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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Micro Cosmic orbit

    1. Most of the books I have read about this say its not a good idea. 2. I have noticed if I did let the chi stay there too long that I became very irritable, moody, emotional, ect...
  2. Something in the "air"?

    Dealing with conspiracy theories is a stick tar baby indeed, but thats to be expected due to the very nature of a conspiracy. Obviously if a conspiracy is taking place great lengths are being gone through to keep it very secretive, and under the radar as much as possible. So thus there are few documents, and little tangeble proof. The evidence that does exist while it may look very fishy, is not usually enough to stand up in a court of law. I think maintianing balance is very difficult indeed. It seems about this subject extremes in both dirctions seem to be common. You have the people that think everything is a conspiracy, and others who trust everything that we are told. Truth be told in my opinion I think its somewhere in the middle. For example in my opinion the offical facts about the whole September 11 story don't add up, yet just because I don't buy the offical party line, I do not know what really did happen, so to say definitevly "this is what happened" when I do not know for sure is only speculation. If something comes out in the open and there is tangible proof, then it is no longer a conspiracy. So just because I do not buy the offical story of 9/11 I can't say for sure what the truth is even though there are lots of theories, because I DON'T KNOW what the real facts are. So I try to balance a healthy skeptisism with realization that I am not all knowing either.
  3. Micro Cosmic orbit

    I suppose I have, though I realize its kind of confusing due to the various teachings on it, but the main source I used was Dr. Yang's method of YMAA. First you have to build up a sufficent amount of chi in the lower dan tien. Once this is pretty high, and easy to feel, you begin to use the mind to circulate it. At first the chi seemed to get stuck in certian areas, such as the sacrum for example. But you just sort of patiently wait for the chi to open up the blockages (don't force it) and then as you lead the chi you just sort of feel it moving along. If I get out of practice for a while then it can take a while to get things moving again, but I think the key is to have built up enough chi in your dan tien. From my personal experience I noticed that I felt the chi more strongly when it began to go across my skull. Sometimes when it got to my third eye area I might let it linger there a bit, and I would feel this twitching feeling there. I have also noticed that its not goood to let the chi sit in the heart center area, so I tend to just zip it past there as fast as possible. And then of course its important to properly store it at the dan tien when you are finished.
  4. Secret smile

    I definately suffered from adrenal burnout aka (kidney yin depletion) not too long ago, but I didn't realize it could take a couple years to full recover from . I can also relate to General Liver running the show of my life for way too long, and am now trying to get out of that automatic responce reaction. The inner smile does seem to help with this, and as you said it can be quite exhausting at times. In order to help me recover from adrenal burnout I stopped drinking coffee and have limited my use of black tea, as well as having taken some herbs.
  5. Something in the "air"?

    Well not bad theory, but why did I observe this in Alaska as well? I mean the air up there is really clean, yet I noticed the same stuff going on.
  6. What causes sexual desire?

    Q: "what accompanies (sitting full lotus) to accomplish this conversion process?" I asked Drew the same thing lol, and his answer was basically that nothing really has to accompany sitting in full lotus, it just automatically happens. And I have found this to be the case from my personal experience. Usually when I do full lotus (if I can lol) I simply do reverse abdominal breathing and empty my mind as in Zazen. Its really that simple , well in theory at least, actually getting into full lotus can be another matter . Q: "Why didn't you want it to circulate in MCO at that time?" Because I didn't want raw sexaul energy flowing through my body lol. Storing it in the dan tien was a convinient way to put off dealing with it, but I simply stored it there, but did not convert it as of then. It might be compared to putting a bear in a cage. The bear is contained but if you don't tame that bear as soon as its out of the cage watch out haha. hope that helps
  7. Body Imaging

    Isn't holographic theory that one part contains the whole?
  8. Something in the "air"?

    I liked your points about capitalism simply being a new word for trade. My professors would always talk about the development of capitalism, and I would be thinking "um what people didn't care about money and goods before lol?". I don't think the problem is the economic model, I think its GREED.
  9. Increasing BONE Mass

    I did this intresting experiment about a year and a half ago. I began circulating jing through my Macrocosmic orbit, but not just through the meridians but also through the bone marrow. My reason for doing so was to increase my Karate abilities. The results that I noticed were increased strength, harder bones, more indurance, and better ability to take a punch. Also I was taking a swim class at the time at the University and I was able to swim further and faster. After I had been doing this a while my wife one day stopped and said "something looks different about you" and I was like "what?". She looked me over a few minutes and said "you look taller". So we measured me, and I had gone from a little over 6'1.5" to just about 6'2"!! I can not say 100% that it was a result of this practice (as it was not done in a scientific study) but during my meditation I would notice that the growth plate in my bones did seem to feel stimulated when I was running jing through it, so who knows. I do know that I am now slightly taller than before I did that.
  10. Pain in getting startled - Meditation

    My appartment in Alaska was in a total ghetto, so there were loud noises all the time. So what I did in order to not be distracted during meditation was to turn my fan on high but not aimed at me and play some meditation music to drown out the outside noise.
  11. Secret smile

    Yea I know the feeling. Sometimes the "tired but wired" feeling can come from not having enough Kidney Yin (also called EMTPY heat).Cool things that come from the water are good at building up kidney yin, such as cranberries, kelp, remanhia (spell)? blueberries, dakr beans, seafood, ect... As you are doing the inner/secret smile, try focusing on the kidney until this feeling subsides if it continues to be an issue.
  12. Secret smile

    Good I wanted confirmation that it was just not me lol
  13. Secret smile

    It's funny you posted this topic now, because lately I have been doing a LOT of inner smile and healing sounds. Aside from the emotional benefits I've noticed another thing I've noticed is that if I spend a significant amount of time doing this practice, and I really feel like a made progress, later I feel very VERY tired. I went to bed at 7pm last night!! Last week when I posted the topic of Lethargy I had done a similar large amount of inner smile / healing sound work, and for the life of me I could not wake up lol, and went to bed very early those days as well. So I don't know if you or anyone else experiences this, but I sure do.
  14. What causes sexual desire?

    Its funny you should mention people's sexual thoughts, because it was larely due to an unusual experience I had on Sunday related to that, which caused me to post this topic in the first place. So my wife drug me to one of these new modern rock and roll type churches that seem to be the new trend these days. I didn't want to go, but I found myself there nevertheless. So I walk in the church and BAM it hits me, I wave of atomic strength sexual energy . So now I'm like "what the hell, I thought this was a church?" lol. So anyways its this huge darkened ampatheatre, and then the lights come on the stage and they are playing rock music (not even christian) and gyrating wildly on stage just like at at rock concert. I noticed that most of the guys in the church are dressed like pimps, and many of the females are dressed ... um ... in a very provocative manner. So anyways since I'm sitting here in this church being bombarded by a tidal wave of sexual energy, I start doing reverse abdominal breathing to store this energy so to not be overwhelmed by it. Then after the rock concert the preacher in his pimp gear gets up and preaches his little ditty, and then we are done. Now we get home and I'm thinking "I should really get to work on converting this sexual energy in my dan tien before it starts to circulate in my MCO". But alas I have been doing full lotus for a couple weeks now and at this point my hips are so sore that its just not happening. So as the day progresses and my dan tien feeds my MCO I am feeling increasingly um... stimulated. So I do a little testicle breathing and MCO and that helps somewhat for a while, but.... The next day I wake up and I got it BAD!!! I try testicle breathing and MCO and reverse breathing but nothing is working. I even get into full lotus for a while, but I can't stay in it long enough. So I finally arouse the energy, do many many "Big Draws" bring the stimulated energy into my MCO and store it in my dan tien. Then ah bliss problem gone, which gave rise (pardon the pun) to my original question.
  15. Yea I definately don't want this to turn into a woman bashing thread. I do agree there are a lot of women like that poster showed, but of course there are a lot of women not that way either. Likewise I get sick of some chick saying "all men are liars, and cheaters, ect..." because she does not have enough self esteem to find a non-looser. Basically every gender, race, group of people is going to have good people and bad people and people in between. One wide brush stroke to characterize all people is always going to lead to problems. My point was that I don't want to be one of those "liars and cheaters" which is why I work hard at my qigong so that I control my sex drive, and it does not control me.
  16. Full lotus

    I had found this yoga website that had all sorts of cool asanas that are supposed to help you get into full lotus, but I can't find it right now. I've also noticed that after Karate (a lot of our stretching is very similar to yoga) that getting into full lotus is easier (not easy, but easier, thought I can't sit in it very long yet, if I can get into it at all.
  17. Secret smile

    If you don't think you can do the healing sounds where you live now because others will hear/be distracted, Mantak Chia says you can do them sub-vocally. I even do them in public this way if I need to. You just make the sound so slightly on your out breath, that only you can hear it, or perhaps you can't even hear it, but you just know your making it
  18. LOL OMG that poster was hilarious, yet true. It reminded me of watching those nature shows when the males animals go bezerk during mating season fighting over the females.
  19. Secret smile

    I liked hearing your experience as well, as it was so similar to what I go through. Sometimes it seems like you just keep cleaning and cleaning an organ and you think "when does it end?" but then eventually if you stick with it you get results. I guess I sort of combine venting with healing sounds because when I'm making my healing sound I visualize blackish/greyish smoke contianing the unwanted emotions being blown out my mouth while making the souond. I visualize it going to the farthest reaches of the universe where it can be safely recycled (ala Mantak Chia) as to not polute the local energy fields.
  20. Well put, well put indeed. I've noticed in real life and this thread shows as well, that guys tend to see the wisdom in this, and females tend to think its retarded lol.
  21. Secret smile

    I definately know what you mean man. One of the main reasons I got into qigong in the first place was because of emotional issues. Growing up in todays society is not easy, so I'm sure most people have lots of junk to clean out, just that most people don't realize it, so if you look at it that way, your doing pretty good lol . Sometimes if an emotion is sooooo overwhelming that I can not focus at all, then I'll use acupressure, I mean holding a point does not take too much concentration lol, and then once that settles me down a little bit, I'll get back to the meditative approach. If you are not familiar with acupressure here is a good place to get started. hope this helps, good luck.
  22. Secret smile

    Hey good question. I have noticed similar sensations when I do the secret/inner smile as well. I think what it can do is just make you more aware of what is already there. So what I personally do when I find some junk in a particular organ I smile to is to use the healing sound for that particular organ until I feel that the negitive emotion is gone. I have found this to be very effective for just the sort of thing you are talking about. As far as trying to make the virtuous emotions of each organ, you can do that, but you can also just smile only, and let the smile do its work .
  23. I've got some good news...

    I love how this thread has evolved into random tid bits
  24. Swamp People

    you gota link?