with me every so often a few times a year, where I will suddenly get so tired that I can not really do anything. Now I realize that the reasons be becoming tired are vast and varied so this is not an easy thing to peg down so I will list what I have been doing lately. I am also curious to see if anyone else deal with seemingly random bouts of sever fatigue. I have actually not done a lot of Qigong practice the last week or two due to being so tired, but prior to that I had a daily practice of 8 Brocades, Inner Smile/Healing sounds, and MCO/Cold Draw. I had been making some real progress with the Cold Draw not too long before I got tired, and I had also been putting a lot of emphasis on the Heart and Lung inner smile and healing sound. I also began taking some homeopathic and flower essence remedies as well. My relationship with my wife is bad, but that is nothing new. Otherwise my sleep, work, and practice schedule and routine remained mostly constant. So here are some of my questions. Could it be the increaseed amount of inner smile/ healing sounds I had been doing? Perhaps the excess energy requirements of my body to detox and cleanse these organs was high. Is it somehow related to my new practice of doing daily Cold Draw, (I can't really see what the connection would be, but being tired started soon after). Could it be the homeopathic and flower essences? I have not been made tired from these before, but these also have the effect of helping your body heal itself. So maybe in a similar manner as the inner smile and healing sounds, perhaps they directed a great deal of my energy for healing and cleansing purposes? Other than this I am confused because not too much else in my life is different than before. Does anyone else experience sudden bouts of fatigue and tiredness such as this? As in coming on rather quickly and seemingly random. I have been so tired that the neighbors got annoyed cause my lawn began to get rather shaggy lol ( I did finally cut it). P.S. I should also add I have been taking ginger lately in order to strengthen my spleen due to the fact that the spleen is responsible for turning food into chi, and due to the fact that I have been pondering a lot about what to do about my bad marriage. Since the spleen is also responsible for thinking/worry. I should also add that my hunch/intuition tells me that what I am experiencing my be a result of the Cold Draw in an indirect way. I suspect that due to my longer retention time due to cold draw as opposed to big draw, that my energy level may have actually increased to the point that the healing process in my body kicked in and thus it may feel like I have less energy, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
  18. Tired / Fatigure

    I now seem to be slowly coming out of this bout of fatigue that I have been experiencing lately. Now in retrospect, I realize that there were probably several factors involved (most of which I listed in previous posts on this thread), but I feel that one practice in particular had a lot to do with my fatigue. Not too long before I began feeling very tired, I had begun the Cold Draw. This helped me a lot with controling my passion, but I became extremely fatigued not long after making it a regular practice. Here is my theory as to what happened. I have for a long time (like most my life) I have tended to be "top heavy" energetically (my upper chakras being very developed, while my lower chakras were underdeveloped). This link above lists many of the points on the Microcosmic Orbit, (which I believe are mini chakra's connected to their associated larger chakras). The first few lower chakras on this list, the perenium, tail bone, sacrum, are absolutely issues that have been problematic for me. Also my cold draw usually does not make it past these points mainly because it feels that these areas seem to suck up so much of the energy that I draw up. They feel like black holes in my MCO. It's my theory that my fatigue I had been experiencing was the result of two related issues occuring simultaneously. One was that doing the cold draw removed a large amount of energy from an area that was previously used to having lots of energy in it (i.e. the genitle area). Second is that these lower chakras that I mentioned on my MCO were so severly energy deficient that once my excess sexual energy was moved into them, that they totally consumed it in an effort to balance themselves, thus removing this energy from my system. Since the various layers of our energy bodies are multidimensional, I guess that what ever level that this energy was being drawn to was non accessable to my physical body any longer, thus resulting in my great fatigue. On the other hand the emotional/psychological issues associated with these points on the MCO have seen improvement during this time period as well. So I think I was experiencing the personal equivilant to a "brown out", as in when the power grid of a city is being drawn upon to an extent which exceeds its capasity, and thus the entire grid is power deficient.
  19. Beginers Increasing Chi Question

    Yea its so important to learn this stuff the right way from someone who knows what they are doing. Due to not having an instructor near me when I began I sort of had to be my own lab rat, and that was rough. :-/
  20. Beginers Increasing Chi Question

    Hey Singh Let me first of all say that you are going to get a LOT of advice that is going to be all over the place. Since all of us are unique individuals sort through the suggestions and decide what is the best fit for your particular needs and goals. Ok with that disclaimer, now my two cents lol... Basically doing almost any form of qigong is going to increase your chi to some degree, some more than others. But simply increasing chi is not always the first step, and may not be what is needed most. It is important to really get your channels nice and clear first, because if not, you will have all this chi, and it still won't be able to flow through your body like it needs to. As far as meditation goes, again there are a lot of different meditations. In my personal experience I could not really meditate when I began qigong. I did the physical movements for a good while first, and those got me to the point where I then could meditate. My personal goals are mainly emotional balance. My personal routine is the 8 brocades, inner smile/healing sounds, MCO/Cold Draw. These for now are proving to be effective for my goals. They say that a good way to build up chi is to do standing meditation. Hope that helps
  21. I have noticed what I guess I'll call "stages" or "levels" of sexual energy, and its effects on me. This is only from my personal experience so far, but I have tried to categorize it. Level 0: This is when just about every ounce of sexual energy has been removed from the sexaul organs with the cold draw. At this level there is absolutely no interest in anything remotely sexual what so ever. Level 1: This is I have removed most sexual energy, but maybe it has been several hours since my cold draw and just a little bit has regenerated. At this point attraction is limited to astetic appreciation. I see a pretty lady and recognize that she indeed looks nice, but nothing much more is felt. Level 2: More time has passed since the cold draw. Now the astetic appreciation has increased to a little bit more. The astetic appreciation still remains, but there is a little more energy behind it. You dwell on it more, you become more curious, it get stuck in your mind more. Level 3: Now it may have been a day or two since the last cold draw. Now its no longer astetic appreciation, you think about who is hot or not. You really notice the details, and wonder what you can't see looks like as well. Level 4: Now you are no longer just wondering what you can't see looks like, but you'd really like to know first hand. Level 5: Now knowing first hand is about all you can think about. Level 6: Now you want it so bad that this is the primary issue occupying the forfront of your mind. Level 7: Now you are like an over stimulated lap dog that wants to dry hump every strangers leg. Level 8: Level 8 is classified, cause it gets really werid at this point, but I'll just say this is where, props and stuff get involved. So what is the point? The point is , is that I find it interesting as to how simply the amount of a certain type of energy can vastly affect one's thinking.
  22. DVD Recommendations?