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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. I've got some good news...

    Sorry couldn't help myself again
  2. I'm not sure if a topic like this has been covered here in Tao Bums, but its one that I have pondered a lot. I know this topic has been discussed a lot in martial arts forums but a lot of the disscusion is more emotional than objective. I have really wondered why you do not see Chinese martial arts (internal or external) in the UFC and other MMA events. It seems to be dominated most often by people who train in Brazilian Jujitsu and Muy Thai, and or wrestling/ boxing. In many of the martial arts forums they say its because Kung Fu aka (Chinese martial arts) are only stand up. Now that just shows people's ignorance of Chinese martial arts and/or the low quality of training in Chinese martial arts in the United States. As Dr. Yang of YMAA states all real Chinese martial arts utilize punching, kicking, Chi-na (joint locks) and wrestling (Shuai Jiao). So real Kung fu does have grappeling and ground fighting, take downs, ect.. So why don't we see it being used in the UFC? Taking this a step further why don't we see any of the Internal Martial arts being used in the UFC? I've heard again and again that mastery in the internal martial arts is supposed to far surpas any of the external arts at a hight level. I would love to see an internal martial artist step up and show the world how its done. Why is it that we never see this?
  3. Chinese Martial Arts and MMA/UFC

    To me the early UFC's were like a labratory. All the talk was finally put to the test of which style was the best. This was before the UFC bred modern MMA, back when it was one pure style vs another. What it showed almost immediately was that in one on one competitions grappeling almost always defeated striking. Look at Randy Coutours fight last night, he defeated the boxer fast and easy. Is this not an example of yin overcoming yang? Stiking being a hard yang type of fighting style, and grappeling being the more yielding yin type of style? I know I've heard the arguments that grappeling is not practical for the battlefield, but keep in mind that Jujitsu was developed by the Samurai of Japan for the battlefield. Now at the risk of sounding like a broken record Shuai Jiao it would seem is the yin aspect of Chinese Martial arts, to compliment the yang striking component. Yang by its nature of being less subtel would of course be more flashy and entertaining on the movie screen than yin grappeling (who wants to watch a movie with grappeling lol). Since it was primarily Kung Fu movies which popularized the style in the West, and since most Kung Fu movies typically only show striking, then I'm sure that would explain the perception of Kung Fu being only stand up / striking in the West.
  4. Increasing Jing

    I remember reading Drew state that Spring Forest Qigong teaches that you do the standing / moving Qigong exercizes to increase your jing.
  5. Chinese Martial Arts and MMA/UFC

    I agree that MMA is a sport, but its components are derived from Traditional Martial arts. Obviously a well known component of MMA is BJJ which was derived from Japanese Jujitsu, which was the unarmed combat techniques of the Samurai, who indeed did use his style on the battle field. In fact my original argument was that CMA in their original pure form actually are MMA since they contained a well rounded systme of fighting, both standing up and on the ground.
  6. Chinese Martial Arts and MMA/UFC

    Now granted I am not an expert on Chinese Martial arts, but what about Shuai jiao?? I mean isn't that Chinese wrestling?? I've heard someone, somewhere, in a galaxy far far away say that Jujitsu came from Shuai Jiao, similarly to how Karate was derived from Kung Fu. I mean wrestling is no joke, Matt Huges (wrestler)beat Royce Gracie (BJJ demigod).
  7. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    I used to suffer from sever depression. I had tried St. John's Wort in the doseage recommended on the bottle and did not really feel much better. Then a friend of mine told me that you had to take quite a bit more than the bottle indicated to get results. So I did, I took a lot more than the bottle indicated and then I got really good results
  8. Which book did Witch write about marriage?
  9. A. It's definately not condusive to a good marriage i.e. (wanting every woman you see) B. The feeling of not being in control of yourself sucks. C. Getting old fast (thats if you squirt too much) and having low energy sucks. D. It does not promote LOVE, rather it keeps you in the LUST cycle.
  10. A day in the life of a sex obsession:..... ( ) = mental chatter. Wake up, OMG I'm so horny, (have sex). Get ready for the day, shower (oh man shower scences are so hot) brush teeth, eat breakfast (forget about your breakfast cause you wonder what the news lady looks like naked) opps spill coffee on yourself for daydreaming about the news lady. Head off for work, get in the car (mmmm having sex in cars is hot), start driving (oh I wonder what that lady in trafic next to me looks like naked, on and that one, or that one, or...) oh red light (red light districts are hot). Get to work (I wonder what the receptionist looks like naked) fast foward through work with pondering what just about every decent female you see or think of looks like naked and ponder how she performs in bed, and what position they all like, ect... Get home, yay time to have sex again, finish having sex, eat dinner (oh I wonder what I could use this sauce for). Check email, (oh lets take a peek at Slutty Suzzies web site real quick since we are online anyhow) 2 hours... time for bed, have sex again and go to sleep and have dreams about all the other women you wish you could have sex with.
  11. Message from a Master

    I was listening to it as well but then it cut off , but I loved what I did hear
  12. mirror meditation help? please

    I tried some of those things Dr. Morris said in his "Pathnotes" book regarding mirrors before. Very interesting. A couple times my reflection disappeared, and another time I saw myself as an old man.
  13. I wanted to be free from "that particular" obession, because that was the one that I had. lol I've had people ask me "so what the problem then". I guess its like this.... Think of your favorite food, you just love this food, it tastes sooooo good. Now imagine if you were tired to a chair, your mouth forced open, a funnel shoved down your throat and you were force fed this food until you were sick. Would it still be fun then?
  14. Well I have a theory as to why this topic is so focused on here. I think due to the fact that sex in our society and culture is so warped, people seeking to improve themselves might instinctively feel the need to focus more on the bigger issues/problems. Our culture pretty much teaches us that you can and should go around squirting like a super soaker and that not only is there no consequence but its good for you. Yet people who are sensitive to the inner workings of their bodies most likely feel that this is not the case. Also it seems that much of the information out there on this topic is not very good which leads to further frustration for those that seek wisdom about this topic. So I think that with out considering any other factors these two alone combine to make the quest for good information about this a high priority. One trend I've noticed on this forum and from personal experience is that women seem to be baffeled as to why men would be so concerned about such a thing. It is probably due to the fact that since women do not produce and loose semen they can not understand its incredible power upon the body and psyche. When ever I have mentioned to most women this topic they just look at me with "deer in the headlights gaze". On the other hand when discussing this topic with men (many of whom are not even familiar with this subject) many of them seem to instenctively become interested in it, most likely due to their instinctive self understanding that they most certainly are loosing something vital living the life style that society promotes. As to female sexual cultivation I do not know much about this topic, but I guess I can see how stopping menstration would benefit a woman, for she looses jing not from ejaculation as a man, but from menstration and childbirth. As far as stopping ovulation, I have no idea if that occurs as well, but I don't think that it would have an effect upon jing cultivation because unlike the male who constantly is producing new sperm cells, the females eggs are already formed at the time of birth. From my personal experience. Before I began to attempt this discipline sexual issues were a serious problem in my life. Like a lot of guys close to my age I was obsessed with sex, and it was a serious distraction and a loss of peace for me in my life. It was not until I began to learn about sublimating sexual essence into higher forms of energy that I finally began to find the relief from this issue that I had so long been seeking. So to make a long story short, I did not get into this because I wanted super powers, or the ability to shoot fireballs out of my nostrils, but simply because I wanted to be free of a very distracting obsession.
  15. I've got some good news...

    I have good news too.............. I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO
  16. Is it the Heat or the size?

    The heat is due to the increased blood flow into that area during stimulation.
  17. I know Drew could answer this much better than I, but I'll give it the best shot I can based on my limited understanding of this topic. So sexual fluids are made out of jing. Jing has two sources in our body, pre-natal and post-natal. The pre-natal is what we are born with and it can not be added to. Post-natal jing is what we derive from food, and air. Texts on Traditional Chinese Medicine allow a young man to safely ejaculate more often than an old man because the young man has much more jing, and can replace his jing easier. So if you ejaculate too often based upon your age and level of health then your body will create sexual fluids not from your post-natal jing, but from your pre-natal jing. It is when you tap into your pre-natal jing that your health and longevity begin to deteriorate because it can not be replaced. Now as far as I understand about conversion. I believe that any type of sexual excitement will cause your chi to become jing, and your jing to become sexual fluids. The reverse of this is turning your sexual fluids into jing, and then to chi, and later on into shen. Drew states that the best way to accomplish this conversion is to do full lotus, and MCO. Also it is important to not allow yourself to become sexually stimulated either, because this naturally converts chi into fluid. I have also noticed from my own experience (because lately my hip joints are too sore to get into full lotus) that doing the cool draw from my testicles up the MCO to my dan tien and then doing reverse abdominal breathing in my dan tien also seems to be effective at converting this jing to chi. The process of drawing jing from the testicles seems to me to also automatically initiate a sexual fluid-to-jing sublimation as well. Then of course you want to safely store this extra chi in your dan tien. Like I said I'm not an expert, but I told you what I know. If you want a better answer ask Drew lol.
  18. Chinese Martial Arts and MMA/UFC

    In my original post I addressed this common misconception of Kung Fu in the west that it has no ground fighting. Dr. Yang of YMAA states that all real traditional chinese martial arts include four key components, kicking, punching, chin na (joint manipulations, kind of like Aikido) and shuai jiao (wrestling/ground fighting). So on that note if you truely knew all aspects of Kung Fu technically you would know ground fighting, but it is easy to understand this Western perspective of Kung Fu for a couple of reasons. First Kung Fu movies almost never show the ground fighting aspects of Kung Fu because its a movie, its supposed to be flashy and attract viewers. Second most Kung Fu schools in the West only teach a very low and limited level of Kung Fu which usually only includes striking. So I guess by definition chinese martial arts in their true form are MMA ;-)
  19. Lethargic

    Here is a quesiton that has baffled me for a long while now. Lets say yesterday I felt really high energy just about all day. Then I go to bed at a normal time, do nothing unusual, and then the next day you wake up the same time as before, do the same things, but today you are really tired, yet you can not identify why? Is it due to not having enough chi? But if so why would my chi be lower today than yesterday? And just in case anyone is wondering I did not loose any sexual fluids either. In fact I sat in full lotus last night before bed to convert that stuff. So then is lethargy/ tiredness a symptom of low chi or something else? And if its from low chi, then what could have possibly caused my chi level to drop so low with out an obvious reason?
  20. Lethargic

    I woke up this morning totally drained even though I went to be extra early last night due to being tired yesterday as well. The only thing that comes to mind that I have done differntly is due to having a large amount of free time the past several days I did a LOT of inner smile and healing sounds in order to improve my emotional state. One thing I have also noticed is that in addition to being more tired since yesterday, I feel better emotional too. So though maybe the two are not connected, I was wondering if perhaps detoxifying emotional blockages from the organs might consume a large amount of energy??? This is the only thing I can really think of at the moment.
  21. Herbs for eye sight

    I am no expert, but I do have an interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbal remedies. I've heard the herb "Eye Bright" is good for the vision, and "Bilberry" is good for night vision, as well as blue berries, and carrots. From a Chinese Medicine point of view the eyes are connected to the Liver, so often an Acupunctrist will work on the liver for diminished vision or prescribe liver strengthening herbs.
  22. Lethargic

    Thanks for the replys guys, yea its a mystery to me as well, but here is what did end up happening today. So I just kept getting more and more tired. So eventually I decide to take a nap. So I go into the extremely deep sleep for several hours, and have a lot of various dreams about all sorts of stuff, and they are sooooo vivid. So I wake up just a few minutes before my wife comes home and I fill such a huge blissfull feeling of so much love (which is good cause she came home with a huge feeling of being like a troll lol). As far as standing meditation I actually did 15 min of it today. I just recently got back into it again after stopping for a couple months. This is the third time I have started standing meditation, the last two times I stopped because it had been making me feel aggitated. One thing I did notice from before though after beginning standing meditation was that after I frist started it I had a tendency to feel more tired as well. As for the movements of the cosmos and fung shui that is beyond my knowlege as well. But what ever the reason at this moment I feel pretty good after taking a long nap lol.
  23. Beginner Spring Forest Qigong Question

    I've noticed several times that after doing reverse breathing while focusing on my dan tien after a while my scrotum tingles, why??? is that some kind of conversion taking place???
  24. Third Eye

    So lets say that your third eye is not open, are there other ways to know if a perv is trying to suck you off? Like do you get tired? Do they try to change the focus of your thoughts? How can they do this via a forum? or via other methods? Do they steal your chi? If so how?
  25. Mundane Reality

    I would like to feed them better food, but I guess that goes back to the money situation. Once I can feed my kids good food, I'll try to get the cats something better too