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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Mundane Reality

    Hmmmm I had not thought of it that way before, I just thought they were annoying lol, but perhaps thats why I do so much Qigong (which they hate lol) because I tend to feel really crappy around them, and Qigong helps me to uncrapify (is that word?) lol. I mean I had sort of realized their energy was negative, but had not considered it in the way you mentioned it, but after you mentioned that, it does feel a lot like a psychic attack almost everytime I'm around them (they don't like me cause I'm not rich lol). Too bad my wife does not do Qigong, cause if she is only around me for a while, she is much better, but just a little dose of them makes her way more like them. hmmmm
  2. Mundane Reality

    She does have a job, but its not high paying lol. What she really wants is for me to get a high paying job so she does not have to work. To be honest I'd like this too, but alas it is not the case. I plan on trying to become a Naturopath, but that will take a while yet. And yes the relatives are very shallow/materialistic/judmental, but they don't watch the TV all that often, instead they love to sit around the table and gossip and judge everyone :-). They are they kind of people that think that if you are not rich then you are a moron, because "if we could do it why can't you" (they are immigrants btw) so why can't you stupid American succeed if we did when we came here with nothing blah blah blah.
  3. Mundane Reality

    My avatar is Lyoto Machida, I'm a big fan, and I also do Karate :-)
  4. Mundane Reality

    I suppose the issue is more of second hand stress about money from my wife. She comes from a very large family, and all of her siblings are wealthy. My wife is a very stressed person, and constantly worries about money or the lack there of. We visit her relatives in their large houses, who take vacations constantly, and since this is not the case for us, my wife tends to blame me for our condition, and so does her family. So I guess I get tired of the nagging about what a looser I am because I'm not rich like them. In addition I try to get my wife to do Qigong or some other practice to deal with stress better, but since her family are all super strict fundimentalist christians, they think that is evil and from the devil ect.. To be fair they seem to think most things are evil (except making lots of money lol). The ironic part is she won't do Qigong cause she thinks its evil and shes always stressing hard. I do qigong and face these things with a much more mellow attiutde than she or her family, go figure.
  5. involuntary semen loss

    I know this wasn't the origianl topic, but it is somewhat related. I keep hearing about nocturnal emissions as a pretty common occurence, but I have only had one my entire life. Otherwise if I ever do have an "exciting" dream, it wakes me up.
  6. Mundane Reality

    Well I guess the meat of the matter is that I'm sick and tired of always being poor no matter what I do
  7. Third Eye

    A few observations from a week and a half of full lotus sitting. First of all it seems some days its easier to get into full lotus than others. It seems easier to get into full lotus after karate. Is it normal for all sorts of "issues" to start bubbleing up after you do full lotus a while? If so whats going on? blockages clearing out? is so how long does this last? depends on the person? Any other tips and insights about full lotus that are usefull / intersting, or to be forwarned about?
  8. Increasing Jing

    I've been wondering lately what exactely is jing. I pretty much understand chi and shen, but what is jing. I know its translated as essence, but that does not tell me much. I know its connected with sperm too, but that does not tell me much either. So what is it, and what exactely does it do?
  9. Mundane Reality

    Not sure why but this is a topic that really baffels me, but I have a new insight from my adventure from last night (and yes this does tie into the topic, and I'm also trying to not side track the 3rd eye thread anymore lol) So yesterday my wife was PMS'ing really bad, and was uber angry. So as I already stated in the 3rd eye thread, I had to end up basically transforming the anger energy for both of us, because it was affecting me as well. So today I began this mundane reality thread because I felt very ungrounded, worried about material survival, pensive, stressed, ect... Now I'm not saying I have all issues concerning surival in physical reality figured out, but I did have an insight as to my pensiveness about such things today. As we know the Liver can offend the Spleen in the relationship of the five elements, wood weakens earth. Since yesterday my wife's liver energy went atomic, today I felt that her spleen was in a weakened condition. She was very worried about money, bills, i.e. mundane physical survival issues. Again since I was in close proximity to her I was feeling this too (again probably why I began this thread). So as I pondered this I came to the realization I mentioned above concerning the Spleen. So I began to do the spleen healing sound and inner smile, and sure enough the worry and pensiveness concerning material survival lessened significantly. I suppose another point worth noting is that the spleens element is earth, and the earth element is associated with survival issues, pragmatic reality, ect.. Things like these are making me begin to question how much of the emotional issues I deal with are really mine at all??? I started this road in the 3rd eye thread, and due to the fact that I have been doing full lotus as advised in the 3rd eye thread, I think that these deeper insights to my inner workings might very well be due to the effect full lotus is having on my third eye, in making me more cognisent.
  10. She wants me to cum

    Yea I have run into this also. In the case of my wife she had the same attitude at first, but when she began to see that with out ejaculation that things lasted much longer and she got to have more fun, then she was not so much against it as before.
  11. Mundane Reality

    I have noticed that in my life though the people who are most entrenched in mundane reality do remind me of those prison guards and their attitudes.
  12. Mundane Reality

    wow thats messed up, but does mundane reality always have to be evil like that, or can it simply be a matter of having a good income so the family is happy n such?
  13. Mundane Reality

    Interesting answer Drew. I guess what I was wanting to find out is what way is there to be more in the "here and now", cause people are always getting pissed at me saying thats what I need to do, blah blah blah. But perhaps they have a point (at least you start to wonder when like 99% of people around are sort of implying that.
  14. Third Eye

    Ok life is weird lol, so last night I finally processed all my wife's PMS anger and went to bed feeling pretty good. Only problem is I went to bed next to the living nuclear bomb of PMS energy, so all night I was aborbing this. So I wake up in the morning and am like "RAWWWRRRRR!!!!" boy am I pissed, and for no reason what so ever, I mean come on I just woke up. So we get up and I'm pissed and I can tell shes pissed and between us this angry energy is just bouncing off of eachother like a resonace chamber, it sucked. So I got in full lotus for a while and while it helped it seems that I have been getting faster results in full lotus if I want to convert sexual fluds into energy. This on the other hand took far longer. So then its time to run errands so we get in the car, and I'm still pissed, but since we are driving to and fro I can't get into full lotus, so I instead opt to do the liver healing sound and inner smile to the liver. This also helps slowly to a degree, but it took a lot of time and effort. But what is really unusual (as I observed yesterday in the car when I concentrated all her anger energy into my dan tien) it seems like the longer I'm transforming the anger I feel, the more calm down she becomes. I suppose it wasn't really my own anger, but I was just feeling and processing hers then? Finally I got to the point where I feel pretty calmed down, and I look over and she's finally chilling now too. So all seems ok for now, but I dread the next time she goes to her sister, cause her sister is one of those people who is always mad at someone or about something (come to think of it, most of her family is mad a lot) and when she gets around them for too long then she gets all pissed for a while too. Not sure if its related but her family are all fundamentalist christians, and some of the most negative, judgemental, angry, unspiritual people I've ever known.
  15. A Couple of Questions about Buddhism

    Well the Dali Lama is considered to be a Buddah, and in an interview he said that he does not have any recolection of his past life.
  16. Third Eye

    ---So if you move the energy to your lower tan tien -- using reverse breathing -- this works but the energy still has to be transformed from a lower emotional blockage into a higher frequency as harmonized energy.--- Ok ding ding ding, the pieces of the puzzle just came together and the lights came on. As I said when I was driving and could not do full lotus I safely stored her anger energy in my dan tien, but what I did not realize was that it was just STORED not transformed. So then the mystery of why I felt so MAD when I was alone later on... I suppose as the energy in my dan tien began to work its way into my MCO naturally, and because it had not been transformed at that point, then BOOM I had her stored anger energy circulating throughout my system. Only when I got into full lotus and felt like I was on a merry-go-round did the energy TRANSFORM and poof no longer angry.
  17. Third Eye

    Yea I have noticed I tend to feel more froggy on full moons. So I just finished sitting in full lotus for as long as I could, and it felt like this tidal wave of energy rushed up to my head and made me really dizzy, it was good I was already sitting. It felt as though the room was spinning, very odd, but on the plus though, I feel way more calm and not angry, weird... I had sort of a similar experience one time. I was in line at the grocery store minding my own business. Then out of the blue I feel this intence anger / hate burning the back of my neck. So I turn around and there is this guy I don't know behind me just glarring at me, for what I have no clue. So I just got in the most subtle karate stance I could, just in case lol. But yea that was odd. But yea the full lotus seems to be a cure for many ailments eh? Not sure why I got so dizzy though? but I sure feel better, even when other things didn't help very much. About the other thing you mentioned. So will a perv try to get you angry in order to feed off the energy? I guess I should beware of that then?
  18. Third Eye

    Don't mean to ramble, but I thought perhaps if I gave a little background it might clarify things a bit. So I've been doing either half or full lotus a few times a day for about a week now, with the origianl goal of burning off sex fluids as for it to not be a problem for my peace of mind. It has been working wonderfully for that, so that is great. Today I woke up and felt pretty normal as far as I could tell, but my wife has been PMS'ing for a couple days and was REALLY difficult today, i.e. screaming at me for no good reason at all. So needless to say that could make anyone get pissed being yelled at for nothing. But I experimented with a few things today. First thing, she starts yelling and screaming and talking crap to me for no reason, cause shes all PMS'ed out. So obviously that makes me pissed so I go to the back yard and start doing the inner smile and healing sounds, which help calm me down. Then I go back inside... So I go back inside and the nagging and yelling continue so I got pissed, but I don't like getting pissed and loosing my peace of mind, so I tried getting into full lotus while she was gnawing on me. Amazingly when I got into full lotus her nagging and yelling didn't bother me. Then we got in the car cause I had to bring her somewhere, and she is silent, but I can feel her anger in the car very strongly, even though she is saying nothing. Now what this starts to do in me, is cause me to feel angry as well, but since I'm in the car driving and can't get into a lotus position, I start Lower Dan Tien Breathing and I felt my Dan Tien absorbing this energy and storing it in what I presume was a more neutral form, because I felt less angry again, AND she seems to cool off as well. So then we get home and I'm sitting there for a while and now she is not doing anything to me, but now I'm starting to feel increasingly angry, pissed, irritable and for the life of me can not figure out why, which is where I am now. Now I don't know for sure but I'm trying to go by my intuition and figure out what might have been going on, on an energetic level. So here goes. I suspect that she began to feel angry because due to it being PMS season, a lot of blood is being removed from her liver to go to her uterus. In TCM women whos liver blood and or yin is not strong get angry when the extra blood the liver stores goes to the uterus since blood and yin are very closely realted. So what remains is an over abundance of liver yang relative to the blood loss. So the excess liver yang produces anger. Now since chi creates electromagnectic fields, I'm guessing that since the electromagnectic field of her liver is full of angry energy, with me being in proximity to her, her liver field was resonating with my liver field (since like seeks like) thus making me feel angry. So then I go off by myself and bring my liver back into balance, but then as soon as I'm around her again her liver field begins to resonate with mine again, and I'm back to square one. Now since Liver yang rising is an expansive condition then as her liver is sending off extra energy, it might resonate with my liver, but if I put this energy into my dan tien which is better able to store energy, I guess it is better able to handle this, plus this storing action removes some of her exess liver yang from her field which may explain why she seemed to calm down after I stored her excess energy in my dan tien. So that is my theory at least. What really baffles me now is why I am feeling more angry now, even though she is not expressing anger at me, and she is not even present now (she went to see friends). Is it just left over damage from earlier? or now is it unrelated to her at all, and something going on with my recent lotus sitting practice?
  19. Third Eye

    So then about the liver opening up..... does that make you feel really angry / irritable while that is happening? Cause I've been feeling pissed almost all day, but even when there isn't really a good reason for it.???
  20. Third Eye

    Yea I lived in Fairbanks for 8 years. Alaska is definately a different world, its not uncommon there for people to live in dry cabins with no running water, and some with out electricity. I had several friends when I was at the University up there who did that. Now I'm back in the lower 48 and feel so clausterphobic with all these people and civilization everywhere lol.
  21. WATER

    I thought it was facinating. I like to use flower essences and they are supposed to operate on the same principle that water can hold an energy pattern.
  22. How to Overcome a Phobia

    I guess I'd suggest smiling to your kidneys and doing the kidney healing sound (chooo or choreee) since fear is the emotion of the kidneys / bladder meridian. Breath in widsom, willpower, and gentelness to your kidneys and breath out fear.
  23. Third Eye

    Thats interesting, as I just moved from Alaska. There the Eskimos consider it bad luck to be around females before they go whale hunting, but my professors and myself just thought it was an old superstition, very interesting to have an explination that makes sense. I assume that sending females energy long distance takes some time and practice eh? When I have physical relations I do energy exchange between me and her, but I don't know how to do it with out physical intimate contact. Perhaps the best I can hope for at the moment is that full lotus will at least help me to not go insane ha ha :-P
  24. Third Eye

    So how do you convert the emotions of the organs such as anger into wisdom, and sadness into courage ect...?? Do you keep sitting in full lotus until the jing fills up and then it happens on its own? run the MCO? Emotional balance is an issue that has been problematic for me for a long time. Especially when my wife is PMS'ing like she is right now. Now I realize that a PMS'ing woman could possibly even drive a Buddha insane, but is there anyway to lessen emotional reactions to difficult people and to not let it get to you as much? One practice I do for this is the inner smile and healing sounds as taught by Chia, and they seem to help a bit. So like if a PMS'ing woman is pissing me off, it takes a bit of the edge off to smile to my liver and do the shhhh sound, breathing out anger and breathing in kindness ect... but I was hoping to accomplish a more permanate balance on a deeper level. Still loving the answers, thanks a million. :-)
  25. Third Eye

    Drew continuing thanks for all your wonderful answers to my questions. I got another one. Based upon my limited understanding of the heart, heart center, heart chakra, middle dan tien (I'm not sure how connected or not they all are) I think I'm beginning to have issues with this area now, with the associated emotions ect... Thoughts?