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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Semen Retention Dangers

    No, I'm actually practicing semen retention, where when you reach the point of climax, you stop ejaculation, and move the energy. The idea is to not loose your energy, but I become so energetic after a while I feel like exploding.
  2. New guy saying hi

    Hi I am new to this forum and saying hello. I have been practicing various forms of Qigong for a couple years now with mixed results which is why I decided to join the forum, so hopefully people with more experience than I can help me out a bit.
  3. Semen Retention Dangers

    Hi I am new to this forum, and found it because of this very topic. I have been practicing semen retention for about a year and a half now along with other Qigong practices. One of my main motivations for getting into Qigong was to sooth my emotions which can tend to swing. Well I started to consider that semen retention was doing me more harm than good because the longer I retained it, the more of a sex obessed maniac I became to the point of it being exteremly distracting. When I got to the point that I couldn't take it anymore I would release semen and feel a LOT better for about a week or two. Then the same sex obessed feelings would come back until I released again. In the mean time I was doing other more traditional Qigong practices in order to stabilize my emotions, but the longer I "retained" the less help my Qigong exercises helped. When I did not practice retention Qigong exercises helped me so much that I was able to get off perscription anti-depressants (one reason I took up Qigong in the first place), but I think I may have gone from one problem to another with semen retention. The reason I started it though was because I read about how good it was for your health and longevity and aging ect... So while I don't want to loose a lot of my vital energy and stuff like that, I don't want to walk around as a sex maniac either. Is there a happy middle ground?