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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. What causes sexual desire?

    I had an unusual experience at work today. I am new at this job, and yesterday was my first real day. There is this girl who works there, and for some reason I felt a strong desire for her, which I could not understand. Again this happened today at work, and it made me really begin to wonder what was going on. Then I over heard her speaking to a co-worker that she was sexually frustated and thought about it all the time. So that confirmed my suspicion that she was horny. So needless to say feeling this energy of hers was quite distracting. So what I did was condence this energy (I assume it was her excess jing) at my dan tien. That resulted in me not feeling as frustrated, yet I knew that the energy was only stored and if I did not do something with it, that later it would begin to circulate in my MCO and cause me problems again. So I did reverse abdominal breathing, and unexpectedly I felt this orgasmic surge go up the right side of my neck and cause my third eye to pulsate. I read Drew describing something similar I think, and was thinking to myself "holy crap this is like what Drew was talking about". After that I didn't have the problem of wanting her anymore, plus I felt quite nice. So what was the deal, was she like exploding with jing or something? She even admitted to always thinking about it, plus when your around her you definately feel it, so whats up with that?? Does that have something to do with females wanting men's chi, and men wanting female's jing? Was the relief I felt due to me converting her jing into chi? I got so many questions about what happened?
  2. Zhang zhuang

    I had a very similar problem. I would work my way up to 15 min and yea same thing, be very tempermental. So I stopped for a while. Then I mentioned that on here, and it was recommended that I do "hold the ball" a little lower and smaller and that has seemed to help. But than again I am only doing hold the ball for 5 min now, and the rest of the time I'm in wuji posture. But yea I know EXACTELY what your talking about. P.S. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but now I do the rooting visualization when I do ZZ also.
  3. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    Right now I'm reading the book "Beyond Band of Brothers, the war memoirs of Major Dick Winters". I found something he said in the book very interesting in regards to the relation of physical and mental health. "Physical exhaustion leads to mental exhaustion, which in turn, causes men to lose discipline. Loss of self-discipline keeps a soldier doing his job. Without it, he loses his pride and he loses the importantce of self-respect in the eyes of his fellow soldiers. It is pride that keeps a soldeir going and keeps him in the fight..... I often wondered why I didn't break under the strain of combat.... another factor was undoubtedly my physical conditioning." pp 173-174, "Beyond Band of Brothers, the war memoirs of Major Dick Winters", Maj. Dick Winters, with Col. Cole C. Kingseed. I found this observation from a World War II combat soldier facinating. He observed how a healthy physical body help to keep one mentally healthy under severe stress and strain. Sometimes it seems that the line between where qigong ends and where western exercises begin is hard to determine.
  4. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    This is a big question I have been pondering for some time now (like ever since I started doing qigong lol). Never one to just take someone else's word for it, I have sort of used myself as a human lab rat. When I was in the Army we did of course a lot of PT, running, push ups, sit ups, ect... Granted I was in excellent physical condition, yet my emotions were really problematic. After I got out of the army I continued to do the same sort of PT stuff because I did not want to become a fat civilian slob lol, yet my emotions continued to be my main problem in life. So I began qigong with the primary goal of balancing my emotions as that was my biggest problem in life as opposed to being physcially out of shape. Granted I still do some PT type stuff, primarily in my Karate work outs, but as a percentage it is much less now as in relation to the amount of qigong I do. I definately do not feel like I am in the same level of physical conditioning as I was when I was in the army, yet my emotional state now as compared to the time I was in the army is improved (and hopefully continues to improve). Also I was in the army before the Iraq/Afganistan thing began so my emotion problems were not related to PTSD, but just life itself. So with all that being said I suppose that perhaps its simply a matter of priorities. What is your goal? what do you want to get out of it? If the answer is to be physically fit, then perhaps PT stuff is the most direct route. If inner issues are your primary goal then perhaps Qigong is the most direct route?
  5. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    I know that a lot of kung fu people do qigong as part of their training, but what I do not understand is how exactely the two are related. How does qigong benefit kung fu or other hard exercises?
  6. When I first began qigong I had a somewhat similar sensation on the back of my neck at C-7 but not as severe as you describe. After doing MCO for a while it cleared up.
  7. From your description, off hand it sounds like a throat chakra blockage, based upon all the problem areas and symptoms you described. Do you also feel it difficult to express yourself, feel like your not listened to, ect??
  8. What causes sexual desire?

    I guess the meat of the matter is what are some of the most effective ways to sublimate sexual energy into jing and jing into chi? I have so far heard of full lotus, MCO, testicle breathing, big draw, stillness, ect... What in those of you who do this expereince is/are the most effective ways of conversion?
  9. Controlling sexual desire

    Its interesting that I have gotten back several references to the Liver in regards to these problems. One thing I have noticed is that the last several times I have done my inner smile/healing sounds I have spent most of my time on the Liver cause I found so much junk in there. Two days ago I spent a significant amount of time on my Liver, and yesterday I was so exhausted and felt so crappy that I didn't really do anything at all. Just spent quite a bit of time again working on my liver. Hope I don't get exhausted again lol.
  10. Mundane Reality

    Ok here is a long standing dilmea I have had. I have always had a tendency to be interested and drawn to philisophical type topics, untangable type things such as spirituality and energy, the "big picture of life" ect... And as a general trend I have tended to have a rather hard time making money, find the conversations of the vast majority of people rather boring and shallow, and find typical day to day tasks tedious, (as I've noticed the same trends with a lot of other people who have this kind of personality as well), but of course this can be quite problematic for obvious reasons. A few months ago in order to become more grounded in tangable reality I tried doing standing meditation, and it seemed to help in that area a bit, because doing mundane tasks didn't seem quite as boring, but once my standing practice (holding the ball) got up to about 15 min (from the "way of energy" by Master Lam Kam Chuen) my emotions started to get explosive, so I stopped. After I stopped it seemed two things happened. I got less tempermental, and mundane tasks started to seem more unpleasant again. From what I have read this seems like a weakness in the root chakra, which is why I did standing meditation (to root). But then why would I become tempermental in trying to deal with it? When I was at University I saw a lot of people like this, even more so than me. They seemed brilliant about academic and philosophical issues, but when it came to chopping wood and carrying water they had no clue. Why are so many deep thinkers and intelligent people poor? My in laws (besides being kind of annoying) are not what I would call intellectuals, but they are very pragmatic. Most of them run their own contracting business, and all of them make tons of money, and are about as deep as the kiddie pee pool. So I guess my BIG question is how can one, if they tend to be of the personality that is drawn to the more intangable side of things, still do well in physical reality as well???
  11. Controlling sexual desire

    I'm not sure if you want to go into your personal life, but if you wouldn't mind, I'd be interested to hear how a divorce got things moving in that area of your life?
  12. Full lotus

    Hmmm that is interesting because it sounds similar to myself. Before I ever attempted full lotus I always had a very hard time with doing high side kicks in karate because of my hip joints. I read that the hips are realted to the root and sacral chakras and those chakras are realted to sexuality amongst other things. Sexuality has also been a problematic area in my life as well, so I've wondered what the connection was/is. I also have this feeling that my Karma sucks bad, and since most of my issues tend to be lower chakra issues, I guess my bad karama is mainly contained in that area of my body as well. Also makes me ponder what a yoga instructor I was friends with said. She said that sometimes in class certain posses would relase energy blockages spontaniously and the student would have an emotional reaction.
  13. Controlling sexual desire

    Oh I have emotional blockages fo sho lol, which was the primary reason I got into qigong in the first place ... emotions / sexuality. So yea I agree with your assesment. Just seems like I am making progress, but it sure seems slow *sigh. Something you said made me ponder something. So lets say I have emotional blockage x,y, and z. If my chi level is relatively low then those blockages do not offer a whole lot of resitance and remain mild nucances. But when I retain for a week or two then blockage x,y, and z suddenly become X,Y,Z!!! Perhaps the increased energy from retaining for a while makes the blockages which already exist much more obvious and uncomfortable.
  14. Controlling sexual desire

    Just wondering if a blockage in the sacral chakra would casue one to be unduely focused on sex AND have a difficult time getting into full lotus as the sacral chakra is related to the hips?
  15. What causes sexual desire?

    Has anyone else has the experience that if they retain for a while, and the libido gets really high for a while, that not only the desire increases, but that sexual thoughts become more bizzare? and aggressive?
  16. Meditation and demons

    From time to time I've wondered how much outside spiritual influences make problems in my life, but for the most part I feel like overcoming myself is far more of a challenge than anything like demons are.
  17. Meditation and demons

    Well then I suppose being at a low level has its advantages sometimes lol
  18. Meditation and demons

    Well I'm not sure if he meant metaphorically or not, but I have noticed when I do the inner smile, I tend to dig up a bunch of gunk to deal with that I often did not even realize was there.
  19. Meditation

    One question I have about meditation is how do moving Qigong exercises supliment or help one's meditative practice?
  20. Testicle Breathing / Big Draw

    Well here is my daily routine more or less. 8 Brocades (20 min) Standing meditation (15 min) Inner smile (20 min) Stillness / Dan Tien breathing (15 min). So I'm not sure if I should be doing one of those more or less? It seems like a catch 22 though. Its much easier to sit in stillness when I have not reatined too long, and then as time goes by its harder to do that. Drew told me a good thing to do was sit in full lotus, but its hard for me to do that very long for now. So are you saying that just sitting in stillness meditation will do the trick as well?
  21. Mundane Reality

    Wow I loved that link. I have just recently restarted standing meditation with the root visualization . Just had an intuitive feeling lol. I really liked that article. It seems there are too many really spiritually brilliant people who are worthless in the real world. These same people tend to think something is wrong with the lower body, yet it is a part of us, a part of life, we need ALL of ourselves. As far as my wife goes yea she loves the actually bedroom practices due to the long lasting amount of fun she gets to have, but she does not seem to put 2 and 2 together to get 4. I think the main problem is her fundamentalist christian background. She might be ok for a while and then someone will come along and tell her that what I do is satanic and then shes off. As far as fields of work, yes, I want to become a Naturopath/TCM practitioner, and plant on going to school for that soon, as I just recently finished my Bachelors degree.
  22. Testicle Breathing / Big Draw

    About that last statement....??? The longer I retain, I assume the more Jing I have, due to the fact that I'm not using it up to make more sexual fliuds, yet the longer I retain the stronger my drive becomes.
  23. Yea I know this search engine does not work well. What I usual do is go to Google and just type in "tao bums...." and then what I want to look for. I usually get good results that way. Google the latest threat on "Third Eye" and there is all sorts of interesting stuff about that there. As to your questions. It did have something to do with the third eye, but not about it awakening, just there was more chi there than usual. I have this happen to me frequently sometimes when I try to and other times when I don't, such as doing the MCO. As to your second question read the thread I mentioned. Drew Hempel seems to know quite a bit about this topic so see what he says about it.
  24. Testicle Breathing / Big Draw

    Yea I do go back to the book often to make sure I'm not missing something, but perhaps it just takes more practice. I do also use the rest of the practices as well, including inner smile, healing sounds, MCO, 8 Brocades ect.. I have found the full lotus to be very effective as well, but I have a hard time doing it for enough time. I I also read the past threads about Mantak Chia's system. You seem to know a lot about his practices. Can you go into more detail about what Testicle breathing does? Does it convert sexual fluid to jing, jing to chi? What has been your experience? I noticed the Big Draw is effective for me for a while, but after about 2 weeks, its simply not enough and I have to relase. Are you theoretically supposed to be able to retain/convert indefinately?